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利用“中韩水循环动力学合作研究”和“中国近海海洋环境综合调查”( 1 996年 4月 -1 999年 1月 )期间各季节 1 2 8°E以西的校正后的 CTD现场水文调查资料 ,对黄、东海温、盐跃层在 4个不同时期 (成长、强盛、消衰和无跃期 )的各特征值的分布特性及其季节变化作了探讨和分析。结果表明 :( 1 )黄海底层显著冷水团的存在 ,使黄海以温跃层占绝对主导地位 ;东海的沿岸海区因受长江径流的影响则以盐跃层为主导。 ( 2 )温跃层的强度主要取决于与其相联的上、下层水团的强弱。冷水团的存在是产生强跃层的根本原因。( 3)夏季东海区双温跃层从浙江近海到济州岛以南水域连成片 ,其分布范围恰好与冬季入侵陆架的黑潮水相一致。 ( 4 )长江冲淡水舌状盐跃层强度等值线在各季节的伸展情况反映了长江冲淡水在各季节的扩散情况 ,一年当中 ,其轴向先从南往北转 ,再从北往南转。 ( 5 )苏北浅滩以及台湾海峡北部终年为无跃区  相似文献   
Using 20 models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), the simulation of the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO) thermocline dome is evaluated and its role in shaping the Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) mode following El Niño investigated. In most of the CMIP5 models, due to an easterly wind bias along the equator, the simulated SWIO thermocline is too deep, which could further influence the amplitude of the interannual IOB mode. A model with a shallow (deep) thermocline dome tends to simulate a strong (weak) IOB mode, including key attributes such as the SWIO SST warming, antisymmetric pattern during boreal spring, and second North Indian Ocean warming during boreal summer. Under global warming, the thermocline dome deepens with the easterly wind trend along the equator in most of the models. However, the IOB amplitude does not follow such a change of the SWIO thermocline among the models; rather, it follows future changes in both ENSO forcing and local convection feedback, suggesting a decreasing effect of the deepening SWIO thermocline dome on the change in the IOB mode in the future.  相似文献   
The thermocline-sea surface temperature (SST) feedback is the most important component of the Bjerknes feedback, which plays an important role in the development of the air-sea coupling modes of the Indian Ocean. The thermocline-SST feedback in the Indian Ocean has experienced significant decadal variations over the last 40 a. The feedback intensified in the late twentieth century and then weakened during the hiatus in global warming at the early twenty-first century. The thermocline-SST feedback is most prominent in the southeastern and southwestern Indian Ocean. Although the decadal variations of feedback are similar in these two regions, there are still differences in the underlying mechanisms. The decadal variations of feedback in the southeastern Indian Ocean are dominated by variations in the depth of the thermocline, which are modulated by equatorial zonal wind anomalies. Whereas the decadal variation of feedback in the southwestern Indian Ocean is mainly controlled by the intensity of upwelling and thermocline depth in winter and spring, respectively. The upwelling and thermocline depth are both affected by wind stress curl anomalies over the southeastern Indian Ocean, which excite anomalous Ekman pumping and influence the southwestern Indian Ocean through westward propagating Rossby waves.  相似文献   
东海夏季跃层深度计算方法的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于31°N和PN断面高分辨率的温度、盐度和密度(CTD)资料,分别选取1992,1998和2001年东海夏季长江径流量偏小、偏大和正常的3个年份,运用4种跃层计算方法计算了2个断面的温跃层和密度跃层上界的深度。计算结果与实际跃层上界深度比较发现,在3种不同条件下,采用垂向梯度法计算的东海夏季跃层上界深度,无论在浅海海区还是深海海区均较为理想。长江径流量偏小和正常的年份,在东海的浅海海区(水深<200m)运用S-T法计算的跃层上界深度与垂向梯度法的结果比较一致,都与实际跃层深度符合较好。在具有高分辨率资料的情况下,垂向梯度法是4种方法中计算东海夏季跃层上界深度的最佳方法。在缺乏高分辨率资料且长江径流量不大时,夏季东海浅海海区也可以运用S-T法计算温跃层和密度跃层上界深度。  相似文献   
赤道西太平洋暖池中更新世过渡期的古海洋变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对大洋钻探(ODP)第130航次807站A孔上部约25 m样品中所含浮游有孔虫的定量统计和鉴定,结合转换函数及稳定同位素分析,揭示了第四纪近1.6 Ma以来冰期旋回中赤道西太平洋的表层海水温度和温跃层深度的变化,为研究西太平洋暖池的变动提供了重要依据。研究表明,西太平洋暖池冬季表层海水温度在第四纪的冰期旋回中变化幅度超过了5℃,而温跃层深度自1.6 Ma以来有所变浅,进一步论证了西太平洋暖池的不稳定性。通过对暖池区和南海及赤道东太平洋的比较,发现南海南部和暖池的海水在第四纪具有较好的连通性,而南海北部则受季风控制影响较大;同时,赤道东、西太平洋及南海,自1.6 Ma以来温跃层深度都有不同程度的变浅。研究中发现中更新世过渡期(MPT)在许多古海洋学指标中都是一条重要的分界线,以此为界,对0~0.9和0.9~1.6 Ma两个时间段的暖池冬季表层海水温度、表层与次表层种浮游有孔虫氧同位素差值与地球轨道参数ETP分别作交叉频谱分析,结果显示暖池在响应全球气候转型的同时也表现出了低纬特有的热带气候变化的特征。  相似文献   
南海海域海水温度调查资料主要为BT资料和南森站资料两种类型,为比较两种资料计算的温度跃层三项示性特征的区别,本文用同一种温跃层识别、统计方法分别对两种类型资料进行了判别和统计,在此基础上,绘制了南海冬、夏季跃层强度分布图。结果表明,两种类型的调查资料在计算浅温度跃层强度和上界深度上有较明显区别,BT资料的温跃层强度计算结果大于南森站资料,温度跃层上界较南森站资料深,温跃层厚度亦有差别,但规律不明显。两种类型资料对深温度跃层三项示性特征值的计算结果差异不明显。  相似文献   
对南海北部89PC柱状样进行了浮游有孔虫定量统计分析、氧碳同位素测试、碳酸钙含量分析和AMS14C测年,并采用古生态转换函数计算了表层海水古温度和温跃层深度,揭示了该海区约127 ka以来的古海洋学特征。温跃层转换函数计算的温跃层深度结果表明,在MIS5-MIS4期,温跃层深度没有大的变化,在MIS3-MIS1期,温跃层的深度逐渐变深。古温度转换函数计算的古温度结果表明,夏季温度的变化范围为27.9~29.3℃,变化幅度为1.4℃,冬季温度变化范围为20.6~26.3℃,变化幅度为5.7℃。与南海南部的冬夏古水温资料进行对比,南海南部的温度比南海北部的温度要高,这种差异在冬季时表现更为突出,且在冰期时南海南部和北部的温度差异梯度进一步增大,指示了冰期时冬季风更加强盛。  相似文献   
介绍了侧扫声纳由自身声源反射和折射衍生的两种干扰波的形成机理,提出以绘制声线图进行分析的研究方法,着重通过海上实作验证了温度跃层产生的声线弯曲对声纳的影响特点,为外业工作的设计和施测提供了几点建议。  相似文献   
Thermal stratification is crucial for water quality and ecological processes in deep lakes and reservoirs and can be substantially affected by meteorological and hydrological processes in the catchment. However, how thermal stratification responds to rainfalls of different intensities and changing hydrological processes has not been documented very well. Here, high frequency water column profiles at three stations in a large subtropical deep reservoir (Lake Qiandaohu, China) in 2017 were used to elucidate the impacts of rainfall on lake physical process and chemical environment. The impact of rainfalls on the thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen in riverine zone was more impressive than that in transitional and lacustrine zones. The effect on thermal stratification by rainfall was largely affected by the magnitude of rainfall. Moderate and heavy rainfall events could reduce the thermal stability of water column, deepen the mixing layer depth, and shape the thermocline, resulting from decrease of surface water temperature and increased inflows. While rainstorms could totally break up thermoclines in the riverine zone by high volume inflow flushing. In addition, we found that the hypoxia and anoxia initial depths increased during rainfall events in this reservoir, which were well related to the changes of mixing layer depths. This research highlights that quantifying the effects of rainfalls on thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen will be beneficial for optimizing reservoir management.  相似文献   
抚仙湖水温跃层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过自动监测数据(2012-2013),研究了抚仙湖水温跃层的统计规律,给出了温跃层的出现、发展和消失的统计结果,水温跃层一般出现在5月~12月,并且随着时间推移而逐渐下移。与此同时,还分析了温跃层的层次和震动特性,水温跃层一般在40m之上,极少会出现在40m以下,并且会在凌晨出现双层现象,但是不能持久存在,很快就会恢复成单层,在白天温跃层保持单跃层并且比较稳定。该结果有利于提高对于抚仙湖的水体特征认识,加快综合利用湖泊资源的进程。  相似文献   
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