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The possible changes of tropical cyclone(TC) tracks and their influence on the future basin-wide intensity of TCs over the western North Pacific(WNP) are examined based on the projected large-scale environments derived from a selection of CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models. Specific attention is paid to the performance of the CMIP5 climate models in simulating the large-scale environment for TC development over the WNP. A downscaling system including individual models for simulating the TC track and intensity is used to select the CMIP5 models and to simulate the TC activity in the future.The assessment of the future track and intensity changes of TCs is based on the projected large-scale environment in the21 st century from a selection of nine CMIP5 climate models under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5(RCP4.5)scenario. Due to changes in mean steering flows, the influence of TCs over the South China Sea area is projected to decrease,with an increasing number of TCs taking a northwestward track. Changes in prevailing tracks and their contribution to basin-wide intensity change show considerable inter-model variability. The influences of changes in prevailing track make a marked contribution to TC intensity change in some models, tending to counteract the effect of SST warming. This study suggests that attention should be paid to the simulated large-scale environment when assessing the future changes in regional TC activity based on climate models. In addition, the change in prevailing tracks should be considered when assessing future TC intensity change.  相似文献   
Northward propagation in summer and eastward propagation in winter are two distinguished features of tropical intraseasonal oscillation(TISO) over the equatorial Indian Ocean.According to numerical modeling results,under a global warming scenario,both propagations were intensified.The enhanced northward propagation in summer can be attributed to the enhanced atmosphere-ocean interaction and the strengthened mean southerly wind;and the intensified eastward propagation in winter is associated with the enhanced convection-wind coupling process and the strengthened equatorial Kevin wave.Future changes of TISO propagations need to be explored in more climate models.  相似文献   
为探讨热带季节雨林林冠上方大气稳定状态,为通量计算提供依据,利用2003-2004年热带季节雨林林冠上方的涡度相关法观测资料,对西双版纳热带季节雨林树冠上生态边界层内大气的稳定度频率分布进行了分析研究。计算了稳定度参数(z/L),并对大气稳定度类型进行了划分,分析了大气稳定状态的时间变化。结果表明:在热带季节雨林林冠上方的大气稳定度频率分布存在明显的日变化。昼间不稳定状态占优势,晚上以稳定状态为主;在早晨和下午稳定状态和不稳定状态频率分布易发生变化,导致中性的大气稳定状态更容易出现;而各大气稳定状态的频率分布年和季节变化相对较小,大气不稳定状态出现频率以雾凉季最高、干热季最低;稳定状态出现频率以干热季最高、雨季最低;中性状态出现频率以雨季最高、雾凉季最低。  相似文献   
西太平洋副热带高压对华北地区降水蒸发差的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙卫国  程炳岩  郭渠 《高原气象》2009,28(5):1167-1174
采用小波相关和交叉小波变换等方法, 分析了西太平洋副热带高压脊线和北界位置变化对华北地区降水蒸发差的影响。结果表明, 2000年以来华北区南部的水资源短缺问题有所缓解, 但以北京为中心的华北区东北部仍处于持续缺水期; 华北地区降水蒸发差与副热带高压脊线及北界位置变化相关密切, 存在年际和年代际尺度的显著相关振荡, 与副热带高压脊线的年代际尺度相关凝聚性最强; 时域中年际尺度相关存在局部化特征, 年代际尺度相关具有阶段性。分析认为, 2000年以来副热带高压脊线和北界位置偏北并维持反气旋型环流, 有利于水汽向华北输送, 使得华北降水增多, 是近年来华北中南部降水蒸发差增大的主要原因; 而东亚季风减弱不利于西南气流的水汽输送, 以及蒙古高原显著增暖导致蒸发增大等因素, 使得华北东北部仍处于持续缺水期。  相似文献   
霍飞  江志红  刘征宇 《大气科学》2014,38(2):352-362
本文首先利用最大协方差分析方法,探讨青藏高原积雪与中国降水之间的联系,发现中国夏末秋初(8~10月,简称ASO)降水与前期及同期高原积雪有着显著联系,当春夏季青藏高原西部多雪时,其后ASO中国长江及其以南地区多雨,而东部沿海的狭长区域少雨。进一步引入最大响应估计等方法,研究中国区域降水对高原积雪异常的响应及其可能的物理机制,结果表明,冬春季高原多雪异常可持续到夏季,并通过改变地表热力状况,导致ASO南亚高压减弱,同时在高、低空激发出两支波列:高层200 hPa波列沿中高纬西风急流传播,自高原经蒙古到达日本呈现明显的“负—正—负”位势高度异常传播,日本上空为气旋性异常环流;低层850 hPa波列起于高原,经孟加拉湾至中国南海,沿着西南气流传播,导致台湾附近的反气旋性异常环流,其西侧的偏南气流,将南海丰富的水汽输送至中国南部湖南、广西;而高层中心位于日本的气旋性异常环流西侧的偏北气流利于北方天气尺度扰动向南移动,它们为长江中下游及其以南地区多雨提供了有利条件。进一步计算定常波波数也表明,高层西风急流与低层西南季风气流作为波导,有利于高原上空的扰动沿着高、低空2支通道向东传播。由于东部沿海浙江、福建为正位势高度异常区,低层反气旋性异常环流则抑制了该区域的降水。  相似文献   
Fifty-eight extratropical transition (ET) cases in the years 2000-2008, including 2,021 observations (at 6-hour intervals), over the western North Pacific are analyzed using the cyclone phase space (CPS) method, in an effort to get the characteristics of the structure evolution and environmental conditions of tropical cyclones (TCs) during ET over this area. Cluster analysis of the CPS dataset shows that strong TCs are more likely to undergo ET. ET begins with the increment of thermal asymmetry in TCs, along with the generation and intensification of an upper-level cold core, and ends with the occurrence of a lower-level cold core. ET lasts an average duration of about 28 hours. Dynamic composite analysis of the environmental field of different clusters shows that, in general, when TCs move northward, they are gradually embedded in the westerlies and gradually transform into extratropical cyclones under the influence of the mid- and higher-latitude baroclinic systems. As for those TCs which complete ET, there is always much greater potential vorticity gradient in the northwest of them and obvious water vapor transport channels in the environment.  相似文献   
应明  余晖  梁旭东  李佳 《气象》2009,35(2):94-100
利用热带气旋年鉴、海温和大气环流再分析资料,分析2007年西北太平洋(包括南海)的风暴级以上热带气旋(简称TC)活动状况及海-气条件.结果表明,相对于气候平均值,2007年西北太平洋TC活动的季节峰期推后了约2个月,源地明显偏北,生成点纬度发生了2次明显跃变,年度TC的总体活动较弱,但个体的强度较强,路径以西北行为主,登陆比例偏大.影响上述TC活动特征的一个重要原因是年内ENSO循环的位相使得上半年的大气环流不利因素居多,而下半年大尺度上升运动、热带辐合带均较强,副高偏北、局地垂直风切变较小和对流层低层较强的扰动活动等条件,也十分有利热带气旋活动.  相似文献   
Simulations of tropical intraseasonal oscillation(TISO) in SAMIL,the Spectral Atmospheric Model from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP) State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics(LASG) coupled and uncoupled general circulation models were comprehensively evaluated in this study.Compared to the uncoupled model,the atmosphere-ocean coupled model improved the TISO simulation in the following aspects:(1) the spectral intensity for the 30-80-day peak eastward periods was more realistic;(2) the eastward propagation signals over western Pacific were stronger;and(3) the variance distribution and stronger signals of Kelvin waves and mixed Rossby gravity waves were more realistic.Better performance in the coupled run was assumed to be associated with a better mean state and a more realistic relationship between precipitation and SST.In both the coupled and uncoupled runs,the unrealistic simulation of the eastward propagation over the equatorial Indian Ocean might have been associated with the biases of the precipitation mean state over the Indian Ocean,and the unrealistic split of maximum TISO precipitation variance over the Pacific might have corresponded to the exaggeration of the double Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) structure in precipitation mean state.However,whether a better mean state leads to better TISO activity remains questionable.Notably,the northward propagation over the Indian Ocean during summer was not improved in the mean lead-lag correlation analysis,but case studies have shown some strong cases to yield remarkably realistic northward propagation in coupled runs.  相似文献   
In recent work, three physical factors of the Dynamical-Statistical-Analog Ensemble Forecast Model for Landfalling Typhoon Precipitation (DSAEF_LTP model) have been introduced, namely, tropical cyclone (TC) track, TC landfall season, and TC intensity. In the present study, we set out to test the forecasting performance of the improved model with new similarity regions and ensemble forecast schemes added. Four experiments associated with the prediction of accumulated precipitation were conducted based on 47 landfalling TCs that occurred over South China during 2004-2018. The first experiment was designed as the DSAEF_LTP model with TC track, TC landfall season, and intensity (DSAEF_LTP-1). The other three experiments were based on the first experiment, but with new ensemble forecast schemes added (DSAEF_LTP-2), new similarity regions added (DSAEF_LTP-3), and both added (DSAEF_LTP- 4), respectively. Results showed that, after new similarity regions added into the model (DSAEF_LTP-3), the forecasting performance of the DSAEF_LTP model for heavy rainfall (accumulated precipitation ≥250 mm and ≥100 mm) improved, and the sum of the threat score (TS250 + TS100) increased by 4.44%. Although the forecasting performance of DSAEF_LTP-2 was the same as that of DSAEF_LTP-1, the forecasting performance was significantly improved and better than that of DSAEF_LTP-3 when the new ensemble schemes and similarity regions were added simultaneously (DSAEF_LTP-4), with the TS increasing by 25.36%. Moreover, the forecasting performance of the four experiments was compared with four operational numerical weather prediction models, and the comparison indicated that the DSAEF_LTP model showed advantages in predicting heavy rainfall. Finally, some issues associated with the experimental results and future improvements of the DSAEF_LTP model were discussed.  相似文献   
2009/2010年冬季云南严重干旱的原因分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
2009/2010年冬季我国云南省出现严重干旱,这次大范围严重干旱是较长时期降水稀少所造成的。首先讨论云南省冬季降水偏多和偏少时大气环流和海温的统计特征,基于它们的统计关系,再对2009/2010年冬季我国云南省的严重干旱进行个例对比分析。研究表明西风带环流系统异常是造成这次干旱灾害的主要成因。贝加尔湖为高度负距平,东亚沿海为高度正距平,从贝加尔湖以西到东亚中高纬度西风带较平直,冬季冷空气偏弱,很难影响西南地区。尤其是副热带中东急流减弱,从欧洲东部到里海为高压脊控制,西风带的扰动系统不易东移到东亚上空;青藏高原上空为稳定的高压脊,孟加拉湾南支槽减弱,云南省受异常西北气流控制。对太平洋和印度洋海温的分析表明,虽然海温异常可以影响冬季的云南降水,但海温异常并不是2009/2010年冬季云南省降水偏少的最重要原因。  相似文献   
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