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空间信息技术是防洪减灾现代化的基础   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
我国洪涝灾害频繁,洪灾损失严重,防洪减灾将是一项长期而艰巨的任务。在防洪减灾研究中,必须积极引进当今最新科学技术成果,以高新技术改造水利这一传统产业,以水利信息化推动水利现代化。以遥感、地理信息系统和全球导航定位系统为支撑的空间信息技术可以广泛地应用于防洪减灾中,是防洪减灾现代化的基础。本文分析了空间信息技术在防洪减灾中的作用,并对空间信息技术在防洪减灾中的应用趋势作出展望。  相似文献   
在对CCDOS汉字操作系统和BASIC语言特点的认真分析和处理后,得到了一个良好的通用菜单驱动程序,它完全可在不加改动或很少改动的情况下应用以汉字CCDOS为操作系统的各种菜单驱动程序中。  相似文献   
陈鹏  施炜 《地质论评》2015,61(3):536-546
古构造应力场恢复是重建区域地质演化历史的重要手段之一。断层作为地壳浅表发育的脆性变形构造,为恢复古构造应力场提供了重要地质条件。关于利用断层滑动矢量反演古构造应力场,前人进行了长期探索。目前其相关理论基础、研究方法与实际应用均取得重要进展。在断层滑动矢量反演古构造应力场的理论方面,改进的安德森模式描述了在发育先存薄弱带的情况下断层形成与演化的规律,克服了安德森模式只适用于均匀变形域的理论局限性;在研究方法方面,突破了在沉积盆地内部变形相对单一的限制,在造山带前陆或者叠加褶皱区等复杂变形区有效地开展了相关研究,并通过断层相关褶皱与同褶皱变形的滑动矢量分析,厘定出同造山作用的古构造应力场。这一方法在大巴山造山带强变形区得到了有效应用,为探讨其构造演化提供了基础。  相似文献   
本文利用不同地物在同一波段或相同地物在不同波段具有不同色调的变化规律,来目视判读7幅l∶l0万的TM黑白和彩色合成图像。通过细致地分析、对比,在富顺─南溪地区判读不同泥沙含量、不同深浅的水体,了解河床中深槽、浅滩地貌,准确勾绘所有大于像元的水体涯线,确定沟谷的宽度和相对深度,查明沟谷成因,划分漫滩和河谷阶地,圈定丘陵和山地的,分布,研究它们的形态和成因,为区域开发奠定科学的基础。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the strategy for successfully predicting the location of potential hidden ore bodies in aged ore field,and presents the result of location prediction of hidden ore bodies in Fenghuangshan ore field,Tongling.Innovative conceptual targeting procedures based on a genetic understanding of mineralization systems,carefully geological investigation and correct deduction,together with new geochemical and geophysical technology and integrating of comprehensive information are all very important for the successful prediction.In the aged Fenghuangshan ore field,through researching by application of the metallogenic theory of polygenetic compound ore deposits and triple-frequency induced polarization method and exploration tectono-geochemical method,we predicted location and quality of hidden ore bodies.According to the prediction,hidden high quality Cu-Au ore bodies of skarn type and porphyry type have been discovered.  相似文献   
Based on the knowing geochemical characteristics of wall rock in the Mobin gold deposit and composition of fluid inclusion in ore,water-rock experiments were carried out,important achievements are acquired as following: Gold is mainly derived from the ore-bearing wall rock,i,e.,a series of epimetamorphic clastic gritstone,sandy slate,and tuffaceous slate in the Wuqiang Banxi Formation,Wuqiangxi Group.In thermal system with middle-low temperature chlorine gold may be derived form stable complex ions,so it is quite important in gold metallogenic process.Sulphur and chlorine perform as the major negative ions throughout the gold activation and migration movement.The concentration of sulphur and chlorine ions,pH value and temperature are of deciding significance for gold activation,migration and precipitation.  相似文献   
The superimposed basin must have undergone the changes of regional stress field. Study on the nature and switch of regional stress field of superimposed basin is very useful to understanding its stress state and tectonic events during its formation and evolution. As sensitive markers of small stress changes, joint and shear fracture, characterized by consistency of orientation over wide area, can be used to reconstruct paleostress state and its evolution. Detailed observations and analysis on the orientations, geometrical patterns, sequences of joints and shear fractures and their chronological relation to faults and folds show that, the NEE-SWW systematic joints and NNW-SSE systematic joints developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are much more prominent than NW-SE systematic joints and shear fractures with different orientations. And the NWW-SEE and NW-SE systematic joints formed later than NEE-SWW systematic joints but earlier than shear fractures with different orientations. According to the relationships between joint and shear fractures and stress, the NEE-SWW systematic joints are inferred to result from lateral weak extension caused by the late Cretaceous regional uplift, while the NNW-SSE and NW-SE systematic joints are interpreted as syn-tectonic deformation relating to strong N-S compression in the Neogene. But some conjugate shear fractures occur probably due to sinistral strike-slip faulting in the Kuqa depression. At the beginning of the Neogene, the stress field changed and the maximal principal stress σ1 switched from vertical to horizontal.  相似文献   
The summer weather characteristics of the Grove Mountain, East Antarctica, are presented based on the data obtained by Chinese National Antarctic Expedition (CHINARE) in January 1999. The result shows that the pattern of daily variation of temperature and the prevailing wind direction in Grove is similar to that of Zhongshan Station. However, the daily range of temperature and strong wind frequency are much higher than those of Zhongshan Station. The change of wind direction is close to the weather system that impacted the Grove Mountain. The warm and wet air from northern parts often causes the precipitation. The clear weather appears when controlled by eastern winds in January.  相似文献   
成因地层分析是陆相盆地填图中行之有效的方法。构成盆地的成因地层单位具有多级性,次级成因单位是组成高级成因地层单位的基本要素。正确地识别和划分岩性相、岩性相组合和沉积体系,对合理划分岩石地层单位、查明其成因环境、沉积作用和空间配置关系,研究盆地的发生发展及建立盆地地层格架等均具有重要意义。滦平盆地填图中成功的采用了成因地层分析方法,划分出14个岩性相和10个岩性相组合,根据各岩性相组合的成因联系和空间关系,进一步划分出冲积扇沉积体系、扇三角洲沉积体系和湖泊沉积体系。并根据各沉积体系的空间配置和变化规律,客观地划分了正式和非正式填图单位。  相似文献   
本文以“铀矿区域评价准则”为依据,试用因子分析主成分比值法,铀对钍(钾)的区域相对场法和铀成矿有利指数法,对我国YW-10和YW-10B两个测区的区域航空γ能谱场进行了地球化学解释及预测方法的研究,与已知矿区660测区从宏观上做了对比分析,并研究了γ能谱参数在走向长270km,宽50—70km空间上的分布变化规律。研究结果表明,这些方法对了解成岩时原始铀的分布及后期铀的地球化学活动规律,估计成岩、成矿阶段铀源岩可能提供的生铀量,识别铀成矿有利地区是有用的。  相似文献   
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