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分析孢粉、氧碳同位素、硅藻、沉积、史籍记载等约70个实例,表明中国热带末次冰期晚期(MIS2)以来有12期主要的冷波动。冷波动的地区分布具有热带南部和北部的纬度地带性,冷波动分布和降温程度的经度地带性表现在西区、中区、东区、台湾岛4个区的分异。西区位于热带西部,属南亚季风区,冷波动少,降温幅度小;中区、东区、台湾岛位于热带东部,属东亚季风区,冬季风的强度有东西向的交替变化,中区的冷波动最明显。各期冷波动的降温幅度大多为0.5~2℃,少数为3~5℃。  相似文献   
Hypothesis testing about catchment functioning with conceptual hydrological models is affected by uncertainties in the model representation of reality as well as in the observed data used to drive and evaluate the model. We formulated a learning framework to investigate the role of observational uncertainties in hypothesis testing using conceptual models and applied it to the relatively data‐scarce tropical Sarapiqui catchment in Costa Rica. Observational uncertainties were accounted for throughout the framework that incorporated different choices of model structures to test process hypotheses, analyses of parametric uncertainties and effects of likelihood choice, a posterior performance analysis and (iteratively) formulation of new hypotheses. Estimated uncertainties in precipitation and discharge were linked to likely non‐linear near‐surface runoff generation and the potentially important role of soils in mediating the hydrological response. Some model‐structural inadequacies could be identified in the posterior analyses (supporting the need for an explicit soil‐moisture routine to match streamflow dynamics), but the available information about the observational uncertainties prevented conclusions about other process representations. The importance of epistemic data errors, the difficulty in quantifying them and their effect on model simulations was illustrated by an inconsistent event with long‐term effects. Finally we discuss the need for new data, new process hypotheses related to deep groundwater losses, and conclude that observational uncertainties need to be accounted for in hypothesis testing to reduce the risk of drawing incorrect conclusions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
CISK-rossby wave and the 30-60 Day Oscillation in the Tropics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 30-60 day oscillation is an important aspect of the atmospheric variance in the tropical area. A number of works have been done on this phenomenon, this article is a further one. A quasi-geostrophic linear model that consists of a two-layer free atmosphere and a well-mixed boundary layer is used to investigate the instability of intraseasonal oscillation, its propagation and vertical structures. Results show that the dynamical coupling and interaction between the barotropic and baroclinic components via boundary layer convergence / divergence are responsible for the appearance of a new kind of low-frequency wave. Such wave is very different from the traditional tropical Rossby wave. It can propagate westward and eastward. Some behaviours of it appear to resemble the observed 30-60 day oscillation mode in many aspects, such,as vertical structures, zonal and meridional propagations. Now many researchers emphasize the direct relationship between CISK-Kelvin mode and the tropical atmospheric 30-60 oscil  相似文献   

Climate change is recognized to be one of the most serious challenges facing mankind today. Driven by anthropogenic activities, it is known to be a direct threat to our food and water supplies and an indirect threat to world security. Increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will certainly affect hydrological regimes. The consequent global warming is expected to have major implications on water resources management. The objective of this research is to present a general approach for evaluating the impacts of potential climate change on streamflow in a river basin in the humid tropical zone of India. Large-scale global climate models (GCMs) are the best available tools to provide estimates of the effect of rising greenhouse gases on rainfall and temperature. However the spatial resolution of these models (250 km?×?250 km) is not compatible with that of watershed hydrological models. Hence the outputs from GCMs have to be downscaled using regional climate models (RCMs), so as to project the output of a GCM to a finer resolution (50 km?×?50 km). In the present work, the projections of a GCM for two scenarios, A2 and B2 are downscaled by a RCM to project future climate in a watershed. Projections for two important climate variables, viz. rainfall and temperature are made. These are then used as inputs for a physically-based hydrological model, SWAT, in order to evaluate the effect of climate change on streamflow and vegetative growth in a humid tropical watershed.

Citation Raneesh, K. Y. & Santosh, G. T. (2011) A study on the impact of climate change on streamflow at the watershed scale in the humid tropics. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 946–965.  相似文献   
Headwaters are generally assumed to contribute the majority of water to downstream users, but how much water, of what quality and where it is generated are rarely known in the humid tropics. Here, using monthly monitoring in the data scarce (2,370 km2) San Carlos catchment in northeastern Costa Rica, we determined runoff-area relationships linked to geochemical and isotope tracers. We established 46 monitoring sites covering the full range of climatic, land use and geological gradients in the catchment. Regression and cluster analysis revealed unique spatial patterns and hydrologically functional landscape units. These units were used for seasonal and annual Bayesian tracer mixing models to assess spatial water source contributions to the outlet. Generally, the Bayesian mixing analysis showed that the chemical and isotopic imprint at the outlet is throughout the year dominated by the adjacent lowland catchments (68%) with much less tracer influence from the headwaters. However, the headwater catchments contributed the bulk of water and tracers to the outlet during the dry season (>50%) despite covering less than half of the total catchment area. Additionally, flow volumes seemed to be linearly scaled by area maintaining a link between the headwaters and the outlet particularly during high flows of the rainy season. Stable isotopes indicated mean recharge elevations above the mean catchment altitude, which further supports that headwaters were the primary source of downstream water. Our spatially detailed “snap-shot” sampling enabled a viable alternative source of large-scale hydrological process knowledge in the humid tropics with limited data availability.  相似文献   
中国热带第四纪气候波动特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中国热带早更新世气候波动以高频率小幅度为特征。“中更新世革命”发生在MIS20/MIS21之交。中更新世气候波动一般为三大旋回。晚更新世为两大旋回,但有变暖事件D/01~21及变冷事件H1~H6的表现。可以识别末次间冰期MISS及其阶段5a~5e。末次亚间冰期有4~7次冷暖波动。末次冰期温度一般比今低1~2℃或3~5℃。终止点Ⅰ为15000~13670aB.P.。终止点Ⅱ为0.135~0.130MaB.P.。新冰期Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ都有表现。历史时期出现南北朝冷期、北宋冷期、明清小冰期。近200a的气候,前百年升温,后百年降温。  相似文献   
热带海洋热状况是影响中国气候变化的主要因子之一,为了研究热带次表层海温如何影响中国气候,通过相关计算和合成分析等方法讨论了热带太平洋至印度洋次表层海温异常对中国东部夏季降水和温度的影响。结果表明:当冬季赤道东印度洋至西太平洋次表层海温偏暖(偏冷),中印度洋和东太平洋次表层海温偏冷(偏暖),夏季,长江中下游地区降水偏少(偏多),华南、华北和东北大部地区降水偏多(偏少);中国东部大范围高温(低温)。其可能的影响途径为,东亚夏季风环流对热带次表层海温异常的响应导致了其年际变化,进而引起中国东部夏季气候的异常分布。  相似文献   
A simulation is conducted with a realistic ocean general circulation model to investigate the three dimensional spreading of a passive tracer prescribed at the sea surface with the same distribution as the interdecadal sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies observed in the North Pacific. The tracers reaching the equator have the same sign as the major oval-shaped SST anomaly pattern in the central North Pacific but with a magnitude reduced less than 10% of the mid-latitude SST anomaly. The mixing both with the water containing SST anomalies of an opposite sign off the west coast of North America, and with the Southern Hemisphere thermocline water both contribute to the reduced equatorial amplitude. On the way to the equator in the southwestern part of the subtropical gyre, the subducted water is replenished by tracers leaking from the recirculation region to the north. The simulated passive tracer field in the subsurface layers agrees with the observed interdecadal temperature anomalies, suggesting the relevance of the processes studied here to the thermocline variability in the real North Pacific.  相似文献   
使用1948—2003年全球陆地和海洋的月降水资料,研究了热带地区年降水量场的趋势变化,同时还研究了ENSO事件与热带地区年降水量的关系。结果表明,在1948—2003年,热带地区年降水量场以负趋势为主要变化特征。给出了降水趋势明显的13个区域,指出热带海洋降水趋势明显的地区比陆地的范围广而且强度大,正趋势区基本都在南半球的海洋上,且北半球降水趋势明显的海洋区域都呈负趋势。研究结果还表明,ENSO事件可能是热带地区年降水量减少的一个重要原因;同时给出了ENSO事件发生时热带地区的明显旱涝区,并与以往的研究进行了比较。  相似文献   

Hydrological data of a drained tropical peat catchment have been analysed through conventional quantitative hydrological approaches to characterize its hydrological behaviours and changes due to continuous drainage for a long period. The results show that the hydrology of the catchment is extremely dynamic and the catchment is flashy in nature. A decreasing trend in peak flow amount and an increasing trend in baseflow amount was observed in the catchment, indicating that continuous drainage has reduced the risk of both flooding and water scarcity in the catchment. Correlation analysis among rainfall, runoff and groundwater table reveals that saturation excess-near surface flow is the dominant mechanism responsible for rapid runoff generation in the catchment. Therefore, any physical alterations or disturbances to the upper part of the peat profile would definitely affect the overall hydrological behaviour of the peat catchment.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Katimon, A., Shahid, S., Abd Wahab, A.K., and Ali, M.H., 2013. Hydrological behaviour of a drained agricultural peat catchment in the tropics. Part 1: Rainfall, runoff and water table relationships. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1297–1309.  相似文献   
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