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科学合作是促进知识传播和共享的重要途径,已有研究表明,地理因素是影响科学合作的主要因素之一。然而,目前针对该问题的研究大多只是从科学计量学的角度,对科学合作强度与地理距离的函数关系进行描述,无法揭示科学合作在空间上的分布特征和内部差异性。因此,本文从地理学的角度,以中国雾霾研究的合作网络为例,通过对文献题录中的位置信息进行解析,将虚拟的科学合作网络映射到地理合作网络。在此基础上,提出了一种考虑地理距离的科学合作网络社区发现方法,挖掘科学合作网络中蕴含的空间聚类特征,从而对科学合作的地域倾向性进行反映。通过比较发现,基于合作频次与地理距离的社区发现算法,能够使社区内部的平均地理距离最小而合作强度最大,既反映了科学合作在地理上的近似性,又体现了科学合作强度特征。该方法能够直观地揭示科学合作中隐含的空间分布模式和联系,对其他复杂网络的地理社区划分也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
"催化-供给"云降水形成机理的数值模拟研究   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
洪延超  周非非 《大气科学》2005,29(6):885-896
利用含有详细微物理过程的一维层状云模式模拟,研究了2002年4月5日冷锋降水性层状云云系中"催化-供给"云的微物理结构、降水粒子形成的环节和微物理过程,并从降水形成的环节和云的结构分析人工增雨的条件.结果说明,"催化-供给"云具有显著的分层结构:云内高层是冰晶,下层是雪,接下来是霰和过冷云水组成的冰水混合层,最下方是云中暖区的液水层.作为催化云层的冰水层对降水的贡献约25.5%,冰水混合层为31.3%,液水层为43.1%,亦即供给云对降水的贡献约74.4%.具有"催化-供给"云结构的层状云降水形成的主要环节是:冰晶通过凝华增长转化成雪,雪撞冻过冷云水、收集冰晶和凝华增长转化形成霰,霰靠撞冻过程、收集雪过程长大,从而形成可以降落到云的暖区融化形成雨水的粒子,它对降水的贡献较大.凝华和撞冻增长过程是冰粒子增长的主要物理过程,也是雨水产生的重要过程."催化-供给"云体系是重要的人工增雨条件,云中水汽对雨水形成的贡献与过冷云水几乎相当,与过冷云水一样,水汽也是人工增雨的重要条件.  相似文献   
对广西夏季降水量进行EMD分解后,利用均生函数相关法,比较不同IMF分量组合建模的预测,不同组合试验预测显示,用前二个IMF分量组合建模预测是最佳的组合方案。经对2001—2010年共10年广西夏季降水量实际预测检验表明,趋势预测准确率达70%以上,对夏季降水量预测较有参考价值。为基层台站的气候预测及服务提供一个客观预测方法。  相似文献   
利用1961-2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析逐候资料和全国160站月平均降水资料,分析了初夏至盛夏东亚副热带急流北跳和急流中心西移发生早晚对7月东亚大气环流和我国降水的影响。结果表明,急流北跳时间与7月长江中下游地区降水异常正相关,急流中心西移时间则与7月淮河流域降水异常正相关,与华北和河套地区降水异常负相关。急流北跳时间与南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压南北位置异常及高纬贝加尔湖以东高压脊强度相关;而急流中心西移时间与南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压的东西伸展及贝加尔湖以西高压脊强度相关,在急流中心西移偏晚年,南亚高压西缩,贝加尔湖西南侧高压脊增强,南下至华北和河套地区冷空气偏强,且西太平洋副热带高压东撤,冷暖空气在淮河流域交汇,使得华北和河套地区降水减少而淮河流域降水偏多;偏早年情况与偏晚年情况相反。  相似文献   
Historical trends in Florida temperature and precipitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of its low topographic relief, unique hydrology, and the large interannual variability of precipitation, Florida is especially vulnerable to climate change. In this paper, we investigate a comprehensive collection of climate metrics to study historical trends in both averages and extremes of precipitation and temperature in the state. The data investigated consist of long‐term records (1892–2008) of precipitation and raw (unadjusted) temperature at 32 stations distributed throughout the state. To evaluate trends in climate metrics, we use an iterative pre‐whitening method, which aims to separate positive autocorrelation from trend present in time series. Results show a general decrease in wet season precipitation, most evident for the month of May and possibly tied to a delayed onset of the wet season. In contrast, there seems to be an increase in the number of wet days during the dry season, especially during November through January. We found that the number of dog days (above 26.7 °C) during the year and during the wet season has increased at many locations. For the post‐1950 period, a widespread decrease in the daily temperature range (DTR) is observed mainly because of increased daily minimum temperature (Tmin). Although we did not attempt to formally attribute these trends to natural versus anthropogenic causes, we find that the urban heat island effect is at least partially responsible for the increase in Tmin and its corresponding decrease in DTR at urbanized stations compared with nearby rural stations. In the future, a formal trend attribution study should be conducted for the region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Diurnal variations of hydrochemistry were monitored at a spring and two pools in a travertine-depositing stream at Baishuitai, Yunnan, SW China. Water temperature, pH and specific conductivity were measured in intervals of 5 and 30 min for periods of 1 to 2 days. From these data the concentrations of Ca2+, HCO3, calcite saturation index, and CO2 partial pressure were derived. The measurements in the spring of the stream did not show any diurnal variations in the chemical composition of the water. Diurnal variations, however, were observed in the water of the two travertine pools downstream. In one of them, a rise in temperature (thus more CO2 degassing) during day time and consumption of CO2 due to photosynthesis of submerged aquatic plants accelerated deposition of calcite, whereas in the other pool, where aquatic plants flourished and grew out of the water (so photosynthesis was taking place in the atmosphere), the authors suggest that temperature-dependent root respiration underwater took place, which dominated until noon. Consequently, due to the release of CO2 by the root respiration into water, which dominated CO2 production by degassing induced by temperature increase, the increased dissolution of calcite was observed. This is the first time anywhere at least in China that the effect of root respiration on diurnal hydrochemical variations has been observed. The finding has implications for sampling strategy within travertine-depositing streams and other similar environments with stagnant water bodies such as estuaries, lakes, reservoirs, pools and wetlands, where aquatic plants may flourish and grow out of water.  相似文献   
环境同位素在水循环研究中的应用   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
环境同位素广泛存在于自然界水体中,在降水、地表水、地下水、土壤水和植物体内相互转化的水循环过程中,同位素的分馏效应导致不同水体具有不同的同位素含量。利用不同水体同位素含量之间的差异,可研究它们之间的相互转化方式及转化量。介绍了环境同位素在大气降水和降水-地表水-地下水“三水”之间转化中的研究进展,并阐述了其在水循环应用中存在的问题及应用前景。  相似文献   
鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)在微冻保鲜过程中的质量变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文研究鲫鱼 ( Carassius auratus)在微冻 ( - 3℃ )保鲜过程中的质量变化规律。以感官评价、细菌总数、T- VBN值、p H值、ATPase活性、K值等作为质量指标。实验结果表明 ,微冻可以明显抑制细菌总数的增长 ,维持较低的 T- VBN和 K值。但是 ,微冻条件下鲫鱼的 ATPase活性下降速度较快  相似文献   
正1 Introduction The main production of Yabulai salt lake was original salt and recycled salt many years ago.After decade’s production,the sale lake resource is more and more deficient.Glauber's salt and magnesium salt are concentrated in brine now.It could affect the quality of the salt.In recent years,research had done much work to  相似文献   
Water Self-Softening Processes at Waterfall Sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many rivers in tropical and subtropical karst regions are supersaturated with respect to CaCO3 and have high water hardness. After flowing through waterfall sites, river water is usually softened, accompanied by tufa formation, which is simply described as a result of water turbulence in fast-flowing water. In this paper, a series of laboratory experiments are designed to simulate the hydrological conditions at waterfall sites. The influences of air-water interface, water flow velocity, aeration and solid-water interface on water softening are compared and evaluated on a quantitative basis. The results show that the enhanced inorganic CO2 outgassing due to sudden hydrological changes occurring at waterfall sites is the principal cause of water softening at waterfall sites. Both air-water interface area and water flow velocity increase as a result of the "aeration effect", "low pressure effect" and "jet-flow effect" at waterfall sites, which greatly accelerates CO2 outgassing and therefore makes natural w  相似文献   
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