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充分考虑热演化过程中烃源岩干酪根、族组分、固体沥青及正构烷烃碳同位素相互关系及变化规律,通过地球化学分析并结合前人碳同位素及芳烃标志物研究进行综合分析,结果表明古油藏各区域储层早期均存在下寒武统黑色泥岩来源,后期来源有较大差别,麻江古背斜以南各地沥青均不同程度与中寒武统都柳江组有关,北凯里液态原油及油苗为五峰组及龙马溪组印支期成藏产物,其保存环境为储层早期成岩过程中形成的独立封闭系统。在油源识别的基础上,结合构造地质背景、油气成藏条件及流体活动规律分析,认为黔南坳陷及邻区下寒武统、都柳江组、五峰组及龙马溪组烃源岩的分布控制了该区油气富集规律,黔南海西期断裂系统与加里东运动形成的不整合面构成不同期次油气运聚的输导系统,海西期形成的一系列正断裂是麻江古油藏成藏的关键。  相似文献   
The disruption of a transportation network can have a high social and economic impact on the welfare of a society, as it can significantly affect the daily routines of a community. Although many studies have focused on the estimation of physical risk in the components that compose these networks, only a limited number have analyzed their interconnections and impact in the traffic flow. The present study analyzes how earthquake damage can disrupt the road network in an urban environment, and how this will influence the ability of the population to travel. Traffic due to daily commutes is modeled for different layouts of the network, corresponding to possible disruptions caused by earthquake damage. The duration and length of each trip were calculated both for the undamaged network conditions and for the disrupted network. The increase in the median duration and length of each trip allows estimating the economic loss for each event due to drivers' delay. By combining the probability of a specific road being blocked with its number of users, the average number of affected vehicles was estimated, and the most critical segments identified. The methodology was applied to a case study concerning the road network of the area around the Italian city of Messina in Sicily. The results were calculated for both a repetition of the well-known historical event of 1908 and a set of simulated earthquakes consistent with the national probabilistic seismic hazard model of Italy.  相似文献   
We present for the first time a synthesis of the evidence of focused fluid flow in the Eastern Mediterranean, providing an updated record that includes recent and past occurrences through the last ca. 6 My of evolution of the basin. We do this by adding the interpretation of a previously unpublished regional 2D seismic dataset to the existing occurrences of focused fluid flow reported in the literature. Our interpretation shows a high number (141) of focused fluid flow features, which span the stratigraphic interval from late Miocene to Recent. Of these features, (82) are at the seabed, and (59) are buried. The previous published record is more difficult to quantify, but in comparison shows an overwhelming majority of seabed features, with only rare examples of buried features.The spectrum of the buried and seabed features covers pockmarks, pipes, mud volcanoes, clastic intrusions and collapse structures. Clustering of the fluid flow features is observed at different times in specific areas, including the Nile Cone, and the Levant, Herodotus, Cyprus and Latakia basins. With the buried record, we are able to highlight the evolution of the leakage points through time. Focused fluid flow venting has been occurring since the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis and the start of basinwide deposition of evaporites. We focus in particular on seismic indicators of leakage through evaporites, and of sub-evaporitic source for fluids and remobilised sediments. We also discuss the role of the evaporites as a seal to ascending fluids, and in which circumstances they can be breached.Fluids (and associated remobilised sediments) are sourced from different intervals, from the sub- and supra-evaporitic section, and possibly within the evaporites. Only a minor proportion of the fluid flow features are certainly sourced from below the Messinian evaporites, and most of them are located in the Nile-Levant-Eratosthenes areas. The few examples of pathways that are able to cross thick, undeformed and well preserved evaporites are typically correlated to overpressure release and hydrofracturing. This confirms that the evaporites do act regionally as a very good seal as expected, while fluids are able to cross the evaporites only in their most extreme expression, i.e. in near-lithostathic overpressure conditions. This is confirmed by our observations made in the Eastern Mediterranean, where in the presence of relatively undisturbed evaporites, cross-evaporite vertical fluid pathways are only observed at the high end of the flux-pressure range, and involve sediment remobilisation. Maps combining these different elements can be used to detect areas potentially more prone to breaching.  相似文献   
文章以交通网络环境下生产要素的集聚与扩散作为研究对象,以"点-轴系统"理论作为生产要素集聚与扩散的理论基础,分析了高速公路占据突出重要地位的交通网络的生产要素集聚与扩散的模式,并以沈大高速公路为例进行实地论证。  相似文献   
Probabilistic seismic risk assessment for spatially distributed lifelines is less straightforward than for individual structures. While procedures such as the ‘PEER framework’ have been developed for risk assessment of individual structures, these are not easily applicable to distributed lifeline systems, due to difficulties in describing ground‐motion intensity (e.g. spectral acceleration) over a region (in contrast to ground‐motion intensity at a single site, which is easily quantified using Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis), and since the link between the ground‐motion intensities and lifeline performance is usually not available in closed form. As a result, Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and its variants are well suited for characterizing ground motions and computing resulting losses to lifelines. This paper proposes a simulation‐based framework for developing a small but stochastically representative catalog of earthquake ground‐motion intensity maps that can be used for lifeline risk assessment. In this framework, Importance Sampling is used to preferentially sample ‘important’ ground‐motion intensity maps, and K‐Means Clustering is used to identify and combine redundant maps in order to obtain a small catalog. The effects of sampling and clustering are accounted for through a weighting on each remaining map, so that the resulting catalog is still a probabilistically correct representation. The feasibility of the proposed simulation framework is illustrated by using it to assess the seismic risk of a simplified model of the San Francisco Bay Area transportation network. A catalog of just 150 intensity maps is generated to represent hazard at 1038 sites from 10 regional fault segments causing earthquakes with magnitudes between five and eight. The risk estimates obtained using these maps are consistent with those obtained using conventional MCS utilizing many orders of magnitudes more ground‐motion intensity maps. Therefore, the proposed technique can be used to drastically reduce the computational expense of a simulation‐based risk assessment, without compromising the accuracy of the risk estimates. This will facilitate computationally intensive risk analysis of systems such as transportation networks. Finally, the study shows that the uncertainties in the ground‐motion intensities and the spatial correlations between ground‐motion intensities at various sites must be modeled in order to obtain unbiased estimates of lifeline risk. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
浅析水泥厂总平面创新设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水泥厂总平面布置处于水泥厂设计中总揽全局的地位,它涉及众多领域及学科,结合水泥厂特点,着重从节约用地、统一规划、功能分区、场地利用、运输系统、绿化及生态保护,创造可持续发展空间等几方面分析总图创新设计。实践表明,总图创新设计的途径和措施切实可行,成效显著,带有普遍意义。  相似文献   
Despite the long existence of port geography research, there has been no systematic investigation on its evolution and research trends. Hence, through investigating 155 port geography articles featured in geography journals between 1956 and 2011, this article studied the evolution and research trends of port geography. The article argues that port geography had gradually evolved from a secondary and encyclopedic subdiscipline within transport and human geographies to a primary and specialized one. Such a trend had blurred its “geographicalness,” however, with port geography moving toward the more applied and interdisciplinary transportation. The article also indicates that further research would be required to understand the communication between port geography and other disciplines, as well as philosophical and epistemological issues.  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1018-1038
Working-poor women face many challenges in their quest for economic self-sufficiency. Although welfare reform promises jobs, women do not have equal access to necessary services, including transportation. With the 2010 reauthorization of TANF (Temporary Asssistance for Needy Women), there is a need to develop a methodology that uses qualitative individual-level data to evaluate whether public transportation will serve working-poor single mothers in this quest for self-sufficiency. Using ethnography, travel diaries, and a GIS for a sample of women in the process of leaving welfare in Knoxville, Tennessee, travel behavior is examined both qualitatively and quantitatively in order to understand why they rarely use public transportation. Further research into the ways these women move around in a sprawling, medium-sized city reinforces and seeks to understand the extensive social networks working-poor mothers rely on. These women create communities of spatial necessity, bartering for basic needs to overcome transportation constraints.  相似文献   
In this study, a method is proposed for estimating the uncertainty of a Lagrangian pathway calculated from an undersampled ocean surface velocity field. The primary motivation and application for this method is the differentiation between active and passive movements for sea turtles whose trajectories are observed with satellite telemetry. Synthetic trajectories are launched within a reconstructed surface velocity field and integrated forward in time to produce likely trajectories of an actual turtle or drifter. Uncertainties in both the initial conditions at launch and the velocity field along the trajectory are used to yield an envelope of possible synthetic trajectories for each actual trajectory. The juxtaposition of the actual trajectory with the resulting cloud of synthetic trajectories provides a means to distinguish between active and passive movements of the turtle. The uncertainty estimates provided by this model may lead to improvements in our understanding of where and when turtles are engaged in specific behaviors (i.e. migration vs. foraging)—for which potential management efforts may vary accordingly.  相似文献   
热液中二氧化硅与成矿元素锡络合作用的实验标定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热液中二氧化硅与成矿元素锡络合作用的实验标定*樊文苓陈紫新王声远田弋夫(中国科学院矿床地球化学开放研究实验室,贵阳550002)关键词锡石溶解度二氧化硅的络合作用迁移形式前人对锡在流体中迁移形式的实验研究和热力学计算表明,锡(Ⅱ)的多种氯络合物是高温...  相似文献   
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