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Kelvin波和Rossby波是经常出现于海洋中的边界波;南海的复杂岸线、陡变地形和热盐场时空结构的不均匀性具有形成强迫Kelvin波和地形Rossby波的条件。现有研究表明,南海大部分中尺度涡形成于东部一些较大岛屿附近;这些中尺度涡一旦形成后,就在β效应作用下向西移动并最终耗散于西边界,且其波动一般以Rossby波的形式向西传播。因此,南海环流的多涡结构与中尺度波动之间存在着一定的联系。在南海北部,中尺度涡主要由黑潮入侵和风应力旋度所诱生,而在南海南部而以风应力旋度为主要成因。提出了利用线性波动动力学模式来研究南海南部中尺度波动、分析风应力强迫所产生的中尺度波动特征和规律,并据此建立相应的数值模式来揭示该海区环流的动力学和热动力学机制的思路,以便了解该海区流场季节性变化与中尺度波动之间的内在关系。  相似文献   
通过对台风莫拉克 (0908) 影响范围内的33座测风塔观测资料的分析可知:台风莫拉克越靠近陆地,风场的非对称性越明显,其行进方向的左侧测风塔风向呈逆时针旋转,右侧测风塔风向顺时针旋转。在远离台风莫拉克的地方风向稳定,湍流强度变化较平稳;在台风莫拉克登陆点附近,风向、风速和湍流强度均会出现突变。台风莫拉克影响期间,湍流强度与风速的关系未出现IEC标准曲线那样随风速增大稳定减小,其I15达B级和A级及以上的平均湍流强度会在风速7~17 m·s-1形成一个峰值;无论南风或北风,风速越大,各层湍流强度差异趋于减小,同等风速、高度的湍流强度偏南大风均大于偏北大风。位于台风莫拉克登陆点北侧测风塔湍流强度随风速的增加先减小后增大,最终各高度全部超过IEC标准A级曲线,而位于南侧测风塔湍流强度随风速的变化比北侧小,并随风速增大趋于标准A级曲线;另外北侧测风塔湍流强度大于南侧,且各高度偏北大风湍流强度之间的差异比南侧相应风向明显,表明北侧垂直方向的扰动更强。台风莫拉克阵风系数为1.2~1.7,其随高度变化与地形有关,一般情况下随高度升高而减小,在复杂地形条件下不符合随高度升高减小的规律。  相似文献   
深凹地形边界层风场与湍流场结构及扩散规律的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一个模拟小尺度复杂地形边界层平均流场和湍流场结构分布特征的三维非静力细网格高阶矩湍流闭合模式,并将此模式与一个拉格朗日粒子随机游动大气扩散数值模式相联结,以边界层气象模式的输出作为扩散模式的输入,构成了一个大气扩和模拟系统,成功地模拟了某地实际深凹露天矿区和理想凹坑地形两种情况下的平均流场、雷诺应力和湍流通量场,分析了其分布特征,并模拟了矿坑内污染物的散布规律  相似文献   
Current observations were made from 14 July 2006 to 31 March 2007, using an acoustic Doppler current profiler mounted on the seafloor near the eastern coast of the Noto Peninsula, Japan, to investigate strong coastal currents induced by large-amplitude coastal-trapped waves (CTWs) and near-inertial fluctuations (NIFs). The CTWs were generated by the winter monsoon and the passage of a typhoon during the observation period. Two types of strong currents with velocities higher than 50 cm s-1 were observed. One type, the strong current in winter (SCW), had the coast on the left to its direction of flow. This current was observed after a strengthening of the winter monsoon in January 2007. The other type, the strong current in fall (SCF), had the coast on the right to its direction of flow and was observed after the passage of a typhoon in September 2006. The SCW was inferred to be formed mainly by low-mode CTWs without NIFs. Compared to the SCW, the SCF had a more complicated vertical structure and time variations. The SCF was inferred to be generated by low-mode CTWs strengthened by NIFs. The contributions of NIFs to the strong coastal currents became important when the wind stress direction was rotating clockwise.  相似文献   
Flux Footprints Within and Over Forest Canopies   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
The characteristics of turbulence within a forest arespatially heterogeneous and distinct from thoseassociated with the surface boundary layer. Consequently, the size and probability distribution offlux footprints emanating from sources below aforest canopy have the potential to differ from thoseobserved above forests.A Lagrangian random walk model was used toinvestigate this problem since no analytical solutionof the diffusion equation exists. Model calculations suggest that spatialcharacteristics of flux footprint probabilitydistributions under forest canopies are muchcontracted, compared to those evaluated in the surfaceboundary layer. The key factors affecting thestatistical spread of the flux footprint, and theposition of the peak of its probability distribution,are horizontal wind velocity and the standarddeviations of vertical and horizontal velocityfluctuations. Consequently, canopies, which attenuatemean horizontal wind speed, or atmospheric conditions,which enhance vertical velocity fluctuations, willcontract flux footprint distributions mostly near thefloor of a forest. It was also found that theprobability distributions of the flux footprint arenarrower when horizontal wind velocity fluctuationsare considered, instead of the simpler case that considers only vertical velocity fluctuations and meanhorizontal wind velocity.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThe study of SAR remote sensing of surface wake of a semi-elliptical submerged body is of great importance actually in the ocean. The dynamics and the SAR remote sensing mechanism of this wake are very complicated. Numerous researches (Bergmann et al., 1958; Miles, 1968a,b; Huppert and Miles, 1969; Bon-neton et al., 1993) indicate that in the ocean the imagery and dynamics of this wake are quite different when a semi-elliptical submerged body moves horizontally at high speed …  相似文献   
强对流天气引起风矢量和温度等气象要素突变,影响飞机正常起降和飞行。高时空分辨率的飞机气象资料中继AMDAR(Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay)是天气预报重要的资料源之一,可为机场终端区的强对流天气短临预报提供高时间密度的垂直探测信息。通过白云机场终端区的AMDAR资料,提取三维风矢和温度廓线,制作了风切变和湍流的预警分析图。以2011年4月17日一次广东省的强对流天气过程为例,将AMDAR资料结合雷达、卫星、探空等多源资料进行了分析。研究表明,在AMDAR资料的风矢-时间高度剖面上形成三维预警指示,对机场的强对流预报有指导意义;当1 km以下发生强风切变,对飞机起降威胁严重,AMDAR资料水平风的垂直分布印证了多普勒天气雷达强辐散区的回波特征;高时空分辨率的AMDAR风速和温度扰动,可揭示大气中的风切变及湍流运动。AMDAR资料为保障飞机的安全起降提供了一种实时、密集的垂直观测信息,有助于研发临近预报预警产品,弥补探空资料的不足。  相似文献   
In the present study, three wavelet basis functions (Mexican-hat, Morlet, and Wave) were used to analyze atmospheric turbulence data obtained from an eddy covariance system in order to determine effect of six meteorological elements (three-dimensional wind speed, temperature, and CO2 and H2O concentrations) on the time scale of coherent structures. First, we used the degree of correlation between original and reconstructed waveforms to test the three wavelets’ performance when determining the time scale of coherent structures. The Wave wavelet’s reconstructed coherent structure signal best matched the original signal; thus, it was used for further analysis of the time scale, number, and time cover of the meteorological elements. We found similar results for all elements, though there was some internal variation, suggesting that coherent structures are not inherently dependent on these elements. Our results provide a basis for proper coherent structure detection in atmospheric turbulence and improve the understanding of similarities and differences between coherent structure characteristics of different meteorological elements, which is helpful for further research into atmospheric turbulence and boundary layers.  相似文献   
As an important bridge between the underlying surface and the free atmosphere, the atmospheric boundary layer is not only closely related to the development of various weather processes, but also plays a key role in local and regional weather and climate changes. In view of the complexity of the atmospheric boundary layer, the numerical simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer has always been a hotspot and difficulty in the numerical simulation research of the atmosphere. In this paper, the three numerical model development stages of the atmospheric boundary layer in recent decades were summarized and the important advances in arid and semi-arid areas, Tibet Plateau, urban complex underlying surface, and special typhoon boundary layer were reviewed. At present, there are still five scientific problems to be solved urgently, including cloud and boundary layer interaction, boundary layer parameterization, model resolution, boundary layer data assimilation and boundary layer development mechanism. Moreover, it was pointed out that in this field we need to strengthen the understanding of different types of atmospheric boundary layer processes, boundary layer bottom and top interface exchange, boundary layer development mechanism in special regions, improve boundary layer parameterization scheme and give full play to the advantages of LES in boundary layer simulation.  相似文献   
文章用因子分析方法提取北京地区小麦气象产量主要特征及代表序列,并对该序列和北京地面气象要素的关系用交叉谱进行研究。发现它们在前期秋冬季中的4-6年的周期振荡(中心周期为4.5年)中有显著的相关,当前期秋季和冬季的降水量和气温在振荡中处于正距平时,当年的气象产量为丰年,反之为欠年;进一步对该序列与大气环流的静力和动力物理量之间关系研究发现它们在同样的周期振荡中有十分强烈的表现,尤其表现在与动力物理量上。研究结果进一步证实“环流-降水-谷物”系统的存在,并揭示在短期气候振动(4-6年)上的规律性。   相似文献   
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