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云南风能资源及其开发利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了云南风能资源及其开发利用的研究现状和研究成果。分析了云南风能资源评价历程、分布特点和风电开发建设情况。总结了云南有关风电场选址、风能资源评估、风电功率预测预报以及山区风电场和风电机组设计的研究成果。剖析了云南风能资源及其开发利用中存在的问题并提出今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
概念性地设计了一种新型半潜式海上风力机基础,确定了结构的型式和尺寸,对风浪联合作用下不同工况的风力机基础稳性进行了校核.考虑黏性阻尼和二阶波浪力的作用,计算分析了风力机基础的水动力系数、幅频运动以及动力响应特性.结果表明,经过改进的新型风力机基础具有良好的稳性和水动力性能,特别是在垂荡性能上有大幅的提升.波浪入射角度对垂荡的影响不大,但对其他自由度RAOs影响较大.垂荡、横摇和纵摇RAOs均存在一个主峰值和次峰值,但峰值周期均远离波能集中区.此外还发现,不同工况下风浪入射角对风机系统的动力响应和系泊力均有较大影响,相对于工作工况,极端工况下所受风荷载较小,但是系泊力更大.  相似文献   
This paper updates a life-cycle net energy analysis and carbon dioxide emissions analysis of three Midwestern utility-scale wind systems. Both the Energy Payback Ratio (EPR) and CO2 analysis results provide useful data for policy discussions regarding an efficient and low-carbon energy mix. The EPR is the amount of electrical energy produced for the lifetime of the power plant divided by the total amount of energy required to procure and transport the materials, build, operate, and decommission the power plants. The CO2 analysis for each power plant was calculated from the life-cycle energy input data. A previous study also analyzed coal and nuclear fission power plants. At the time of that study, two of the three wind systems had less than a full year of generation data to project the life-cycle energy production. This study updates the analysis of three wind systems with an additional four to eight years of operating data. The EPR for the utility-scale wind systems ranges from a low of 11 for a two-turbine system in Wisconsin to 28 for a 143-turbine system in southwestern Minnesota. The EPR is 11 for coal, 25 for fission with gas centrifuge enriched uranium and 7 for gaseous diffusion enriched uranium. The normalized CO2 emissions, in tonnes of CO2 per GWeh, ranges from 14 to 33 for the wind systems, 974 for coal, and 10 and 34 for nuclear fission using gas centrifuge and gaseous diffusion enriched uranium, respectively.  相似文献   
吸力基础与海洋工程大直径钢桩相比,具有成本低、安装周期短、对环境影响小、不受海况影响及可回收再利用等优点,近年来在海上风电工程中得到推广应用。吸力基础沉贯至海床预定位置,是其发挥承载力和确保服役稳定性的前提。海床地基土体常以分层土形式分布,且各层土体强度、压缩性和渗透性等存在显著差别,导致吸力基础吸力沉贯机理非常复杂。明确吸力基础在分层土中沉贯特性,有助于指导吸力基础在海上风电工程中的推广应用。对目前吸力基础在分层土中沉贯特性研究进行综述和总结,归纳了其沉贯机理研究进展,并对影响吸力基础在分层土中沉贯因素进行了分析;提出了分层土中吸力基础沉贯的研究方向和改进的沉贯方法。  相似文献   
GNSS-R海洋遥感监测技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了GNSS-R海洋遥感的发展过程、技术原理和理论模型,进一步研究了GNSS-R在海洋遥感各应用领域的主要研究内容,探讨了GNSS-R海洋测风、测高、海冰监测、溢油检测和移动目标探测的技术途径,概述了GNSS-R海洋遥感监测技术所涉及的反演理论和信息提取方法,并根据现有研究成果和海洋遥感的应用需要,提出今后需解决的关键技术和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
陈德文  董剑  袁方超 《海洋通报》2012,31(4):376-383
建立了一种卫星遥感风场的最大风速半径(Rmax )反演方法.该方法基于 QuikSCAT 风场,结合 JTWC 台风参数资料,将遥感平均风剖面与 Holland 台风模型进行最小二乘法拟合来反演 Rmax.2001-2009年13个台风69幅数据反演结果统计分析表明:用气压表征台风强度的 P 算法遥感反演结果与 JTWC 分析结果的标准差为10.7 km,效果较好.此外,通过0513、0519和0221 3个典型台风过程的 Rmax 演变情况分析表明:对于对称性结构较好的成熟台风,反演结果能较好地反映出不同台风的 Rmax 尺寸差别,台风过程中 Rmax 的演变情况符合台风发展情况;台风风场对称性差、地形以及背景流场的影响,是导致 Rmax 反演出现较大偏差主要因素.  相似文献   
Threshold velocity for wind erosion: the effects of porous fences   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Porous fence is a kind of artificial windbreak that has many practical applications. The threshold wind velocities at different distances downwind from porous fences were measured and the corresponding characteristics of particle movement observed to assess their shelter effect. It is found that the fence’s porosity is the key factor that determines the resulting shelter effect. The area near a fence can be typically classified into five regions, each with a different mode of particle movement. Dense fences, and especially solid fences, favor the accumulation of sand upwind of the fences. Fences with porosities of 0.3–0.4 produce the maximum threshold wind velocity; those with porosities of 0.3–0.6 (depending on the fence height) provide the maximum effective shelter distance. It is confirmed that the fence porosities of 0.3–0.4 that have been proposed for practical application in previous research are the most effective for abating wind erosion.  相似文献   
Spilled oil floats and travels across the water’s surface under the influence of wind, currents, and wave action. Wave-induced Stokes drift is an important physical process that can affect surface water particles but that is currently absent from oil spill analyses. In this study, two methods are applied to determine the velocity of Stokes drift, the first calculates velocity from the wind-related formula based upon a one-dimensional frequency spectrum, while the second determines velocity directly from the wave model that was based on a two-dimensional spectrum. The experimental results of numerous models indicated that: (1) oil simulations that include the influence of Stokes drift are more accurate than that those do not; (2) for medium and long-term simulations longer than two days or more, Stokes drift is a significant factor that should not be ignored, and its magnitude can reach about 2% of the wind speed; (3) the velocity of Stokes drift is related to the wind but is not linear. Therefore, Stokes drift cannot simply be replaced or substituted by simply increasing the wind drift factor, which can cause errors in oil spill projections; (4) the Stokes drift velocity obtained from the two-dimensional wave spectrum makes the oil spill simulation more accurate.  相似文献   
基于Jenkins(1989)建立的包含Stokes漂流、风输入和波耗散影响的修正Ekman模型,采用Paskyabi等(2012)使用的推广的Donelan等(1987)中的谱和波耗散函数,并利用Paskyabi等(2012)中修正方法给出的包含高频波的风输入函数,在粘性不依赖于水深及粘性随深度线性变化的条件下,研究了包含高频毛细重力波的随机表面波对Stokes漂流和Song(2009)导出的波浪修正定常Ekman流解的影响。结果表明高频表面波使Stokes漂流在海表面剪切加强,对定常Ekamn流解的影响通常不能忽略,但对Ekman流场的角度偏转影响很小。最后,将考虑高频表面波尾谱影响所估算的定常Ekman流解与已有观测结果以及经典Ekman解进行了比对分析。  相似文献   
Wind tunnel simulations of aeolian transport carried out over a range in mean temperature between 32 °C and ?9 °C suggest that cold airflows support higher mass transport rates (Q) than very warm air. The magnitude of this increase is larger than expected, so that analytical and semi‐empirical models underestimate Q. Extrapolation of the results suggests that, at ?40 °C, as for example in the dry valleys of Antarctica in winter, Q may be as much as 70% higher than for the equivalent wind speed in hot deserts at air temperatures of 40 °C. Temperature‐dependent changes in air density and turbulence contribute to this result. The decreased tension of water adsorbed onto particle surfaces at low temperatures is postulated to reduce interparticle cohesion and, thus, to increase the elasticity of particle impacts on cold beds. Definition of the roles that temperature and humidity play in aeolian transport is relevant to studies of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and extraterrestrial (or planetary) geology. Investigation of present‐day, cold climate features and of climate change effects also requires knowledge of these fundamental relations.  相似文献   
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