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北太平洋中尺度涡时空特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑聪聪  杨宇星  王法明 《海洋科学》2014,38(10):105-112
利用1993~2011年19 a的AVISO卫星高度计资料研究了北太平洋(10°~60°N,120°E~100°W)中尺度涡的时空分布特征,结果表明:北太平洋每年约产生1 800余个涡旋,其中气旋涡稍多。北太平洋东部沿岸、西北沿岸、黑潮延伸体北侧、副热带逆流区是中尺度涡的高发区,春、冬季是涡旋的高发季节。涡极性分布以35°N为界,北部多反气旋涡,南部多气旋涡。涡旋半径以100 km左右为主,并且基本随纬度升高而减小,涡旋数量随着周期增长而急剧下降。反气旋涡的平均半径和周期均大于气旋涡。利用Argo浮标剖面资料分析的6个个例涡旋的垂直结构显示,每个涡旋都有其独特的冷暖核结构,深度不同。研究结果对于分析北太平洋涡动能分布及传输具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
Conservation and management of coastal lagoons envisage direct human intervention. To prevent siltation and to preserve the hydrodynamics features of the lagoon system, the inner channels undergo regular maintenance dredging.  相似文献   
应用热释光技术对南海东部海域(13.00°~22.00°N、117.00°~119°30′E)42个站位的表层沉积物样品进行分析测量,结合气烃组合指标C1/(C2+C3)及甲烷碳同位素判别地表气烃的成因类型,并有效指示了海底深部油气藏散失引起的放射性异常,研究还发现热释光在不同沉积粒径中的测试剂量不同,结果为黏土质粉砂大于砂质粉砂;热释光也与部分化学元素含量有关,与稀土金属Nb、金属元素Zr呈显著正相关,与微量元素S、Ba呈负相关;天然热释光还与不同区块的沉积物酸解气烃甲烷、丙烷、异丁烷呈强烈正相关。数理统计分析结果表明沉积物的热释光和气烃的异常值完全吻合。  相似文献   
A multidisciplinary study in the Gulf of Cadiz is revisited, using additional diagnostic modelling tools. The dissolved trace metal (Cu, Ni, Zn, Co) distributions in the Gulf of Cadiz are analysed using modelled tracer evolutions, field observations and the concept of tracer ages. This study shows that a significant part of the observed metal distributions can be explained by the metal inputs of three river systems (Guadiana, Rio Tinto and Odiel, Guadalquivir) discharging into the Gulf of Cadiz, while the remainder of the signal is most likely associated with the benthic metal remobilisation along the shelf of this coastal region.  相似文献   
Seawater samples were collected in the lagoon of Nouméa (southwest New Caledonia) along two transects from eutrophic coastal bays to the oligotrophic barrier reef. Land-based emissions to the lagoon were measured with dissolved and particulate concentrations of chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni), used as tracers of both terrigenous and industrial (Ni ore treatment) activities, as well as dissolved and particulate concentrations of zinc (Zn), used as a tracer of urban effluents. The spatial variability of metal concentrations was related to geochemical and hydrodynamic conditions, i.e., respectively: (1) natural and anthropogenic emission sources, and chemical processes occurring in the water column; and (2) water residence times. The parameter used to describe the residence time of water masses was the local e-flushing time, i.e. the time required for a tracer mass contained within a given station to be reduced by a factor 1/e. High metal concentrations were found in coastal areas (up to 9000 ng dissolved Ni L−1), and steeply decreased with distance from the coast (down to 101 ng dissolved Ni L−1 near the barrier reef) to reach levels similar to those found in remote Pacific waters, suggesting a rapid renewal of waters close to the barrier. Distributions of metals in the lagoon are controlled upstream by land-based emission sources and later chemical processes. Then hydrodynamics constrain metal distributions, as shown by the observed relationship between local e-flushing times and the spatial variability of metal concentrations. In addition, a change in the direction of prevailing winds yielded a decrease of dissolved metal concentrations at the same site by a factor of 2.5 (Cr and Ni) and 2.9 (Zn). It is suggested that the residence time is a key parameter in the control of elemental concentrations in the lagoon waters, as much as land-based emission sources.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONProvenanceofmarinesedimentshasalwaysbeenafocusedprobleminmarinesedimentge ology.Recognitionofendmembersandestimationoftheirrelativeproportionsfrommixedsedimentshavebeenakeycontentinthestudyofprovenance .Forthisaim ,itisnecessarytoselectendme…  相似文献   
地震资料室内处理过程要求野外采集的地震资料越多越好, 而地震数据远距离快速传输又要求野外地震数据量越少越好. 为解决这一矛盾, 将基于曲波变换与压缩感知的数据重建技术引入到地震资料处理中, 对实际的野外不完整数据进行压缩重建. 结果表明, 曲波变换相对于傅里叶变换在数据压缩采样方法中占有一定的优势. 但是, 在对实际资料进行处理时, 首先要对资料中的面波进行处理, 同时还要在一定曲波基元尺寸的情况下, 考虑缺失道数量的影响. 最终, 得到的重建数据图像纹理清晰、 连接自然, 从而验证了该方法的实用性和有效性.   相似文献   
公元前7年内蒙古包头地区8级地震的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
聂宗笙 《地震学报》2013,35(4):584-603
公元前7年11月11日(汉成帝绥和二年九月丙辰)地震, 由于历史文献记载的不确定性, 长期存在分歧, 也没有学者开展过调查研究, 中国地震目录均未收入. 考古发现包头市麻池周边汉代部分木椁墓中木椁四周填塞的碎砖瓦陶片及文字瓦当, 是房屋毁坏以后的建筑垃圾和日用陶器残片的混合物, 这些房屋是在公元前52年(甘露二年)到公元前33年(竞宁元年)以后在麻池古城(汉五原郡)建成的. 上述房屋的毁坏发生在西汉晚期的墓葬稍前. 房屋毁坏的原因, 可排除自然因素、 战争及人为破坏, 更可能是由于突发性的地震灾害所致. 公元前7年地震正好发生在这一时期, 并使北边郡国30余处坏城郭, 凡压杀400余人. 根据木椁四周填塞碎砖瓦陶片的汉墓分析, 麻池古城房屋、 殿堂遭受严重破坏, 死亡人数达200人以上, 地震及其它天灾人祸, 使麻池古城逐渐衰退, 最后荒废. 结合大青山山前断裂所形成的距今2 000年前的地震形变带遗迹综合分析, 公元前7年11月11日地震宏观震中在麻池一带, 震中烈度为Ⅹ度, 震级达8级, 命名为内蒙古包头8级地震.  相似文献   
玛曲断裂带土壤气汞、氡地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据汞、氡土壤气在断层上的形成机制,分析了玛曲断裂带土壤气中汞、氡地球化学异常特征,并依据异常判断了断层的位置、产状、性质.与断层的实际剖面所反映的断层规模与性质基本耦合.为评价活断层提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   
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