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坡麓相斜坡软土特性及其地质灾害防治研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合工程实例.提出“坡麓相斜坡软土”的概念,论述西南煤系地层地区斜坡软土的形成机理、分布规律、物理力学特征及其工程特性,研究斜坡软土对工程的危害及其地质灾害防治对策,最后列举三个典型斜坡软土工程整治实例,对指导工程实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   
未来全球气候变化是人们关注的重大课题。从内蒙古盐湖近20ka气候演变的研究可知,地质时期和历史时期气候波动变化是有规律可循的。用已经了解的这种变化规律来予测未来气候变化是有价值的。研究表明,未来1ka左右全球为暖期,之后将进入下一个冰期。  相似文献   
地台活化与层控铅锌矿床   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍大多数层控铅锌矿床是产在半封闭沉积盆地碳酸盐岩中,属同生沉积成因。在地台活化时期,由于扬子地台西南缘从稳定地块转向活化。在构造-岩浆作用时期,火山喷气导致了金属聚积。因此,所有的矿床均表现出受超壳大断裂控制,这些矿床可认为是同生沉积-火山喷气成因。  相似文献   
Dissolved (dialysis in situ) and total concentrations ofCu, Zn, Cd and Al in eight mining polluted rivers in the Røros area, central Norway, were determinedby atomic absorption spectrometry (flame and graphite furnace) and compared to pH, Caconcentration and alkalinity through seasonal variations in river discharge. Totalconcentrations of the metals were highest during early spring flood and during summer andautumn rain episodes. Dissolved concentrations also increased as the spring floodproceeded, but small discharge peaks within this 2 month period as well as a considerableautumn flood episode appeared to lower rather than to raise the dissolved metal concentrations.Consequently the dissolved fractions of Zn, Cd and Al showed a significant negative correlationwith river discharge, and were low at the discharge peaks. Possibly high sediment concentrationsoccurring at high flood conditions more than counteracted desorption induced by pHdecrease, and led to decreased dissolved fractions through adsorption. Cu speciationon the other hand seemed to be more closely linked to pH. Alkalinity and Ca concentration,both assumed to protect aquatic life from metal pollution, were significantly lowerduring episodes with high Cu and Al total concentrations.  相似文献   
加强应急管理、有效应对突发事件是国家的一项重要工作,以地理空间信息技术为核心的应急管理地理信息平台建设,已成为目前国内省级应急平台建设的主要模式。本研究建立了应急联动一张图和地理信息应急服务总线,对省级应急资源多源、异构、动态、多时相信息整合技术难题进行探索,实现了地理信息服务与全市各级应急系统的业务融合。目前,研究成果已融入重庆市应急信息资源共享体系,在多个部门的应急业务系统中得到有效的集成应用,为形成全市应急资源全方面共享格局发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
The authors processed the seismic refraction Pg-wave travel time data with finite difference tomography method and revealed velocity structure of the upper crust on active block boundaries and deep features of the active faults in western Sichuan Province. The following are the results of our investigation. The upper crust of Yanyuan basin and the Houlong Mountains consists of the superficial low-velocity layer and the deep uniform high-velocity layer, and between the two layers, there is a distinct, and gently west-dipping structural plane. Between model coordinates 180-240 km, P-wave velocity distribution features steeply inclined strip-like structure with strongly non-uniform high and low velocities alternately. Xichang Mesozoic basin between 240 and 300 km consists of a thick low-velocity upper layer and a high-velocity lower layer, where lateral and vertical velocity variations are very strong and the interface between the two layers fluctuates a lot. The Daliang Mountains to the east of the 300 km coordinate is a non-uniform high-velocity zone, with a superficial velocity of approximately 5 km/s. From 130 to 150 km and from 280 to 310 km, there are extremely distinct deep anomalous high-velocity bodies, which are supposed to be related with Permian magmatic activity. The Yanyuan nappe structure is composed of the superficial low-velocity nappe, the gently west-dipping detachment surface and the deep high-velocity basement, with Jinhe-Qinghe fault zone as the nappe front. Mopanshan fault is a west-dipping low-velocity zone, which extends to the top surface of the basement. Anninghe fault and Zemuhe fault are east-dipping, tabular-like, and low-velocity zones, which extend deep into the base-ment. At a great depth, Daliangshan fault separates into two segments, which are represented by drastic variation of velocity structures in a narrow strip: the west segment dips westward and the east segment dips eastward, both stretching into the basement. The east margin fault of Xichang Mesozoic basin features a strong velocity gradient zone, dipping southwestward and stretching to the top surface of the basement. The west-dipping, tabular-like, and low-velocity zone at the easternmost segment of the profile is a branch of Mabian fault, but the reliability of the supposition still needs to be confirmed by further study. Anninghe, Zemuhe and Daliangshan faults are large active faults stretching deep into the basement, which dominate strong seismic activities of the area.  相似文献   
南水北调西线一期工程调水区所涉及的6条河流(泥曲、达曲、色曲、杜柯河、玛柯河、阿柯河)坝址处均无实测的径流资料,开展该地区的水文研究属于无资料水文预报问题(PUBs)。利用年径流量的变差系数Cv值、年际变化绝对比率P和不均匀系数α对坝址下游的朱倭、朱巴、足木足、绰斯甲4站的实测年径流的年际变化进行分析,计算结果为各坝址径流年际变差系数Cv为0.15~0.26,表明调水区的多年径流量变化不大;年际变化绝对比率P为1.88~3.00,其中朱倭站的径流年际变化最大,最大径流量是最小径流量的3倍,绰斯甲站的最大径流量是最小径流量的1.88倍,4站的径流变化都不剧烈;径流不均匀系数α为0.58~0.75,表明该流域径流量的年际变化较为均匀;利用水文比拟法对坝址处的径流进行了计算,并根据R/S分析法对坝址处径流序列的未来趋势进行了初步分析,各坝址处的年径流序列的赫斯特系数均大于0.5,说明各径流序列的未来趋势具有持续性,即未来趋势与历史呈正相关,6个调水坝址中只有扎洛和克柯处的径流未来是减少的,其余坝址处径流都是增加的,这样西线一期工程调水区的河流有利于水资源的可持续开发利用。  相似文献   
贵阳木本植物始花期对温度变化的敏感度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物物候期的温度敏感度反映了植物是怎样及在何种程度上响应气候变化,研究不同物种物候期的温度敏感度有利于鉴别易受气候变化影响的物种。现有关于始花期的温度敏感度研究主要集中在温带地区,在亚热带地区研究仍较少。本文以位于亚热带的贵阳为研究区,利用1980-2014年60种典型木本植物的始花期观测资料,分析了该地区植物始花期变化趋势及对气温变化的敏感度,评估了样本量大小对敏感度估计稳定性的影响。结果表明:①研究时段内贵阳发生了明显的气候变化,年平均气温显著升高,其中春、秋季的增温比夏、冬季显著。②绝大多数植物(88.3%)的始花期在研究时段内呈提前趋势,其中显著提前的占物种总数的21.7%(P<0.05);60种植物始花期总体的提前趋势为2.89 d/10 a。③绝大多数(88.3%)植物始花期的年际变化与最优时段内平均气温呈显著负相关(P<0.05),所有植物始花期的总体敏感度为-5.75 d/℃。④样本量大小对温度敏感度估计的稳定性有显著影响,15年长序列能将敏感度估计结果的波动范围以99%的概率控制在2 d/℃之内。  相似文献   
范雷  唐辉明  胡斌  倪俊 《岩土力学》2008,29(3):624-628
极限平衡分析方法是斜坡稳定性评价中的常用方法,在长期的工程实践中积累了丰富的经验,但其不能考虑斜坡岩土体中实际存在的不确定性,在应用中具有一定的局限性。可靠度分析方法可有效地考虑斜坡系统内的不确定性和相关性,但因状态函数偏导数的求解比较困难,使可靠度分析方法在实际中应用不便。为解决上述问题,根据二元函数插值逼近原理,在矩形区域上构造拉格朗日不完全双二次多项式逼近状态函数,从而近似地计算状态函数的偏导数,求得状态函数的均值和方差,并利用精度较高的一次二阶矩方法来计算斜坡的可靠指标和破坏概率。据鄂西恩施地区马堡营滑坡实例分析表明,引入二元函数插值逼近的一次二阶矩方法计算结果与剩余推力法及Monte-carlo模拟方法结果一致,其精度可满足工程需求。  相似文献   
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