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Based on the concepts of isovists and medial axes, we developed a set of algorithms that can automatically generate axial lines for representing individual linearly stretched parts of open space of an urban environment. Open space is the space between buildings where people can freely move around. The generation of the axial lines has been a key aspect of space syntax research, conventionally relying on hand-drawn axial lines of an urban environment, often called axial map, for urban morphological analysis. Although various attempts have been made towards an automatic solution, few of them can produce the axial map that consists of the least number of longest visibility lines, and none of them really works for different urban environments. Our algorithms provide a better solution than existing ones. Throughout this article, we have also argued and demonstrated that the axial lines constitute a true skeleton, superior to medial axes, in capturing what we perceive about the urban environment.  相似文献   
Visual exposure modelling establishes the extent to which a nominated feature may be seen from a specified location. The advent of high-resolution light detection and ranging (LiDAR)-sourced elevation models has enabled visual exposure modelling to be applied in urban regions, for example, to calculate the field of view occupied by a landmark building when observed from a nearby street. Currently, visual exposure models access a single surface elevation model to establish the lines of sight (LoSs) between the observer and the landmark feature. This is a cause for concern in vegetated areas where trees are represented as solid protrusions in the surface model totally blocking the LoSs. Additionally, the observer's elevation, as read from the surface model, would be incorrectly set to the tree top height in those regions. The research presented here overcomes these issues by introducing a new visual exposure model, which accesses a bare earth terrain model, to establish the observer's true elevation even when passing through vegetated regions, a surface model for the city profile and an additional vegetation map. Where there is a difference between terrain and surface elevations, the vegetation map is consulted. In vegetated areas the LoS is permitted to continue its journey, either passing under the canopy with clear views or partially through it depending on foliage density, otherwise the LoS is terminated. This approach enables landmark visual exposure to be modelled more realistically, with consideration given to urban trees. The model's improvements are demonstrated through a number of real-world trials and compared to current visual exposure methods.  相似文献   
高斯曲线优化能见度与气溶胶光学厚度转换模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
余娟  龚威  朱忠敏 《遥感学报》2011,15(5):1008-1023
大气气溶胶是影响对地观测定量精度的最主要不确定性因素。随着定量遥感的发展,对气溶胶光学厚度数据的精度提出了更高要求。在广泛应用的基于辐射传输模型大气校正研究中,需要输入气溶胶光学厚度等关键参数,但与对地观测影像数据同时相的气溶胶光学厚度获取较难,而水平能见度作为表征气溶胶光学特性的间接参数可通过广泛分布的气象台站获得,可将能见度转换得到的气溶胶光学厚度数据作为同时相数据输入传输模型进行大气校正计算。本文以实测的能见度和气溶胶光学厚度数据为基础,通过拟合气溶胶标高其随时间的变化对Peterson模型进行了修正。对修正后的模型进行精度验证得到RMSE为0.254,结果表明优化的模型对精度有较大提升。  相似文献   
研究发现,目前被我国一些学者采用的沙尘暴强度划分标准和气象观测规范中关于水平能见度观测记录的规定有明显差异,这个问题导致沙尘暴强度划分标准与50 a气象能见度观测资料不匹配,从而引起资料统计上的混乱和强沙尘暴、特强沙尘暴分析上很容易出现的错误。为此,就这个问题进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   
针对气象行业前向散射式能见度仪检测标准缺失现状,开展了前向散射式能见度仪室内测试方法研究.文中介绍了前向散射式能见度仪的工作原理,阐述了测量标准设备的组成和技术要求,详细论述了前向散射式能见度仪的测试项目和测试方法,展示了多台前向散射式能见度仪室内实测结果.研究表明:利用试验舱模拟能见度进行测量范围和示值误差测试具有可...  相似文献   
The accurate understanding of atmospheric aerosol extinction coefficients is very important for at- mospheric science research. To achieve a fast and simple method for determining the parameters, the selection of optimal forward-scattering angles of atmospheric aerosols is required. In this paper, the authors introduce the detec- tion basis of forward-scattering of atmospheric aerosols, and the authors verify the sensitivity of the phase function to the real part of the complex refractive index. The au- thors use the Jaenicke urban aerosol model to determine that forward-scattering angles near 33° are suitable. However, the optimal forward-scattering angles in North China are between 37° and 40°. Numerical simulation shows that certain types of particle size distribution of newly generated particles and pollution have limited in- fluences on the selection of forward-scattering angles. But the ranges of these insensitive angles shift - 10 degrees for dust intrusion, and the relative deviations of the phase function are less than 5.0% within extra angles of 0° to 3°. This study can serve as a reference for the selection of optimal forward-scattering angles for visibility meters and Present Weather Identifiers (PWIs) in addition to the de- tection of forward-scattering optical properties.  相似文献   
利用DMTFM120雾滴谱仪(2-50μm)、VAISALAPWD22能见度仪和六要素自动气象站对2016年11月3日河北省中南部平原地区的一次浓雾天气进行了观测分析。这次浓雾过程主要由于夜间辐射降温形成,晴夜风速较弱,低空存在较强逆温,属于典型的辐射雾。观测表明,由于夜间长波辐射冷却作用的增强,温度迅速下降,雾滴浓度突增,导致能见度突降,出现了浓雾的爆发。这次浓雾过程的能见度最低为71m,相对湿度93%-99%;雾滴的平均浓度为89cm^-3,最小2cm^-3,最大403cm^-3;平均直径为3.9μm,最大直径13.5μm;平均含水量为0.0033gm^-3,最小含水量0.00002g·m^-3,最大含水量0.038g·m^-3。总体而言,这次过程雾滴浓度不高、含水量较低,各阶段的雾滴谱分布都偏向小滴一端,谱宽较窄,缺乏大滴,不利于向强浓雾发展。  相似文献   
为探寻呼伦贝尔市大气能见度、低能见度特征及其影响因子,揭示"冰晶雾"天气成因,利用呼伦贝尔市大气能见度资料及地面气象要素资料对4个代表站的能见度进行统计分析,并对一次典型低能见度事件进行分析,结果表明:(1)整个地区大气能见度的气候特征在空间分布及时间演变上均存在较大的不一致性,牧区能见度优于农区;(2)大气能见度与相对湿度和气压呈负相关,与气温和风速以正相关为主;(3)大气低能见度出现的集中时段是冬季,伴随最多的天气现象为结冰、积雪和霜;(4)2 m温度低于零下36℃,对于浓雾的产生具有指示意义。  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地大气气溶胶散射特征研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
利用沙漠腹地塔中气象站积分浊度计的2004年观测资料,结合同期PM10质量浓度、能见度和常规气象资料,分析了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地气溶胶散射系数的变化特征,以及气溶胶散射系数与PM10质量浓度、能见度的关系。研究表明,2004年塔中气溶胶散射系数、PM10质量浓度、能见度日平均值分别为124.74±187.30 Mm-1,538.9±841.7 μg·m-3,12 748±7 274 m。塔中气溶胶散射系数小时平均值出现频率最高的区间主要在100 Mm-1以下,中午气溶胶散射系数小,早晚气溶胶散射系数大;冬春两季的凌晨空气中含有较多的粒子,气溶胶散射系数较大;气溶胶散射系数小时平均值与PM10质量浓度变化规律基本一致,2004年1—6月的气溶胶质量散射系数平均值为0.37 m2·g-1;散射系数与能见度日平均值非线性相关较好,两者呈负幂函数关系。  相似文献   
利用1980—2010年中国气象局576个气象站的能见度和日平均风速资料,分别分析了中国区域低能见度下风速的空间分布、能见度与风速之间的相关关系、风速变化对能见度变化的影响,讨论了城市化效应和近海地理位置对其影响程度。结果表明:在低能见度(小于10 km)状况下,从内蒙古到新疆东部的沙漠及干旱地区对应的是高风速,在广大东部、南部地区,特别是四川盆地地区对应的是低风速(2 m·s-1以下);类似地理学的胡焕庸线,中国大陆存在一条东北—西南走向的界线,以此界线划分,能见度与风速关系呈现“东正西负”型分布。界线以西地区包括中国沙漠及相邻干旱及半干旱地区,一年四季中能见度和风速均呈负相关关系,尤其春季最为明显,这表明这些地区能见度的恶化主要取决于大风驱动的沙尘气溶胶排放及传输。在界线以东地区,能见度和风速呈正相关,并且其正相关以秋冬季最强;夏季,盛行的西南季风使能见度与风速关系的“东正西负”分界线北移且其正负相关均为最弱,说明夏季影响能见度的因素相对其他季节更为复杂;东部地区能见度的变化对风速变化响应较小;在四川盆地、贵州至广西和巴丹吉林沙漠地区能见度对风速响应更为敏感,在这些地区风速在对能见度影响中起到重要作用;大城市的能见度对风速响应的敏感程度略微高于中小城市及乡村,说明城市化影响存在但效果有限;近海岸地区因受海陆风影响,响应的敏感度较内陆小且季节变化不明显。  相似文献   
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