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This paper proposes a multi‐level parallelized substructuring–frontal combined algorithm for the analysis of the problem of thermo/hydraulic/mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soil. Temperature, displacement, pore water pressure and pore air pressure are treated as the primary variables in a non‐linear analysis. Details are given firstly of the substructuring–frontal combined approach. The incorporation of the algorithm in a multi‐level parallel strategy is then discussed. The parallel processing can thus be carried out at different substructural levels. The method thus developed impacts, in a positive way, on both computer storage requirement and execution time. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文讨论Bowen数的意义、功能和计算法。同时,依据多年水文气象实测资料作统计,计算出东中国海的Bo值。其结果绘制成1月至12月的月平均分布图,从而对本海域的Bo分布特点作详细分析介绍。  相似文献   
Radiogenic heat production (RHP) represents a significant fraction of surface heat flow, both on cratons and in sedimentary basins. RHP within continental crust—especially the upper crust—is high. RHP at any depth within the crust can be estimated as a function of crustal age. Mantle RHP, in contrast, is always low, contributing at most 1 to 2 mW/m2 to total heat flow. Radiogenic heat from any noncrystalline basement that may be present also contributes to total heat flow. RHP from metamorphic rocks is similar to or slightly lower than that from their precursor sedimentary rocks. When extension of the lithosphere occurs—as for example during rifting—the radiogenic contribution of each layer of the lithosphere and noncrystalline basement diminishes in direct proportion to the degree of extension of that layer. Lithospheric RHP today is somewhat less than in the distant past, as a result of radioactive decay. In modeling, RHP can be varied through time by considering the half lives of uranium, thorium, and potassium, and the proportional contribution of each of those elements to total RHP from basement. RHP from sedimentary rocks ranges from low for most evaporites to high for some shales, especially those rich in organic matter. The contribution to total heat flow of radiogenic heat from sediments depends strongly on total sediment thickness, and thus differs through time as subsidence and basin filling occur. RHP can be high for thick clastic sections. RHP in sediments can be calculated using ordinary or spectral gamma-ray logs, or it can be estimated from the lithology.  相似文献   
The characteristic features of the marine boundary layer (MBL) over the Bay of Bengal during the southwest monsoon and the factors influencing it are investigated. The Bay of Bengal and Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX) carried out during July–August 1999 is the first observational experiment under the Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP). A very high-resolution data in the vertical was obtained during this experiment, which was used to study the MBL characteristics off the east coast of India in the north and south Bay of Bengal. Spells of active and suppressed convection over the Bay were observed, of which, three representative convective episodes were considered for the study. For this purpose a one-dimensional multi-level PBL model with a TKE-ε closure scheme was used. The soundings, viz., the vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, zonal and meridional component of wind, obtained onboard ORV Sagar Kanya and from coastal stations along the east coast are used for the study. The temporal evolution of turbulent kinetic energy, marine boundary layer height (MBLH), sensible and latent heat fluxes and drag coefficient of momentum are simulated for different epochs of monsoon and monsoon depressions during BOBMEX-99.The model also generates the vertical profiles of potential temperature, specific humidity, zonal and meridional wind. These simulated values compared reasonably well with the observations available from BOBMEX.  相似文献   
Abstract. Magnetotelluric (MT) surveys were carried out around the Muine volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, where it is expected that the heat and metal source forming the polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-In Toyoha deposit is present at depth. Measurements were performed at 20 sites, 18 of which were located along a WSW-ENE profile traversing the north ridge of Mt. Muine. A resistivity model obtained from 2D inversion of the MT data shows subsurface specific conductive and resistive features. Conductive layers are present at the surface of Mt. Muine. The low resistivity is probably due to the clay-rich rocks associated with the hydrothermal alteration. A high resistivity layer, which corresponds to the pre-Tertiary Usubetsu Formation, crops out east of Mt. Muine and dips westward. At the west foot of Mt. Muine, relatively high resistive layers are widely exposed. The resistivity increases with depth and exceeds 1000 ohm-m. This fact indicates that this region is not influenced by the recent hydrothermal activity. An extremely conductive zone about 3–6 km wide and 6–9 km thick exists at a depth of 2 km below Mt. Muine. This zone mostly corresponds to an elastic wave attenuation zone detected by a seismic survey. It is interpreted as a large hydrothermal reservoir or melted magma, which is a heat source of the hydrothermal system in this area.  相似文献   
The roughness length for momentum (z0m), zero-plane displacementheight (d), and roughness length for heat (z0h) are importantparameters used to estimate land-atmosphere energy exchange. Although many different approaches have been developed to parameterizemomentum and heat transfer, existing parameterizations generally utilizehighly simplified representations of vegetation structure. Further, a mismatch exists between the treatments used for momentum and heat exchange and those used for radiative energy exchanges. In this paper, parameterizations are developed to estimate z0m, d, and z0h for forested regimes using information related to tree crown density and structure. The parameterizations provide realistic representationfor the vertical distribution of foliage within canopies, and include explicit treatment for the effects of the canopy roughness sublayer and leaf drag on momentum exchange. The proposed parameterizationsare able to realistically account for site-to-site differences in roughness lengths that arise from canopy structural properties.Comparisons between model predictions and field measurements show good agreement, suggesting that the proposed parameterizations capture the most important factors influencing turbulent exchange of momentumand heat over forests.  相似文献   
The Multi frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR) onboard Oceasat-1 was used to develop a retrieval method fornear-surface specific humidity by means of multivariate regressiontechnique. The MSMR measures the microwaveradiances in 8 channels at the frequencies of 6.6, 10.7, 18 and 21 GHzfor both vertical and horizontal polarizations. Regression coefficients were derived using the ship reports of the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) for the months of July, October and December, in 1999. Daily near-surface specific humidity data from COADS in 2° × 2° latitude/longitude bins and collocated brightness temperature data from MSMR were used to derive the coefficients. The derived coefficients werevalidated with humidity given in COADS.A linear relationship is established to determine the near-surface specifichumidity from MSMR brightness temperature (Tb) with an rms error of 1.2 g kg-1 for individual situations and an rms errorof 0.84 g kg-1 for monthly time scales over global oceans.The retrieval algorithm is validonly for the open sea regions.  相似文献   
1991年江淮暴雨时期的能量和水汽循环研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
胡国权  丁一汇 《气象学报》2003,61(2):146-163
通过对 1991年 5~ 7月江淮暴雨期全球范围的水汽输送和不同降水过程中江淮暴雨区及其临近区域的水汽收支和视热源和视水汽汇的计算分析得到了以下结论 :( 1)从水汽输送的机制来看 ,一方面 ,有大量的水汽以定常涡动的方式从孟加拉湾及南海输送到中国江淮地区 ;另一方面 ,江淮地区的瞬变涡动水汽向北输出 ,这可能与江淮地区频繁活动的α和β中尺度系统有关 ,它们将江淮地区汇集的充沛的水汽除了大部分以降水形式降下外 ,剩余部分继续向水汽较少的高纬地区输出 ,以维持全球水汽的平衡。( 2 )在降水过程中 ,局地蒸发项在水汽的供应中或再循环中十分重要 ,其数值一般为降水量的 13 ~ 12 ,这与1998年的降水情况相似。( 3 )在降水过程中 ,暴雨区的水汽主要是从南边界和西边界流入的 ,东边界和北边界则流出 ,并且水汽的流入、流出主要在中低层进行。 (a)在流入边界上 ,水汽通量的垂直分布存在差异 ,暴雨区西边界和南边界的水汽流入的垂直差异可能与其所在的地理位置有密切关系。 (b)对于暴雨区 ,不同强度的降水过程水汽的主要来源有所不同。( 4)在 5次降水过程中 ,视热源和视水汽汇的较大值对应降水的大值区 ,表明了水汽凝结加热对大气加热所起的主要作用。梅雨期降水 ,以对流性降水为主 ,对流活动随季节变化  相似文献   
城市化对北京平均气温的影响   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40  
本文利用北京(观象台)及周围几个气象台站月平均气温资料,滑动平均后,采用主成分分析方法,再进行倾向性分析,探讨了北京城市化对气平均气温的影响,估算对北京(观象台)气温记录的影响约为0.21℃/33a推断市中心二环路以内强烈地影响。  相似文献   
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