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利用哈尔滨地面气象观测数据,对1961-2010年哈尔滨雾霾天气候特征进行分析,得出:1961-2010年,哈尔滨的雾霾天经历了一个减少-增多-减少的过程;哈尔滨市雾霾天气出现较频繁,有四到五成的日子会有雾霾天气出现,雾霾天以烟幕和轻雾天为主;雾霾天冬季出现最多,其次秋季,春、夏季较少;雾生多在凌晨3-6时,消多在清晨5-9时;持续时间多4 h(占有记录的雾持续时间81%)。  相似文献   
刘璐  栗珂  柴芊 《气象科学》2010,30(3):382-386
选取陕西苹果(梨)生产基地县中生态环境、气候特点与苹果(梨)产业发展水平具有代表性的10个台站,近40 a(1969—2008年)伏期降水量和无降水日数资料,设计并计算其伏旱指数。将伏旱指数分成强、偏强、中等、偏弱和弱五个等级,并用典型k阶自回归AR(k)预测模式进行独立样本预测试验。结果表明:伏旱指数能够较客观地反映基地县的伏旱强度,且伏旱指数的时空分布特征差异较大。这与这些基地县所处纬度、海拔高度、生态环境和气候背景的差异有关。典型k阶自回归预测模式预测准确及基本准确率在70%左右,预报效果尚好,具有实用价值。  相似文献   
基于1960—2017年2 000多个气象台站逐日降水数据和中国气象局热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料集,采用客观天气图分析法(OSAT)识别得到TC降水。研究表明,中国TC降水总体呈显著下降趋势,较12年前的研究结果下降趋势变缓;TC盛期(7~9月)降水占到TC总降水的78.5%,TC盛期降水和TC非盛期降水均呈显著下降趋势。TC降水气候趋势在空间分布上以减少为主要特征,并表现出明显的地域差异,自南向北呈"减少—增多—减少"的分布型,减少趋势中心位于广东和海南。按TC影响期最大强度分级(弱TC、中等强度TC和强TC)研究不同强度TC降水的变化,结果显示,强TC降水表现出显著减少趋势,主要决定着TC总降水的影响范围和趋势等主要特征。进一步分析发现,影响TC频数在1960—2017年呈显著减少趋势,并在1995年发生突变;对1995年前后2个时期的对比研究显示,与前一时期(1960—1994年)相比,后一时期(1995—2017年)影响TC活动频次在20°N以南的海域呈现出显著的减少趋势,减少大值中心位于南海北部,而且这一特征也主要由影响TC中的强TC所决定;强TC的这一变化趋势导致了华南地区尤其是广东和海南TC降水日数的减少,进而使得TC降水减少。  相似文献   
Based on the daily maximum temperature data covering the period 1961-2005, temporal and spatial characteristics and their changing in mean annual and monthly high temperature days (HTDs) and the mean daily maximum temperature (MDMT) during annual and monthly HTDs in East China were studied. The results show that the mean annual HTDs were 15.1 and the MDMT during annual HTDs was 36.3℃ in the past 45 years. Both the mean annual HTDs and the MDMT during annual HTDs were negative anomaly in the1980s and positive anomaly in the other periods of time, oscillating with a cycle of about 12-15 years. The mean annual HTDs were more in the southern part, but less in the northern part of East China. The MDMT during annual HTDs was higher in Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces in the central and western parts of East China. The high temperature process (HTP) was more in the southwestern part, but less in northeastern part of East China. Both the HTDs and the numbers of HTP were at most in July, and the MDMT during monthly HTDs was also the highest in July. In the first 5 years of the 21st century, the mean annual HTDs and the MDMT during annual HTDs increased at most of the stations, both the mean monthly HTDs and the MDMT during monthly HTDs were positive anomalies from April to October, the number of each type of HTP generally was at most and the MDMT in each type of HTP was also the highest.  相似文献   
利用河西走廊东部民勤、凉州、永昌3个气象站1960~2010年冬季0、5、10、15、20 cm地温和1961~2011年春季沙尘暴和扬沙天气的常规观测资料,分析了河西走廊东部冬季浅层地温和春季沙尘天气日数的时空特征,进而探讨了春季沙尘天气与冬季浅层地温的关系。结果表明:受海拔高度、地理位置等影响,河西走廊东部冬季浅层地温有明显地域差异,其中高海拔的永昌最低,低海拔的民勤次之,而海拔介于民勤和永昌之间的凉州最高;春季沙尘天气日数自低海拔地区向高海拔地区逐渐减少,即民勤最多、凉州区次之、永昌最少;河西走廊东部的沙尘天气日数与浅层地温在空间上呈一定的负相关,二者的年变化趋势明显相反,即冬季浅层地温总体呈逐年升高的趋势,而春季沙尘日数呈逐年减少的趋势,且都存在6~7 a和9~10 a的周期;相关分析表明,河西走廊东部春季沙尘日数与冬季浅层地温呈负相关,其中与0 cm地温的相关性最显著。  相似文献   
在统计广西86个气象站历年冬寒日数的基础上,分析了平均冬寒日数、最多和最少冬寒日数的地区分布.用聚类分析方法,初步将广西冬寒日数划分为北部、南部、左右江河谷和沿海4个区.对广西8大站冬寒日数的气候变化特征及其与500hPa位势高度场的关系进行了分析,并用逐步回归方法建立了预测模型.  相似文献   
By comparing two sets of quality-controlled daily temperature observation data with and without the inhomogeneity test and adjustment from 654 stations in China during 1956-2004 and 1956-2010, impacts of inhomogeneity on changing trends of four percentile temperature extreme indices, including occurrences of cold days, cold nights, warm days, and warm nights with varying intensities, were discussed. It is found that the inhomogeneity affected the long-term trends averaged over extensive regions limitedly. In order to minimize the inhomogeneity impact, the 83 stations identified with obvious inhomogeneity impacts were removed, and an updated analysis of changing trends of the four temperature extreme indices with varying intensities during 1956-2010 was conducted. The results show that annual occurrences of both cold nights and cold days decreased greatly while those of warm nights and warm days increased significantly during the recent 20 years. The more extreme the event is, the greater the magnitude of changing trends for the temperature extreme index is. An obvious increasing trend was observed in annual occurrences of cold days and cold nights in the recent four years. The magnitude of changing trends of warm extreme indices was greater than that of cold extreme indices, and it was greater in northern China than in southern China. Trends for summer occurrence of cold days were not significant. Decreasing trends of occurrences of both cold nights and cold days were the greatest in December, January, and February (DJF) but the least in June, July, and August (JJA), while increasing trends of warm nights were the greatest in JJA. Cold nights significantly decreased from 1956 to 1990, and then the decreasing trend considerably weakened. The decreasing trend also showed an obvious slowdown in recent years for occurrence of cold days. However, increasing trends of warm nights and warm days both have been accelerated continuously since the recent decades. Further analysis presents that the evolution of the trends for occurrences of the four temperature extreme indices was dominated by the changes in northern China.  相似文献   
1960~2010年湖南雨日的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用湖南省的88个地面气象站点逐日降水资料,运用经验正交分解(EOF)、线性回归、小波分析等方法分析了湖南雨日的空间变化特征和气候变化趋势,以及湖南雨日与降水量的关系。结果表明:湖南雨日空间分布大致是南多北少,平原少于山区丘陵区,呈现出2条少雨日带、4个多雨日区;过去51 a湖南大部分地区雨日呈减少趋势,对比雨日的空间分布发现,未来湖南雨日的空间分布差异可能减小;湖南雨日存在明显的年代际变化,1970年代和2000年代分别为近51 a来雨日最多和最少的10 a。湖南雨日的空间分型既有全区一致性,也存在着东南部—西北部、湘中地区与周围地区及东部—西部相反变化的差异。全区一致型雨日呈下降趋势,存在3 a、8 a和21 a周期变化。东南—西北反向型雨日东南(西北)呈下降(上升)趋势,存在3 a、6 a和18 a周期变化。湖南雨日与降水量呈正相关关系,且雨日和降水量的时空变化特征非常相似。  相似文献   
利用唐山市统计局1985—2014年各县逐年播种面积和农业洪涝受灾面积数据资料、唐山地区11个县市气象站逐日降水资料,采用趋势分析、多项式统计回归等方法,对唐山地区农业洪涝灾害时空特征及与暴雨的关系进行分析。结果表明:唐山洪灾面积总体呈微弱的下降趋势,但不显著,与年暴雨日数变化趋势一致。各县域的洪灾以轻到中度为主,占洪灾的80%—100%。唐山地区洪灾与年暴雨量有关(R = 0.78),但不显著,受灾面积与年暴雨日数显著相关(R = 0.83,P < 0.01)。中等以上洪灾年的暴雨平均暴雨日数为4—6 d、80%县站大暴雨日数为0.7—1.5 d、60%暴雨累积量在300 mm以上。区域种植结构、地形地势、水系河流分布等因素也是导致洪灾的一个重要方面。  相似文献   
青藏高原强降水日数的时空分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 根据青海和西藏48个气象台站近48 a(1961-2008年)的逐日降水和气温资料,分别以日降水量超过5 mm和25 mm作为冬半年(11月~翌年3月)和夏半年(5~9月)强降水的临界值,分析了青藏高原冬、夏半年强降水日数的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)高原强降水日数与总降水量的空间分布型非常相似,夏半年均表现为由东南向西北递减,而冬半年则为由高原腹地向四周递减。(2)夏(冬)半年强降水主要集中在7月上旬~8月中旬(11月上旬和3月中下旬)。(3)夏(冬)半年强降水存在准6 a(5~6 a)的年际振荡以及准10~11 a(15 a)的年代际振荡。(4)强降水日数变化趋势的空间差异较大,夏半年高原北(南)部强降水日数普遍以增加(减少)趋势为主,而冬半年除雅鲁藏布江流域呈减少趋势外,高原大多数地区均表现出显著增加趋势。  相似文献   
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