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In order to better understand the dynamics of the forest–savanna mosaic from central Cameroon, we analyzed 13C and 14C profiles of six oxisols: two under forests and four under savannas. The δ13C soil profiles collected in the forests indicate that these environments are stable at least since the mid-Holocene, whereas the areas currently covered by savannas were formerly occupied by more forested vegetations. The 14C dating of organic matter indicate that the late extension of the savannas in central Cameroon date from the Late Holocene, starting from 4000–3500 14C yr BP.  相似文献   
We present new 14C data on charcoal fragments recovered from the lower (coarse-grained Stone Line) and upper (fine-grained Cover Horizon) portions of surficial formation profiles in Gabon. These data and others compiled from the literature enable a reconstruction of the Upper Holocene geological regional history of Gabon. The connection between the geological events recorded in the surficial formations and the Upper Holocene environmental crisis is discussed and a scenario connecting geological events with climatic and environmental changes is proposed. Such a scenario suggests that following the climatic crisis, the reconstitution of soils by aeolian sedimentation could have been an important factor of Bantu expansion.  相似文献   
Aeromagnetic surveys help reveal the geometry of Precambrian terranes through extending the mapping of structures and lithologies from well-exposed areas into areas of younger cover. Continent-wide aeromagnetic compilations therefore help extend geological mapping beyond the scale of a single country and, in turn, help link regional geology with processes of global tectonics. In Africa, India and related smaller fragments of Gondwana, the margins of Precambrian crustal blocks that have escaped (or successfully resisted) fracture or extension in Phanerozoic time can often be identified from their aeromagnetic expression. We differentiate between these rigid pieces of Precambrian crust and the intervening lithosphere that has been subjected to deformation (usually a combination of extension and strike-slip) in one or more of three rifting episodes affecting Africa during the Phanerozoic: Karoo, Early Cretaceous and (post-) Miocene. Modest relative movements between adjacent fragments in the African mosaic, commensurate with the observed rifting and transcurrent faulting, lead to small adjustments in the position of sub-Saharan Africa with respect to North Africa and Arabia. The tight reassembly of Precambrian sub-Saharan Africa with Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka and Antarctica (see animation in http://kartoweb.itc.nl/gondwana) can then be extended north between NW India and Somalia once the Early Cretaceous movements in North Africa have been undone. The Seychelles and smaller continental fragments that stayed with India may be accommodated north of Madagascar. The reassembly includes an attempt to undo strike-slip on the Southern Trans-Africa Shear System. This cryptic tectonic transcontinental corridor, which first formed as a Pan-African shear belt 700–500 Ma, also displays demonstrable dextral and sinistral movement between 300 and 200 Ma, not only evident in the alignment of the unsuccessful Karoo rifts now mapped from Tanzania to Namibia but also having an effect on many of the eventually successful rifts between Africa-Arabia and East Gondwana. We postulate its continuation into the Tethys Ocean as a major transform or megashear, allowing minor independence of movements between West Gondwana (partnered across the Tethys Ocean with Europe) and East Gondwana (partnered with Asia), Europe and Asia being independent before the 250 Ma consolidation of the Urals suture. The relative importance of primary driving forces, such as subduction ‘pull’, and ‘jostling’ forces experienced between adjacent rigid fragments could be related to plate size, the larger plates being relatively closely-coupled to the convecting mantle in the global scheme while the smaller ones may experience a preponderance of ‘jostling’ forces from their rigid neighbours.  相似文献   
Certain coastal localities attempt to attract tourists by claiming to have the earliest sunrise or latest sunset in their country or even continent. This article documents the places in mainland Europe where the sun sets latest during the year. In contradiction to the naïve assumption that the sun always sets latest at the westernmost point, the point of last sunset changes cyclically over the course of a year due to the changing orientation of the axis of the Earth with respect to the sun. On mainland Europe, the focus of this study, between the winter and summer solstices the last sunset shifts successively from Cabo de São Vicente (Portugal) to Cabo da Roca (Portugal) to Cabo Touriñán (Spain) to a site near Aglapsvik (Norway) to a location in the Norwegian municipality of Måsøy south of Havøysund; and it shifts back again between the summer and winter solstices. There are even 2 days of the year (24th April and 18th August) on which the last sunset of mainland Europe coincides with the last sunset of mainland Africa, at a site in Western Sahara near Cap Blanc. A similar analysis of the first sunrise in Spain is also done.  相似文献   
The Fulani of West Africa have increasingly migrated to humid West Africa since the Sahelian droughts of the 1970s, drawing opposition from indigenous groups that are concerned about the deprivation of their livelihood and monopolization of resources for herders’ livestock. This research, which involved farmers, shepherds, and Fulani herders, addressed three issues: the nature of indigenous grazing and watering regimes, shepherd–herder relations, and herders’ impact on resource access for indigenes’ livestock. The research indicates that in-community and off-community platforms for resource access exist. The former has not been impacted by the herders; the latter has experienced changes insufficient to constitute an overhaul of resource access at the expense of indigenes’ livestock. Instead, a “shepherd–herder” category of resource access has emerged that is characterized by negotiation for resource space, opening avenues for addressing broader resource access issues, and typically tense indigene–herder relationships.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is described for estimating the impacts of changes in Lake Victoria levels on river flows, lake levels and swamp areas in the upper White Nile basin. The basis of the model is to represent the main river channel by a series of interconnected lakes and swamps, whose water balances are described by differential equations relating outflows to levels, areas and the net basin supply at each point. Closed form solutions are obtained for two situations: (a) a long-term change in the mean level of Lake Victoria, and (b) a return to equilibrium levels following an initial disturbance in Lake Victoria levels. A simple model for the net basin supply to Lake Victoria is also used to relate these changes in levels to changes in climate and runoff in the basin. The results illustrate the extreme sensitivity of White Nile flows to changes in Lake Victoria levels and outflows, and in particular to variations in the direct rainfall on the lake surface. Estimates are also presented for the various time scales and time delays which affect the White Nile system.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is the experimental investigation of friction velocities and shear stresses in rivers under unsteady flow conditions. Special measurements of mean velocities and other hydraulic parameters were made in two small lowland rivers in central Poland. Four controlled flood waves were released and analysed in the selected reaches. The main hydrometric characteristics and the relationship between water level and discharge were established. Friction velocities were obtained directly from the full St Venant equations of motion, as well as from only the steady momentum equation, and their time-dependent forms were established. Both these approaches provided similar results when the unsteadiness parameter was relatively low. It appeared that real friction velocities were much larger than those obtained from the common uniform flow formula. The passing hydrograph influenced the value of the shear velocity significantly.  相似文献   

Due to their efficiency, revitalized traditional techniques for irrigation management of scarce water resources have been suggested as a way to at least partially cope with the present water crises in the Middle East. A better irrigation management includes re-using treated wastewater in agriculture. Treated wastewater should also be used in industrial processes, thus contributing to a more efficient overall water management. However, the most important change leading to better water management is improving water efficiency in agricultural irrigation. Traditional water management techniques have an important role in many Middle East and North African (MENA) countries. Besides bringing more water to a thirsty population, they can also contribute to the societal awareness, and recognition of the great diversity of cultural and social values water has to human civilization.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR P. Hubert  相似文献   
南非的常规天然气储量已非常有限,且产量不断下降。根据美国能源信息署的估计,南非可采页岩气资源量位居世界第五位,因此南非政府积极探索和发掘非常规能源资源的潜力,加大了对页岩气的勘查与开发力度。本文总结了南非主要含气地层的地质情况、开发管理政策、勘查开发进展以及面临的主要问题等,认为南非对页岩气的开发,还存在环境保护、开采技术、降低开发成本、提高开采效率等问题有待解决。  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, Africa has witnessed a slow but steady advancement in space-based technologies as they are increasingly recognized as an essential tool for decision-making that can leapfrog African development. A critical review on the outcome of a survey questionnaire focused on African private sector industries and universities, services and education/training in EO and Geo-Information Sciences, combined with literature review, and personal contacts reveal optimism for success in four sectors. These include the public sector (Government ministries and departments); Academic institutions (universities/colleges/national or regional centers); and space agencies and private sector companies. These sectors are intertwined and fundamental for creating an enabling environment for solutions to a broad spectrum of pressing priorities: job creation, poverty alleviation, and sustainable resource management. The result shows that there is an uptake in the number of institutions and market segments created. To date, there are more than 90 academic institutions and over 53 national space agencies in 28 countries. Within the 53 national space agencies, 11 African countries have already launched a total of 36 satellites into orbit, and additional five are expected by the first quarter of 2021; another five by 2025; thus, amounting to 46 satellites not foreseen ten years ago. In addition, there are now ten receiving and tracking stations in six African countries and 17 scientific National Associations or Societies with specialized expertise in Geo-Information technologies. The updated survey on the private sector in 2019 ascertained that around 4110 people are working in 130 of the 229 EO and Geo-Information Science companies identified in Africa. Ongoing investigations reiterate that companies dealing with space-based datasets and Geo-Information Sciences together with the private spin-off companies today absorb more than 15,000 people and the assumption is that this number is going to exceed 100,000 by the year 2025.  相似文献   
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