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Physically based soil erosion simulation models require input parameters of soil detachment and sediment transport owing to the action and interactions of both raindrops and overland flow. A simple interrill soil water transport model is applied to a laboratory catchment to investigate the application of raindrop detachment and transport in interrill areas explicitly. A controlled laboratory rainfall simulation study with slope length simulation by flow addition was used to assess the raindrop detachment and transport of detached soil by overland flow in interrill areas. Artificial rainfall of moderate to high intensity was used to simulate intense rain storms. However, experiments were restricted to conditions where rilling and channelling did not occur and where overland flow covered most of the surface. A simple equation with a rainfall intensity term for raindrop detachment, and a simple sediment transport equation with unit discharge and a slope term were found to be applicable to the situation where clear water is added at the upper end of a small plot to simulate increased slope length. The proposed generic relationships can be used to predict raindrop detachment and the sediment transport capacity of interrill flow and can therefore contribute to the development of physically‐based erosion models. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
孙晶  蔡淼  王飞  史月琴 《气象》2019,45(10):1341-1351
利用卫星、雷达、探空、飞机等观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,以及数值模拟结果,对2016年3月8—9日我国安庆地区的云系特征和飞机积冰气象条件进行了分析,并对比了几种积冰指数算法的计算结果。结果表明,此次飞机积冰发生在寒潮天气背景下,强冷空气造成锋面逆温。实测飞机积冰现象出现在对流降雨结束后的层积云层顶部,积冰高度对应高空锋区逆温层底部,云顶高度约为3.4 km,云顶温度为-10℃,无降水和雷达回波,云中主要为过冷水,丰沛时段飞机观测过冷水平均值为0.36 g·m~(-3),基本无冰相粒子。当云顶高度再度抬升,冰相粒子增多时,过冷水含量减少,不利于积冰现象发生。多种积冰指数对比分析表明,CIP初始积冰潜势算法较好体现了此次层积云飞机积冰特征。CPEFS模式模拟出了与实测比较一致的云宏微观结构。  相似文献   
Raindrop impact is an important process in soil erosion. Through its pressure and shear stress, raindrop impact causes a significant detachment of the soil material, making this material available for transport by sheet flow. Thanks to the accurate Navier–Stokes equations solver Gerris, we simulate the impact of a single raindrop of diameter D, at terminal velocity, on water layers of different thickness h: , , D, 2D, in order to study pressures and shear stresses involved in raindrop erosion. These complex numerical simulations help in understanding precisely the dynamics of the raindrop impact, quantifying in particular the pressure and the shear stress fields. A detailed analysis of these fields is performed and self‐similar structures are identified for the pressure and the shear stress on the soil surface. The evolution of these self‐similar structures are investigated as the aspect ratio h/D varies. We find that the pressure and the shear stress have a specific dependence on the ratio between the drop diameter and the water layer thickness, and that the scaling laws recently proposed in fluid mechanics are also applicable to raindrops, paving the road to obtain effective models of soil erosion by raindrops. In particular, we obtain a scaling law formula for the dependence of the maximum shear stress on the soil on the water depth, a quantity that is crucial for quantifying erosion materials. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper investigates spatial and temporal distributions of the microphysical properties of precipitating stratiform clouds based on Doppler spectra of rain particles observed by an L-band profiler radar.The retrieval of raindrop size distributions(RSDs) is accomplished through eliminating vertical air motion and isolating the terminal fall velocity of raindrops in the observed Doppler velocity spectrum.The microphysical properties of raindrops in a broad stratiform region with weak convective cells are studied using data collected from a 1320-MHz wind profiler radar in Huayin,Shaanxi Province on 14 May 2009.RSDs and gamma function parameters are retrieved at altitudes between 700 and 3000 m above the surface,below a melting layer.It is found that the altitude of the maximum number of raindrops was closely related to the surface rain rate.The maximum number of large drops was observed at lower altitudes earlier in the precipitation event but at higher altitudes in later periods,suggesting decreases in the numbers of large and medium size raindrops.These decreases may have been caused by the breakup of larger drops and evaporation of smaller drops as they fell.The number of medium size drops decreased with increasing altitude.The relationship between reflectivity and liquid water content during this precipitation event was Z = 1.69×10~4M~(1.5),and the relationship between reflectivity and rain intensity was Z = 256I~(1.4).  相似文献   
2017年2月21日河北省出现一次低槽降雪天气系统,河北省人工影响天气办公室在系统槽前部位层状云系中开展飞机云微物理探测作业,通过对邢台、赵县两地云微物理垂直结构的精细化探测分析,发现本次过程云系为层状冷云。邢台、赵县两地云系均存在明显的逆温层,在逆温层及其下方出现过冷水,邢台过冷水较为丰富含量0.19 g/m3,在温度-8~-11 ℃过冷水丰富层下方可见结凇冰晶,直径有所增大,浓度没有出现明显增加;赵县云系过冷水含量偏低0.074 g/m3,冰晶在温度-8.7~-10.3 ℃的过冷水层以凇附、粘连增长为主,冰晶聚合体比邢台偏多,粒子直径和浓度均比邢台偏大。本次探测过程,邢台云内过冷水含量丰富,具有人工增雪作业的条件;赵县云内过冷水含量偏低,人工增雪条件差。  相似文献   
During the April-June raining season,warm-sector heavy rainfall(WR) and frontal heavy rainfall(FR) often occur in the south of China,causing natural disasters.In this study,the microphysical characteristics of WR and FR events from 2016 to 2022 are analyzed by using 2-dimensional video disdrometer(2DVD) data in the south of China.The microphysical characteristics of WR and FR events are quite different.Compared with FR events,WR events have higher concentration of D<5.3 mm(especially D <1 ...  相似文献   
利用布设在秦皇岛市抚宁地区的OTT Parsivel激光雨滴谱仪和卢龙地区S波段天气雷达,对2017—2019年4—9月共23次降水过程进行了观测,并分析了基于雨滴谱参数(滴谱粒子数N(D)和粒子直径大小D0)计算的雷达反射率因子ZD和雷达探测的雷达反射率因子ZR的差异ZC。结果表明,N(D)主要集中在130~530个范围内,ZC标准差随着N(D)的增大而逐渐减少;D0主要集中在0.8~1.6 mm范围内,ZC标准值在D0<1.2 mm范围内随着D0的增大而逐渐减少,D0在1.2~1.6 mm范围内趋于稳定;ZD主要集中在15~40 dBZ范围内,ZC标准差在15~35 dBZ范围内随着ZD值增大而减小。  相似文献   
利用2021年6—8月吉林靖宇Parsivel2型雨滴谱观测数据,研究长白山麓夏季不同降水类型和不同降水强度条件下雨滴谱特征,并与国内外研究对比。结果表明:长白山麓夏季降水雨滴直径对降水量贡献呈先增大后减小的趋势,贡献较大的直径区间为0.812~2.375 mm,随着降水强度增大,大雨滴(直径D≥2.75 mm)对降水量贡献也增大;对流降水比层云降水的雨滴谱更宽,雨滴数浓度及平均直径也更大;与国外经典对流降水雨滴谱相比,长白山麓对流降水标准截距参数lgNw及质量等效直径Dm特征更接近海洋型降水,与北京延庆及大兴、安徽滁州、江苏浦口相比,长白山麓夏季降水雨滴具有较小的直径和较大的数浓度;长白山麓夏季对流降水和层云降水反射率因子Z与降水强度R拟合关系分别为Z=290.64R1.27和Z=193.36R1.65,经典Z-R关系对该地区降水估测存在低估;形状参数μ、斜率参数Λ存在较好的二项式拟合关系。  相似文献   
The variations of stable isotopic contents in falling raindrops are not only influenced by thehumidity conditions, but also by the stable isotopic contents in atmospheric vapor to a certainextent. If there is a difference between the isotopic contents in the vapor of the surrounding air andat the surface of the raindrops, the move of the isotopic contents from high to low values will beproduced. Usually. influenced by the evaporation process, the stable isotopic ratios in raindropsare constantly increased in the unsaturated atmosphere. The less the atmospheric humidity, themore obvious the increased range. As the enrichment rate of stable isotopes in raindrops is equal tothe outward isotopic move rate. the "pseudo-equilibrium state" appears. The influence ofevaporation on stable isotopic contents disappears in the saturated atmosphere, so that themagnitude of isotopic ratio in raindrops is dependent on the isotopic exchange between theraindrops and the surrounding atmosphere.  相似文献   
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