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Geo-folksonomies link social web users to geographic places through the tags users choose to label the places with. These tags can be a valuable source of information about the user’s perception of place and can reflect their experiences and activities in the places they label. By analysing the associations between users, places and tags, an understanding of a place and its relationships with other places can be drawn. This place characterisation is unique, dynamic and reflects the perception of a particular user community that generated the geo-folksonomy. In this work, an approach is proposed to analysing geo-folksonomies that builds on and extends existing statistical methods by considering specific concepts of relevance to geographic place resources, namely, place types and place-related activities, and by building a place ontology to encode those concepts and relationships. The folksonomy analysis and evaluation are demonstrated using a realistic geo-folksonomy data set. The resulting ontology is used to build user profiles from the folksonomy. The derived profiles reflect the association between users and the specific places they tag as well as other places with relevant associated place type and activities. The methods proposed here provide the potential for many interesting and useful applications, including the harvesting of useful insight on geographic space and employing the derived user profiles to enhance the search experience and to identify similarities between users based on their association to geographic places.  相似文献   
祁连山北坡中部气候特征及垂直气候带的划分   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
通过对祁连山北坡中部气候特征,森林植被类型和土壤类型的定位预测研究,对祁连山北坡中部森林生态系统的主要气象要素垂直分布特征进行分析,应用气候指标和生物学原理,将祁连山林区按不同海拔高度划分为:1.山地荒漠草原气候带;2.山地草原气候带;3.山地森林草原气候带;4.亚高山灌丛草甸气候带;5.高山亚冰雪稀疏植被气候带;进而提出了合理开发祁连山山地气候资源,以促进当地经济发展。  相似文献   
In this paper, the principle of mirror image is used to transform the problem of wave diffraction from a circular cylinder in front of orthogonal vertical walls into the problem of diffraction of four symmetric incident waves from four symmetrically arranged circular cylinders, and then the eigenfunction expansion of velocity potential and Grafs addition theorem are used to give the analytical solution to the wave diffraction problem. The relation of the total wave force on cylinder to the distance between the cylinder and orthogonal vertical walls and the incidence angle of wave is also studied by numerical computation.  相似文献   
全球垂直基准研究中的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前全球垂直基准问题的研究已受到各有关国家的关注。介绍了建立全球垂直基准的意义、作用和方法,指出了研究中存在的一些问题,并提出了解决这些问题的初步意见。  相似文献   
用VOF方法模拟静止浅水环境中的垂向紊动射流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以k-ε紊流模型为基础,针对浅水环境垂向射流的水面会有明显突起情况,采用VOF(Volume of Fluid)方法追踪自由面,建立了适合浅水环境垂向平面紊动射流的二维数学模型.对不同入射速度、水深、入射口宽度组合进行了大量的数值模拟实验,对整个流场的分布作了分析,发现自由面的分布特点和速度矢量场的分布特点相对应;中轴线附近的自由面隆起具有自相似性,文中给出了拟合表达式;由于水面的阻滞,中轴线上垂向速度的衰减较自由射流快,衰减规律随水深和射流宽度而异.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组震积岩特征研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
震积岩是具有古地震记录的岩层。根据大量岩心观察,鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组广泛发育震积岩沉积标志,如液化砂岩脉、阶梯状小断层、液化卷曲变形、砂球枕构造、泥岩撕裂屑、滑揉构造等。详细分析了各种震积岩特征及其分布,初步建立了鄂尔多斯盆地延长组震积岩垂向沉积序列,包括:A段为下伏未震层;B段为微同沉积断裂层;C段为振动液化卷曲变形层;D段为液化砂岩脉和砂岩墙段;E段为砂球枕及碎块层;F段为液化均一层和G段上覆未震层。震积岩的首次发现为研究盆地周边构造演化强度和期次提供了佐证,同时震积岩也是一种潜在的有利储层。  相似文献   
Multiple resonance scattering of radiation in a spectral line is considered in the case of a Voigt absorption profile. The scattering is assumed to take place in a nonmagnetic semi-infinite atmosphere with uniformly distributed sources of unpolarized radiation. Polarization characteristics have been obtained for the emergent radiation by numerically solving the Ambartsumian-Chandrasekhar matrix integral equation.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the important role that flux profile relations play in momentum flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux simulations in CoLM (Common Land Model) and compares the application of three flux profile relation schemes in CoLM by means of the Loess Plateau Land-Atmosphere Interaction Pilot Experiment (LOPEX) of 2005. It reveals that the results simulated by the model barely changed in the original flux profile schemes of the models a~er eliminating the very stable condition and the very unstable condition, and there were only tiny changes in numerical values. This indicates that the corrected terms added to fm(ξm),fh(ξh) were very tiny and can be ignored under very stable and very unstable circumstances. According to a comparison of the three flux profile relations, the simulation results were basically coherent by using any CoLM: the correlation coefficient of the simulation value and the observed value was 0.89, and this bears on the coherence with the numerical procedures for the flux pro- file relations under unstable circumstances. The simulation results were improved considerably by utilizing the Lobocki flux pro- file schemes, which numerical procedures under unstable circumstances differed significantly fi'om other three flux profile schemes; in this case the correlation coefficient of the value of simulation and the observed value became 0.95. In the next itera- tion of this study, it will be of great importance for the development of the land surface process model to continue experimenting with the application of some novel flux profile schemes in the land surface process models in typical regions.  相似文献   
提出了一种用于垂直形变分析的附有标高刻度的三维立体剖面图的全新模型方法 ,介绍了用这一模型方法建立国家复测水准网三维立体剖面图模型的过程。使用表明 ,这一模型方法与目前常用的三维空间表示方法相比 ,在定量、定位分析水准点的沉降变化时具有直观、快速等优点。  相似文献   
根据跨断层定点水准、基线观测资料和垂直形变的水准高程观测数据分析,黑孜尔断裂 F2定点水准的垂直位移量为 0. 14 mm/a,基线缩短量为 0. 48 mm/a,断层滑动角■≈37°,现今垂直形变速率为 0. 693 mm/a。结合地震活动和区域地质构造研究,认为黑孜尔断裂近期水平活动强度大于垂直运动强度,该区在未来1~3年内仍可能发生6级以上地震。  相似文献   
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