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Comparative analysis is carried out by using finite-domain power spectrum and lagged regression methods for the propagating characteristics and air-sea interaction processes of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the Asia to western Pacific (AWP) region during the boreal summer between the active and inactive tropical cyclone (TC) years from 1979 to 2004.The results show as follows.(1) There exist more significant eastward propagating characteristics of the ISO in the active TC years over the whole AWP region.The ISOs of convection propagate zonally with more eastward extension in the years with active tropical cyclone activities,during which the 20-60-day period is strengthened,western Pacific becomes an area with evident characteristics of the propagation that is closely related to TC activities.(2) The air-sea interaction processes are the same in both active and inactive TC years,and the energy exchanges between the air and the sea play a role in maintaining the northwestward propagation of ISOs.(3) The air-sea interaction is more intensive in the active TC years than in the inactive ones.It is particularly true for the latent heat release by condensation as the result of convection,which may be one of the reasons resulting in significant differences in characteristics of ISOs between the active and inactive TC years.  相似文献   
不同海域影响热带气旋强度变化的环境动力因素对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1982-2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、月平均海平面温度(SST)资料和西北太平洋、北大西洋以及北印度洋热带气旋(TC)资料,对比分析了环境动力因素对不同海域TC强度在不同时间尺度变化的影响.结果表明,在各时间尺度上,TC强度变化与垂直风切变变化有密切的联系.在西北太平洋,使TC过程强度增强或减弱的风切变...  相似文献   
The precipitation distributions associated with two landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) during extratropical transition(ET) were examined in this study.Their distinction is that the bulk of precipitation fell to the left of the TC track in one TC and to the right in the other.The analyses indicate that,for the TC Haima(2004) case,accompanied by the approach of a deep midlatitude trough throughout the depth of the troposphere,the warm and moist air advection by the southeasterly flow north of TC was favorable for warm advection and frontogenesis to the northwest of the TC.Due to the steepening of equivalent potential temperature(θ e),the air-parcel uplift along the θ e surface,in collaboration with thermally direct circulation related to frontogenesis,led to enhanced precipitation northwest of the TC.In contrast,for TC Matsa(2005) embedded within a moister environment,a weak midlatitude trough was situated at the mid-upper level.The convection was triggered by the conditional instability at the lower level and then sustained by dynamic forcing at the mid-upper level so that the heavy precipitation occurred to the northeast of TC.For the two TC cases,the precipitation enhancement was also linked to the upper-level anomalous divergence associated with the jet-related forcing on the right side of the jet entrance.From the quasigeostrophic perspective,the advection of geostrophic absolute vorticity by the thermal wind most likely served as an indication reflecting the displacement of the vertical motion relative to the center of the TC.  相似文献   
Both of Typhoon Winnie (9711) and Matsa (0509) underwent an extratropical transition (ET) process when they moved northward after landfall and affected Liaodong Peninsula. However, Matsa produced half as much rainfall as Winnie, although it struck Liaodong Peninsula directly while Winnie passed through the Bohai Sea. The relations between the ET processes and the precipitation over Liaodong Peninsula are examined. The result shows that the precipitation difference between Winnie and Matsa was closely related to the interactions between the westerly systems and typhoons during their ET processes. Winnie was captured by the upper westerly trough and then coupled with it when moving to the mid-latitudes, and the positive anomaly of moist potential vorticity (MPV) was transported downward from the upper troposphere over the remnant circulation of the tropical cyclone (TC). It was favorable to the interaction between tropical warm and wet air and westerly cold air, causing convective cloud clusters to form and develop. The rain belt composed of several meso-β cloud clusters over the Liaodong Peninsula, resulting in heavy rainfall. On the other hand, Matsa did not couple with any upper trough during its ET process and the positive anomaly of MPV in the upper troposphere and its downward transfer were weak. Only one meso-β cloud cluster occurred in Matsa’s rain belt during its ET process that tended to lessen rainfall over Liaodong Peninsula.  相似文献   
赤道不稳定波对海气相互作用影响的数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤道不稳定波 (tropical instability waves) 存在于热带东太平洋赤道附近, 通常于每年的春末夏初出现, 以约0.6 m/s速度向西传播, 波周期为20~40天左右, 波长约为1000~2000 km.本文利用一个全球高分辨率海气耦合模式对赤道不稳定波在赤道附近的热量输送进行分析, 表明赤道不稳定波产生指向赤道的热通量, 从而部分抵消了热带东太平洋地区由Ekman辐散和温度平流导致的强冷却效应, 维持热带地区的热量平衡.其对赤道冷舌区的增暖作用可以消除和减弱气候模式中热带东太平洋地区的系统性冷偏差, 能使冷舌的强度和分布得到合理的改善, 对气候模式的改进和发展具有潜在贡献.赤道不稳定波还可以改变赤道海洋上空低层大气层结稳定度, 导致近地层强的风场辐合辐散, 并进一步影响大气混合层的温度、 风场等气象要素.模拟分析结果还表明, 赤道不稳定波对大气强迫产生二次响应, 改变赤道上空逆温层的垂直位移和逆温强度.研究赤道不稳定波对热带海洋气候及其海气相互作用机理的理解具有重要意义.  相似文献   
徐忠峰  钱永甫 《高原气象》2005,24(4):570-576
利用1954-1998年NCAR/NCEP再分析资料及同期我国160个测站月降水资料,分析了热带地区100hPa东风与华北夏季降水之间的关系。结果表明:(1)从春季到夏季,东风强度与华北夏季降水具有显著而稳定的正相关关系。(2)弱东风年夏季,印度洋及印度次大陆表面温度均为正异常,然而赤道印度洋地区的正异常明显强于其南北两侧。海温异常的这一分布特征,一方面使得100hPa东风减弱;另一方面使得南亚地区海陆热力对比减弱,导致南亚夏季风偏弱,进而造成由该季风区向华北地区的水汽输送减少,华北地区干旱。  相似文献   
The present study applies a space-time filter to identify three dominant types of tropical waves: Madden-Julian oscillations (MJOs), equatorial Rossby (ER) waves, and tropical depression (TD)-type disturbances. The impacts of these waves on tropical cyclones (TCs) were investigated based on 131 observations during the period 2000-07. The results suggest that 72% of TC geneses were related to the joint impacts of more than one type of wave. The composites for cases in different categories reveal that TCs related to the concurrence of the three types of waves have strong and large initial vortices at the time of TC genesis. In the absence of the MJO, ER- and TD-related TC genesis, embedded in easterly flow, exhibits a relatively fast initiation process and gives rise to a relatively small scale vortex. In contrast, without the ER wave contribution, TCs associated with ER and TD waves did not require strong convection at the time of genesis because an initial vortex can rapidly develop in the MJO active phase through persistent energy transfer. The MJO-related TC geneses were scattered in geographic distribution, as opposed to the clustered and eastward shift observed for genesis cases without contributions from MJOs.  相似文献   
We present characterizations of the dynamic turbulence in the lower stratosphere measured by a new balloon-based system designed for detecting finer scale dynamic turbulence. The balloon-based system included a constant temperature anemometer(CTA) operating at a sampling rate of 2 k Hz at an ascent speed of 5 m s-1(corresponding to a vertical resolution of 2.5 mm), an industrial personal computer, batteries, sensors for ambient temperature and humidity, an A/D converter, and others. The system was successfully launched to 24 km altitude over Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia Province. Results show the spatial intermittence of the turbulence layers, with clear boundaries between turbulent and nonturbulent regions. This is the first time that the dynamic turbulence spectrum down to the viscous sub-range has been obtained throughout the lower stratosphere over China. With that, the energy dissipation rates of dynamic turbulence could be calculated with high precision. The profile of the dissipation rates varied from 7.37 × 10-7 to 4.23 W kg-1 and increased with altitude in the stratosphere.  相似文献   
根据1981—2021年福建省热带气旋风雨资料,采用极差标准化、相关系数客观赋权法和自然断点法建立热带气旋致灾因子危险性评估模型,评估结果表明:选择降水7个因子和大风4个因子作为评估指标体系合理;雨高危险性区域位于沿海,南平和三明地区雨危险性较低;风较高危险性区域明显窄于雨较高危险性区域,危险性等级向内陆降低远快于降水,其中罗源湾至崇武沿海因受台湾岛地形屏障保护,危险性比沿海南北部小1个等级;风雨综合致灾危险性,沿海县市皆为较高危险性区域,其中中部沿海高危险性区域小,沿海南北部大,另外登陆粤东热带气旋沿海北上滞留在闽西上空的低压云团造成闽西北部存在较高危险性区域;在热带气旋登陆影响过程中,精细化致灾因子危险性评估更具有针对性,且与灾情相符,为气象灾害决策服务提供了更有价值的参考信息。  相似文献   
普查建国以来影响我国北方的所有台风个例 ,建立了影响我国北方的台风详细历史资料库 ,对台风位置、形成季节、移向、天气形势等进行相似分析 ,并在MICAPS平台上 ,建立了短期和中期台风相似预报系统。  相似文献   
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