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Ki-Suk Lee 《GeoJournal》1998,44(3):249-257
Since the Tumen River Area Development Project(TRADP) was launched in 1991, Hunchun city located between North Korea and Russia along the river corridor, has become an important and unique border city. Hunchun, formerly a strategic military city, is emerging as an international trade linkage center through Satouz and Quanhe on the North Korea side and through Changlinzi on the Russian side. Furthermore, the establishment and operation of the Hunchun Border Economic Cooperation Zone (HBECZ) in the city is becoming the main source of the growth, providing a new role for the border city. Its underlying economic momentum comes from the combination of the Chinese-Korean labor force and foreign investment and technology transferred from Korea, Japan, and others. The most important expected new role for Hunchun is as a new 21st century entrepot connection between the Pacific rim and Eurasia by rail and trunk lines, and as a new regional center of the border region based on both a newly generated urban subsystem and the increasing informal sector of cross border business. However, there are many obstacles to overcome in the near future, such as the possible military tensions among the three border nations, the guarantee of free entries and sailing on the Tumen river, and agreements concerning environmental conservation. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
本文将给出垂直断层附近三维不均匀体电阻率法的数值解,所用方法是边界单元法,但基本解的选择与以往的边界单元法不同。  相似文献   
海坛海峡二维潮流场数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海坛海峡为南北狭长型海峡,海峡内潮波属于前进波.本文建立了平面二维浅水波数学方程,利用欧拉-拉格朗日差分方法得到数值解,模型采用随时间变化的动边界技术,成功地模拟了海坛海峡的前进波特征,并根据实测数据进行了验证.同时计算了同潮时线和等振幅线,不同时刻的潮流场和潮流平均流速分布.计算结果表明,北部湾口M2分潮高潮时间比南部湾口早约5~6min,等振幅线范围约为2.12~2.15m.海峡内流速分布呈南北强、中间弱的特点,最大流速1m/s左右.  相似文献   
空间冲突的演变特征及影响效应——以长株潭城市群为例   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
随着人口的高速增长和工业化进程的不断加快,中国已进入快速城市化时期,快速城市化进程引发的空间冲突已逐步影响到区域可持续发展,甚至威胁区域安全。界定空间冲突的内涵,分析空间冲突的形成原因、演变特征和影响效应,构建空间冲突的理论分析框架,是一项具有重要理论和实际意义的探索性工作。空间冲突是源于空间资源稀缺性和空间功能外溢性的一种伴随空间资源竞争而产生的客观地理现象,按其形成原因可分为空间经济冲突、空间生态冲突、空间社会冲突和空间复合冲突4 类;空间冲突的演变过程呈倒“U”形变化,其可控性级别可划分为稳定可控、基本可控、基本失控和严重失控4 个层次;空间冲突的影响效应表现为空间资源失配、空间开发失序、生态系统失衡和社会发展失稳等。  相似文献   
“云南麻栗坡地区矿产远景调查”及与之匹配的“越北古陆北缘地质构造演化及其成矿效应研究”中,经实测剖面和填图扫面,以“岩石地层单位填图”的要义比照,测区晚寒武世及相涉延及早奥陶世早期的岩石地层单位序列宜为:唐家坝组\“大老堡组”\博菜田组。其中,“大老堡组”为新拟建增设单位,也导致相关临叠地层单位现在定义和分割界面的更新。介绍唐家坝组\“大老堡组”界线层型及其层型界面所反映的沉积环境转换面属性,上、下邻叠岩层联合构成的标志层组合,是融地层学、沉积学为一体“’的优化挟择。  相似文献   
We simulated the impact of anthropogenic heat release (AHR) on the regional climate in three vast city agglomerations in China using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with nested high-resolution modeling.Based on energy consumption and high-quality land use data,we designed two scenarios to represent no-AHR and current-AHR conditions.By comparing the results of the two numerical experiments,changes of surface air temperature and precipitation due to AHR were quantified and analyzed.We concluded that AHR increases the temperature in these urbanized areas by about 0.5℃-1℃,and this increase is more pronounced in winter than in other seasons.The inclusion of AHR enhances the convergence of water vapor over urbanized areas.Together with the warming of the lower troposphere and the enhancement of ascending motions caused by AHR,the average convective available potential energy in urbanized areas is increased.Rainfall amounts in summer over urbanized areas are likely to increase and regional precipitation patterns to be altered to some extent.  相似文献   
南海中部海域障碍层特征及其形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海中部海域(10°~19°N,108°~122°E)存在显著的季节变化的障碍层.障碍层发生概率夏季最大(52.8%),秋季次之(41.0%),春季最小(10.5%).夏季(2000年8~9月)障碍层最显著,平均厚度约为14.2m;除114°E以东、吕宋岛以西海域为障碍层的多发区外,中南半岛东南海域(12°~14°N,110°~114°E)也存在显著的障碍层;春季(1998年4~6月)和秋季(1998年12月)障碍层平均厚度分别为6.8和11.2m,障碍层多位于114°E以东、吕宋岛以西海域.此外,吕宋岛以西海域(12°~16°N,116°~120°E)及中沙和西沙群岛附近(16°~18°N,110°~116°E)海域障碍层年发生几率超过20%,相对而言,其他海域障碍层年发生几率偏小.降水机制和层结机制分别是南海中部海域春、夏季和秋季障碍层形成的主要原因.其中,降水机制及东南向的Ekman平流较好的解释了春、夏季吕宋岛以西附近海域成为障碍层多发区的原因;此外,强降水是夏季中南半岛东南海域(12°~14°N,110°~114°E)障碍层产生的关键,反气旋涡(暖涡)有助于形成更强的障碍层,上升流对障碍层的影响有待进一步研究.  相似文献   
曹炳汝  孙巧 《地理研究》2019,38(12):3055-3070
产业集聚与城镇空间格局的变动之间存在着密切的联系。针对两者之间的耦合关系及时空演化问题,构建区域产业集聚与城镇空间格局演化综合评价指标,并利用1990—2016年长三角区域16个城市的统计数据,基于面板回归模型和空间重心模型探究两系统之间演化的互动作用关系和时空演化。结果表明:长三角区域的产业集聚与城镇空间格局间存在较显著的耦合关系;长三角区域各市区的耦合协调度及空间匹配度均稳步提升,但长三角区域耦合协调发展程度不够均衡,长三角南部的耦合协调的发展程度稍弱于长三角区域北部的发展;在近几十年的发展中,长三角北部地区逐渐形成以上海-南京为轴线的耦合协调发展区域,整个长三角区域的耦合协调则呈现“Z”字形特征。  相似文献   
Urban planning construction land standard is the technical specification for scientifically allocating various types of urban construction land, and it is the basis for drawing up and revising the overall urban planning scheme. Considering China's current urban planning construction land standard, many problems exist, such as the gap in the land use control threshold, the lack of regional differences in the climate revision, and failing to consider the topographic factors. To resolve these problems, this study proposed a step-by-step process framework and quantitative calculation method for the establishment and revision of standards in accordance with the principle of Total-Structure control. By setting the conditions, a universal basic standard for construction land was established. Quantitative analysis was then conducted on the relationship between the basic standard and the selected key indicators, such as urban population size, sunshine spacing coefficient, the width of river valleys or inter-montane basins, and terrain slope, among others. Finally, revised standards were formed for climate conditions, topography, and geomorphologic conditions, which were matched with the basic standards. The key results are three-fold:(1) The per capita construction land standard of 95 m~2/person can be used as the total indicator of China's urban planning basic standard, and the corresponding per capita single construction land comprises 32.50% of residential land, 7.42% of public management and public service land, 22.50% of industrial land, 17.50% of transportation facilities, 12.50% of green space, and 7.58% of other land-use types. The results of the revision of the urban population size indicate that the difference in population size has little effect on the total amount of per capita construction land.(2) The climate revision results of per capita residential land and per capita construction land in major cities reveal that the revised climate value varies greatly between north and south China. The revised climate values of the per capita area of construction land vary by latitude as follows: the value at 20°N is 93 m~2/person, the value at 30°N is 97 m~2/person, the value at 40°N is 103 m~2/person, and the value at 50°N is 115 m~2/person. The basic standard land value of 95 m~2/person is generally distributed across the Xiamen-Guilin-Kunming line.(3) The cities located in mountainous areas, hilly valleys, or inter-montane basins can reduce the allocation of community parks and comprehensive parks when the average width of an existing river valley or inter-montane basin is less than 2 km. When the average width of the valley or inter-montane basin is between 2 km to 4 km, the allocation of the comprehensive parks can be reduced. The revised results of per capita sloping construction land reveal that the terrain slope greatly affects the revised value of per capita construction land. Specifically, the revised value at 3° is 3.68% higher than the basic standard value, and the increase rates at 8°, 15°, and 25° are 11.25%, 26.49%, and 68.47%, respectively.  相似文献   
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