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利用1961-2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析逐候资料和全国160站月平均降水资料,分析了初夏至盛夏东亚副热带急流北跳和急流中心西移发生早晚对7月东亚大气环流和我国降水的影响。结果表明,急流北跳时间与7月长江中下游地区降水异常正相关,急流中心西移时间则与7月淮河流域降水异常正相关,与华北和河套地区降水异常负相关。急流北跳时间与南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压南北位置异常及高纬贝加尔湖以东高压脊强度相关;而急流中心西移时间与南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压的东西伸展及贝加尔湖以西高压脊强度相关,在急流中心西移偏晚年,南亚高压西缩,贝加尔湖西南侧高压脊增强,南下至华北和河套地区冷空气偏强,且西太平洋副热带高压东撤,冷暖空气在淮河流域交汇,使得华北和河套地区降水减少而淮河流域降水偏多;偏早年情况与偏晚年情况相反。  相似文献   
北太平洋海平面气压场变化与海温的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SVD(singular value decomposition)方法分析了1948年1月—2002年12月北太平洋海平面气压场与海温的关系。结果表明,SVD第1对异类相关分布型反映出,当东北太平洋副热带高压加强(减弱)时,Namias海区海温升高(降低),而加利福尼亚海流区海温降低(升高)。SVD第2对异类相关分布型表明,当阿留申低压加深、北太平洋副热带地区气压升高时,黑潮暖流区海温升高,而北太平洋高、低纬海温降低;反之亦然。时滞相关表明,北太平洋大气环流异常超前海温1个月的相关最好,海温变化对大气环流异常分布型具有维持作用。NCAR CCSM3模拟结果很好地验证了上述结论,即在海气相互作用过程中,东北太平洋副热带高压和NPO(North Pacific Oscillation)与北太平洋海温存在密切联系。  相似文献   
阿利曼  王君  冯锦明  李秀连 《大气科学》2016,40(5):1073-1088
本文利用1979~2014年NCEP-DOE日平均再分析资料和中国区域2375份航空器空中颠簸报告资料,研究中国东部区域高空颠簸的时空分布特征及其与热带中东太平洋海温异常(简称“海温异常”;空间范围:5°S~5°N,120°~170°W)的关系以及产生这种关系的可能原因。结果表明:中国东部地区高空颠簸与东亚副热带西风急流之间存在显著时空相关关系,其原因是高空纬向风引起的垂直风切变是构成高空颠簸时空分布的主导因素。中国东部夏季高空颠簸与海温异常存在正相关关系;冬季呈现南北两个正负相关区:以30°N为界,北部区域存在显著的负相关,南部区存在显著的正相关,在30°N急流轴附近区域无显著相关关系。海温异常影响中国高空颠簸时空分布的可能原因是海温变化引起对流层高层温度出现异常,进而影响温度的经向梯度,导致东亚副热带西风急流强度和位置出现异常(夏季,急流轴南侧出现西风异常;冬季,急流轴北侧出现东风异常,南侧出现西风异常)。高空纬向风的变化导致纬向风的垂直梯度和经向梯度出现异常,最终影响高空颠簸的时空分布特征。对流层高层温度的异常变化可能是由与热带海温异常相关的平流层水汽变化所引起。  相似文献   
The positive phase of the subtropical Indian Ocean dipole(SIOD) is one of the climatic modes in the subtropical southern Indian Ocean that influences the austral summer inter-annual rainfall variability in parts of southern Africa. This paper examines austral summer rain-bearing circulation types(CTs) in Africa south of the equator that are related to the positive SIOD and the dynamics through which specific rainfall regions in southern Africa can be influenced by this relationship. Four austral...  相似文献   
利用1980-2009年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料,研究了在全球变暖背景下北半球对流层大气涡动减弱现象。结果表明:北半球涡度拟能30a来整体呈减弱趋势,在北太平洋地区和极地减弱尤为显著,12.5~50°N为影响北半球大气涡动变化的关键区域。由于对流层200hPa以下大气的增暖,特别是中高纬地区显著增暖,减弱了经向温度梯度,使得副热带西风急流的强度亦呈减弱趋势。这与涡度拟能的变化有显著的正相关关系。分析了北半球正压Rossby波动诊断量E和热量经向涡动通量的变化,表明中纬度波能传播在不同地区有不同趋势,而热量的经向涡动输送与涡度拟能的变化也呈现显著的正相关关系,减弱明显。研究结果对深刻认识大气环流变化规律和理解全球变暖的可能影响具有重要意义。  相似文献   
利用2010年8月石家庄地基GPS反演的可降水量、地面加密自动站和常规天气资料,对由副高进退引起的河北省中南部一次强降水天气过程中GPS可降水量和地面假相当位温的演变趋势进行了详细分析.结果表明:1)此次暴雨过程是由副高边缘暖湿气流与切变线共同作用造成的,强降水区主要出现在500 hPa的584~588 dagpm线、700~850 hPa切变线之间;2)降水出现时GPS可降水量基本对应于高值阶段,强降水出现时可降水量位于峰值前后;降水出现时GPS可降水量偏离系数为正值,而强降水一般出现在偏离系数超过1时;3)对同一测站而言,GPS可降水量越大对应的实际降水越强.当测站不同时,GPS可降水量高并不一定代表更强的降水,这与测站的地理位置和海拔高度有关.4)降水出现前热力和水汽条件配置好,能量不断积累,假相当位温逐渐升至极大值.随着降水出现与能量的释放,假相当位温回落到谷值阶段,此谷值越低、持续时间越长,对应的降水也越强.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional,semi-geostrophic numerical model incorporating the tropopause and stratosphere is used to investigate the effects of a positive potential vorticity anomaly and latent heat release on the frontogenetic process and the structure of the resulting frontal zone.It is demonstrated that(1) the inclusion of tropopause and stratosphere significantly changes the frontal structure only in the upper levels;(2) a clearly defined quasi-equivalent barotropic structure and a region of upward motion of finite width appear when a positive potential vorticity anomaly exists on the warm side of the maximum baroclinity in the lower troposphere,especially when it is located on the south edge of the baroclinic zone;(3) the above mentioned structure deteriorates as the frontogenesis proceeds in a dry atmosphere but can be maintained in a moist frontogenetic process with condensational heating;(4) the combination of a positive potential vorticity anomaly and the latent heat release is able to accelerate the frontogenesis significantly with the time needed to form an intense frontal zone reduced to less than 15 h.The results have significant theoretical importance in understanding the complex nature of frontal structure and frontogenesis,especially in understanding the dynamic structure of the subtropical frontal zone observed during early summer over East Asia.  相似文献   
During June and July of 2020, the Yangtze River basin suffered from extreme mei-yu rainfall and catastrophic flooding. This study explores the seasonal predictability and associated dynamical causes for this extreme Yangtze River rainfall event, based on forecasts from the Met Office GloSea5 operational forecast system. The forecasts successfully predicted above-average rainfall over the Yangtze River basin, which arose from the successful reproduction of the anomalous western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH). Our results indicate that both the Indian Ocean warm sea surface temperature (SST) and local WNP SST gradient were responsible for the westward extension of the WNPSH, and the forecasts captured these tropical signals well. We explore extratropical drivers but find a large model spread among the forecast members regarding the meridional displacements of the East Asian mid-latitude westerly jet (EAJ). The forecast members with an evident southward displacement of the EAJ favored more extreme Yangtze River rainfall. However, the forecast Yangtze River rainfall anomaly was weaker compared to that was observed and no member showed such strong rainfall. In observations, the EAJ displayed an evident acceleration in summer 2020, which could lead to a significant wind convergence in the lower troposphere around the Yangtze River basin, and favor more mei-yu rainfall. The model forecast failed to satisfactorily reproduce these processes. This difference implies that the observed enhancement of the EAJ intensity gave a large boost to the Yangtze River rainfall, hindering a better forecast of the intensity of the event and disaster mitigation.  相似文献   
玉林夏季高温天气气候特征与环流形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近50年(1961~2010年)广西玉林站的气温、风、相对湿度、日照等地面观测资料及历史天气图、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,统计分析了玉林夏季高温天气的气候特征并探讨出现高温天气的大气环流形势。结果表明:(1)玉林高温天气主要出现在6-9月,3d以上的持续高温主要出现在7~8月,且高温日数的年际差异很大。玉林高温...  相似文献   
Based on NCEP/NCAR gridded reanalysis, TRMM precipitation data, CMAP, and rainfall observations in East China, a study is conducted with focus on the timing and distinctive establishment of the rainy season of the East Asian subtropical monsoon (EASM) in relation to the South China Sea (SCS) tropical summer monsoon (SCSM). A possible mechanism for the EASM is investigated. The results suggest that 1) the EASM rainy season begins at first over the south of the Jiangnan region to the north of South China in late March to early April (i.e., pentads 16-18), and then the early flooding period in South China starts when southerly winds enhance and convective rainfall increases pronouncedly; 2) the establishment of the EASM rainy season is earlier than that of its counterpart, the SCSM. The EASM and the SCSM each is featured with its own independent rain belt, strong southwesterly wind, intense vertical motion, and robust low-level water vapor convergence. The SCSM interacts with the EASM, causing the EASM rainy belt to move northward. The two systems are responsible for the floods/droughts over the eastern China; and 3) in mid-late March, the eastern Asian landmass (especially the Tibetan Plateau) has its thermal condition changing from a cold to a heat source for the atmosphere. A reversal of the zonal thermal contrast and related temperature and pressure contrasts between the landmass and the western Pacific happens. The argument about whether or not the dynamic and thermal effects of the landmass really act as a mechanism for the earlier establishment of the EASM rain belt is discussed and to be further clarified. Finally, the article presents some common understandings and disagreements regarding the EASM.  相似文献   
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