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利用2016年全年进出厦门机场和晋江机场航班的AMDAR(Aircraft Meteorological DAta Relay)数据对双雷达反演风场进行检验,分析了厦门、泉州双雷达风场反演的总体误差,研究结果表明:1)验证了双雷达连线附近区域反演风场的平均绝对误差较大,发现了与两部雷达连线的夹角小于15°和大于165°的区域的反演结果的平均绝对误差明显大于误差的年平均值。2)对于反演风向而言,误差随着高度增加而减小。对于反演风速而言,高度在9 km以下的反演误差在5 m/s左右,而9 km以上的反演误差较小。3)剔除了双雷达连线附近区域(与两部雷达连线的夹角小于15°和大于165°的区域)和反射率因子小于5 dBZ以及等于100 dBZ(剔除非气象回波)的反演结果后,双雷达反演风场误差较小,相对于AMDAR数据的风向年平均绝对误差为29.4°,风速年平均绝对误差为3.28 m/s,总体误差在可接受范围之内,反演结果接近"真值",该反演方法稳定可靠。  相似文献   
The application of the single Doppler radar dataset analysis is usually confined to the assumption that the actual wind is linearly distributed or uniform locally.Following some dynamic features of convective weather,a conceptual model of moderate complexity is constructed,wherewith a horizontal wind perturbation field is retrieved directly from the single Doppler radar measurements.The numerical experiments are based on a 3-D cloud model-generated convective cell,whose radial velocity component is taken as the radar observations that are put into the closed equations based on the conceptual model to retrieve the horizontal wind perturbation field.After the initial field is properly treated,the retrieval equation is solved in terms of the 2-D FFT technique and the sensitivity to noise is examined.Finally,contrast analysis is done of the retrieved and the cloud model output wind fields,indicating the usefulness of the approach proposed in this paper.  相似文献   
Topographic surveys on an inland parabolic sand dune over a six‐year period provide insight into the effects of diminishing local sand supply on dune stabilization. During the interval (2003–2009) sparse vegetation cover (Psoralea lanceolata) increased despite drier than normal moisture conditions and steady wind power during the growing season. Whereas these climatic conditions are typically ascribed to sustaining or increasing dune activity, here they coincide with stabilization. Through the use of geographic information system (GIS) analysis of volumetric changes it is shown that the increase of P. lanceolata can be attributed to the reduction of local sand supply from two blowouts along the arms of the parabolic dune during the six‐year period. These results show that climate is not the only control on dune activity in vegetated inland dunefields. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
高温微风条件下太湖流域风场时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
王成林  黄娟  钱新 《湖泊科学》2011,23(1):122-128
适宜太湖蓝藻水华大面积形成的诸多因素中,气象因素主要是高温、微风.据此对太湖周边17个常规气象观测站的7年报文资料进行筛选,选择的17个站点同时满足时间为14点、气温大于2590、风速小于等于4m/s的风场进行分析,研究发现太湖流域风场空间特征以东南风居多,而且不同风向的背景风场吹过水面后.在下风向湖面及湖岸附近都存在...  相似文献   
运用我国自行研制的ZHG-1型X波段机载雷达高度计于1995年4月13日-4月18日在青岛附近海域进行的海上飞行实验数据,及导出的均方根波高、有效波高、均方根波陡算法模型,得到了上述海况参数值。  相似文献   
汪学渊  阮征  李效东  黄丽芬  韩伟中 《气象》2016,42(1):107-114
针对风廓线雷达估算的反射率数据需要进行验证。开展雨滴谱仪与风廓线雷达反射率对比试验,通过两种不同探测设备观测数据的对比,以验证风廓线反射率数据的可靠性和可用性。结果表明:确定了以风廓线低模360~1440 m采样体积内的反射率与3 min雨滴谱反射率数据对比方法能最大程度的减少时空差异;在雨滴谱仪反射率小于40 dBz时,对应的风廓线雷达反射率数据是可靠和可用的;同时由于风廓线雷达有限的动态范围造成反射率低估的现象,使得风廓线雷达反射率在大气垂直结构以及微物理特性等方面应用受到一定的局限性。  相似文献   
In this study, the relationship between scale and vertical velocity in a low-pressure system is explored using the wave characteristics of atmospheric disturbances and the structural characteristics of low-pressure systems. The ω differential equation, as determined by the transient geopotential height field Φ, is solved to obtain an analytical solution composed only of wavelength, horizontal speed, and atmospheric stability, i.e., the ω diagnostic equation of a low-pressure system. This equation also shows that vertical velocity in the low-pressure system is very sensitive to the horizontal scale, i.e., a smaller horizontal scale means a larger vertical velocity.  相似文献   
星载SAR对雨团催生海面风场的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
雨团或对流雨是热带与亚热带地区的主要降雨形式,较易被高分辨率星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)探测到。SAR图像上的雨团足印是由大气中雨滴的散射与吸收、下沉气流等共同导致形成的。本文以RADARSAT-2卫星100 m分辨率的SAR图像上雨团引起的海面风场及其结构反演与解译作为实例进行分析。使用CMOD4地球物理模式函数,分别以NCEP再分析数据、欧洲MetOp-A卫星先进散射计(ASCAT)和中国HY-2卫星微波散射计的风向为外部风向,进行了SAR图像的海面风场反演。反演的海面风速相对于NCEP、ASCAT和HY-2的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为1.48 m/s,1.64 m/s和2.14 m/s。SAR图像上一侧明亮另一侧昏暗的圆形信号图斑被解译为雨团携带的下沉气流对海面风场(海面粗糙度)的改变所致。平行于海面背景风场其通过雨团圆形足印中心的剖面上的风速变化可拟合为正弦或余弦曲线,其拟合线性相关系数均不低于0.80。背景风场的风速大小、雨团引起的风速大小以及雨团足印的直径可利用拟合曲线获得,雨团足印的直径大小一般为数千米或数十千米,本文的8例个例解译与分析均验证了该结论。  相似文献   
The origin of accretionary lapilli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental investigations in a recirculating wind tunnel of the mechanisms of formation of accretionary lapilli have demonstrated that growth is controlled by collision of liquid-coated particles, due to differences in fall velocities, and binding as a result of surface tension forces and secondary mineral growth. The liquids present on particle surfaces in eruption plumes are acid solutions stable at 100% relative humidity, from which secondary minerals, e.g. calcium sulphate and sodium chloride, precipitate prior to impact of accretionary lapilli with the ground. Concentric grain-size zones within accretionary lapilli build up due to differences in the supply of particular particle sizes during aggregate growth. Accretionary lapilli do not evolve by scavenging of particles by liquid drops followed by evaporation — a process which, in wind tunnel experiments, generates horizontally layered hemispherical aggregates. Size analysis of particles in the wind tunnel air stream and particles adhering to growing aggregates demonstrate that the aggregation coefficient is highly grain-size dependent. Theoretical simulation of accretionary lapilli growth in eruption plumes predicts maximum sizes in the range 0.7–20 mm for ash cloud thicknesses of 0.5–10 km respectively.  相似文献   
一次台风前部龙卷的多普勒天气雷达分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析2004年8月25日发生在浙江省宁波市的一次台风前部龙卷发生发展的环境特征, 发现该龙卷发生在台风前部风切变区里, 尽管当时涡度、散度等物理量对于深对流发展不是非常有利, 但下湿中干、强的垂直风切变及地形条件等还是有利于局地弱龙卷的产生; 在宁波新一代天气雷达产品上表现为强的钩状回波, 速度场上有相邻的正负速度中心及强的组合切变值等。通过多个反射率产品、剖面产品等综合分析了该风暴的三维结构, 初步了解此类弱龙卷的发生机理, 为以后的预报提供一些经验。  相似文献   
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