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Periodic variations in magma discharge rate and ground deformation have been commonly observed during lava dome eruptions. We performed a stability analysis of a conduit flow model by Barmin et al. [Barmin, A., Melnik, O., Sparks, R.S.J., 2002. Periodic behavior in lava dome eruptions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 199 (1-2), 173–184], in which the periodic variations in magma flow rate and chamber pressure are reproduced as a result of the temporal and spatial changes of the magma viscosity controlled by the kinetics of crystallization. The model is reduced to a dynamical system where the time derivatives of the magma flow rate (dQ/dt) and the chamber pressure (dP/dt) are functions of Q and P evaluated at a shifted time  t?. Here, the time delay t? represents the time for the viscosity of fluid particle to increase in a conduit. The dynamical system with time delay is approximated by a simple two-dimensional dynamical system of Q and P where t? is given as a parameter. The results of our linear stability analyses for these dynamical systems indicate that the transition from steady to periodic flow depends on nonlinearities in the steady state relation between Q and P. The steady state relation shows a sigmoidal curve in Q − P phase plane; its slope has negative values at intermediate flow rates. The steady state solutions become unstable, and hence P and Q oscillate periodically, when the negative slope of the steady state relation ([dP/dQ]S) exceeds a critical value; that is [dP/dQ]S < − t?γ/(2Vch), where Vch is the chamber volume and γ is an elastic constant which is related to the rigidity of chamber wall. We also found that the period and the pattern of oscillation of the conduit flow primarily depend on a quantity defined by LVch/r4, where L is the conduit length and r is the conduit radius.  相似文献   
萨尔图油田南二区东部140号断层以东地区葡11—4油层,以多段多韵律和正韵律沉积为主,平均孔隙度30.0%,平均空气渗透率1980×10^-3μm2。水驱结束时该油层平均含水92%,采出程度39.5%。计划对该区块实施聚合物驱开采。以往经验认为,组合段塞调整注聚技术能够有效改善流度控制作用。然而对组合注入情况下如何进一步提高驱油效果、注入井分注时机、层段注入强度对开发效果有何影响却很少探讨。通过室内驱油实验,在聚驱的组合段塞注入不同时机(水驱空白阶段、含水下降阶段、含水稳定阶段、含水回升阶段)下调整注入强度实施分注以及在含水回升分注基础上进一步调整注入强度,同时对比不分注实验,评价各方案驱油效果。实验表明:不实施分注时聚驱采收率在水驱基础上提高了19.07个百分点,而组合段塞注入时实施分注均能够在不分注基础上进一步提高驱油效果;空白水驱时实施分注采收率提高幅度最大,为26.55个百分点;随着分注时机的滞后采收率提高幅度增加值依次递减,分注时机越早越好。  相似文献   
The radon transport test, which is a widely used test case for atmospheric transport models, is carried out to evaluate the tracer advection schemes in the Grid-Point Atmospheric Model of IAP-LASG (GAMIL). Two of the three available schemes in the model are found to be associated with significant biases in the polar regions and in the upper part of the atmosphere, which implies potentially large errors in the simulation of ozone-like tracers. Theoretical analyses show that inconsistency exists between the advection schemes and the discrete continuity equation in the dynamical core of GAMIL and consequently leads to spurious sources and sinks in the tracer transport equation. The impact of this type of inconsistency is demonstrated by idealized tests and identified as the cause of the aforementioned biases. Other potential effects of this inconsistency are also discussed. Results of this study provide some hints for choosing suitable advection schemes in the GAMIL model. At least for the polax-region-concentrated atmospheric components and the closely correlated chemical species, the Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian advection scheme produces more reasonable simulations of the large-scale transport processes without significantly increasing the computational expense.  相似文献   
The use of digital models has increased significantly in recent years with the accessibility of fast computing machines. A variable dimensioned digital model was constructed for the Shadnagar granite basin using SPECTRUM-7 micro computer to integrate various hydrogeological characteristics and for their quantitative evaluation. The basin has an areal extent of 437 sq km and is demarcated with clear water divides in all directions. Transmissivity, recharge and discharge at each cell of the basin area were estimated by trial and error simulation of the hydrogeological phenomenon under steady state condition. Dynamic simulation at representative nodes facilitated the estimation of storage coefficient. The capability of the constructed model was established by the conformance of the simulated hydrographs with the actual behaviour of the ground water system. The entire studies ammended the earlier arrived estimates of various input/output hydrogeological parameters and evolved a methodology for efficient processing of aquifer simulation data  相似文献   
We present new 40Ar/39Ar data for sanidine and biotite derived from volcanic ash layers that are intercalated in Pliocene and late Miocene astronomically dated sequences in the Mediterranean with the aim to solve existing inconsistencies in the intercalibration between the two independent absolute dating methods. 40Ar/39Ar sanidine ages are systematically younger by 0.7-2.3% than the astronomical ages for the same ash layers. The significance of the discrepancy disappears except for the upper Ptolemais ashes, which reveal the largest difference, if an improved full error propagation method is applied to calculate the absolute error in the 40Ar/39Ar ages. The total variance is dominated by that of the activity of the decay of 40K to 40Ar (∼70%) and that the amount of radiogenic 40Arp in the primary standard GA1550 biotite (∼15%). If the 40Ar/39Ar ages are calculated relative to an astronomically dated standard, the influence of these parameters is greatly reduced, resulting in a more reliable age and in a significant reduction of the error in 40Ar/39Ar dating.Astronomically calibrated ages for Taylor Creek Rhyolite (TCR) and Fish Canyon Tuff (FCT) sanidine are 28.53±0.02 and 28.21±0.04 Ma (±1 S.E.), respectively, if we start from the more reliable results of the Cretan A1 ash layer. The most likely explanation for the large discrepancy found for the younger Ptolemais ash layers (equivalent to FCT of 28.61 Ma) is an error in the tuning of this part of the sequence.  相似文献   
旋回地层学理论基础、研究进展和展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在过去30余年中旋回地层学研究得到了极大发展, 对理解和解决地球科学领域众多科学问题做出了很大贡献.旋回地层学(Cyclostratigraphy)已被定义为"对地层记录的(准)周期性旋回变化进行识别、描述、对比和成因解释, 并将其应用于地质年代学以提高地层年代框架的精度和分辨率, 实现地层高精度划分与对比的一门地层学分支学科".能够反映古气候变化的岩性、岩相、地球物理和地球化学参数(即古气候替代指标)均可用于旋回地层学分析.通过岩性组合识别、频谱分析、连续窗口频谱分析、小波分析、滤波和调谐等方法可进行识别米兰科维奇旋回信号和建立高精度天文年代标尺.中国学者在北方黄土剖面、南海新近纪海相沉积、古生代海相沉积和部分中新生代陆相沉积中获得了良好的旋回地层学研究成果.对中国东北松辽盆地陆相白垩系和华南海相二叠系乐平统—中三叠统开展旋回地层学研究有望取得重要突破.   相似文献   
土体流变破坏时间的灰色预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭轩明  赵欣  陈小婷 《岩土力学》2003,24(6):1074-1078
根据不同载荷条件下土体蠕变破坏的时间数据列,建立了土体流变破坏时间的灰色预测模型。该模型能根据土体在较高应力条件下的蠕变破坏时间预测其在较低应力水平条件下的蠕变破坏时间,可用于边坡破坏预测、岩土工程、岩土力学试验等领域。  相似文献   
输导通道类型对天然气聚集效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对中国大中型气田天然气输导通道类型及影响因素研究,得到中国大中型气田主要有断裂、断裂与不整合组合、砂体、断裂与砂体组合、不整合与砂体组合和不整合6种输导通道类型。其中以断裂为主,其次是断裂与不整合组合,再次是砂体和断裂与砂体组合,最少为不整合和不整合与砂体组合。它们主要受盆地类型、盆地内构造带类型和源储空间位置关系的影响。由中国大中型气田储量、含气面积和聚集时问,通过求取其天然气聚集效率,把中国大中型气田划分为高效、中效和低效3类气田。通过中国大中型气田天然气聚集效率与输导通道类型之间关系分析,得到聚集时间相对较晚的断裂、砂体和断裂与不整合组合形成的输导通道天然气聚集效率相对较高,有利于快速形成大中型气田。  相似文献   
提出了线束型三维观测系统横向覆盖次数的一种简易确定方法,详细论述了非纵误差的实质及纵测线方向的选择方法,根据目前煤田三维数据采集现状,提出了宽方位角的设想,以便克服以往三维观测系统中方位角分布不均的弊端。   相似文献   
This article extends a signal-based approach formerly proposed by the authors, which utilizes the fractal dimension of time frequency feature(FDTFF) of displacements, for earthquake damage detection of moment resist frame(MRF), and validates the approach with shaking table tests. The time frequency feature(TFF) of the relative displacement at measured story is defined as the real part of the coefficients of the analytical wavelet transform. The fractal dimension(FD) is to quantify the TFF within the fundamental frequency band using box counting method. It is verified that the FDTFFs at all stories of the linear MRF are identical with the help of static condensation method and modal superposition principle, while the FDTFFs at the stories with localized nonlinearities due to damage will be different from those at the stories without nonlinearities using the reverse-path methodology. By comparing the FDTFFs of displacements at measured stories in a structure, the damage-induced nonlinearity of the structure under strong ground motion can be detected and localized. Finally shaking table experiments on a 1:8 scale sixteen-story three-bay steel MRF with added frictional dampers, which generate local nonlinearities, are conducted to validate the approach.  相似文献   
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