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Beryllium-7 Deposition and Its Relation to Sulfate Deposition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Deposition of 7Be, a cosmogenic radionuclide, was observed at the Meteorological Research Institute in Tsukuba, Japan from 1986 to 1993 and compared with those of several chemical species observed in Tsukuba over the same period. We found a correlation between the monthly depositions of 7 Be and SO 4 2 -, a major acidic species. The correlation was especially strong for late spring and fall, when both species had high depositional fluxes. This correlation was also observed in precipitation samples collected daily in 1992 at the same site. The cause of this correlation is discussed in connection with the fact that the stratospheric aerosol is composed largely of SO 4 2 -. 7 Be is produced in the upper atmosphere, and detection of 7Be, especially in spring and fall in Japan, can be regarded as detection of stratospheric aerosol. However, we conclude that the bulk of the SO 4 2 - observed did not have a stratospheric or an upper tropospheric origin. The correlation, therefore, may present a new question regarding acidic deposition: Why does the deposition of stratospheric aerosol in Japan coincide with that of nss-SO 4 2 - originally from anthropogenic sources on the Earth's surface?  相似文献   
Using the World Meteorological Organization definition and a threshold-based classification technique,simulations of vortex displacement and split sudden stratospheric warmings(SSWs)are evaluated for four Chinese models(BCC-CSM2-MR,FGOALS-f3-L,FGOALS-g3,and NESM3)from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6)with the Japanese 55-year reanalysis(JRA-55)as a baseline.Compared with six or seven SSWs in a decade in JRA-55,three models underestimate the SSW frequency by~50%,while NESM3 doubles the SSW frequency.SSWs mainly appear in midwinter in JRA-55,but one-month climate drift is simulated in the models.The composite of splits is stronger than displacements in both the reanalysis and most models due to the longer pulse of positive eddy heat flux before onset of split SSWs.A wavenumber-1-like temperature anomaly pattern(cold Eurasia,warm North America)before onset of displacement SSWs is simulated,but cold anomalies are mainly confined to North America after displacement SSWs.Although the lower tropospheric temperature also displays a wavenumber-1-like pattern before split SSWs,most parts of Eurasia and North America are covered by cold anomalies after split SSWs in JRA-55.The models have different degrees of fidelity for the temperature anomaly pattern before split SSWs,but the wavenumber-2-like temperature anomaly pattern is well simulated after split SSWs.The center of the negative height anomalies in the Pacific sector before SSWs is sensitive to the SSW type in both JRA-55 and the models.A negative North Atlantic Oscillation is simulated after both types of SSWs in the models,although it is only observed for split SSWs.  相似文献   
The δ2H and δ18O composition of 77 precipitation samples collected between January 2014 and April 2019 from two sites across the Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain, were analysed. The first site is located in an urban area of Seville at 100 km distance to the Atlantic coast and the second site is located in a dune area of the Doñana National Park a few kilometres from the coast. Sampling was performed within intervals of at least 14 days if rain occurred but frequently intervals were longer according to the rainfall incidence. Samples from both sites are available for the period February 2016 to June 2018 with six samples containing identical rain events at both locations. Precipitation weighted averages and local meteoric water lines produced by weighting and non-weighting regression methods are presented for its use in hydrological applications. Results show a remarkably high variability in δ2H and δ18O values and precipitation weighted average d-excess values of 11.8‰ and 13‰ at the sites Plaza de España and Doñana, respectively. Temperature and amount effects were found to be weak. A significant influence of secondary evaporation for single rainfall events during summer was identified by enriched isotopic signatures with reduced d-excess values plotting close or below the global meteoric water line. Backward trajectory analysis of 115 days with daily rainfall above 3 mm yield a predominant Atlantic Ocean vapour source with negligible Mediterranean influence and therefore, d-excess variability is attributed to the different ocean surface conditions of relative humidity and sea surface temperature. Parallel sampling indicate very similar isotopic signatures at both sites and point to the existence of thermal effects of the Plaza de España site in Seville city during the summer season.  相似文献   
利用2003-2011年的SABER/TIMED温度数据观测发现,在2006年、2009年和2010年北半球高纬(70°N)的冬季(1-3月)发生了“平流层顶抬升”.在这3次事件中,1月末-2月初的~50 km和~80 km高度处分别出现了温度的极大值~260 K和~230 K,即平流层顶的高度突然由原来的50 km左右上升至80 km左右,这就是平流层顶抬升事件;随着时间的推移,抬升的平流层顶的高度逐渐下降直至恢复到原有位置,与此同时其温度由~230 K上升至~260 K.值得注意的是,虽然在极区的每年冬天都发生平流层突然增温事件,但是只在伴随着极涡分裂的平流层突然增温事件后出现平流层顶抬升.此外,在发生平流层顶抬升事件的冬季里,高纬的重力波活动在1月末-2月初的~80 km高度处突然增强,对应着平流层顶的抬升时间和高度;在2月份之后,重力波活动在75 km以下逐渐增强、在75 km以上逐渐减弱,同时抬升的平流层顶也不断下降.通过重力波活动与平流层顶抬升事件的相关性分析,表明重力波活动可能对平流层顶的抬升有重要影响.  相似文献   
The rate parameters for the reaction of the OH radical with CH3Br have been measured using the discharge flow-electron paramagnetic resonance method. The result isk 1=(1.86±0.48)×10–12 exp[–(1230±150)/T] cm3 molecule–1 s–1. This value is compared to earlier data and is found to be in excellent agreement with the most recent results, which greatly increases the accuracy of the ozone depletion potential of CH3Br which can be derived from these kinetic data.  相似文献   
Compact two-channel IR radiometers for solar occultation experiments have been constructed in order to measure concentration profiles of stratospheric trace gases. The instruments can be used as filter-or gas correlation-type radiometers depending on the trace gas under investigation. Within the LIMS correlative measurement program, balloon flights were performed with a payload of up to four of these two-channel radiometers. From the gas correlation-type measurements, profiles of the trace gas NO2 are inferred for the altitude region between about 20 km and the balloon float level. The data evaluation also includes a comprehensive analysis of the error sources and their effect on the accuracy of the NO2 profiles. The derived profiles are compared among themselves and are assessed against the observations of other authors by accounting for the diurnal, latitudinal and seasonal changes of NO2. As a by-product of our measurements, the mean absorption of the O2 collision-induced band at 6.4 m was determined within the range of the interference filter used and compared with calculations based on known absorption coefficients.  相似文献   
Recent advances in studies of the middle and upper atmosphere and their coupling with the lower atmosphere in China are briefly reviewed. This review emphasizes four aspects: (1) Development of instrumentation for middle and upper atmosphere observation; (2) Analyses and observation of middle and upper atmosphere; (3) Theoretical and modeling studies of planetary wave and gravity wave activities in the middle atmosphere and their relation to lower atmospheric processes; (4) Study on the coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere.  相似文献   
将曾庆存等提出的大气环流的季节划分和计算季风的理论方法作了改进,使之更便于研究季风的建立过程。该理论方法将环流突变和季风建立时段,其“变差度”和与其前和其后场的“相似度”等由空间场的泛函随时间的变化(即数学名词上的“流”[flow])一起求出来。研究I先分析气候平均场,II分析各个别年份的情况及年际变化。研究I的结果表明:(1)该方法可以客观定量地定出“突变”时段的关键日期;与季风建立过程联系,即是季风建立的“预兆日期”,它比人们用天气-气候学方法(甚至用别的气象要素)定出的可以明显感觉到的或有明显实用价值的“季风来临日期”要早2至4天。(2)在北半球亚澳季风系统区域,夏季风的来临在许多关键地区伴有明显的环流突变,建立和推进都很快,但也有许多区域不表现为当地环流的突变,推进速度也慢。(3)北半球亚澳季风系统低空的热带季风分支,在6月中以前可明确区分为3个子系统,(a)西太平洋暖池和邻近低纬区域,4月中下旬建立;(b)热带东北印度洋(北界与孟加拉湾相邻,但不包括其在内)及索马里东边海洋,4月末至5月初建立;和(c)南海区域,5月上旬从南到5月下旬到北部。南海夏季风向北推进最快,于5月末候即可达北回归线附近,然后与暖池西北区域风场的突变一起,于6月中旬影响到东亚30°N区域;印度洋季风于6月初到达印度半岛东南端,然后逐渐推向印-巴次大陆。7月中以后,热带季风才连成一片,由非洲东岸直至长江下游和菲律宾附近。副热带季风分支于6月中旬可以感到其影响,于7、8月盛行于东亚和西太平洋区域,且结构和演变都比较复杂;6~7月间只表现为在(5~20°N,120~150°E)区域有强的环流突变(与副高增强并北移对应),7月中至8月底,则在上述区域和沿30°N的长江下游和日本以南的洋面上有3个强的环流突变中心(对应于副高又一次增强北移和西伸)。这里暂不讨论温寒带季风分支。(4)季风具有鲜明的三度空间斜压结构,尤其是在低空季风“爆发”之前,平流层早已有强的环流突变,季节调整完成,然后突变向下延伸(虽然强度大减),跟着就有当地的低空季风“爆发”(建立)。平流层和对流层环流的相互作用及其与季风建立的关系很值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
Zenith sky observations of O3, NO2, OClO and BrO are reported, which were performed at Kiruna (67.9°N, 21.1°E) within the SESAME winters 1993/1994 and 1994/95. For both winters large total amounts of OClO were observed inside the polar vortex at twilight, indicating the degree and the temporal variation of the halogen activation of the polar stratosphere. Occasionally OClO could also be observed outside the polar vortex, most likely due to export of halogen activated vortex air masses into the ambient stratosphere. BrO could also be detected in winter 1994/95, with the largest slant column amounts (5·1014/cm2) occuring in the polar vortex in mid-winter. Similar abundances of stratospheric BrO were observed at dusk and dawn, for both, air masses inside and outside the vortex. This observation is in reasonable agreement with previous studies on stratospheric BrO (observations and models) of Wahner et al. (1992), Arpag et al. (1994), Krug et al. (1996), and Lary et al. (1996a,b), but partly in disagreement with those of Solomon et al. (1989), Fish et al. (1995), and Sessler et al. (1996).  相似文献   
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