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The studies on the structure and physical properties of the mantle by Chinese geophysicists from 2003 to 2007 are reviewed in this report. It mainly contains studies on the seismic velocity structure of the mantle,anisotropy of the mantle,mantle discontinuities,mantle convection and the physical properties of mantle. The review concerns mainly the contents,the methods used and the results of the studies. It can be found that new progress in the study on the structure and physical properties of mantle has been made in the last four years in China. In some preexis-tent areas much progress has been made,advanced methods have been adopted,extensive international co-operation has been conducted in many ways,and the scope of the co-operation has gradually expanded. More-over,some new fields appear as well.  相似文献   
The reservoir evaluation as a key technology in oil exploration and production is based on the electrical transport property (ETP) of saturated rock that is described in a mathematical form with Arhcie’s equa-tion. But there have been increasing cases observed in many researches indicating that the ETP is non-Archie especially for the complex reservoir with low porosity and permeability. In this paper,the numerical experiments based on the Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) have been employed to study the effect of porous structure and fluids on the ETP for revealing the nature of non-Archie phenomenon in micro-scale. The results of numerical experiments have proved that the saturation exponent n is a function of water saturation and porosity instead of being a constant in Archie’s equation. And then,a new formula has been developed for the EPT through combining the result of numerical simulation with that of laboratory measurements. The calculations from the new formula show very good agreement with laboratory measurements to demonstrate the efficiency of the new formula over the conventional methods in non-Archie rock.  相似文献   
Vibrator excitation generates not only reflections and refractions of wave fields on the subsurface interfaces but also electromagnetic waves with different frequencies. In this paper, we address the vibration-induced effects on the spontaneous potential field. The effects of controllable vibration on the spontaneous potential field were studied under real field geologic conditions. Experimental data confirmed that the vibration-induced effects on the spontaneous potential field do exist under field conditions. Monitoring records over a long time interval showed that there exist three information zones in the vibration-induced effects on the spontaneous potential field. These are the signal-varying zone, the extremestable zone, and the relaxation-recovery zone. Combined with different well-site data, it was concluded that the time-varying features of the anomalies in the information zones was closely related to the properties of the subsurface liquid (oil and water).  相似文献   
分析地震动的频谱周期参数和频率非平稳特征,是地震危险性分析和结构抗震设计的重要内容.本文对近断层地震动记录按照不同的运动特征分组,进行了Hilbert-Huang变换分析.结合相关的定义得到了表征地震动频谱特性的7个周期参数,包括:Fourier幅值谱平均周期Tm、Hilbert边际谱平均周期Tmh、特征周期Tc、卓越周期等,并计算了地震动的Hilbert谱瞬时频率时程变异系数.计算结果表明,从整体上把握地震动频谱特性的三个周期参数Tm 、Tmh 和Tc适合于表征近断层地震动的频谱成份.近断层地震动的频率非平稳特征显著,Hilbert谱瞬时频率变异系数良好地反映了地震动的频率非平稳性质和程度.而且,考察了近断层地震动运动特征对地震动频谱周期参数和频率非平稳性的影响.  相似文献   
松辽盆地丰乐地区营城组火山岩储层预测   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
徐家围子断陷的主要产气层段为营城组火山岩段地层,所以研究该地层对寻找天然气藏具有非常重要的意义.本文利用丰乐地区的高分辨率地震资料、岩石物性资料、测井资料对下白垩统营城组火山岩进行构造精细解释,火山岩地震相及岩相分析从而进行储层预测,利用均方根振幅、瞬时频率能量及瞬时吸收系数能量等地震属性分析结合地震反演技术精细刻画火山岩储层.结果认为:均方根振幅、瞬时频率能量和瞬时吸收系数能量能较好预测火山岩相和储层物性;有利储层在反演剖面上表现为中低阻抗特征,中等密度;较好储层主要分布在工区的西部与中部.  相似文献   
和法国  谌文武  韩文峰  张景科 《岩土力学》2009,30(12):3803-3807
SH作为一种环保型、节约型有机高分子固化材料,用于沙漠治理具有广阔的应用前景。采用不同浓度SH、不同加固方式对沙体进行加固,加固后沙体微结构会发生变化,其物理力学性能也会出现显著变化。通过图形处理软件对固化后沙体的SEM图像进行计算分析;利用多元逐步回归分析方法对其性能参数与微结构参数之间的相关性进行计算,并对其相关性进行分析评价。计算结果表明,二者之间存在着良好的相关关系,各向异性、等效直径、扁圆度、充填比和面积比是对固化沙土力学性质影响较为显著的5个微结构参数。从微观角度证明了SH是一种较为理想的高分子固沙材料。  相似文献   
南水北调西线工程将从长江上游每年引水200亿m3注入黄河,以缓解中国西北部和北部干旱缺水的问题。工程地质勘查结果表明,沿线的地质条件较复杂,诸如复杂的岩性、褶皱构造异常发育、地层褶皱强烈、区内北西向断裂构造较为发育、部分为活动断裂,这些均将对高坝体的边坡稳定和洞穴的开挖及地震效应等产生不利影响。为了查明岩石的力学特性,选取几个典型地段进行了波速测试和现场大型直剪试验,阐述了现场直剪试验的方法和过程,并对剪应力与位移和正应力与剪应力间的关系曲线进行了分析和总结,提出了反映岩石不同状况下的抗剪断强度和抗剪强度,并以此参数和室内试验参数分别对边坡稳定性进行分析对比,表明现场大型直剪试验获得的强度参数不仅真实可靠,而且对工程的边坡稳定性分析和优化设计也是至关重要的。  相似文献   
地层特性随机场插值方法应用研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
周小文  付晖  吴昌瑜 《岩土力学》2005,26(2):221-224
地质勘探中钻孔的数量常是有限的,钻孔以外未知的地质特性需要进行插值或推断。实践中一般假定两钻孔之间的地质特性为线性分布,用直线连接。线性连接方法简单,但精度难以保证。因此,有必要进一步研究简便且精度高的插值方法。对常用的空间插值数学方法作一简要评价,认为Kriging法更适用于地质特性随机场的插值。并尝试将Kriging法应用于南水北调穿黄工程砂土地基标准贯入击数及液化范围的空间插值,采用合适的变差函数以反映砂层的空间相关特性,由插值结果得到地基砂层标贯击数及液化范围的沿线分布,从而可以更好地了解地层特征的变化情况。  相似文献   
一种改进的软土结构性弹塑性损伤模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
熊传祥  龚晓南 《岩土力学》2006,27(3):395-397
提出了一个改进的土结构性弹塑性损伤模型。该模型引入修正剑桥模型的屈服函数来描述损伤土特性,并建议了新的损伤演化规律。由于剑桥模型本身建立在大量重塑土试验的基础上,故能较精确地描述完全损伤土的特性;此外,其参数有较为完善的测定方法,且积累了丰富的经验值。该改进的模型能较好地应用于工程实践,并易于推广。  相似文献   
栾茂田  樊成  黎勇  杨庆 《岩土力学》2006,27(12):2143-2148
将有限覆盖技术与径向点插值方法相结合发展了有限覆盖径向点插值无网格方法,从而综合了数值流形方法与点插值方法的各自优点,能够有效地处理连续与非连续性问题。用该方法构造的形函数具有Kronecker ? -函数属性,方便了位移边界条件的处理。在简要阐述了这种方法基本原理的基础上,将该方法用用于地基附加应力计算分析,结果证明本文方法精度高,方法简单有效。  相似文献   
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