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利用全国664站1961—2012年逐日霾观测资料、降水量、平均风速和最大风速资料,分析中国霾日数变化特征及其气候成因。结果表明:我国年霾日数分布呈明显东多西少特征,中东部大部地区年霾日数在5~30 d,部分地区超过30 d,西部地区基本在5 d以下。霾日数主要集中在冬半年,冬季最多,秋季和春季次之,夏季最少,12月是霾日数最多的月份,约占全年霾日数的2成。我国中东部地区冬半年平均霾日数呈显著的增加趋势(1.7 d/10a),霾日数显著增加时段主要在1960年代、1970年代和21世纪初,在1970年代初和21世纪初发生了明显均值突变。从区域分布来看,华南、长江中下游、华北等地霾日数呈增加趋势,而东北、西北东部、西南东部霾日数呈减少趋势。持续性霾过程增加,持续时间越长的霾过程比持续时间短的霾过程增加更为明显。不利的气候条件加剧了霾的出现。霾日数与降水日数在中东部地区基本以负相关为主,中东部冬半年降水日数呈减少趋势(-4 d/10a),表明降水日数的减少导致大气对污染物的沉降能力减弱。另一方面,霾日数与平均风速和大风日数以负相关为主,而与静风日数则以正相关为主,冬半年平均风速和大风日数减小,静风日数增加,表明风速减小导致空气中污染物不易扩散,从而更易形成霾天气。  相似文献   
针对近年极端灾害性气候频发的现状,对暖冬影响下无锡站降雨年际变化趋势、历史演变特征和近几年水文预报情况进行了分析。结果表明:在暖冬影响下,无锡站降雨年际间呈现出干旱—湿润周期性变化的特征,具有水文旋回的性质,在太湖地区有代表性,可作为该时段的降雨预报模型;该模型打破了年际降雨无规律的传统思维定式,与历史演变法相结合,能提高预报效率与精度;水文旋回的发现和降雨预报模型的建立,可推动水文气象长期预报与气候展望研究。  相似文献   
1960-2009年西南地区极端干旱气候变化(英文)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on the daily data of temperature and precipitation of 108 meteorological stations in Southwest China from 1960 to 2009, we calculate the monthly and yearly surface humid indexes, as well as the extreme drought frequency. According to the data, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the extreme drought frequency in inter-annual, inter-decadal, summer monsoon period and winter monsoon period are analyzed. The results are indicated as follows. (1) In general, the southwestern Sichuan Basin, southern Hengduan Mountains, southern coast of Guangxi and northern Guizhou are the areas where the extreme drought frequency has significantly increased in the past 50 years. As for the decadal change, from the 1960s to the 1980s the extreme drought frequency has presented a decreasing trend, while the 1990s is the wettest decade and the whole area is turning wet. In the 2000s, the extreme drought frequency rises quickly, but the regional differences reduce. (2) During summer monsoon period, the extreme drought frequency is growing, which generally occurs in the high mountains around the Sichuan Basin, most parts of Guangxi and "the broom-shaped mountains" in Yunnan. It is distinct that the altitude has impacts on the ex-treme drought frequency; during winter monsoon period, the area is relatively wet and the extreme drought frequency is decreasing. (3) During summer monsoon period, the abrupt change is observed in 2003, whereas the abrupt change during winter monsoon period is in 1989. The annual extreme drought frequency variation is a superposition of abrupt changes during summer monsoon and winter monsoon periods. The departure sequence vibration of annual extreme drought frequency is quasi-5 years and quasi-12 years.  相似文献   
过去的几个冬季中,北美、欧洲、西伯利亚和东亚大部分地区经历了冷冬和强降雪,而这与北极海冰的快速减少有关。尽管北极海冰减少在冷冬和强降雪中的作用仍存在争议,但这种新兴的气候反馈在未来变暖背景下是否会持续仍值得关注。中等排放情境下的气候模式模拟结果揭示,欧洲东北部、亚洲中部北部、北美北部的冬季降雪增加会成为贯穿21世纪的一个稳健的特征。21世纪这些区域冬季降雪增加的主要原因是北极秋季海冰的减少(很大的外部强迫),而冬季北极涛动的变化(北半球主要的自然变化形态)对降雪增加的作用很小。这一结果不仅体现在多模式平均上,而且每个单独模式的结果依然如此。我们认为海冰-降雪之间的强反馈作用可能已经出现,并且在接下来的几十年中这种强反馈作用可能会增强,北半球高纬地区的强降雪事件也会增加。  相似文献   
In order to examine high-frequency variations of East Asian winter monsoon in Quaternary climatic extremes, two typical loess–paleosol sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau were investigated. Sandy layers in the loess deposits, the “Upper sand” and “Lower sand” (layers L9 and L15, respectively), which represent a high-resolution record of paleomonsoon changes, have been sampled at intervals of 5–6 cm from sections at Luochuan and Xifeng. The grain size and magnetic susceptibility was measured for all samples. The grain-size results (a proxy of winter monsoon strength) indicate that the winter monsoon strength fluctuated on a millennial timescale during cold climatic extremes, with climatic events of a few hundred to a few thousand years. However, the winter monsoon was relatively stable during warm periods. The magnetic susceptibility signal (a proxy of summer monsoon intensity) is practically constant over the same period. This is tentatively explained by the assumption that the summer monsoon intensity was too low to be recorded in the magnetic susceptibility signal. The intensified winter monsoon events show periodicities in a range of 1000 to 2770 yr, with a dominant cycle of approximately 1450 yr. The detection of this oscillation in older glacial stages strongly suggests that it may be a pervasive cycle of the cold climatic phases of the Quaternary. Millennial-scale variations of the winter monsoon may be caused by instability of the westerly jet, which is determined by temperature differences between the polar and the equatorial regions.  相似文献   
Based on the monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, OLR (outgoing longwave radiation) data, and tropical cyclone data from the Typhoon Annual and Tropical Cyclone Annual edited by China Meteorological Administration, the relationship between the number of tropical cyclones (with the strongest wind ≥17 m s-1, including tropical storm, strong tropical storm, and typhoon, simply called typhoon in this paper)engendered over the Northwest Pacific and South China Sea in summer and the associated climate conditions is studied. First, the characteristics and di?erences of the climatic conditions between the years with more typhoons and those with fewer typhoons are compared. The results show that the summer typhoon has a close relationship with SST (sea surface temperature) and ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone) anomalies in the preceding winter and spring. With a La Niena like SST anomaly (SSTA) pattern in the preceding winter and spring, the ITCZ will move northwestward and be enhanced around 160°E in the equatorial central Pacific from the preceding winter to spring.The activity of the Pacific ITCZ is in general stronger and its location is more northward than usual, especially in the typhoon genesis region in West Pacific. This background is propitious to have more typhoons in summer. On the other hand, an El Nieno like SSTA pattern in the preceding winter will be companied with weaker ITCZ activities, and its location is more southward over the equatorial western Pacific from the preceding winter to spring; this background is propitious to have fewer typhoons in summer. In the year with more typhoons, the warm SST over West Pacific in the preceding winter provides a favorable condition for typhoon fromation in the following summer. It enhances the convergence in the troposphere and increases the water vapor supply to the warm SST region. In the following spring, the perturbation of the tropical ITCZ plays a more important role.When the ITCZ moves northward in spring, anomalous convergence will appear over the warm SST region and inspire the positive feedback between the large-scale moisture flux at low levels and the latent heat release in the atmosphere, which benefits the typhoon genesis in summer. Otherwise, if cold SST maintains over the northwestern Pacific during the preceding winter and spring, the convergence in the troposphere is disfavored and the water vapor supply to the cold SST region is reduced, which will bring about weaker ITCZ activities and the perturbation is lacking in the following spring. It then results in fewer summer typhoons.  相似文献   
近50年中国冬季大地冷涡与春夏季干旱相关的统计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
汤懋苍  张拥军  李栋梁 《气象学报》2005,63(6):1006-1009
通过对冬季大地冷涡与春夏季干旱的相关分析,发现:除高原主体外,冬季的大地冷涡对应着春夏季为干旱少雨区;而且大地冷涡东面的地冷涡绝大多数也是春夏季的干旱少雨区。冬季大地冷涡在中国的出现频率为80%,可作为短期气候预测的重要因子。  相似文献   
1.IntroductionOvertheEastAsiaregion,themostprominentsurfacefeatureofthewintermonsoonisstrongnortheasterliesalongtheeastflankoftheSiberianhighandthecoastofEastAsia.At500hPathereisabroadtroughcenteredaboutatthelongitudesofJapan.Thedominantfea-tureat2O0hPaistheEastAsianjetwithitsmaximumlocatedatjustsoutheastofJapan.Thisktisassociatedwithintensebaroclinicity,largeverticalwindshearandstrongadvectionofcoldair(StaffmembersofAcademiaSinica,l957,LauandChang,1987;BoyleandChen,1987;Chenetal.,1991…  相似文献   
黑龙江省“冷”“暖”冬时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黑龙江省61个站1961~2006年冬季平均气温观测资料,首次采用月平均气温权重系数法确定了黑龙江省“冷”“暖”冬的标准,分析了黑龙江省“冷”“暖”冬的气候变化趋势和空间分布特征。结果表明:在1980年以后呈明显变暖趋势,冬季平均气温和暖冬指数的气候变率分别为0.568℃/10a、13%/10a,增暖高于全国平均水平;黑龙江省大部份地区冷暖冬权重系数指标的气候变率在0.4℃~0.8℃/10a之间,山区大于相对较湿润的平原。  相似文献   
秋冬气候变化对乌鲁木齐冬小麦播期的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对1976-2006年秋冬气候条件分析。得出鸟鲁木齐冬小麦冬前生长期间和越冬期间的气候条件发生了较明显的变化,表现为气温升高、降水减少、冬前〉0℃积温增加,越冬期初日后推,冬前生长期延长,越冬期间负积温减少。结果表明随着气候的变暖适当晚播更有利于冬小麦生长,冬小麦的适宜播种期应在传统播种期的基础上向后推迟一候左右。  相似文献   
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