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雷电临近预警产品评估方法及其软件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马颖  孟青  吕伟涛  姚雯  张文娟 《气象》2009,35(11):101-106
为了适应雷电业务发展的需求,对已经投入业务运行试验的雷电临近预警系统的预警效果做出客观评估,中国气象科学研究院雷电物理和防护工程实验室开展了雷电临近预警产品评估方法的研究,并开发了配套的应用软件.评估方法通过雷电预警结果和实际监测结果的对比,得到命中率POD、虚警率FAR和TS评分三项指标,实现对雷电预警产品的评估.评估软件的实际运行表明:该方法不仅能够检验CAMS_LNWS预报雷电活动的能力,还能对预警方法的改进起到一定的指导作用,能够满足雷电业务产品评估的需要.  相似文献   
阿利曼  王君  冯锦明  李秀连 《大气科学》2016,40(5):1073-1088
本文利用1979~2014年NCEP-DOE日平均再分析资料和中国区域2375份航空器空中颠簸报告资料,研究中国东部区域高空颠簸的时空分布特征及其与热带中东太平洋海温异常(简称“海温异常”;空间范围:5°S~5°N,120°~170°W)的关系以及产生这种关系的可能原因。结果表明:中国东部地区高空颠簸与东亚副热带西风急流之间存在显著时空相关关系,其原因是高空纬向风引起的垂直风切变是构成高空颠簸时空分布的主导因素。中国东部夏季高空颠簸与海温异常存在正相关关系;冬季呈现南北两个正负相关区:以30°N为界,北部区域存在显著的负相关,南部区存在显著的正相关,在30°N急流轴附近区域无显著相关关系。海温异常影响中国高空颠簸时空分布的可能原因是海温变化引起对流层高层温度出现异常,进而影响温度的经向梯度,导致东亚副热带西风急流强度和位置出现异常(夏季,急流轴南侧出现西风异常;冬季,急流轴北侧出现东风异常,南侧出现西风异常)。高空纬向风的变化导致纬向风的垂直梯度和经向梯度出现异常,最终影响高空颠簸的时空分布特征。对流层高层温度的异常变化可能是由与热带海温异常相关的平流层水汽变化所引起。  相似文献   
谢小敏  王明洁  胡娟 《广东气象》2010,32(3):9-11,16
对1978~2008年深圳市前汛期西风带大暴雨期间的500、850 hPa和地面环流形势进行统计分析,发现深圳市前汛期大暴雨过程多由西风带系统引起,占总数的77%。4~6月均可出现大暴雨,6月份最多,4月份次多,5月份最少。深圳前汛期西风带系统大暴雨过程按天气形势特征分为锋面低槽和暖区两类,其中锋面低槽类又分东北低涡(低槽)型和西南低涡型。  相似文献   
雷州半岛雾的气候特征及生消机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用分别位于雷州半岛北部、中部和南部的湛江站59a、雷州站46a和徐闻站42a的气象资料,分析了雷州半岛雾发生的规律及生消机理。结果表明:三站年雾日数变化趋势基本一致,呈"W"状,局部峰值明显升高。三站的年平均雾日数分别为24.7d、30.4d和21.0d。雷州半岛雾日主要出现在每年的1—4月及12月,3月雾日数最多,7月雾日数最少。近10a湛江站夜间雾发生频率为90%;短雾多,持续时间在4h以内的占75%。雾形成的天气形势可分为高压入海型、低压前型、冷锋前型、静止锋前型、鞍形场或均压场型5类,主要是平流雾、锋面雾和辐射雾。3种雾消散的天气形势是新冷空气补充南下、雾滴出现碰并沉降形成小雨或日出后雾滴蒸发。统计雷州半岛三站2000—2009年雾次频数得出,成雾概率最大的气象条件是气温为15~25℃、T-Td≤1.0℃、Δp3在-3.5~-2hPa和1.5~2.5hPa之间、风向为NNE-ESE及风速小于5m/s。L波段雷达探空大雾个例分析表明:雾顶高度在1.5km左右,雾中温度随高度增加而减小;雾中相对湿度大于92%,1.5km之上急剧减小,3km以上保持不变;T-Td为1.2~6.4℃;近地面风速为2~6m/s,风向随高度顺时针旋转,雾中有暖平流。  相似文献   
A model for the urban canyon is formulated for meteorologicalconditions of weak winds at night time. Thermal radiation, conductivity and convection are simulated by means of the Monte Carlo method. These are the main physical processesof energy transfer that give rise to the characteristic temperaturedistribution in these systems. The model has been satisfactory tested under ideal conditions for which analytical solutions exist.The predictions of the model under morerealistic conditions accurately reproduce the observationalresults. A strong temperature gradient across streets, with the canyon corners up to 4 °C warmer than the canyon centre, is found for the deepest canyons. This theoretical predictionhas been successfully verified with measurementstaken in a number of streets of the city of Granada in Spain.  相似文献   
The tropical storm day(TSD)is a combined measure of genesis and lifespan.It reflects tropical cyclone(TC)overall activity,yet its variability has rarely been studied,especially globally.Here we show that the global total TSDs exhibit pronounced interannual(3-6 years)and decadal(10 years)variations over the past five-to-six decades without a significant trend.The leading modes of the interannual and decadal variability of global TSD feature similar patterns in the western Pacific and Atlantic,but different patterns in the Eastern Pacific and the Southern Indian Ocean.The interannual and decadal leading modes are primarily linked to El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO)and Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO),respectively.The TSDs-ENSO relationship has been steady during the entire 55-year period,but the TSDs-PDO relationship has experienced a breakdown in the 1980 s.We find that the decadal variation of TSD in the Pacific is associated with the PDO sea surface temperature(SST)anomalies in the tropical eastern Pacific(PDO-E),while that in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean is associated with the PDO SST anomalies in the western Pacific(PDO-W).However,the PDO-E and PDO-W SST anomalies are poorly coupled in the 1980 s,and this"destructive PDO"pattern results in a breakdown of the TSDs-PDO relationship.The results here have an important implication for seasonal to decadal predictions of global TSD.  相似文献   
Interdecadal variation of the relationships between ENSO and the summer interannual climate variability in China is investigated by using techniques of sliding correlation analysis with the tropical Pacific SSTA and the observed surface air temperature and precipitation from stations in China. The results indicate that there are stable and robust relations that the Northern China is relatively dry during the developing phase of ENSO while the Yangtze River valley is relatively wet during the decaying phase of ENSO. On the other hand, interdecadal variations of the relations are also found in other regions. Over the time both prior to the Pacific decadal climate shift (before the late 1970s) and after it (after the late 1970s), during the developing phases of ENSO the summer precipitation anomaly in South China changed from below to above normal, whereas that in Northeast China changed from above to below normal; the summer surface air temperature anomaly in North and Northeast China changed from cooling to warming, whereas that in South China changed to cooling; during the decaying phases of ENSO the North China changed from wetter to dryer while the Huai River valley changed from dryer to normal; North China, Yangtze River valley and South China tend to be warmer. Based on the composite analysis of the NCAR/NCEP reanalyze datasets, significant differences existing in ENSO-related atmospheric circulation anomaly in East Asia during pre- and post-shift periods may be responsible for the interdecadal variation of relationships between ENSO and surface air temperature and precipitation in China.  相似文献   
2011年4月17日广东强对流天气过程分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张涛  方翀  朱文剑  章国材  周庆亮 《气象》2012,38(7):814-818
利用地面和高空观测、卫星、雷达和闪电及自动站资料对2011年4月1 7日出现在广东省的强对流天气的背景和演变进行了分析和总结,本次强对流过程出现了短时强降水、雷雨大风和冰雹等强对流天气,具有风力强、中尺度强风暴系统明显、局地性强和灾情严重等特点。分析表明,地面锋面抬升是本次强对流天气发生的主要触发机制,珠三角地区的地形平坦、广东中层的干急流以及较大的垂直风切变可能是强风暴系统发展和维持的主要因素。最后,本文也分析了当时的主观预报思路并提出了一些思考和总结。  相似文献   
The interannual and intermonthly climatic features of the water vapor content(hereafterWVC)and its mean transfer in the atmosphere over Northwest China(hereafter NWC)arecalculated and analyzed by using the NCEP/NCAR global reanalysis grid data(2.5°×2.5°Lat/Lon)for 40 years(1958—1997).The results show that the WVC in the total air column over NWC infour seasons of the year is mainly concentrated on eastern and western NWC respectively.On theaverage,the WVC over eastern NWC decreases obviously during recent forty years except forwinter.while it decreases over western NWC in the whole year.But the WVC over NWC has beenincreasing since late 1980s in summer.The water vapor comes from the southwestern warm andwet air current along the Yarlung Zangbo River Valley and the Bay of Bengal.and from mid-western Tibetan Plateau and also from the Qinling Mountains at southern Shaanxi Province.Theyearly water vapor divergence appears over the middle of NWC to northern Xinjiang andsoutheastern Shaanxi Province.The yearly water vapor convergence appears over the Tarim Basinand the Tibetan Plateau as well as western Sichuan and southern Gansu.  相似文献   
张海宏  姜海梅  周秉荣  祁栋林 《气象》2019,45(11):1550-1559
利用玉树隆宝湿地的观测资料,分析了未冻结、冻结和冻结有积雪覆盖三种情况下动量通量和感热通量的日变化情况,计算了三种情况下动量总体输送系数、感热总体输送系数、动力学粗糙度和热力学粗糙度,分析了附加阻尼和粗糙度雷诺数的关系,并将三种附加阻尼的参数化方案进行了比较,结果表明:冻结状态下动量通量和感热通量的日变化幅度最大,冻结有积雪覆盖时,动量通量和感热通量的日变化幅度最小。动量总体输送系数C_D和感热总体输送系数C_H的值在冻结时最大,冻结有积雪覆盖时最小,动力学粗糙度和热力学粗糙度在冻结状况下最小,冻结有积雪覆盖时最大。未冻结、冻结和冻结有积雪覆盖状态下,三种附加阻尼kB~(-1)参数化方案中,幂函数型方案较为合适。  相似文献   
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