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Sub-seasonal variability of summer (May–October) rainfall over the ChangJiang Valley exhibits two dominant timescales, one with a quasi-biweekly (QBW) period (10–20 days) and the other with an intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) period (20–60 days). A significant positive correlation (at a 99% confidence level) was found between the summer precipitation anomaly and the intensity of the QBW and ISO modes in the region. By examining the composite structure and evolution characteristics, we note that the QBW mode is characterized by a northwest–southeast oriented wave train pattern, moving southeastward. The perturbations associated with the ISO mode propagate northwestward in strong ISO years but southeastward in weak ISO years. A marked feature is the phase leading of low-level moisture to convection in both the QBW and ISO mode. When the summer rainfall is strong in the ChangJiang Valley, large-scale atmospheric conditions in the strong QBW/ISO activity region are characterized by deeper moist layer, convectively more unstable stratification and greater ascending motion. Such mean conditions favor the growth of the QBW and ISO perturbations. Thus, a significant positive correlation between the summer precipitation and the strength of sub-seasonal variability arises from the large-scale control of the summer mean flow to perturbations.  相似文献   
This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of Asian summer monsoon prediction skill as a function of lead time and its relationship to sea surface temperature prediction using the seasonal hindcasts of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model, BCC_CSM1.1(m). For the South and Southeast Asian summer monsoon, reasonable skill is found in the model's forecasting of certain aspects of monsoon climatology and spatiotemporal variability. Nevertheless, deficiencies such as significant forecast errors over the tropical western North Pacific and the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean are also found. In particular, overestimation of the connections of some dynamical monsoon indices with large-scale circulation and precipitation patterns exists in most ensemble mean forecasts, even for short lead-time forecasts. Variations of SST, measured by the first mode over the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans, as well as the spatiotemporal features over the Niño3.4 region, are overall well predicted. However, this does not necessarily translate into successful forecasts of the Asian summer monsoon by the model. Diagnostics of the relationships between monsoon and SST show that difficulties in predicting the South Asian monsoon can be mainly attributed to the limited regional response of monsoon in observations but the extensive and exaggerated response in predictions due partially to the application of ensemble average forecasting methods. In contrast, in spite of a similar deficiency, the Southeast Asian monsoon can still be forecasted reasonably, probably because of its closer relationship with large-scale circulation patterns and El Niño-Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   
ENSO发展和衰减阶段的陕西夏季降水异常特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1961—2008年陕西78个气象站夏季 (6—8月) 降水资料、NCEP/NCAR位势高度场和风场月平均再分析资料,采用合成及相关分析方法探讨ENSO发展和衰减阶段对陕西夏季降水异常的影响,以期为陕西夏季降水的气候预测提供线索和依据。结果表明:陕西夏季降水异常对ENSO发展和衰减阶段的响应存在显著差异,El Ni?o发展阶段和La Ni?a衰减阶段,陕西夏季降水偏少; El Ni?o衰减阶段和La Ni?a发展阶段,陕西夏季降水偏多; ENSO不同阶段对陕西7月降水影响最为显著。比较而言,El Ni?o事件对陕西夏季降水的影响更加显著。在El Ni?o衰减、La Ni?a发展阶段,西太平洋副热带高压偏强、偏西,东亚夏季风偏弱,而在El Ni?o发展、La Ni?a衰减阶段,西太平洋副热带高压偏弱、偏东,东亚夏季风偏强,El Ni?o过程对东亚夏季风强弱的影响更加显著。ENSO发展和衰减阶段通过影响大气环流变化和东亚夏季风的强弱,进而影响陕西夏季降水。  相似文献   
根据Aqua MODIS 2级云产品和Cloudsat的2级产品资料,结合降水数据和MODIS L1B级辐射率数据,对发生在京津冀地区夏季的三次强降水过程中冰云的宏微观物理量的特征进行分析,并探究这些物理量和降水强度的关系。结果表明:在水平分布中,强降水过程中降水强度高值区内云相为冰云,冰云云顶高度在8~17 km,冰云粒子有效半径、冰云光学厚度、冰水路径分别最高可达60 μm、 150、 5 000 g?m-2;冰云光学厚度、冰水路径、冰云云顶高度随降水强度增大而增大。在垂直分布中,冰云主要分布在3.5 km以上,发生强降水站点的冰云为深对流云,冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度分别最高可达150 μm、 3 000 mg?m-3 、 500 L-1;冰云粒子有效半径高值区存在于云层中下部,且随高度上升而减小,冰云粒子数浓度高值区存在于云层中上部,且随高度上升而增加,冰水含量高值区则存在于云层中部;冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度在9 km以上随降水强度增大而增大。  相似文献   

识别全新世气候事件、阐明其区域环境表现特征、揭示其驱动机制是理解气候系统变化行为、预测未来气候变化以及弄清考古学文化转变动因的关键,具有重要的科学价值和现实意义。随着高分辨率全新世古气候重建的进展,7.5~7.0 cal.ka B. P.事件逐渐被揭示,但到目前为止仍缺乏针对该气候事件各种类型证据的系统收集、对比以及对其产生动力机制的分析。本文基于中国26条古气候记录,系统总结了这一气候事件在中国地区的环境表现。结果显示,7.5~7.0 cal.ka B. P.气候事件在中国多个地区都有明显的反映,整体表现为温度下降、夏季风强度减弱。与全球其他地区的古气候记录对比显示7.5~7.0 cal.ka B. P.气候事件可能具有全球性的特征。与驱动因子系列对比发现该气候事件发生在北半球夏季太阳辐射逐渐减少、太阳活动减弱、火山活动频发、劳伦泰德冰盖快速融化期间,表明这4种因素在7.5~7.0 cal.ka B. P.气候事件发生过程中发挥了作用。未来需要更多测年准确、分辨率高的古气候记录定量-半定量刻画该气候事件的变化幅度、起止时间以及区域差异,同时结合古气候模拟揭示7.5~7.0 cal.ka B. P.气候事件产生的动力机制。

根据2011年4月、5月与6月对浙江南部沿岸产卵场进行的共3个航次的调查资料,对该海域的鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布进行了分析,结果表明,共发现鱼卵、仔稚鱼72个种类,分别隶属11目38科48属。其中鱼卵29种,分别隶属6目18科24属;仔稚鱼55种,分别隶属10目29科40属。4—6月仔稚鱼数量呈逐月递减的趋势,而鱼卵数量6月最多,5月最少。鱼卵优势种4月以斑鰶、棱鱚、小黄鱼与蓝点马鲛为主,5月以斑鰶、鳀、龙头鱼、银鲳、蓝点马鲛与石首鱼科为主,6月以鳀、龙头鱼、多鳞鱚与鲱科鱼类为主;仔稚鱼优势种4月以虾虎鱼类、褐菖鲉与平鲉科为主,5月以鳀、虾虎鱼类、棱鱚、斑鰶与长鳍篮子鱼为主,6月以鳀与虾虎鱼类为主。斑鰶、鲳鱼、小黄鱼、棱鱚、蓝点马鲛与褐菖鲉的产卵盛期为4月,而鳀与龙头鱼的产卵盛期为6月。  相似文献   
东亚夏季风北界与我国夏季降水关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李春  韩笑 《高原气象》2008,27(2):325-330
为了研究东亚夏季风北界与我国东部夏季降水异常的关系,本文利用夏季850 hPa上20°N以北105°~125°E之间平均南风风速2 m/s所在的纬度,定义了一个新的东亚夏季风北界指数。初步分析表明:东亚夏季风北界在1976年之前(含1976年)位置偏北,而1976年之后位置偏南,具有明显的年代际变化,较好地反映了我国东部夏季降水异常分布型的变化。对应于东亚夏季风北界的异常,东亚夏季风强度、西北太平洋副热带高压位置与面积、亚洲大陆热低压等也发生了相应的变化,它们之间的关系如下:东亚夏季风北界位置偏北(南)时,对流层低层亚洲大陆热低压偏强(弱),东亚夏季风偏强(弱),西北太平洋副热带高压位置偏北(南)、面积偏小(大),南亚高压偏弱(强),长江中下游地区气流以下沉(上升)为主,降水偏少(多);华北地区气流以上升(下沉)为主,降水偏多(少)。  相似文献   
本文使用1979—2021年国家气候中心160站(R160)和国家级地面气象观测站2 314站(R2314)逐月降水观测资料,利用EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function)分解和相关分析等方法,研究两类资料夏季降水时空变化特征及其与海气因素之间物理联系的表征水平差异,并分析了差异的可能原因。结果表明,R160在我国西北、青藏高原等地区站点极为稀疏,导致其各EOF模态对上述地区降水的时空变化特征描述失真,中东部地区偏低的空间分辨率会使局地强降水的变化特征信号损失,造成降水的年际变率降低。而R2314主模态能够更为真实地反映我国降水的时空演变特征,特别是在极端降水频发的江淮地区以及降水受局地地形影响较大的山区,其EOF主模态的空间分布和时间系数演变与ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation)、西太平洋副热带高压、青藏高原雪盖等气候强迫信号之间的相关性更为显著。  相似文献   
华北地区夏季降雨量与南海海温长期变化的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
比较了华北地区7个站与17个站1951-1997年夏季(6,7,8月)降雨量与气候随时间的变化特征,并对其成因作了探讨。结果表明,用北京、天津、邢台、烟台、郑州、太原和济南等7个站可代表该地区夏季降雨量与气候的多尺度变化特征,过去47a该地区依次经历了湿凉、湿热、湿凉、干热、湿热几个时期,降雨量的长期变化与南海前冬(1-2月)海温成负相关。前冬南海海温偏高,意味着初夏南海地区大气对流低频振动偏弱,南海夏季风爆发较晚,西南季风较弱,夏季西太平洋副高位置偏南,华北地区大气低层北风加强,华北地区夏季少雨,前冬南海海温偏低时情况则相反,考虑冬季(1-2月)南海南温和7-8月西太平洋副高脊线位置(纬度)的影响用均生函数建模,试验结果与用子波变换重构方法考虑华北地区夏季降雨量的变化趋势比较,二者相吻合,预测试验结果与过去3a的实况基本一致。  相似文献   
Three ship-based observational campaigns were conducted to survey sea ice and snow in Prydz Bay and the surrounding waters(64.40°S–69.40°S, 76.11°E–81.29°E) from 28 November 2012 to 3 February 2013. In this paper, we present the sea ice extent and its variation, and the ice and snow thickness distributions and their variations with time in the observed zone. In the pack ice zone, the southern edge of the pack ice changed little, whereas the northern edge retreated significantly during the two earlier observation periods. Compared with the pack ice, the fast ice exhibited a significantly slower variation in extent with its northernmost edge retreating southwards by 6.7 km at a rate of 0.37 km?d-1. Generally, ice showed an increment in thickness with increasing latitude from the end of November to the middle of December. Ice and snow thickness followed an approximate normal distribution during the two earlier observations(79.7±28.9 cm, 79.1±19.1 cm for ice thickness, and 11.6±6.1 cm, 9.6±3.4 cm for snow thickness, respectively), and the distribution tended to be more concentrated in mid-December than in late November. The expected value of ice thickness decreased by 0.6 cm, whereas that of snow thickness decreased by 2 cm from 28 November to 18 December 2012. Ice thickness distribution showed no obvious regularity between 31 January and 3 February, 2013.  相似文献   
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