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GPS伪距测量方程的相对论修正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用广义相对论测量理论,对GPS伪距测量方程进行了严格证明,并得到它的修正公式。这个公式既不违背相对论理论又与实验事实相符,从而认为GPS伪距测量是对相对论理论的验证。  相似文献   
介绍了地理信息系统(GIG)在四川省雷电业务系统构建中的应用方法。四川省防雷中心在雷电监测新技术和新手段的基础上,将GIS技术与雷电潜势预报和短临预警技术有效的结合起来,构建了雷电业务应用系统。并通过对此系统在2,008年“9.23”四川雷电天气过程中的应用分析,说明此系统可以准确地对未来12小时的雷电过程进行预报和未来1小时的雷电过程进行预警。  相似文献   
台风远距离暴雨的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
台风是最强的暴雨天气系统,针对台风暴雨的研究由来已久,并把台风暴雨分为台风环流本身的暴雨和台风远距离暴雨。近几十年来,有关台风远距离暴雨的研究有了一些新的进展和成果。2007年的第十四届全国热带气旋研讨会上还给出了最新的台风远距离暴雨定义。谨从此定义出发,简要总结国内外在台风远距离暴雨方面的研究成果,并在分析归纳的基础上提出存在的问题和可能的研究方向。  相似文献   
根据沈阳地理位置、地形特点和区域环境及气候环境等,对沈阳大气成分站所处站址环境进行探讨。并利用2004—2006年逐时气象观测数据对周围地物影响以及周围大气污染源对观测数据可能产生的影响进行了分析。结果表明:沈阳大气成分站的站址设置基本符合建站要求,颗粒物和黑炭浓度的观测数据可以反映出沈阳地区大气环境特征与大气成分变化情况。  相似文献   
Boundary layer observations were made over the Gulf of Mexico over a 3-year period in order to develop and test methods for estimating surface fluxes and boundary layer wind fields. In addition to routinely available buoy and CMAN surface data, six 915 MHz radar wind profilers (RWPs) and RASS profilers were mounted on oil platforms and on the shore. Estimates of surface momentum, sensible heat, and latent heat fluxes have been made from the surface observations using the COARE software. Simulations by the National Weather Service's Eta meteorological model are compared with the observations of surface fluxes and wind profiles. The boundary layer is found to be unstable over 90% of the time, and latent heat fluxes are about five to ten times larger than sensible heat fluxes, as usually found over tropical oceans. Eta model simulations of surface fluxes are within about ±50% of COARE estimates of the fluxes based on surface observations. Most of the time, COARE-derived fluxes at 11 sites are within a factor of two of each other at any given hour. In multi-day case studies, COARE calculations are found to agree with Eta model simulations of these fluxes and parameters within a factor of two most of the time. Eta model simulations of wind speeds in the boundary layer tend to exceed the RWP observations by 1–2 m s−1 near shore and by 2–6 m s−1 at distances of 100–200 km offshore.  相似文献   
对国家标准HJ/T2.2-93大气稳定度分级中整数风速使用问题,日、夜分界问题及太阳倾角取值问题进行了综合研究。大量统计结果指出,整数风速不能直接按标准中稳定度等级规定的风速分级带入,而应以1/2计数法代入分级;日、夜分界应以日出后1小时与日落前1小时为界,太阳倾角每10日取一概略值已十分精确。  相似文献   
强热带风暴“北冕”登陆前后的风场变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用Q3000型车载相控阵风廓线雷达,对强热带风暴“北冕”登陆前后的风场情况进行了连续观测,观测资料反映了“北冕”登陆前后观测点上空风场的变化:“北冕”中心临近时风速逐渐增大,而后逐渐减弱,风向在垂直空间及时间上存在有规律的切变。风廓线雷达探测资料对于研究热带气旋内部的平均风特性、垂直结构、湍流输送性质及风压分布等有重要意义,可以弥补地面探空站在台风期间无法获取有效探空资料的不足。  相似文献   
Atmospheric electricity is composed of a wide range of electric phenomena in the troposphere, strato- sphere, and even lower ionosphere. Research progress on atmospheric electricity in the past 5 years in China are briefly reviewed here. This research area has been greatly expanded through rocket-triggered lightning experiments and the increased use of high spatio-temporal resolution techniques for the detection and location of lightning. The main results described in this review are summarized in the following five aspects:(1) processes and parameters inferred from rocket-triggered lightning, (2) lightning physics and effects (observations and theoretical study), (3) lightning activities associated with different thunderstorms, (4) charge structure of thunderstorms (observations and simulation), and (5) the VHF/UHF lightning location techniques and discharge channel mapping.  相似文献   
方维萱  金浚  李惠 《矿产与地质》2005,19(6):583-587
为庆贺欧阳宗圻先生的八十寿辰,《矿产与地质》本期回顾总结了我国冶金和有色金属地球化学勘查的发展历史和现状.综述了欧阳宗圻先生等人在冶金和有色金属行业的主要创新成果,以资鼓励从事金属矿产勘查的我国年轻一代地球化学工作者,继续发扬欧阳宗圻先生的创新精神,在新世纪中,迎接矿产资源地球化学勘查和环境生态污染地球化学治理等应用地球化学的新挑战.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to use the barotropic vorticity equation in spectral form in order to study barotropic instability when the basic current has east-west quasi-stationary asymmetries on the scale of long waves. This is done by expressing the spectral equations in three different ways. In the first experiment a 9-component system is integrated and the long waves are allowed to propagate freely. In the second experiment the long waves are constrained to propagate slowly and in the third experiment, they are removed altogether.The motivation behind the present investigation is due to observations made in the motion fields of the tropics. These are characterized by quasi-stationary long waves and very energetically active and propagating short waves.The presence of quasi-stationary long waves seems to enhance the energy exchanges between the short waves and the mean zonal current and also allow for larger energy values for the short waves. Long term integration (90 days) shows a 6-day mode in thev time spectra at latitude 10°N and a 15-day mode in theu time spectra at individual grid points in the equatorial latitudes. Any possible connection between this peak and the observed peak of 15 days in the completely different physics of Kelvin waves is left as a conjecture.  相似文献   
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