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祁连山区黑河流域季节冻土时空变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
季节冻土的时空变化对地—气水热交换、地表能量平衡、地表水文过程、生态系统及碳循环等有着非常重要的影响.利用黑河流域11个气象站40多年的气温数据和5 cm深度处的土壤温度数据,建立了月平均气温与土壤冻结天数之间的关系.同时应用月平均气温与冻结天数的相关关系和5 km网格化月平均气温及30 m分辨率的DEM数据,编制了黑河流域逐月季节冻土分布图,并按其空间分布特征,将逐月地表冻融状态划分为:完全冻结、不完全冻结和不冻结3种.系统研究了黑河流域2000-2009年逐月季节冻土分布及冻结概率的时空变化特征.在季节分配上,黑河流域完全冻结面积最大值出现在1月;不完全冻结面积最大值在11月;而不冻结面积最大值在6月和7月.在年际变化上,完全冻结状态的离差值在冷季变化大,暖季变化小;不完全冻结状态在一年的回暖期和降温初期,年际变化较大;不冻结状态分别在4月和10月变化较大.冻结概率在1月达到最大值,6月和7月降低到最小值.在空间分布上,黑河流域季节冻土的逐月分布与变化和冻结概率主要受海拔高度控制,纬度的影响次之.  相似文献   
安顺地区暴雨日数年际变化的气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白慧  吴龙 《贵州气象》2011,35(2):8-12
利用1979—2009年31 a安顺地区(安顺、平坝、普定、镇宁、关岭和紫云)6站的降水资料,统计分析6站暴雨日数和暴雨量的变化特征,提取代表安顺地区的代表站,对其进行统计分析,得到安顺地区暴雨日数年际变化的气候特征。安顺地区暴雨日数的在20世纪80年代末—90年代末期间具有明显的3~5a的年际震荡,并在90年代初达到峰值。安顺地区暴雨偏多年在高低空环流、风场和能量场配置的主要特征为:700hPa和500hPa高低空位势高度配置一致,位势高度在中高纬度出现"东高西低"的走势,安顺地区位于异常低涡的东南部,西太平洋副热带高压的西部,这样来自异常低涡东南侧的冷空气与来自海洋北上的暖湿气流在此交汇,利于底层切变线和准静止锋的建立;安顺地区位于高空偏西急流的右前方的出口处,低空西南急流右前方的出口处和低空东南急流左前方的出口处,这种高低空急流的配置非常有利于暴雨区垂直上升运动的产生;安顺地区及其附近区域对流不稳定较强,利于对流不稳定能量的积累,从而使对流不稳定区域易出现强对流系统,对安顺地区的不稳定能量的储存和释放十分有利。  相似文献   
中国西北现代气候变化事实与未来趋势展望   总被引:167,自引:30,他引:167  
利用西北地区建站至2000年常规气象观测站资料及美国NCEP/NCAR再分析全球网格点资料,分析了西北地区现代气候变化的特点,揭示了西北地区气候由暖干转向暖湿的事实.在此基础上对未来几十年气候变化趋势作了初步估计.  相似文献   
Planting a cover crop between the main cropping seasons is an agricultural management measure with multiple potential benefits for sustainable food production. In the maize production system of the Netherlands, an effective establishment of a winter cover crop is important for reducing nitrogen leaching to groundwater. Cover crop establishment after maize cultivation is obliged by law for sandy soils and consequently implemented on nearly all maize fields, but the winter-time vegetative ground cover varies significantly between fields. The objectives of this study are to assess the variability in winter vegetative cover and evaluate to what extent this variability can be explained by the timing of cover crop establishment and weather conditions in two growing seasons (2017–2018). We used Sentinel-2 satellite imagery to construct NDVI time series for fields known to be cultivated with maize within the province of Overijssel. We fitted piecewise logistic functions to the time series in order to estimate cover crop sowing date and retrieve the fitted NDVI value for 1 December (NDVIDec). We used NDVIDec to represent the quality of cover crop establishment at the start of the winter season. The Sentinel-2 estimated sowing dates compared reasonably with ground reference data for eight fields (RMSE = 6.6 days). The two analysed years differed considerably, with 2018 being much drier and warmer during summer. This drought resulted in an earlier estimated cover crop sowing date (on average 19 days) and an NDVIDec value that was 0.2 higher than in 2017. Combining both years and all fields, we found that Sentinel-2 retrieved sowing dates could explain 55% of the NDVIDec variability. This corresponded to a positive relationship (R2 = 0.50) between NDVIDec and the cumulative growing degree days (GDD) between sowing date and 1 December until reaching 400 GDD. Based on cumulative GDD derived from two weather stations within Overijssel, we found that on average for the past three decades a sowing date of 19 September (± 7 days) allowed to attain these 400 GDD; this provides support for the current legislation that states that from 2019 onwards a cover crop should be sown before 1 October. To meet this deadline, while simultaneously ascertaining a harvest-ready main crop, in practice implies that undersowing of the cover crop during spring will gain importance. Our results show that Sentinel-2 NDVI time series can assess the effectiveness and timing of cover crop growth for small agricultural fields, and as such has potential to inform regulatory frameworks as well as farmers with actionable information that may help to reduce nitrogen leaching.  相似文献   
青藏高原强降水日数的时空分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 根据青海和西藏48个气象台站近48 a(1961-2008年)的逐日降水和气温资料,分别以日降水量超过5 mm和25 mm作为冬半年(11月~翌年3月)和夏半年(5~9月)强降水的临界值,分析了青藏高原冬、夏半年强降水日数的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)高原强降水日数与总降水量的空间分布型非常相似,夏半年均表现为由东南向西北递减,而冬半年则为由高原腹地向四周递减。(2)夏(冬)半年强降水主要集中在7月上旬~8月中旬(11月上旬和3月中下旬)。(3)夏(冬)半年强降水存在准6 a(5~6 a)的年际振荡以及准10~11 a(15 a)的年代际振荡。(4)强降水日数变化趋势的空间差异较大,夏半年高原北(南)部强降水日数普遍以增加(减少)趋势为主,而冬半年除雅鲁藏布江流域呈减少趋势外,高原大多数地区均表现出显著增加趋势。  相似文献   
选用中国185个常规气象观测站,从建站~2000年历年沙尘暴日数资料,分析了近50年来中国北方沙尘暴的气候特征及其对青藏高原地面感热异常的响应。结果表明:虽然单个沙尘暴过程具有一定的区域特征,但年沙尘暴日数具有较好的空间一致性,在空间上有5个自然尘源区,即河西走廊、南疆盆地南缘、阿拉善高原、鄂尔多斯高原和浑善达克沙地等沙尘暴高发区。比较近50年来中国沙尘暴日数的年代际变化,总体趋势在减少,20世纪90年代是近5个年代中最少的。但20世纪末至21世纪初,中国沙尘暴日数有明显的回升趋势。进一步研究表明,中国沙尘暴与春季青藏高原地面感热关系密切,当春季青藏高原地面感热呈EOF1模态时,当年中国北方沙尘暴日数明显较常年偏多。  相似文献   
气象干旱时空表达方式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段旭  陶云  郑建萌  樊风 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1332-1339
为了对气象干旱时空表达方式进行探讨,提出了气象干旱时间面积函数的概念及其表达式MD(Meteorological Drought),并利用1952年1月1日-2010年5月31日云南省全部站点逐日降水、气温观测数据计算得到的干旱CI指数,计算和分析了MD的时间分布。结果表明:(1)MD可客观、准确地表达近60年来云南发生干旱的过程和强度,解决了以往确定气象干旱事件时对持续时间和面积大小界定的主观性和不确定性,MD不仅可以完整地描述和比较有气象记录以来历史上的干旱事件,还可以连续滚动描述每个干旱过程的演变;(2)MD计算结果表明,1952-2010年云南干旱较严重的年份是:1959,1963,1966,1969,1974,1979,1984和2010年,其中,2010年为近60年来最旱的一年,干旱发生的时间比其他干旱较严重年份平均提前了90天左右,形成秋、冬、春和初夏连旱的罕见气候事件。  相似文献   
利用1967~2016年黄河上游河曲地区的5个气象站观测气象站的逐日地面降水和气温资料,利用气候变化趋势分析、距平、Mann-kendall 时间序列突变及趋势检验方法分析了该地区气温变化特征、不同类型各等级降水量及降水日数的气候特征。结果表明:(1)近50年黄河上游河曲地区年均气温以0.459℃/10a趋势显著上升,上升速度低于全国其它地区,且在2002年气温发生突变后升温加剧;(2)年降水量和降水日数呈减少趋势,主要是由夏季小雨量和小雨日数的减少引起;(3)在2002年气温突增后,强降水对总降水量贡献率增加,且年降水量和降水日数波动幅度也明显增大,这可能预示该地区洪涝灾害的风险在增加。降水日数的贡献率增加,增加明显的是中雨日数和小雨日数,分别增加了1.1%和1.7%。  相似文献   
桂林市近10年霾的变化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对桂林市近10a霾的观测资料分析,得出了霾的天数有逐年增多的趋势;一年中霾的天数变化秋季>冬季>春季、夏季;霾出现天数最多的月份是10月,最少月份是4月.霾出现的天数与降水日数、降水量成反比.  相似文献   
The arc-front volcanoes of Sumisu (31·5°N, 140°E)and Torishima (30·5°N, 140·3°E) in thecentral Izu–Bonin arc are similar in size and rise asrelatively isolated edifices from the seafloor. Together theyprovide valuable along-arc information about magma generationprocesses. The volcanoes have erupted low-K basalts originatingfrom both wet and dry parental basaltic magmas (low-Zr basaltsand high-Zr basalts, respectively). Based on models involvingfluid-immobile incompatible element ratios (La/Sm), the parentalbasalts appear to result from different degrees of partial meltingof the same source mantle (20% and 10% for wet and dry basaltmagmas, respectively). Assuming that the wet basalts containgreater abundances of slab-derived components than their drycounterparts, geochemical comparison of these two basalt typespermits the identification of the specific elements involvedin fluid transport from the subducting slab. Using an extensiveset of new geochemical data from Torishima, where the top ofthe downgoing slab is about 100 km deep, we find that Cs, Pb,and Sr are variably enriched in the low-Zr basalts, which cannotbe accounted for by fractional crystallization or by differencesin the degree of mantle melting. These elements are interpretedto be selectively concentrated in slab-derived metasomatic fluids.Variations in K, high field strength element and rare earthelement concentrations are readily explained by variations inthe degree of melting between the low- and high-Zr basalts;these elements are not contained in the slab-derived fluids.Rb and Ba exhibit variable behaviour in the low-Zr basalts,ranging from immobile, similar to K, to mildly enriched in somelow-Zr basalts. We suggest that the K-rich mica, phengite, playsan important role in determining the composition of fluids releasedfrom the downgoing slab. In arc-front settings, where slab depthis 100 km, phengite is stable, and the fluids released fromthe slab contain little K. In back-arc settings, however, wherethe slab is at 100–140 km depth, phengite is unstable,and K-rich fluids are released. We conclude that cross-arc variationsin the K content of arc basalts are probably related to differingcompositions of released fluids or melts rather than the widelyheld view that such variations are controlled by the degreeof partial melting. KEY WORDS: arc volcano; degrees of melting; mantle wedge; water; wet and dry basalts  相似文献   
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