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The SHETRAN physically based, spatially distributed model is used to investigate the scaling relationship linking specific sediment yield to river basin area, for two contrasting topographies of upland and more homogeneous terrain and as a function of sediment source, land use and rainfall distribution. Modelling enables the effects of the controls to be examined on a systematic basis, while avoiding the difficulties associated with the use of field data (which include limited data, lack of measurements for nested basins and inability to isolate the effects of individual controls). Conventionally sediment yield is held to decrease as basin area increases, as the river network becomes more remote from the headwater sediment sources (an inverse relationship). However, recent studies have reported the opposite variation, depending on the river basin characteristics. The simulation results are consistent with these studies. If the sediment is supplied solely from hillslope erosion (no channel bank erosion) then, with uniform land use, sediment yield either decreases or is constant as area increases. The downstream decrease is accentuated if rainfall (and thence erosion) is higher in the headwaters than at lower elevations. Introducing a non‐uniform land use (e.g. forest at higher elevations, wheat at lower elevations) can reverse the trend, so that sediment yield increases downstream. If the sediment is supplied solely from bank erosion (no hillslope erosion), the sediment yield increases downstream for all conditions. The sediment yield/basin area relationship can thus be inverse or direct, depending on basin characteristics. There still remains, therefore, considerable scope for defining a universal scaling law for sediment yield. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
<正>A theoretical model of a friction pendulum system(FPS) is introduced to examine its application for the seismic isolation of spatial lattice shell structures.An equation of motion of the lattice shell with FPS bearings is developed.Then, seismic isolation studies are performed for both double-layer and single-layer lattice shell structures under different seismic input and design parameters of the FPS.The influence of frictional coefficients and radius of the FPS on seismic performance are discussed.Based on the study,some suggestions for seismic isolation design of lattice shells with FPS bearings are given and conclusions are made which could be helpful in the application of FPS.  相似文献   
本文用一个工程实例说明正确运用数值模拟,可代替现行水文地质勘探阶段的开采性抽水试验,从而可节省资金和缩短勘探及建设工期。文中强调。务使所用数学模型尽可能地逼近和反映水源地所在水文地质单元的原型。否则,模型易失真,必导致资源评价的失败。  相似文献   

Floods from the middle part of the River Morava (eastern Czech Republic) are considered over the course of the past three centuries, the study being based on data derived from documentary evidence (1691–1880), measured peak water stages, Hk (1881–1920) and peak discharges, Qk (1916–2009), evaluated with respect to their N-year return period (HN and QN ). Changes in land use and water management (water reservoirs, channel modifications) are discussed, as are factors influencing runoff conditions in the Morava catchment. Decadal synthesis of flood series identifies the highest flood activity in the decades of 1911–1920 and 1961–1970 (11 floods each), 1831–1840, 1891–1900, 1901–1910 and 1931–1940 (10 floods each). Uncertainty in this series is related to some incompleteness of documentary data in the pre-1881 period. Very low flood frequency occurred in the 1990s–2000s, although the most disastrous floods were recorded in this particular period (July 1997 at Q 100 and March/April 2006 at Q 20Q 50). Changes in flood frequency correspond partly to long-term changes in temperature and precipitation patterns.

Citation Brázdil, R., ?ezní?ková, L., Valá?ek, H., Havlí?ek, M., Dobrovolný, P., Soukalová, E., ?ehánek, T. & Skokanová, H. (2011) Fluctuations of floods of the River Morava (Czech Republic) in the 1691–2009 period: interactions of natural and anthropogenic factors. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(3), 468–485.  相似文献   
For spatial analyses, raster land cover/use maps are converted into points, where each point holds attribute of its corresponding land cover/use. However, these are not identical in terms of areas or shapes; thus assigning a point to each isolated shape is not an adequate solution and for that gridding is suggested. Square, hexagon and triangle are among the basic land use gridding systems where each of them has its own advantages in such process. This research aims to compare the systems in providing accurate representations of the original land cover/use maps, assess the data loss while increasing resolution and suggest suitable gridding system. The research finds the errors in area and feature numbers as criteria for selected classes. Modules that find out errors in each scale considering each criterion and class alone are proposed. The modules suggest both the best system for each criterion alone and for combined criteria.  相似文献   
Understanding the impacts of land‐use changes on hydrology at the watershed scale can facilitate development of sustainable water resource strategies. This paper investigates the hydrological effects of land‐use change in Zanjanrood basin, Iran. The water balance was simulated using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (AVSWAT2000). Model calibration and uncertainty analysis were performed with sequential uncertainty fitting (SUFI‐2). Simulation results from January 1998 to December 2002 were used for parameter calibration, and then the model was validated for the period of January 2003 to December 2004. The predicted monthly streamflow matched the observed values: during calibration the correlation coefficient was 0·86 and the Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient 0·79, compared with 0·80 and 0·79, respectively, during validation. The model was used to simulate the main components of the hydrological cycle, in order to study the effects of land‐use changes in 1967, 1994 and 2007. The study reveals that during 1967 a 34·5% decrease of grassland with concurrent increases of shrubland (13·9%), rain‐fed agriculture (12·1%), bare ground (5·5%) irrigated agriculture (2·2%), and urban area (0·7%) led to a 33% increase in the amount of surface runoff and a 22% decrease in the groundwater recharge. Furthermore, the area of sub‐basins that was influenced by high runoff (14–28 mm) increased. The results indicate that the hydrological response to overgrazing and the replacing of rangelands (grassland and shrubland) with rain‐fed agriculture and bare ground (badlands) is nonlinear and exhibits a threshold effect. The runoff rises dramatically when more than 60% of the rangeland is removed. For groundwater this threshold lies at an 80% decrease in rangeland. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A type of new conserved quantity deduced from Mei symmetry of Appell equations for a holonomic system with unilateral constraints is investigated. The expressions of new structural equation and new conserved quantity deduced from Mei symmetry of Appell equations for a holonomic system with unilateral constraints expressed by Appell functions are obtained. An example is given to illustrate the application of the results.  相似文献   
随着城镇化进程的快速推进,新乡市城乡建设、基础设施建设等对增量建设用地的需求日趋旺盛,但土地供应量受可利用土地资源和国家相关政策的制约,土地供需矛盾突出.在对新乡市土地利用集约水平和存量土地资源现状及土地集约利用潜力分析的基础上,提出了集约用地的对策措施.通过集约利用土地,实现土地资源合理有效配置,提高土地利用效率,使有限的土地资源供给能够满足经济社会持续发展的需要.  相似文献   
The potential impact of climate change on fluvial flooding is receiving considerable scientific and political interest thanks to evidence from climate model projections and a widely held belief that flood risk may be increasing at European levels. This review compares published work on historical trends in UK rainfall and river flow records with high‐resolution regional climate change projections, and attempts to reconcile apparent differences between the two. Attention is focused on the techniques used for climate change detection and attribution, as well as the potential confounding effects of land‐use change. International and domestic efforts to build adaptive capacity rest on improved quantification of uncertainty in flood risk at very local, catchment and regional scales. This will involve further research to better integrate climate and land‐management interactions, to understand changes in the dependence between different flood generating mechanisms, and to improve the characterization and communication of uncertainty at all stages of analysis. Resources are also needed to ensure that latest, but still uncertain, science is presented in an appropriate form to underpin policy development and is translated into sensible guidance for practitioners. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
He  Chunyang  Zhang  Jinxi  Liu  Zhifeng  Huang  Qingxu 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(3):537-559
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Land use/cover change (LUCC) is the foundation and frontier for integrating multiple land surface processes. This paper aims to systematically review LUCC...  相似文献   
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