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梅雨期高层流场对低层急流及中尺度系统影响的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
翟国庆  高坤  孙淑清 《气象学报》1997,55(6):714-725
用中尺度模式对一次江淮流域暴雨过程进行了数值试验,并研究了对流层高层青藏高压东侧偏北大风的强弱与低层流场及中尺度系统发生及至降水过程的影响。试验不仅较成功地模拟了本次暴雨过程及相应的系统,而且揭示出较强的高空偏北大风将引起对低空急流的加强。而更为重要的是低层切变线的出现以及其上中尺度涡旋的发生。上下风场所构成的垂直反环流圈大大有利于对流的发展,特别是在切变线地区的上升支,带有明显的中尺度特征。  相似文献   
Nimbus 7 LIMS geopotential height data are utilized to infer the rotational wind distribution in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere and lower mesosphere during a period of substantial wave-mean flow interaction in January, 1979. Rotational winds are derived from the application of a successive relaxation numerical procedure which incorporates the spherical polar coordinate iterative algorithm ofPaegle andTomlinson (1975) for the nondivergent nonlinear balance equation. Optimum convergence of the numerical solutions is found to occur when under-relaxation is utilized. The LIMS height analyses were also latitudinally smoothed and constrained to obey the ellipticity criterion for spherical coordinates. The balanced winds are compared with geostrophically derived values and within situ radiosonde reports for 100 mb to 10 mb over Berlin.From a localized perspective, the Berlin-LIMS comparison indicates that radiosonde and balanced wind vectors exhibit somewhat closer agreement in direction than is associated with the geostrophic estimates. However, substantial quantitative differences between radiosonde, balanced, and geostrophic wind speeds are also evident, suggesting that caution should be exercised in the local application of derived winds, as for example in the quantitative interpretation of trajectories derived from satellite height analyses during periods of enhanced stratospheric wave activity.On a longitudinally averaged basis, balanced zonal-mean wind speeds are typically 20% weaker than geostrophic values in polar latitudes, and as much as 50% weaker in tropical and midlatitude regions. Meridional balanced wind velocities, at a given longitude, are generally within ±10% of geostrophic values. Although these alterations in horizontal wind components result in only modest differences between balanced and geostrophic meridional eddy heat fluxes, a more substantial change appears in the meridional eddy momentum flux analysis. The corresponding patterns of Eliassen-Palm flux divergence are found to be somewhat more (less) intense for the balanced wind case in the stratosphere (lower mesosphere) in polar latitudes.  相似文献   
本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的ERA-Interim再分析数据、美国国家航空航天局(NASA)提供的对地观测系统的数据信息系统(EOSDIS)极轨卫星云图和气象卫星合作研究所(CIMSS)提供的GOES-EAST红外卫星云图等资料,对2006年12月23日—27日发生在东北太平洋上的一个爆发性气旋进行了初步分析,探讨了动力、热力因子在气旋爆发性发展过程中的作用,分析了高空急流、低空急流、位势涡度(PV)和水汽通量等物理量对爆发性气旋发展的影响。分析发现,在初始阶段,高空急流已经建立,高层的PV大值位于地面气旋上游,高层系统发展强盛,但低空急流较弱。冷锋后下沉运动区域内,高空动量下传促使低空急流逐渐加强,低空急流将暖湿空气输送到气旋内部,对气旋发展有促进作用。高低空共同作用促使爆发性气旋发展。  相似文献   
利用MICAPS常规天气图资料、地面自动气象站资料、雷电资料和雷达拼图等资料,采用天气图中分析方法、统计方法、回波图像、回波廓线等分析方法,对2020年7月11日江西副热带高压边缘中尺度雷暴大风回波特征进行分析,结果表明:1)副热带高压控制或边缘上,江西上空100 hPa是东北风,500 hPa是西南风,高空呈现逆时针环流,T-lnP图上层结不稳定,对流有效位能CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy)面积较大,对产生强对流天气有利;由于上下两层的风向不同,使得雷暴回波系统的移动与回波系统的云砧伸展方向不一致,从而加剧了对流上升运动,使得雷暴回波系统发展、加强、维持。2)回波产生初期是局地对流单体回波,通过不断新生单体和单体合并等方式,形成南北走向的回波短带,这种合并形成的回波短带发展旺盛时,会产生多站雷暴大风天气。3)南北走向的回波短带是产生雷暴大风的主要回波特征,虽然回波强度只有55 dBZ,但移动速度较快(60~70 km/h),造成地面大风。江西WebGIS雷达拼图上叠加多部雷达风暴跟踪信息STI (Storm Tracking Information),可以明确风暴的移动方向和移动速度,根据STI密集区判断,增加了STI的可用性。4)“前伸”或“延伸”回波反映了回波系统上方的高空风走向和积雨云的云砧飘离方向。“延伸”回波一定程度上表现出副高边缘雷暴回波系统的强弱程度。为改进副热带高压边缘中尺度雷暴大风的预警预报准确率提供依据。  相似文献   
台风影响下渤海及邻域海面风场演变过程的MM5模拟分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在装有 L inux操作系统的 PC机上运行美国大气研究中心 ( NCAR)的非静力中尺度大气模式 MM5。运用 MM5的嵌套功能 ,以 30 km水平分辨率对台风 KAI- TAK( 2 0 0 0年第 4号 )影响渤海海区的时段进行数值模拟 ,同时给出了水平分辨率为 10 km的嵌套区内逐时的渤海海面风场。通过对台风中心位置、中心气压、风速分布与雨区分布等要素的模拟结果与实况的比较 ,证实该实验对台风过程的模拟较为成功。嵌套区内渤海海面风场也明显体现出了地形影响的特征。并尝试以T10 6格点资料的三维客观分析场结合高空及地面观测为模式提供初值场 ,6h/次预报场为模式提供时变边界条件 ,对渤海海面风场进行了 2 4 h时预报  相似文献   
This study examines the variability of the duration and frequency of Santa Ana winds due to El Niño over a thirty‐three‐year period. Daily Weather Maps and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis were used to study large‐scale upper‐level and surface circulation patterns during wind events. A Student's t‐test was used to determine statistically significant changes in the winds during March of El Niño winters. A significant decrease in the duration and frequency of wind events was found in March during El Niño. This can be attributed to the decrease in strength and frequency of the Great Basin high pressure and the increase in wintertime cyclones in southern California.  相似文献   
Sediment budget data from an 18‐month topographic survey were analysed with data from brief experiments on wind parameters, beach moisture contents, bedforms and sand mobilization in order to monitor conditions and patterns of embryo dune development over a flat 150–1000 m wide accreting upper beach. The surface conditions over the upper beach locally affect aeolian transport, but net dune development over time depends on sustained strong winds and their orientation. Incoming marine sand supplied by storms and onshore winds is reorganized by the dominant offshore to longshore winds into elongated embryo dunes over this upper beach, imprinting a regional morphology of long‐term longshore dune ridge development. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper we present the results of time-dependent simulations of the dipolar axisymmetric magnetospheres of neutron stars carried out within the frameworks of both relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and resistive force-free electrodynamics. The results of force-free simulations reveal the inability of our numerical method to accommodate the equatorial current sheets of pulsar magnetospheres, and raise a question mark about the robustness of this approach. On the other hand, the MHD approach allows us to make significant progress. We start with a non-rotating magnetically dominated dipolar magnetosphere and follow its evolution as the stellar rotation is switched on. We find that the time-dependent solution gradually approaches a steady state that is very close to the stationary solution of the pulsar equation found in 1999 by Contopoulos, Kazanas & Fendt. This result suggests that other stationary solutions that have the Y-point located well inside the light cylinder are unstable. The role of particle inertia and pressure on the structure and dynamics of MHD magnetospheres is studied in detail, as well as the potential implications of dissipative processes in the equatorial current sheet. We argue that pulsars may have differentially rotating magnetospheres which develop noticeable structural oscillations, and that this may help to explain the nature of the subpulse phenomena.  相似文献   
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