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利用陕西气象站点逐小时降水实况、精细化格点预报、数字高程、土地利用、灾情等资料,应用水动力模型FloodArea对暴雨洪涝进行淹没模拟,在淹没水深和范围的基础上叠置承灾体属性,引入承灾体的灾损曲线,建立暴雨洪涝灾害风险预评估模型,并从数量占比和灾情占比两个角度,以县为单元进行验证,利用格点降水量预报对陕西6次大范围暴雨过程灾害风险进行预评估以及效果检验。结果表明:暴雨洪涝气象风险预估结果与实际受灾地区分布基本吻合,正确预报率73.2%,模拟结果可信度高,对于降水区域集中暴雨的风险预评估性能较分散性暴雨较高,漏报率相对低,但是空报率较高;建立的暴雨洪涝灾害风险预评估及效果检验流程,提高了气象服务的针对性,可以用于洪涝风险预评估的实际业务中,对暴雨洪涝风险管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

California's excellent road system has provided unmatched mobility for most of the state's residents. Recently, however, constraints on construction of high-capacity roads have threatened the future of unrestricted auto use. California's transportation planners have therefore shifted emphasis from expanding the transportation system to increasing its efficiency. No concomitant change has occurred, however, in state legislation or resource allocation. As a result, rather than being an integrated process, transportation planning and implementation are fragmented. This paper examines the origins and implications of this situation and possible remedies for it.  相似文献   
The influence of hail suppression by silver iodide seeding on the trend in the number of hail days (hail trend) in the Republic of Serbia was studied in three cases: (1) in Vojvodina region, Northern Province of Serbia, in two periods, from 1967 to 2002 when there was no hail suppression, and from 2003 to 2009 when hail suppression was extended to the entire territory; (2) in Serbia proper (Serbia without the Provinces), in two periods, from 1967 to 1984 when hail suppression was spreading, and from 1985 to 2009 when hail suppression occurred over the entire territory; and (3) in the same period from 1967 to 2002 on the two adjacent territories of Vojvodina and Serbia without the Provinces, where no hail suppression occurred in the first and hail suppression did occur in the second. The hail trend in Serbia was calculated on the basis of all observed data from all synoptic and climatological stations for the period 1967 to 2009. The results associate hail suppression with the stagnation of the hail trend rather than its decrease, and show that hail suppression did not have statistically unique influence on the hail trend.  相似文献   
结合廊坊城区地形地貌、市政工程、排水设施现状等,应用二维非恒定流基本方程和一维明渠非恒定流方程算法,构建城市积涝模型,结合区域自动站雨量实时监测数据、数值预报和预报员主观精细化降水预报,建立廊坊城市积涝动态预报预警系统,可实时估算、预报城市积水深度、积水时间等,预报并进行了业务试运行。系统以2012年7月21日廊坊市特大暴雨引起的城市积涝过程为例对系统进行了验证,结果表明:预报积水深度与实际积水情况比较接近,预报结果对城市防洪减灾有指导意义。  相似文献   
The methods used in an earlier study focusing on the province of Ontario, Canada, were adapted for this current study to expand the study area over eastern Canada where the infrastructure is at risk of being impacted by freezing rain. To estimate possible impacts of climate change on future freezing rain events, a three-step process was used in the study: (1) statistical downscaling, (2) synoptic weather typing, and (3) future projections. A regression-based downscaling approach, constructed using different regression methods for different meteorological variables, was used to downscale the outputs of eight general circulation models to each of 42 hourly observing stations over eastern Canada. Using synoptic weather typing (principal components analysis, a clustering procedure, discriminant function analysis), the freezing rain-related weather types under historical climate (1958–2007) and future downscaled climate conditions (2016–2035, 2046–2065, 2081–2100) were identified for all selected stations. The potential changes in the frequency of future daily freezing rain events can be projected quantitatively by comparing future and historical frequencies of freezing rain-related weather types.

The modelled results show that eastern Canada could experience more freezing rain events late this century during the coldest months (i.e., December to February) than the averaged historical conditions. Conversely, during the warmest months of the study season (i.e., November and April in the southern regions, October in the northern regions), eastern Canada could experience less freezing rain events late this century. The increase in the number of daily freezing rain events in the future for the coldest months is projected to be progressively greater from south to north or from southwest to northeast across eastern Canada. The relative decrease in magnitude of future daily freezing rain events in the warmest months is projected to be much less than the relative increase in magnitude in the coldest months.  相似文献   
王翔跃  肖天贵 《气象科学》2023,43(3):337-344
利用ERA-Interm 1°×1°逐6 h再分析资料,对2017年1—2月发生的两次寒潮事件(简称过程A和过程B)的天气环流形势和位势涡度进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)过程A爆发后的冷空气促进过程B的形成;(2)等熵面上的位势涡度可用来追踪并判断寒潮的变化特征;(3)通过350~200 hPa处的位涡值特征可提前6 h预测寒潮开始爆发的时间和强度;(4)上游和下游系统对判断寒潮爆发的特征同样有着重要作用。  相似文献   
侯淑梅  朱晓清  史茜  唐巧玲  孟宪贵  刘畅  高荣珍  刁秀广 《气象》2023,49(11):1328-1342
2020年5月17日,山东省出现大范围强对流天气(简称“5·17”强对流),冰雹范围之广为近10年之首。对流风暴高度组织化,区域性的超级单体群以及一条长度超过500 km的强飑线造成此次极端强对流天气。利用ERA5再分析、加密自动气象观测站、多普勒天气雷达等资料,剖析了此次极端强对流天气的环境条件。结果表明:冷涡位于最有利于山东出现强对流的关键区,大尺度天气系统强迫强,对流层中层异常强的冷空气南下影响前期异常增暖的山东地区,造成“5·17”极端强对流。天气系统的异常程度更能代表动热力强迫的强度,异常程度达到2σ以上有可能造成极端强对流天气。当冷涡南下过程中强度减弱,但异常程度增加时,其东南象限仍能产生极端强对流天气。强的深层垂直风切变有利于对流风暴组织化发展,飑线的长轴走向与0~6 km垂直风切变矢量方向相同,新单体发生、发展、合并的区域位于风矢量差大值中心前沿。低层暖湿平流源源不断地向山东输送暖湿空气,是CAPE重建的机制,是超级单体群和长飑线得以长时间维持的主要能量来源。  相似文献   


上海热浪与健康监测预警系统   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
用1989~1998年上海逐日4次气象观测资料,应用美国特拉华大学的SSC天气分类方法确定逐日天气类型,形成了10年逐日天气类型日历。并通过天气类型与死亡率的对比分析,确定MT+类型是上海地区形成热浪的“侵人型”气团,是具有最高死亡率的天气类型。采用逐步回归方法建立了MT+类型下因受热浪侵袭而超正常死亡数的回归方程。在此基础上建立了上海热浪与健康监测预警系统。通过1999年气象和死亡实况资料检验,系统对热浪及因此引起的死亡具有较好的监测和预警效果。  相似文献   
李向红  蒋丽娟  薛荣康  黄嘉宏 《气象》2006,32(5):110-115
利用1980--2001年NCEP和TBB资料,采用逐例与合成分析相结合的方法,分析了夏季风影响期间广西大范围暴雨发生前各层天气系统和盂加拉湾强对流云团的配置演变,发现暴雨前盂加拉湾强对流发展和经向风加强等特征,并确立了广西大范围暴雨的高低层环流背景场和预报指标。将T213资料与NCEP资料进行线性趋势估计,建立了广西季风暴雨中期预报平台,试用效果较好。  相似文献   
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