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传统的雨滴谱函数的拟合方法在不同的降水类型和不同分布函数下,可能存在拟合出来的雨滴谱函数与实际数据差异过大的情况,基于此问题,本文提出一种基于迭代重加权最小二乘法(Iterative Reweighed Least Square, IRLS)的雨滴谱函数拟合方法。利用Parsivel激光雨滴谱仪2019年7—10月在海南安定获得的225组层状云降水样本和110组对流云降水样本数据进行实验,通过不断更新权值,迭代计算,从而求出待估计参数。模拟结果表明了该方法应用在不同降水类型和不同分布函数下,对比阶矩法和最小二乘法得到的拟合优度都是最接近1的。  相似文献   
利用2007年8月在雷州半岛观测雷暴获得的雨滴谱和地闪资料,重点分析了8月6日遂溪、湛江一次雷暴云降水个例的雨滴谱特征,对闪电特征与降水的相关性进行了统计分析。结果表明,遂溪站的雨滴谱谱型多为双峰或多峰型,而湛江站的雨滴谱谱型多呈单峰型分布;平均雨滴谱符合Gamma分布;雨强I10mm/h时发生地闪的频率较高,且发生地闪频率随着距测站的距离减少而增加;随着雨强的增大发生正地闪的概率明显增加;降水过程中的闪电频率和距离校准后闪电电流强度的相关性表明,地闪发生的距离越近,频率越高对应雨滴谱谱宽越宽和降水强度越大。  相似文献   
利用毫米波测云雷达反演层状云中过冷水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毫米波测云雷达已成为研究云内微物理参数的有效工具,利用其从混合相云中识别出过冷水,对人工影响天气及预防飞机积冰具有重要意义,对我国毫米波雷达的数据处理也具有借鉴作用。本文利用英国的35 GHz、94 GHz测云雷达,结合激光雷达和探空资料,采用阈值法,反演分析了层状云中的过冷水。结果表明:(1)毫米波雷达联合激光雷达可以识别层状云中的过冷水,其结果与微波辐射计测量的液态水路径或毫米波雷达的双峰谱相符合;(2)利用多普勒速度的双峰谱可以反演混合相云中的过冷水含量、冰晶含水量。混合相云的雷达反射率因子主要取决于冰晶,根据雷达反射率因子反演会低估云内液态水含量;(3)本次层状云降水的亮带以上含有较多过冷水,此处35 GHz的雷达回波强度随冰晶的增大而减弱,且冰晶的含水量主导了总液态水含量。  相似文献   
黄山不同高度雨滴谱的演变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选取2011年6月黄山地区一次降水过程,利用测得的雨滴谱资料对不同高度上降水微物理量及雨滴谱分布特征进行分析,并讨论其中的差异。结果表明:此次降水较强,各直径微物理量在山腰最大、山底次之、山顶最小;山腰的雨强最大,而山顶数浓度最大。在雨滴谱分布中,小于1mm的雨滴数密度是山顶大于山腰大于山底,这与小雨滴的蒸发和碰并有关;大于1.5 mm的雨滴数密度则是山腰大于山顶和山底,这可能与地形抬升使得云系加强有关。由各微物理量的时间序列可将降水过程分为两个阶段,第一阶段各微物理量值明显大于第二阶段,其中第一阶段的降水量约为第二阶段的3倍。雨强与雷达反射率、数浓度、最大直径近似成幂函数关系,其中雨强与雷达反射率相关性最好。  相似文献   
在2002~2003年春秋季陕西省14次飞机增雨作业天气分析的基础上,对2002年9月13日飞机增雨作业典型天气个例的环流背景、影响系统以及500 hPaθse、温度、垂直速度、水汽通量散度等物理量场进行了分析,并结合飞机和雷达探测资料,得出飞机增雨作业需要的有利于层状云向降水转化的条件:有稳定的层状云,云系有一定冷层厚度和过冷云水量,供自然冰相降水元和人工催化形成的降水元增长;云系还应有一定厚度的暖层,供下落的自然和人工形成降水元融化再经碰并云水增长成雨滴形成降水.陕西省春秋季具有进行有效飞机增雨作业的天气系统和天气条件.  相似文献   
利用乌鲁木齐2018年1-12月雨滴谱仪观测数据,分析了两种类型降水(雨、雨加雪)滴谱的微物理参量,以探究乌鲁木齐不同类型降水的雨滴谱特征,此外,对Nt-R、Z-R等关系也进行了研究。结果表明:(1)两类降水的雨滴谱均为单峰分布,粒子浓度峰值均在低谱段,雨夹雪的滴谱宽度约为0.31~7.50 mm,雨的谱宽为0.31~5.50 mm。(2)雨的平均粒子尺度参数(如质量加权平均直径Dm)和降水强度R均略大于雨夹雪,而雨夹雪的平均总粒子数浓度Nt比雨的大23.7%。(3)文中拟合得到的雨、雨加雪Z-R关系分别为Z=181.7R1.45、Z=205.4R1.27,与传统天气雷达降水估测关系Z=300R1.4对比分析后,发现利用Z=300R1.4进行降水估测时存在低估现象,而对降雨的估测误差更大。  相似文献   
The process of crater formation by the impact of water drops on soil, sand and various other target material was studied. Craters of various shapes and sizes were observed on different target materials or conditions, ranging from circumferential depression to completely hemispherical shape. Crater shape was dependent upon target material, its ?ow stress or shear strength and the presence and thickness of water on the surface. Between 5 and 22 per cent of impact energy was spent on cratering, but the relationship between crater volume and kinetic energy of a raindrop was curvilinear, indicating a lower ef?ciency of impact energy in removing target material as the energy increases. Impact impulse, on the other hand, showed a more linear relationship with crater volume, and the ratio of impulse over crater volume (I/V) remained constant for the entire range of drop sizes, impact velocities, and surface conditions used in this study. Surface shear strength, represented by the penetration depth of fall‐cone penetrometer, appeared to be a key factor involved in this process. An equation was developed which related crater volume to cone penetration depth and impact impulse. Crater volume, which appeared to be a better indicator of the total amount of material dislodged by a raindrop than splash amount, can thus be predicted using this equation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
张敏  吴宏伟 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):53-57
为了在离心机试验中模拟降雨引起的滑坡,设计和使用了一套降雨模拟系统。这套系统的构成主要是针对离心试验的特殊要求进行设计的。所采用的特殊技术可以均匀分配雨水,将雨滴的尺寸效益和科氏加速度引起的雨滴偏移最小化,实现了不同强度和历时的降雨模拟。通过一个降雨条件下砂土边坡的离心模型试验,成功应用了该套降雨模拟系统,研究了边坡中的降雨入渗过程。  相似文献   
双线偏振雷达雨区衰减订正问题的模拟计算与讨论   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
刘黎平  徐宝祥 《高原气象》1992,11(3):235-240
A new approach is proposed to simulate splash erosion on local soil surfaces. Without the effect of wind and other raindrops, the impact of free‐falling raindrops was considered as an independent event from the stochastic viewpoint. The erosivity of a single raindrop depending on its kinetic energy was computed by an empirical relationship in which the kinetic energy was expressed as a power function of the equivalent diameter of the raindrop. An empirical linear function combining the kinetic energy and soil shear strength was used to estimate the impacted amount of soil particles by a single raindrop. Considering an ideal local soil surface with size of 1 m × 1 m, the expected number of received free‐falling raindrops with different diameters per unit time was described by the combination of the raindrop size distribution function and the terminal velocity of raindrops. The total splash amount was seen as the sum of the impact amount by all raindrops in the rainfall event. The total splash amount per unit time was subdivided into three different components, including net splash amount, single impact amount and re‐detachment amount. The re‐detachment amount was obtained by a spatial geometric probability derived using the Poisson function in which overlapped impacted areas were considered. The net splash amount was defined as the mass of soil particles collected outside the splash dish. It was estimated by another spatial geometric probability in which the average splashed distance related to the median grain size of soil and effects of other impacted soil particles and other free‐falling raindrops were considered. Splash experiments in artificial rainfall were carried out to validate the availability and accuracy of the model. Our simulated results suggested that the net splash amount and re‐detachment amount were small parts of the total splash amount. Their proportions were 0·15% and 2·6%, respectively. The comparison of simulated data with measured data showed that this model could be applied to simulate the soil‐splash process successfully and needed information of the rainfall intensity and original soil properties including initial bulk intensity, water content, median grain size and some empirical constants related to the soil surface shear strength, the raindrop size distribution function and the average splashed distance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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