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1951/1952~2004/2005年中国冬季降水变化研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
运用AREM模式对2005年5月31日发生在湖南新邵的一次特大暴雨天气过程进行模拟分析.利用模式输出的1 h基本物理量计算螺旋度,结果表明:螺旋度对特大暴雨的预报有指示意义,特大暴雨产生在低层正螺旋度中心与高层负螺旋度中心相配合的区域.在暴雨强盛期,螺旋度中低层最大正值位于750 hPa,最大负值位于450 hPa.比较新邵1 h实况降雨量和AREM模式模拟的降水值与相应时刻的螺旋度,发现5月31日19~22时之间的暴雨增幅最大,为172 mm/3 h,而螺旋度值也相应出现了最大的增幅20 m2/(s2·3 h),31日21~22时新邵暴雨出现峰值,但螺旋度却开始减小,此后两者又一致地逐渐减弱.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONFrom14toearly20century,thatisintheMingandQingDynastiesinChina,thereexistedapointofviewthatthecontinuoussiltation...  相似文献   
Bristow  Skelly  & Ethridge 《Sedimentology》1999,46(6):1029-1047
Base-level rise of ≈2·35 m on the Niobrara River has resulted in aggradation of the channel belt and a recent avulsion. Overbank areas have become flooded by rising groundwaters, and more than eight crevasse splays have formed between 1993 and 1997. Two crevasse splays, situated on the west and east sides of the Niobrara, have been studied using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), shallow boreholes and topographic surveys. The vibracores and GPR profiles provide a nearly three-dimensional view of the architecture of crevasse splay deposits. The east splay was initiated in the winter of 1993/94 and has expanded to cover an area ≈200 m by 1000 m, with sediment up to 2·5 m thick. The west splay, which was initiated by the opening of a crevasse channel through a levee in the autumn of 1995, covers an area ≈150 m by 250 m, with up to 1·2 m of sand deposited in a single year. The Niobrara splays are sand dominated and characterized by bedload deposition within channels, 5–30 m wide and 0·5–2 m deep, with the development of slipfaces where splays prograde into standing bodies of water. Sedimentary structures in cores include horizontal lamination, ripple lamination and sets of cross-stratification. There is a slight tendency for splays to coarsen up, but individual beds within the splays often fine up. The abundance of crevasse splays on the Niobrara River contrasts with other braided river floodplains. In the Niobrara, crevasse splay formation followed aggradation within the channel belt, which occurred in response to base-level rise. The link between crevasse splays, channel aggradation and base-level rise has important implications for the interpretation of ancient braided river and floodplain sequences. It is suggested that crevasse splay deposits should be an important component of aggrading fluvial sediments and, hence, should be preserved within the rock record. In this case, the aggradation and crevassing have been tied to a rise in base-level elevation, and it is suggested that similar deposits should be preserved where braided rivers are affected by base-level rise, for instance during transgression and filling of palaeovalleys.  相似文献   
安徽向山铁硫矿区硅质岩特征及成因意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
熊先孝  姚超美 《地质论评》1999,45(5):543-547
宁芜向山—皇姑山地区铁硫矿床中及附近存在大片硅质岩,属热泉沉积的硅华。其微量元素Al、Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn含量较高,且具有稀土元素总量较低,Ce明显亏损,Eu明显富集等特征。据岩石学、岩石化学特征,结合微量元素、稀土元素与同位素等综合研究表明,矿床附近硅质岩为热水成因,硅质可能来自下伏及深部地层。  相似文献   
During more than 60 years, sedimentation on the Palos Verdes Shelf has been dominated by time-varying inputs of municipal wastewater from the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) and debris from the Portuguese Bend Landslide (PBL). The present study examines the depositional history of wastewater-derived organic contaminants at a site approximately 6–8 km downcurrent from the outfall system. Sediments at this location are impacted by contributions from both sources, but the relative influence of the sources has changed over time. Two classes of hydrophobic organic contaminants (chlorinated hydrocarbons, long-chain alkylbenzenes) were determined in sediment cores collected in 1981 and 1992. Using molecular stratigraphy, we determined average sedimentation rates (cm/year) and mass accumulation rates (g cm−2 year−1) for the following periods: 1955–1965, 1965–1971, 1971–1981 and 1981–1992. The results show that sedimentation and mass accumulation rates increased from 1955 to 1971 and decreased from 1971 to 1981. These trends are consistent with historical information on the emission of suspended solids from the outfall system, indicating that the discharge of wastes dominated sedimentation at the site during this period. In the 1980s and early 1990s, however, mass accumulation rates increased in spite of continually decreasing emissions of wastewater solids. Several lines of evidence indicate that this increase was due to mobilization of debris from the PBL during and after unusually strong winter storms in the 1980s. As a result, heavily contaminated sediments deposited during the years of greatest waste emissions (i.e. 1950–1970) have been buried to greater sub-bottom depths, thereby reducing their availability for mobilization to the overlying water column. These results highlight the dynamic nature of sedimentation in contaminated coastal ecosystems and its importance to the long-term fate and effects of toxic substances.  相似文献   
拉巴灰岩:深水碳酸盐沉积成因的认识及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滇西二叠系拉巴组中的拉巴灰岩的成因长期以来曾引起广泛争议。对拉巴灰岩的产状、结构构造及碳酸盐微相特征的研究表明 ,拉巴灰岩最初形成于浅水碳酸盐台地 ,由于突发的地质事件 ,被搬运至深水 ,半深水环境中沉积下来。拉巴灰岩的出现 ,证明在二叠纪 ,昌宁—孟连洋盆与相邻的陆棚之间 ,有陡峻的陆棚边棱存在。  相似文献   
lINTR0DUCTI0NSoilerosionisamaj0rcauseoflanddegradationandwaterpolluti0n.Vegetativefilterstrips(VFS)havebeensuccessfollyandwidelyusedintheUSAf0rremovingsediment(Dillahaetal.,l989;Line,l991;CooperandLipe,l992;R0binsonetal.,l996),s0lids,andnutrientsfromcultivatedland(Magetteetal.,1989)andfeedlots(Y0ungetal.,l978;l980;Edwardsetal.,l983,Edwardsetal.,1997;DickeyandVanderh0lm,l98l),f0rfiIteringrun0fffromdairy(Livingst0nandHegg,l981)andswineproducti0nareas(Sieversetal.,l975;Chaubeyetal.,l9…  相似文献   
周涛发  刘晓东 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):551-558
文章基于矿床地质特征和地球化学热力学理论,计算和讨论了安微月山矽卡岩-热液型铜,金矿田成矿流体中成矿物质的迁移形式和沉淀的物理化学条件,两类矿床的主要成矿阶段,成矿流体中铜主要以氯络合物CuCl、CuCl2^-、CuCl^2-3,CuClOH,金主要以硫的络合物Au2(HS)2S^2-,Au(HS)2^-,AuHS、AuH3SiO4等形式进行迁移,成矿流体中铜沉淀的主要物化条件是降温及氯离子浓度的  相似文献   
Active block streams are common on the slopes of mountains on the northern, drier portion of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau. Between 1990 and 1995, the authors studied a block stream northeast of the crest of the Kunlun Pass at latitude 35°50’N, longitude 94°05’ E. It occurs on a 31° slope facing southwest at 4800 m altitude and consists of a 15 cm layer of blocks moving downslope over a sandy loam of lacustrine origin. The blocks are derived from both frost shattering of exposed bedrock and by ejection of blocks from the till capping the hill. No water flows in the block stream and its surface is level with the surrounding slope. Mean annual air temperature is –6°C and mean annual precipitation is about 320 mm. The few plants growing between the blocks exhibit elongated stems and/or roots, indicating movement of the upper layers of blocks relative to the underlying materials. Average mean annual downslope movement of the surface blocks ranges up to 95 cm but varies both across the block stream and also along its long axis. The blocks are gradually extending further downslope. Comparison of movement of lines painted on stones in summer and winter shows that most of the movement occurs in winter. The stones usually rotate randomly as they move, probably by sliding on ice. There is no obvious sorting or rounding of the blocks during movement downslope. The deposits produced differ from talus/scree sediments as they have a dip of less than the maximum angle of rest of dry sediment (c. 33°) and also show no sorting downslope. The movement of material takes place predominantly in winter, rather than in summer and the deposits occur in areas of negligible snow cover. Ground temperatures suggest exceptionally rapid temperature changes under the blocks, indicating air exchange in the voids. Mean ground temperatures in the loams beneath the blocks are about 7°C colder than in the adjacent soils. Winter snow covers are noticeably absent, and summer precipitation is often in the form of snow, which soon melts. Permafrost is present beneath the block stream but is absent in the sandy loam soils. The ground is also moister beneath the blocks. It appears that the surface blocks tend to slide downslope on the icy surface of the underlying blocks, perhaps aided by water from melting snow. This and the lack of sorting by clast size clearly differentiates them from talus slopes or avalanche deposits.  相似文献   
严中伟 Maire  NP 《地理学报》1995,50(5):471-479
基于近年来的多种资料分析结果,讨论了不同时间尺度上全球热状况这于中国东部和其它低纬亚非夏季风影响区干湿变迁的宏观控制作用。指出:在丰年以上时间尺度上,全球暖而夏季风强从而导致有关区域多雨偏湿,全球冷则夏季风区域多偏干;但较短时间尺度上的全球性冷暖波动往往不足以使各地的夏季风系统和干湿状况产生一致响应。  相似文献   
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