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研究取自于东太平洋CC48柱状样的钙质超微化石和底栖有孔虫的氧同位素成分变化的结果表明,该区下中新统至少可分出九个氧同位素地层(期),反映该区在早中新世期间至少经历了4次气温上升和5次下降的古气候变化。南极大陆冰川应是形成于早中新世而不是前人认为的中中新世。在早中新世,南极冰体体积有较大的变化。受古气候变化的影响,在早中新世期间东太平洋水柱热结构或温度梯度有比较大的变化,海平面出现多次上升与下降。  相似文献   
根据2002年9月至2005年12月在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川积累区采集的表层雪样品,揭示了该区表层雪中δ<'18>O值的季节变化特征,讨论了水汽输送对降水中δ<'18>O值变化的影响.研究表明,天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川表层雪中δ<'18>O值季节变化显著,变幅可达12.59‰左右,其变化趋势和气温的变化趋势基本一致,...  相似文献   
青藏高原北缘哈拉湖近800年来 湖泊沉积及其环境意义*   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
文章以青藏高原北缘高山祁连山湖泊——哈拉湖作为研究对象,利用放射性核素210 Pb和137 Cs测年资料,通过对此高海拔湖泊沉积碳酸盐氧碳同位素、碳酸盐含量、总有机碳含量、磁化率等环境代用指标的分析,揭示了这一地区近800年来的气候环境变化过程。分析表明哈拉湖记录的气候环境变化经历了3个阶段:1206~1700A.D.环境较为寒冷、湿润,并有持续变湿的趋势;1700~1920A.D.环境由冷湿的状况趋向温暖干旱,1771年之后,环境保持相对稳定;1920~2002A.D.是自1206年以来最为温暖干旱的阶段。  相似文献   
王凯凯  刘传朋  邓俊  梁成  刘同 《地球学报》2021,42(6):771-784
基性-超基性岩脉群通常形成于伸展构造背景,是示踪地幔源特征以及大陆和超大陆破裂的重要标志.鲁西地区角闪石岩为研究古元古代岩浆源和构造演化提供了一个窗口.本文对鲁西地区角闪石岩进行了岩相学、全岩地球化学及角闪石、黑云母电子探针原位分析.角闪石岩具板内构造环境,来自富集地幔.通过角闪石、黑云母成因分析,均具有幔源成因,角闪石结晶温度为702~781℃;结晶压力为29.8~228.8 MPa,结晶深度1~7.5 km,结晶时氧逸度变化范围在NNO+2.68到NNO+3.35之间.结合本次获得角闪石岩磷灰石U-Pb年龄为(1817±35)Ma,认为鲁西地区(1817±35)Ma处于板内拉伸环境,存在幔源岩浆上侵,已进入大陆裂解阶段.  相似文献   
As hypoxic conditions spread in our oceans, indices that quickly and efficiently assess oxygen content in sediment pore water, and habitat quality are increasingly becoming desirable. Depth to the appa...  相似文献   
海洋生态系统中的氮素生物地球化学循环主要是由微生物的代谢过程来驱动的,包括氮固定、氮同化、硝化以及反硝化和厌氧氨氧化过程,这些过程都伴随着不同程度的氮氧同位素的分馏,直接影响着海洋硝酸盐中的氮氧稳定同位素组成.因此,通过检测海洋硝酸盐中的氮氧稳定同位素信号,就可以捕捉到海洋中发生的具体氮素循环过程.细菌反硝化法是这一研究最有力的手段,通过细菌的作用把硝酸盐中记录的氮氧稳定同位素信号转化到N2O中,再通过痕量N2O的同位素质谱测定和分析,准确地反映海洋中发生的氮素转化过程.硝酸盐氮氧稳定同位素分馏过程为深入理解海洋氮循环提供了一个重要的工具,有力推动了海洋氮素生物地球化学的研究,在近10年来取得了重要进展.  相似文献   
Having recognized that it is the tropospheric temperature (TT) gradient rather than the land–ocean surface temperature gradient that drives the Indian monsoon, a new mechanism of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) monsoon teleconnection has been unveiled in which the ENSO influences the Indian monsoon by modifying the TT gradient over the region. Here we show that equatorial Pacific coralline oxygen isotopes reflect TT gradient variability over the Indian monsoon region and are strongly correlated to monsoon precipitation as well as to the length of the rainy season. Using these relationships we have been able to reconstruct past Indian monsoon rainfall variability of the first half of the 20th century in agreement with the instrumental record. Additionally, an older coral oxygen isotope record has been used to reconstruct seasonally resolved summer monsoon rainfall variability of the latter half of the 17th century, indicating that the average annual rainfall during this period was similar to that during the 20th century. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study addresses the influence of landslide dams on surface water drainage and groundwater flow. In the study area of Scanno Lake and Sagittario River (Central Italy), a limestone rockslide‐avalanche formed a lake, which has an outlet that is occasionally active, showing infiltration into the rockslide dam. Several springs are present at the lake's base and are partly fed by seepage through the rockslide debris. Piezometric surveys, discharge measurements, pumping tests and chemical analyses are tools used to build a conceptual model of the groundwater flow and to evaluate the flow through the rockslide debris. Seasonal water isotopic signatures validate the assumed model, showing a mixing of infiltration recharge and groundwater seepage throughout the rockslide debris. Various recharge areas have been found for springs, pointing out those directly fed by the rockslide debris aquifer. Hypotheses about seasonal groundwater mixing between the regional carbonate aquifer and the rockslide debris aquifer are supported by isotope results. Seasonal changes in groundwater table level due to recharge and surface losses from seasonal outlet have been correlated with isotopic groundwater composition from the rockslide debris aquifer and the downstream springs; this relationship highlights the role of the rockslide dam body on the hydrodynamics of the studied area. Relationships between surface waters and groundwater in the area have been completely understood on the basis of water isotopic fingerprinting, finally obtaining a complete evaluation of groundwater renewable resources and its regimen. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A riparian ecosystem downstream of a small dam in central Texas was instrumented for sap flow, soil moisture content, and stream level from 2001. Stable isotopes in water (D and 18O) were analysed from rainfall, stream, lake, and cored sapwood cellulose from cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia). The isotope signature of water source to cedar elm was identified by back calculation starting with the water isotopes in cellulose, and accounting for leaf‐water evaporation and biological fractionation during cellulose synthesis. The estimated mean isotope of the source water to cedar elm was enriched above rainfall in similarity to stream water during 2002. Flow paths that may have contributed to estimated variability from regional base flow and recharge water were identified using the variably saturated HYDRUS‐2D model. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recent models of chemical weathering in alpine glacial meltwaters suggest that sulphide oxidation is a major source of solute in the distributed component of the subglacial hydrological system. This reaction requires O2, and may lower dissolved oxygen levels to below saturation with respect to the atmosphere. This should result in an inverse association between SO72- and dissolved oxygen saturation. However, measurements of O2 saturation in bulk meltwaters draining the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, show that there is a positive association between SO42- and O2 saturation. The O2 content of glacial meltwaters depends on the initial content of snow and icemelt, which may be controlled by the rate of melting, and the kinetic balance between O2 losses (e.g. sulphide oxidation, microbial respiration) and gains (e.g. diffusion of O2 into solution).  相似文献   
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