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夏季青藏高原东南部水汽收支气候特征及其影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用1961—2005年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 研究了夏季青藏高原东南部水汽收支的气候特征及其影响效应。结果表明:夏季青藏高原东南部总体上是一个水汽汇区, 平均总收入为39.9×106 kg/s。东亚夏季风的建立、推进对青藏高原东南部的水汽输入有重要影响, 而青藏高原东南部的水汽输出则与夏季我国东部雨带的推进过程密切相关。该区对周边地区的水汽收支有重要影响, 是向我国西北地区东部、长江中下游地区输送水汽的重要通道, 青藏高原东南部的水汽“转运站”效应是长江中下游流域洪涝和北方夏季干旱异常的关键因子之一。青藏高原东南部东、北边界夏季水汽收支均具有准两年周期振荡特征, 并分别与长江中下游、西北地区东部夏季降水的准两年振荡特征具有一定的联系。  相似文献   
利用常规观测观测资料、每隔6小时一次的1°*1°NCEP再分析资料以及相当黑体温度TBB对2011年10月6—7日预报偏差较大的广西区域性暴雨进行分析得出:副热带高压边缘的东南气流和台风“尼格”减弱后的后部偏南气流带来的暖湿空气和地面冷空气在桂中上空交汇,850hPa切变线和500hPa西风槽触发了暴雨的产生;比湿和假相当位温的分布显示了冷暖空气的对峙情况;TBB平均场的变化可以反映强降雨的落区和移动:水汽主要从东边界进人广西,少部分从南边界和北边界进入,来自于西北太平洋、孟加拉湾和东海洋面。  相似文献   
利用2010年8月石家庄地基GPS反演的可降水量、地面加密自动站和常规天气资料,对由副高进退引起的河北省中南部一次强降水天气过程中GPS可降水量和地面假相当位温的演变趋势进行了详细分析.结果表明:1)此次暴雨过程是由副高边缘暖湿气流与切变线共同作用造成的,强降水区主要出现在500 hPa的584~588 dagpm线、700~850 hPa切变线之间;2)降水出现时GPS可降水量基本对应于高值阶段,强降水出现时可降水量位于峰值前后;降水出现时GPS可降水量偏离系数为正值,而强降水一般出现在偏离系数超过1时;3)对同一测站而言,GPS可降水量越大对应的实际降水越强.当测站不同时,GPS可降水量高并不一定代表更强的降水,这与测站的地理位置和海拔高度有关.4)降水出现前热力和水汽条件配置好,能量不断积累,假相当位温逐渐升至极大值.随着降水出现与能量的释放,假相当位温回落到谷值阶段,此谷值越低、持续时间越长,对应的降水也越强.  相似文献   

The authors propose a modified complementary method to estimate regional evapotranspiration (ET) under different climatic and physical conditions using only meteorological data. The purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of the modified complementary method for estimating global ET distribution and corresponding water balance. Gridded data from the Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, with 30 min spatial resolution and monthly time steps are used. Using the Thornthwaite water budget, monthly maps of global water surplus (precipitation minus ET) are produced. The results show good agreement with many previous studies. The average annual precipitation, ET, and water surplus are 690, 434, and 256?mm, respectively. The results show that the modified model can predict regional ET using meteorological data and can be used to assess global water resources. Consequently, the proposed method has strong potential for projecting water resource balance under future climate change.  相似文献   
从激波管内水汽瞬态相变实验研究的角度出发,探讨利用激波管理论及实验技术应用于人工影响降雨、消雹所涉及的云雾瞬态相变问题。首先介绍利用激波管研究水汽瞬态相变的概况,并介绍一些特殊激波管及实验状态的控制。然后介绍激波管内水汽相变过程研究的测试原理及方法。最后讨论在研究爆炸方法进行人工降雨、消雹和自然闪电、雷击等问题时,应用激波管理论及实验技术进行实验研究爆炸作用于云雾等微物理过程的方法和内容  相似文献   
利用常规气象探测、FY卫星、多普勒天气雷达以及再分析等资料,对2021年6月15至16日出现在中昆仑山北坡极端暴雨成因进行分析。表明:此次暴雨西伯利亚到中亚有低槽稳定维持,昆仑山北坡环境大气逐渐变的潮湿不稳定。500 hPa低槽东移动分成两段,位于中亚低槽与印度半岛西北部低槽南北叠加,地面东、西两股冷空气进入盆地,使得不同性质空气在充分混合。东风急流中心在且末至若羌,在和田中部有偏东与偏西风辐合、水汽辐合、强的水汽输送、强上升运动。水汽输送主要距地4000米以下,水汽源位于天山南坡、高原南坡。地面的热力不均匀、高空急流、地面辐合线、地形等作用使得降水强度增强。强降水以γ小尺度系统为主,在地面辐合线附近表现为快速生消的特征。  相似文献   
基于2018年7月—2019年6月南京降水同位素观测数据和中国气象局气象观测数据,研究南京降水稳定同位素组成的变化特征,对比热带气旋降水、梅雨降水和其他降水的降水同位素组成特征,研究降水同位素组成与热带气旋移动路径关系。结果表明:南京降水氧同位素组成(δ18O)和氢同位素组成(δ2H)的变化范围分别为-16.3‰~4.0‰和-103.0‰~32.9‰,雨季降水氢氧同位素组成相对贫化,非雨季相对富集;降水氘盈余的降水加权平均值为15.5‰,表明南京降水受陆面过程影响大。从降水量权重看,热带气旋降水和梅雨降水强度大,降水氢氧同位素组成严重贫化;其他降水的强度相对较弱,降水氢氧同位素组成比较富集;受水汽源地和陆面循环等过程的综合影响,热带气旋降水氘盈余小于全球平均值(10‰),梅雨降水氘盈余略高于全球平均值,其他降水氘盈余远高于全球平均值。登陆前仅在海洋上移动的热带气旋,降水氘盈余维持在7.5‰~8.6‰,但二次登陆的热带气旋降水氘盈余远大于10‰,可能是受到陆地蒸散过程的影响。  相似文献   
利用地面观测、高空探测常规资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析以及FY-2G红外云图资料,综合分析了2016年11月10—13日北疆北部的暖区暴雪过程成因,结果表明,此次暴雪天气是在“单阻型”经向环流和有利的高低空天气系统配置下发生的,主要表现为500 hPa东欧阻塞高压脊稳定,西西伯利亚低涡和冷槽东南下至北疆境外的中亚地区,200~500 hPa低涡和冷槽系统深厚且呈前倾结构,低涡底部极锋锋区加强并压至北疆上空,700~850 hPa北疆北部有暖平流和暖脊发展,地面气压场呈“两高夹一低”形势,北疆在地面冷锋前部和暖锋后部的暖区内。中高层西北急流、低层偏西气流和偏东气流三支气流在暴雪区上空汇合,暴雪区位于高空低涡底部西北急流、低层暖平流和切变线、地面暖低压南部的高低空重叠区域内。500 hPa以下仅有一条西方水汽输送路径,最强水汽输送在600~700 hPa,最强水汽辐合位于850 hPa附近,最大暴雪中心(裕民)的水汽输送强度更强、厚度更厚、时间更长,其平均云顶黑体亮温TBB值较富蕴偏高10℃左右。  相似文献   
This article assesses Japan's carbon budgets up to 2100 in the global efforts to achieve the 2?°C target under different effort-sharing approaches based on long-term GHG mitigation scenarios published in 13 studies. The article also presents exemplary emission trajectories for Japan to stay within the calculated budget.

The literature data allow for an in-depth analysis of four effort-sharing categories. For a 450?ppm CO2e stabilization level, the remaining carbon budgets for 2014–2100 were negative for the effort-sharing category that emphasizes historical responsibility and capability. For the other three, including the reference ‘Cost-effectiveness’ category, which showed the highest budget range among all categories, the calculated remaining budgets (20th and 80th percentile ranges) would run out in 21–29 years if the current emission levels were to continue. A 550?ppm CO2e stabilization level increases the budgets by 6–17 years-equivalent of the current emissions, depending on the effort-sharing category. Exemplary emissions trajectories staying within the calculated budgets were also analysed for ‘Equality’, ‘Staged’ and ‘Cost-effectiveness’ categories. For a 450?ppm CO2e stabilization level, Japan's GHG emissions would need to phase out sometime between 2045 and 2080, and the emission reductions in 2030 would be at least 16–29% below 1990 levels even for the most lenient ‘Cost-effectiveness’ category, and 29–36% for the ‘Equality’ category. The start year for accelerated emissions reductions and the emissions convergence level in the long term have major impact on the emissions reduction rates that need to be achieved, particularly in the case of smaller budgets.

Policy relevance

In previous climate mitigation target formulation processes for 2020 and 2030 in Japan, neither equity principles nor long-term management of cumulative GHG emissions was at the centre of discussion. This article quantitatively assesses how much more GHGs Japan can emit by 2100 to achieve the 2?°C target in light of different effort-sharing approaches, and how Japan's GHG emissions can be managed up to 2100. The long-term implications of recent energy policy developments following the Fukushima nuclear disaster for the calculated carbon budgets are also discussed.  相似文献   
A new method applying an artificial neural network (ANN) to retrieve water vapor profiles in the troposphere is presented. In this paper, a fully-connected, three-layer network based on the backpropagation algorithm is constructed. Month, latitude, altitude and bending angle are chosen as the input vectors and water vapor pressure as the output vector. There are 130 groups of occultation measurements from June to November 2002 in the dataset. Seventy pairs of bending angles and water vapor pressure profiles are used to train the ANN, and the sixty remaining pairs of profiles are applied to the validation of the retrieval. By comparing the retrieved profiles with the corresponding ones from the Information System and Data Center of the Challenging Mini-Satellite Payload for Geoscientific Research and Application (CHAMP-ISDC), it can be concluded that the ANN is relatively convenient and accurate. Its results can be provided as the first guess for the iterative methods or the non-linear optimal estimation inverse method.  相似文献   
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