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利用1998年淮河流域能量和水循环试验(HUBEX)中的一次地面雷达与星载雷达(简称为双基雷达)联合探测雨强的资料,比较了现有的几种测雨雷达回波衰减订正方法.选取了一条比较有代表性的降水廓线,利用地基雷达数据对其进行衰减订正.结果表明,在雨区的中上部,星载雷达探测效果优于地基雷达;从"零度层亮带”往下至近地面,地基雷达探测效果优于星载雷达.  相似文献   
利用1951-2013年广西90个气象观测站气温资料、国家气候中心74项指数和美国National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)的Climate Prediction Center(CPC)60项指数以及海温和陆地雪盖资料、美国国家冰雪研究中心(NSIDC)的两极海冰资料,使用相关分析方法得到广西寒露风开始期气候影响因子,利用逐步回归和神经网络方法进行寒露风开始期的预测。结果表明:寒露风开始期与前一年9-10月北极海冰面积、当年3月南极海冰面积、前一年6月欧亚雪盖、当年5月北美雪盖、北半球雪盖的相关显著。与前一年9月北半球极涡面积指数、前一年10月亚洲区极涡面积指数、前一年3月热带印度洋海温偶极子等指数相关显著。粒子群-神经网络方法预测误差低于逐步回归方法,预报能力有明显提高。  相似文献   
Integrated hydrological models are usually calibrated against observations of river discharge and piezometric head in groundwater aquifers. Calibration of such models against spatially distributed observations of river water level can potentially improve their reliability and predictive skill. However, traditional river gauging stations are normally spaced too far apart to capture spatial patterns in the water surface, whereas spaceborne observations have limited spatial and temporal resolution. Unmanned aerial vehicles can retrieve river water level measurements, providing (a) high spatial resolution; (b) spatially continuous profiles along or across the water body, and (c) flexible timing of sampling. A semisynthetic study was conducted to analyse the value of the new unmanned aerial vehicle‐borne datatype for improving hydrological models, in particular estimates of groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) interaction. Mølleåen River (Denmark) and its catchment were simulated using an integrated hydrological model (MIKE 11–MIKE SHE). Calibration against distributed surface water levels using the Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis algorithm demonstrated a significant improvement in estimating spatial patterns and time series of GW–SW interaction. After water level calibration, the sharpness of the estimates of GW–SW time series improves by ~50% and root mean square error decreases by ~75% compared with those of a model calibrated against discharge only.  相似文献   
地质雷达正演中的频散压制和吸收边界改进方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从麦克斯韦方程组出发,建立了地质雷达的时域有限差分法(FDTD)数学模型,导出了理想 散关系和超级吸收边界条件。理想频散关系 考虑了FDTD法的收敛性和稳定性,也考虑了高频电磁波在Yee氏网格中的传播特点;超吸收边界条件则用磁场分量来提高电场分量精度。数值试验表明,理想频散关系能真实地反映雷达波在地下介质中的传播规律,超吸收边界条件能有效减小截断边界的伪反射,提高正演精度。将之应用于实际计算,取得  相似文献   
青海湖流域沙漠以环湖分布为特点,又以ENE为集中。这一状态使多方向的风沙流入湖,而实际上入湖沙量是以W、N、E三个方向的流沙为主。根据入湖风沙公式计算,入湖风沙量为887.08×10~4t/a。并推算出河流泥沙入湖为35.77×10~4t/a,空中降尘为30.36×10~4t/a。入湖后的沙质物在湖流、波浪的作用下,由西向东运移,堆积成水下沙堤,逐渐增高加宽露出水面,分隔成子湖。同时在干燥的气候作用下,导致湖面收缩,生态环境恶化。  相似文献   
胡东明  刘强  程元慧  吴少峰  胡胜  杨朝辉 《气象》2007,33(10):114-117
轴角箱是CINRAD/SA雷达天伺系统中联系数字控制电路与机械电机的关键环节,它的故障造成雷达系统报警不断,方位环节故障将导致终端产品出现蜘蛛网状回波,俯仰环节故障则导致系统无法工作。为了降低轴角箱故障造成对雷达正常运行的影响,通过对广州雷达站前后出现的5次同类故障的综合分析,总结得出问题多出现在轴角箱的激磁电压环节,原因是由于天线罩温度高、湿度大,导致部分元器件出现性能退化。针对薄弱环节,采取相应的改进措施之后,问题得以彻底解决。  相似文献   
云雷达和微波辐射计联合反演大气湿度廓线的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁虹鑫  马舒庆  杨玲  车云飞 《气象》2018,44(12):1604-1611
利用中国气象局大气探测试验基地的微波辐射计亮温值、对应的云雷达测得的反射率因子和L波段探空数据,采用BP(back propagation)神经网络作为反演工具,反演得到大气垂直湿度廓线。将天气情况分为晴天、低云、中云和高云四种情况,对比不加入反射率因子的反演湿度廓线,分析两种反演方法在各高度层的均方根误差。对比结果表明,加入反射率因子的反演湿度廓线与探空廓线的相关系数平均值为0.862,均方根误差为14. 9%,而不添加反射率因子的相关系数平均值为0.763,均方根误差为19.2%。  相似文献   
新疆克拉玛依强下坡风暴的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢冰  史永强  王光辉  岳斌 《气象学报》2014,72(6):1218-1230
利用美国中尺度数值模式 WRF 对2013年3月7—8日克拉玛依强风进行了模拟,对下坡风发生、发展和结束3个阶段的三维结构特征进行了分析,并由此提出克拉玛依强下坡风的形成机制模型:上游地区出现中高层西南风、低层西北风并伴有强冷平流的配置,当风速不断增大时,气流能够翻越加依尔山在背风坡侧形成重力波,重力波相位向气流上游方向倾斜产生非线性效应,促进了波不稳定区域的形成并导致波破碎,形成湍流活跃层,不断把上层的能量向下传播;克拉玛依中低层形成三层夹心的大气层结稳定度分布,出现明显的过渡气流带从而导致强下坡风的形成;南北风分量在低层和中层符号相反,形成了临界层,不断吸收上层波能量并向地面传送,强下坡风暴不断维持发展。最后利用2006—2012年克拉玛依33个强下坡风过程中的探空观测资料对提出的形成机制进行了验证。  相似文献   
用逐日的欧洲中期数值预报中心再分析(ERA)风应力,和由Haney公式结合ERA海表资料与预报海温计算出的热通量强迫一个全球大洋环流模式.并用逐日的模拟结果与TOGA-COARE(Tropical Ocean--Global Atmosphere--Coupled Ocean-AtmosphereResponse Experiment)浮标观测资料对比,分析模拟结果中暖池海区上层海洋热量平衡对西风爆发(WWB)的响应.在第一次WWB过程中,模拟与观测的主要差异在WWB期间,而造成差异的原因主要是模式中由下沉运动引起的增温和由强的纬向温度梯度引起的暖平流.初步认为下沉增温可能是差分格式本身和模式分辨率不足造成的.从热量平衡的结果看,第二次WWB事件的模拟比第一次更成功,两次差异可能与两次WWB事件的季节背景不同有关.  相似文献   
Beach nourishment is an environmentally preferred method of shore protection, but the annual sand requirement may lead to substantial maintenance costs. The shoreline processes, involving the surf zone, beach and dune, are reviewed with the aim of reducing the annual sand requirement of eroding shorelines. It is shown that surf zones with equilibrium profiles, on which the wave energy conversion is evenly distributed across the surf zone, from experience for given conditions indicate least loss of sand. On steep, eroding shorelines it may be difficult to establish an equilibrium profile. For such cases, the use of perched surf zones is recommended, which are supported at the seaward limit by an underwater sill. For reduction of littoral transport, the use of pervious pile groynes is recommended. These are arguably more efficient than impervious groynes. The sand loss from a usually dry beach by raised water levels is shown to be a function of the beach slope and is least when the storm waves at raised water levels do not cut an erosion escarpment. The loss of sand from a dune by infrequent severe storm tides can be prevented with the aid of a built-in membrane. These sand losses are usually large and constitute an uneconomic use of this sand resource. The proposed concepts and measures are linked to existing knowledge, augmented by data from the large wave flume (LWF) in Germany and field data from the North and Baltic Sea coasts.  相似文献   
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