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长江倒灌鄱阳湖原因及发生条件的量化指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
江湖倒灌对鄱阳湖流域水动力变化和流域水环境保护等方面有重要影响,正确认识江湖倒灌原因和倒灌发生条件对明晰江湖倒灌作用机理、研究倒灌强度和倒灌影响范围等方面具有重要意义。在剖析江湖倒灌原因的基础上,从非恒定流洪水波传播的角度出发,结合鄱阳湖为"河相"、"湖相"时江湖倒灌的特点,提出了长江作用强度指标和鄱阳湖作用强度指标,在此基础上引入江湖作用综合强度函数,依据实测资料,分析研究了江湖作用综合强度函数的关系表达式、江湖倒灌发生条件及量化指标。经验证,所提出的江水倒灌量化指标可区分江湖顶托和江湖倒灌现象,可实现对鄱阳湖为"河相"、"湖相"时的江湖倒灌预测,且提高了预测江湖倒灌起止时间、总历时和年内发生次数的准确率,成果可用于江湖关系研究和鄱阳湖流域水资源综合利用工程实践中。  相似文献   
牛牛坝水电站是美姑河流域“一库五级开发方案”的龙头电站。牛牛坝库区为泥石流多发段。泥石流具有规模较大、分布范围广、发育密度大(1.33条/km)、发生频率高、致灾作用强烈的特点。泥石流灾害是库区重大地质灾害之一。通过系统分析工程区陡峻的地貌条件、发育的区域构造、软硬相间的岩层、广泛分布的堆积体、降雨集中的气候条件及不合理的人类活动等因素对泥石流的影响,揭示了美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流的成因。  相似文献   
NIU  YAOLING 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(12):2423-2458
This paper presents the first comprehensive major and traceelement data for 130 abyssal peridotite samples from the Pacificand Indian ocean ridge–transform systems. The data revealimportant features about the petrogenesis of these rocks, mantlemelting and melt extraction processes beneath ocean ridges,and elemental behaviours. Although abyssal peridotites are serpentinized,and have also experienced seafloor weathering, magmatic signaturesremain well preserved in the bulk-rock compositions. The betterinverse correlation of MgO with progressively heavier rare earthelements (REE) reflects varying amounts of melt depletion. Thismelt depletion may result from recent sub-ridge mantle melting,but could also be inherited from previous melt extraction eventsfrom the fertile mantle source. Light REE (LREE) in bulk-rocksamples are more enriched, not more depleted, than in the constituentclinopyroxenes (cpx) of the same sample suites. If the cpx LREErecord sub-ridge mantle melting processes, then the bulk-rockLREE must reflect post-melting refertilization. The significantcorrelations of LREE (e.g. La, Ce, Pr, Nd) with immobile highfield strength elements (HFSE, e.g. Nb and Zr) suggest thatenrichments of both LREE and HFSE resulted from a common magmaticprocess. The refertilization takes place in the ‘cold’thermal boundary layer (TBL) beneath ridges through which theascending melts migrate and interact with the advanced residues.The refertilization apparently did not affect the cpx relicsanalyzed for trace elements. This observation suggests grain-boundaryporous melt migration in the TBL. The ascending melts may notbe thermally ‘reactive’, and thus may have affectedonly cpx rims, which, together with precipitated olivine, entrappedmelt, and the rest of the rock, were subsequently serpentinized.Very large variations in bulk-rock Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios areobserved, which are unexpected. The correlation between thetwo ratios is consistent with observations on basalts that DZr/DHf< 1 and DNb/DTa < 1. Given the identical charges (5+ forNb and Ta; 4+ for Zr and Hf) and essentially the same ionicradii (RNb/RTa = 1·000 and RZr/RHf = 1·006–1·026),yet a factor of 2 mass differences (MZr/MHf = 0·511 andMNb/MTa = 0·513), it is hypothesized that mass-dependentD values, or diffusion or mass-transfer rates may be importantin causing elemental fractionations during porous melt migrationin the TBL. It is also possible that some ‘exotic’phases with highly fractionated Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios may existin these rocks, thus having ‘nugget’ effects onthe bulk-rock analyses. All these hypotheses need testing byconstraining the storage and distribution of all the incompatibletrace elements in mantle peridotite. As serpentine containsup to 13 wt % H2O, and is stable up to 7 GPa before it is transformedto dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases that are stable atpressures of 5–50 GPa, it is possible that the serpentinizedperidotites may survive, at least partly, subduction-zone dehydration,and transport large amounts of H2O (also Ba, Rb, Cs, K, U, Sr,Pb, etc. with elevated U/Pb ratios) into the deep mantle. Thelatter may contribute to the HIMU component in the source regionsof some oceanic basalts. KEY WORDS: abyssal peridotites; serpentinization; seafloor weathering; bulk-rock major and trace element compositions; mantle melting; melt extraction; melt–residue interaction; porous flows; Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf fractionations; HIMU mantle sources  相似文献   
上地幔熔体-岩石相互作用与大陆地幔演化   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
根据实验岩石学、幔源岩石的岩石地球化学资料以及微量元素地球化学理论模拟等,评述了上地幔熔体岩石相互作用研究领域的最新进展,指出熔体岩石相互作用不仅深刻地制约了岩石圈地幔的矿物学、地球化学和物理性质的变化以及地幔不均一性的形成及演化,而且也会最终控制各种构造环境下喷出岩浆的地球化学特征,以及深部岩浆的分离机制。  相似文献   
GBHM模型原理及其在中尺度流域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王磊  王忠静  尹航  杨大文  何杉 《冰川冻土》2006,28(2):256-261
分布式水文模型核心之一是对流域的离散方法.基于地形分析和单位线概念,GBHM利用面积函数和宽度函数概化流域地形特性,将流域划分为一系列内部均一的流带和流条,形成均质坡面流单元,使模型可用一维水份运动方程描述降水产流过程.模型在永定河流域的应用表明,其原理和效率均较为满意.  相似文献   
“7.15”宜昌大暴雨的地形影响特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭英莲  吴翠红  王继竹  王平  王珏  吴涛 《气象》2012,38(1):81-89
湖北地形复杂,受地形影响产生的局地强降水造成的灾害很多。2010年7月15日宜昌地区的强降水是在满足大尺度降水条件下受地形作用加强的局地暴雨。本文利用实况高空、地面、加密自动站、雷达以及LAPS再分析资料对背景场、低层流场、雷达回波等几个方面进行了分析。得出:冷空气南下和副热带高压的加强促进低层风场的调整,在大尺度降水条件下,地形对低层风场的辐合作用触发了局地强降水的发生。此次过程中地形对降水的触发主要有两方面的作用:一方面为地形迎风坡抬升触发作用,另一方面为地形对近地层流场的影响造成的辐合触发。  相似文献   
雷瑾  史小丽  张民  李胜男  陈开宁  杨州 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1559-1569
超微真核藻个体微小、比表面积大,具有高效的碳吸收速率,对水体初级生产力具有重要的贡献.目前对淡水超微真核藻的认知还非常有限.于2017年5月对白洋淀进行采样调查,结合流式细胞术和高通量测序技术探究了白洋淀超微真核藻群落结构的空间分布特征及关键环境影响因子.结果表明,白洋淀超微真核藻的平均丰度为7.59×104cells/ml,且随着营养水平的升高呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势.回归分析表明,超微真核藻丰度在中营养水平水域主要受溶解性总磷和TN/TP影响,在富营养水域主要与盐度有关.测序比对结果表明在纲水平上白洋淀超微真核藻主要以绿藻纲Chlorophyceae、硅藻纲Bacillariophyceae、中心硅藻纲Coscinodiscophyceae、金藻纲Chrysophyceae为主,不同区域差异不大.但在操作分类单元(Operation Taxonomy Units,OTU)水平上,超微真核藻群落结构在白洋淀不同营养状态湖区存在显著差异,中营养水域主要类群为栅列藻科Scenedesmaceae,近囊胞藻属Paraphysomona sp.,定鞭藻纲Haptophyceae和甲藻纲Dinophyceae为主,而富营养水域主要类群为红球藻科Haematococcaceae,金藻纲的Chromulinale sp.和Chrysophycea sp..Bioenv分析表明,对超微真核藻群落组成影响最大的环境因子是溶解性总氮、溶解性总磷、TN/TP、硝态氮、溶解氧.本研究表明超微真核藻的群落结构存在较明显的环境异质性,对白洋淀水体富营养化状态有很好的指示.  相似文献   
Modelling increased soil cohesion due to roots with EUROSEM   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As organic root exudates cause soil particles to adhere firmly to root surfaces, roots significantly increase soil strength and therefore also increase the resistance of the topsoil to erosion by concentrated flow. This paper aims at contributing to a better prediction of the root effects on soil erosion rates in the EUROSEM model, as the input values accounting for roots, presented in the user manual, do not account for differences in root density or root architecture. Recent research indicates that small changes in root density or differences in root architecture considerably influence soil erosion rates during concentrated flow. The approach for incorporating the root effects into this model is based on a comparison of measured soil detachment rates for bare and for root‐permeated topsoil samples with predicted erosion rates under the same flow conditions using the erosion equation of EUROSEM. Through backwards calculation, transport capacity efficiencies and corresponding soil cohesion values can be assessed for bare and root‐permeated topsoils respectively. The results are promising and present soil cohesion values that are in accordance with reported values in the literature for the same soil type (silt loam). The results show that grass roots provide a larger increase in soil cohesion as compared with tap‐rooted species and that the increase in soil cohesion is not significantly different under wet and dry soil conditions, either for fibrous root systems or for tap root systems. Power and exponential relationships are established between measured root density values and the corresponding calculated soil cohesion values, reflecting the effects of roots on the resistance of the topsoil to concentrated flow incision. These relationships enable one to incorporate the root effect into the soil erosion model EUROSEM, through adapting the soil cohesion input value. A scenario analysis shows that the contribution of roots to soil cohesion is very important for preventing soil loss and reducing runoff volume. The increase in soil shear strength due to the binding effect of roots on soil particles is two orders of magnitude lower as compared with soil reinforcement achieved when roots mobilize their tensile strength during soil shearing and root breakage. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The shelf-break acts as a separator between the coastal ocean and the open ocean. Circulation (particularly deep near-bottom flow) is restricted from crossing the bathymetry. Eddies become elongated in the region of the shelf-break restricting exchange. An estimate of the horizontal eddy diffusivity over the shelf-break of less than 10m2s-1 is found from a numerical model. Various mechanisms are responsible for the weak cross-isobath flow that does occur. One is the increase of the Rossby number over small-scale topography such as submarine canyons. Along-shore flow (in the direction opposite to Kelvin wave propagation) generates upwelling through submarine canyons. A review of upwelling through submarine canyons is given. The deep cross-shelf flow generated by the canyons is shown to be as significant as the wind-driven upwelling in some regions. Examples for the reduction of flow across the shelf-break and for upwelling through canyons are taken from the West Coast of Vancouver Island.  相似文献   
Quantifying preferential flow in soils: A review of different techniques   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Preferential flow (PF) in soil has both environmental and human health implications since it favours contaminant transport to groundwater without interaction with the chemically and biologically reactive upper layer of soil. PF is, however, difficult to measure and quantify. This paper reviews laboratory and field techniques, such as breakthrough curves, dye tracing, and scanning techniques, for evaluating PF in soil at different scales. Advanced technologies, such as scanning techniques, have increased our capability to quantify transport processes within the soil with minimal soil disturbance. Important issues with respect to quantifying PF concern large-scale studies, frozen soil conditions, tracing techniques for particles and gases, a lack of simple mathematical tools for interpreting field data, and the lack of a systematic approach for comparing PF data resulting from different measurement techniques. Also, more research is required to quantify the relative importance of the various PF processes that occur in soil rather than the integrated result of all PF processes in soils.  相似文献   
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