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以莺歌海盆地东方区和乐东区气田水样品水化学常规分析为切入点,利用气田水矿化度、水型、钠氯系数(变质系数)、脱硫系数,氯镁系数等参数,深入分析了两区气田水地球化学特征及水化学组合参数特征,并判识对比了两区气藏封闭程度及其保存条件。在此基础上,结合莺歌海盆地天然气成藏地质条件,重点剖析了两区气田水分布规律及成因控制因素,探讨了两区气田水与天然气运聚成藏之间的成因联系。强调指出,两区气田水具有相似的形成演化特征,天然气保存条件好,但对比两区气田水的水化学组合参数,乐东区天然气保存条件稍差于东方区;东方区气田水以NaHCO3水型占绝对优势,其分布规律与断裂系统存在密切联系。该区水文地质开启程度差,气藏盖层封闭性好,有利于天然气富集成藏。乐东区气田水类型多样,成因复杂,天然气保存条件较好但相对东方区稍差。两区气田水具分区分块分布规律,莺歌海盆地泥底辟及其伴生热流体活动对气田水成因及分布规律与天然气运聚成藏等均具有重要控制作用和影响。  相似文献   
不连续间距对岩体性质具有十分重要的意义。基于无限长测量线得到的岩体不连续间距的负幂指数分布是最重要的一种概率分布密度, 为纠正因用有限长测量线而带来的不连续间距的分布误差, 本文提出了一个封闭形式的修正函数。结果表明, 该法可显著减少不连续间距的相对误差, 从而可以采用较短的测量线来测量岩体的不连续间距。  相似文献   
Turbidite bed thickness distributions are often interpreted in terms of power laws, even when there are significant departures from a single straight line on a log–log exceedence probability plot. Alternatively, these distributions have been described by a lognormal mixture model. Statistical methods used to analyse and distinguish the two models (power law and lognormal mixture) are presented here. In addition, the shortcomings of some frequently applied techniques are discussed, using a new data set from the Tarcău Sandstone of the East Carpathians, Romania, and published data from the Marnoso‐Arenacea Formation of Italy. Log–log exceedence plots and least squares fitting by themselves are inappropriate tools for the analysis of bed thickness distributions; they must be accompanied by the assessment of other types of diagrams (cumulative probability, histogram of log‐transformed values, q–q plots) and the use of a measure of goodness‐of‐fit other than R2, such as the chi‐square or the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistics. When interpreting data that do not follow a single straight line on a log–log exceedence plot, it is important to take into account that ‘segmented’ power laws are not simple mixtures of power law populations with arbitrary parameters. Although a simple model of flow confinement does result in segmented plots at the centre of a basin, the segmented shape of the exceedence curve breaks down as the sampling location moves away from the basin centre. The lognormal mixture model is a sedimentologically intuitive alternative to the power law distribution. The expectation–maximization algorithm can be used to estimate the parameters and thus to model lognormal bed thickness mixtures. Taking into account these observations, the bed thickness data from the Tarcău Sandstone are best described by a lognormal mixture model with two components. Compared with the Marnoso‐Arenacea Formation, in which bed thicknesses of thin beds have a larger variability than thicknesses of the thicker beds, the thinner‐bedded population of the Tarcău Sandstone has a lower variability than the thicker‐bedded population. Such differences might reflect contrasting depositional settings, such as the difference between channel levées and basin plains.  相似文献   
The clustering of fracture orientations is important for tectonic studies and for geotechnical engineering. In this study, a real‐coded genetic algorithm was adopted to fitting a mixed Bingham distribution to orientation data by maximizing the log‐likelihood function of the distribution. The maximization is a difficult problem, because the function has multimodality and singularity. It was found that the algorithm was effective for this problem. Given the orientations of dilational fractures, the present method determines not only the stress axes and stress ratio of each of the fracture groups but also the maximum non‐dimensionalized fluid pressure at the time of their formation. In addition, the software calculates the 95 % error ellipses of the concentration axes. The present method found that the orientations of ore veins of the Akenobe Mine, SW Japan, should be partitioned into three clusters. It is shown that two of the groups had distinctive Zn and Sn contents, and that the ore fluids had overpressures only slightly greater than the minimum principal stress at the time of the deposition of Zn‐ and Sn‐rich veins.  相似文献   
辽河油田稠油中贵金属分布和赋存状态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以辽河油田稠油为研究对象,通过原子吸收光谱、实沸点蒸馏等手段,研究了辽河油田稠油中Au、Ag、Pt和Pb等贵金属在不同馏分中的分布特征.结果表明,经过实沸点蒸馏后,贵金属不同沸程温度的原油馏分中含量和分布存在很大差异,Au、Ag、Pt、Pd主要集中在渣油馏分中,在沸点》508℃的渣油馏分中Au、Ag、Pt、Pd的比例分别是93.4%、76.9%、73.4%和68.0%;采用选择性萃取的方法对金在稠油中的存在形态的初步研究发现,金在稠油中主要以有机配合物和少量无机配合物形式存在.  相似文献   
近50年河北省干旱时空分布特征   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
闫峰  王艳姣  吴波 《地理研究》2010,29(3):423-430
干旱是影响我国的主要气象灾害之一,本文采用标准化降水指数SPI作为干旱评价因子对近50年来河北省干旱的时空变化特征进行了研究,得出以下主要结论:(1)春季干旱最为严重,干旱率呈逐渐降低的趋势,夏季干旱率呈逐渐增加、秋季和冬季干旱率略有降低的趋势;(2)春季干旱在20世纪70年代最为严重,夏季、秋季和冬季的年代际干旱分别以2000年以来、20世纪60年代和90年代最为严重;(3)春季干旱发生概率均大于20%,发生概率大于30%的旱情多发地区在各市均有分布;全省大部分地区夏季、秋季和冬季干旱发生概率为20%~30%,夏季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省北部和西南部,秋季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省西部和南部,冬季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省北部。  相似文献   
After having estimated the patterns of flow to the ocean and found some seasonal and tidal differences, mainly with regard to the relative importance of dissolved and particulate fractions, mercury partitioning at the interface between a contaminated lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean was investigated during four tidal cycles in contrasting season and tidal regimes. Mercury was found to be located predominantely in the particulate fraction throughout the year, contributing to its retention within the system. Seasonal conditions, variations in marine and fluvial signals and processes affecting bed sediment resuspension influenced the character and concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water column. Variation in the nature, levels and partitioning of organic carbon in the particulate fraction affected levels of particulate mercury as well as mercury partitioning. These results highlight the dominant role of suspended particulate matter in the distribution of anthropogenic mercury and reinforce the importance of competitive behavior related to organic carbon in mercury scavenging.  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate concentrations of silver in Tokyo Bay estuarine waters and Japanese rivers were determined in this study. The dissolved silver concentrations in the surface water of Tokyo Bay range from 5.9 to 15.1 pmol kg−1, which is comparable to those in the surface water of the Japan Sea, but two or three times higher than those in the surface water of the open ocean. However, elevated concentrations of dissolved silver are not found in Tokyo Bay compared with those in other highly urbanized estuaries, such as San Francisco Bay (20∼243 pmol kg−1). In the Tokyo Bay estuary, silver typically exhibits non-conservative mixing behavior, which is a common feature in the other estuaries reported previously. Dissolved silver concentrations decrease with salinity from the rivers to the mouth of Tokyo Bay. Silver is efficiently scavenged by suspended particulates, as evidenced by the high conditional distribution coefficients for silver throughout the estuary (log Kd > 5.0 ± 0.6). The silver fluxes into Tokyo Bay via inflowing rivers and atmospheric deposition were estimated as 83 kg y−1 and 15 kg y−1, respectively. A simple budget calculation shows that the silver supplied from rivers and atmosphere must be rapidly scavenged within the Tokyo Bay estuary.  相似文献   
中国避暑型气候的地域类型及其时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
由于中国各地纬度、地形及海陆位置的地域差异,形成了多种多样的避暑型气候。本文采用1993-2012年756个国家基本站和122个辐射站逐日气象数据,基于通用热气候指数(UTCI)模型计算各气象站点的人体感知温度,结合聚类分析方法对避暑型气候的地域类型进行了研究,并对其空间分布、时间变化和舒适特征进行了分析。结果表明:中国避暑型气候主要包括西南高原型、中东部山岳型、东北山地平原型、西北山地高原型和环渤海低山丘陵型5种地域类型;各类避暑型气候具有显著的地域特色:西南高原型避暑气候纬度低、海拔高,太阳辐射较强;中东部山岳型避暑气候地势高、风速大,夏季舒适偏冷;环渤海低山丘陵型避暑气候地势低、湿度大,夏季舒适偏热且舒适度受海风影响明显;西北山地高原型避暑气候温度适宜、天气晴朗,但略显干燥;东北山地平原型避暑气候凉爽、风速不大、辐射不强、湿度适中,综合条件相对优越。从各类避暑型气候夏季人体感知温度的变化来看,环渤海低山丘陵型舒适期较短,其余类型舒适期相对较长,东北山地平原型和西北山地高原型人体感知温度曲线呈良好的单峰对称变化,其余类型大致呈单峰不对称形态。本文不仅丰富了避暑型气候研究的理论成果,而且也可为避暑型旅游资源的开发与规划提供科学依据,进一步指导人们的避暑旅游活动。  相似文献   
为了更好地指导考古挖掘和理解古人类活动,该文从汾河流域DEM数据中提取高程、坡度、坡向、地形起伏度、地表曲率、距河流距离及距大遗址距离等作为自变量,利用二元逻辑回归建立流域内仰韶时期至夏商时期各时期遗址分布模型,对模型结果进行了定量分析并生成了汾河流域各时期遗址分布概率图,在此基础上对汾河流域人类文化遗址的分布特征进行研究。遗址分布模型总体分类精度较好。遗址分布模型对考古工作及古环境研究具有重要价值,可以为考古工作提供决策支持。  相似文献   
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