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近50年中国冬季大地冷涡与春夏季干旱相关的统计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
汤懋苍  张拥军  李栋梁 《气象学报》2005,63(6):1006-1009
通过对冬季大地冷涡与春夏季干旱的相关分析,发现:除高原主体外,冬季的大地冷涡对应着春夏季为干旱少雨区;而且大地冷涡东面的地冷涡绝大多数也是春夏季的干旱少雨区。冬季大地冷涡在中国的出现频率为80%,可作为短期气候预测的重要因子。  相似文献   
Microbial degradation technologies have been developed to restore ground water quality in aquifers polluted by organic contaminants effectively in recent years. However, in course of the degradation, the formation of biofilms in ground water remediation technology can be detrimental to the effectiveness of a ground water remediation project. Several alternatives are available to a remedial design engineer, such as Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) and in -situ bioremediation, Hydrogen Releasing Compounds (HRCs) barrier, Oxygen Releasing Compounds (ORCs) barrier etc. which are efficient and cost- effective technologies. Excessive biomass formation renders a barrier ineffective in degrading the contaminants, Efforts are made to develop kinetics models which accurately determine bio - fouling and bio - filn formation and to control excessive biomass formation.  相似文献   
对 195 9- 2 0 0 0年广西春播期 (2~ 4月 )及各月降水进行 EOF分解 ,分析了其空间分布型态及气候变化规律。结果表明 :广西春播期降水及各月降水全区一致性偏多 (少 )是主要分布型态 ;2、 3月降水呈增加趋势 ,由少雨向多雨转变 ,4月降水呈减少趋势 ,由多雨向少雨转变 ,二者有反相的特点 ;春播期及各月降水均存在准 2 a振荡 ,分月降水还具有 45 a左右的长周期变化 ;90年代后期 ,广西春播期降水进入一个相对少雨期  相似文献   
本文利用钻孔水化学数据和地球化学模拟方法,分析了郑家泉泉域基岩裂隙含水层各钻孔之间的水力联系和地下水补迳排特征.研究表明泉域北部的基岩裂隙含水层为条带状分布,到南部逐渐混合,郑家泉水的补给源主要来自西部和北部.  相似文献   
利用常规的天气图、卫星云图和物理量诊断对2004年春季两次持续性增温过程及降水天气进行诊断分析,结果表明:两次增温过程的降水强度、范围和落区等差异显著。前者造成了陕西历史上最早的暴雨过程,并有冰雹相伴;后者则为一般性降水。在春季降水过程中,当南海和菲律宾附近有热带低压云系存在时,对陕西的强降水有增幅作用;来自孟加拉湾700 hPa的偏西南急流和来自南海850 hPa的偏东南急流直伸到陕西的位置决定强降水的落区。700 hPa正涡度中心与垂直运动的上升区配合很好,涡度随着暴雨的临近明显增大,正涡度的增长,有利于对流的发展。  相似文献   
胶东半岛位于欧亚板块与太平洋板块边缘内侧,是地壳长期稳定缓慢隆起地段,区内地质构造发育,大部分温泉出露在背斜核部,NE、NNE向与NW、NNW向断裂交泯外,地热系统属中低温深循环对流型,略为偏高的大地热流是其主要热源,地表水是地下热水的补给水源,地下水通过发育在花岗岩和变质岩中的断层或断裂破碎带,下渗和深循环对流,在径流过程中不断吸取围岩热量成热水,沿断裂上升过程中,与地下浅部裂隙水混合而成为化学  相似文献   
林明珠  谢世友  林玉石 《地下水》2009,31(4):4-6,14
表层岩溶泉是储存于表层岩溶带的地下水,为近地面的表层地下水系统,它的普遍分布是西南岩溶峰丛区居民聚集和繁衍的重要条件。本文选取重庆市南川区典型的岩溶峰丛区6个较有代表性的表层岩溶常流泉点,分析表层岩溶泉水化学特征。研究发现:①6个泉点泉水化学类型以HCO3.SO4-Ca型为主,其次为HCO3.SO4-Ca.Mg型,个别为HCO3-Ca型;②常规水化学指标中,受人类活动的影响,各泉点泉水HCO3-含量较高,SO42-和NO3-含量偏高。③各泉点微量金属元素除As和Ba未达地下水质量标准GB/T 14848-1993Ⅰ类水体标准,其余测试指标均符合Ⅰ类水体标准。  相似文献   
随着数值天气预报技术和季节动力预报系统的发展,短期天气预报及长期气候预测的能力持续提高,然而介于两者之间的次季节至季节(S2S,两周至三个月)预测技巧偏低,成为当今气象学界和业务服务的难题。南京信息工程大学国家特聘专家李天明教授团队于2012年研发了基于时空投影技术的统计预报模型(STPM),成功地对中国大陆降水和气温距平,以及区域极端降水、夏季高温、冬季低温和西太平洋台风群发事件等高影响天气进行提前10~30 d的预报,并在国家气候中心及多个省份开展了业务应用。STPM也成功应用于台湾春雨预报、南海季风爆发和ENSO预测等季节至年际变化的预测。本文对S2S预测的理论基础、STPM的发展和应用进行了完整的介绍,并讨论了S2S预测业务中所面临的挑战和未来展望。  相似文献   
Since the last International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly(2003),predictability studies in China have made significant progress.For dynamic forecasts,two novel approaches of conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation and nonlinear local Lyapunov exponents were proposed to cope with the predictability problems of weather and climate,which are superior to the corresponding linear theory.A possible mechanism for the"spring predictability barrier"phenomenon for the El Ni(?)o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)was provided based on a theoretical model.To improve the forecast skill of an intermediate coupled ENSO model,a new initialization scheme was developed,and its applicability was illustrated by hindcast experiments.Using the reconstruction phase space theory and the spatio-temporal series predictive method, Chinese scientists also proposed a new approach to improve dynamical extended range(monthly)prediction and successfully applied it to the monthly-scale predictability of short-term climate variations.In statistical forecasts,it was found that the effects of sea surface temperature on precipitation in China have obvious spatial and temporal distribution features,and that summer precipitation patterns over east China are closely related to the northern atmospheric circulation.For ensemble forecasts,a new initial perturbation method was used to forecast heavy rain in Guangdong and Fujian Provinces on 8 June 1998.Additionally, the ensemble forecast approach was also used for the prediction of a tropical typhoons.A new downscaling model consisting of dynamical and statistical methods was provided to improve the prediction of the monthly mean precipitation.This new downsealing model showed a relatively higher score than the issued operational forecast.  相似文献   
全新世我国华南沿海广泛发育障壁海岸,此环境下发育独特的障壁海岸三角洲沉积.基于对潮汕地区的现代地质考察,并总结前人的研究认识,得出该地区韩江三角洲形成演化的主要控制因素为海平面变化、障壁-潟湖体系、河流搬运能力;明确了不同时期三角洲演化的特征及砂体的展布规律;然后,结合螺河三角洲和万宁小海的发育特点,划分出障壁海岸三角洲演化的三大阶段,即形成期:障壁-潟湖体系形成,潟湖内开始形成三角洲;发展期:潟湖内水体稳定,三角洲前积较快,障壁沙坝向海迁移;改造期:潟湖逐渐消失,沉积物开始在障壁沙坝外侧沉积,三角洲向海推进;最后,建立了潮汕地区早期潟湖内河流作用为主、后期障壁外多种动力共同作用下的障壁海岸三角洲的沉积模式.  相似文献   
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