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Here, we report on a kinetically controlled vapour phase condensation experiment using a low-calcium Ca–Fe–SiO–H2–O2 vapour. Under these conditions of extreme disequilibrium, the condensate properties become predictable. They are amorphous solids with (predictable) deep metastable eutectic compositions. This study also shows how chemical evolution of the condensate grains will lead to chemically complex amorphous solids. The highly disordered structure of the deep metastable eutectic condensates is the very key to this predictable chemical evolution to grains with a silicate mineral composition, yet being amorphous. We compare our results with astronomical observations of dust around young stellar objects.  相似文献   
This paper develops a compensation algorithm based on Linear–Quadratic–Gaussian (LQG) control system design whose parameters are determined (in part) by a model of the atmosphere. The model for the atmosphere is based on the open-loop statistics of the atmosphere as observed by the wavefront sensor, and is identified from these using an auto-regressive, moving average (ARMA) model. The (LQG) control design is compared with an existing compensation algorithm for a simulation developed at ESO that represents the operation of MACAO adaptive optics system on the 8.2 m telescopes at Paranal, Chile. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
王卫平  陈斌 《地质找矿论丛》2010,25(4):286-291,295
文章回顾了直升机TEM技术的发展历史,阐述了发展直升机TEM系统的必然性;根据国外直升机TEM系统的研制和应用现状,对直升机TEM技术的系统特点进行了论述;在综合分析的基础上,指出了我国应该发展的直升机TEM系统类型,以及在我国地质勘查中的应用前景。  相似文献   
青藏块体及周缘潜在震源与强震关系研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用1993-1999、1999-2001年青藏块体东北以及1991-2000年中国大陆GPS水平运动年速率资料,基于单一力源模型,反演获得了青藏块体及其周缘地区2000-2001年10次地震的震前资料反映的潜在震源参数,所得力源中心位置距实际震中的距离相对较小,其中2000年景泰5.9、2001年宁蒗5.8、昆仑8.1及格尔木3次5.7、5.8级地震均在50km左右;2000年兴海6.6、2001年年施甸5.9、永胜6.0级地震不到100km;2001年雅江6.0级地震最远(121km)。此外,1999-2001年青藏块体东北缘地区的反演结果表明,沿东昆仑构造带的昆仑山口-达日及库玛断裂向东至甘东南、甘青交界区域,可能仍存在潜在震源。  相似文献   
基于动力学法反演地球重力场的基本理论,研究了卫星初始状态向量误差对应用低轨卫星精密轨道数据反演地球重力场的影响。在仅考虑低轨卫星初始状态误差的情况下进行了模拟计算,结果表明:在利用低轨卫星精密轨道数据反演地球重力场时,卫星初始状态向量误差需要重新进行估计;在目前的轨道精度水平下,若不顾及误差方程二次项的影响,反演弧长不宜过长;卫星初始状态速度误差(约1.5mm/s)的影响要大于位置误差(约10 cm)的影响。  相似文献   
Debris flows generated during rain storms on recently burned areas have destroyed lives and property throughout the Western U.S. Field evidence indicate that unlike landslide-triggered debris flows, these events have no identifiable initiation source and can occur with little or no antecedent moisture. Using rain gage and response data from five fires in Colorado and southern California, we document the rainfall conditions that have triggered post-fire debris flows and develop empirical rainfall intensity–duration thresholds for the occurrence of debris flows and floods following wildfires in these settings. This information can provide guidance for warning systems and planning for emergency response in similar settings.Debris flows were produced from 25 recently burned basins in Colorado in response to 13 short-duration, high-intensity convective storms. Debris flows were triggered after as little as six to 10 min of storm rainfall. About 80% of the storms that generated debris flows lasted less than 3 h, with most of the rain falling in less than 1 h. The storms triggering debris flows ranged in average intensity between 1.0 and 32.0 mm/h, and had recurrence intervals of two years or less. Threshold rainfall conditions for floods and debris flows sufficiently large to pose threats to life and property from recently burned areas in south-central, and southwestern, Colorado are defined by: I = 6.5D 0.7 and I = 9.5D 0.7, respectively, where I = rainfall intensity (in mm/h) and D = duration (in hours).Debris flows were generated from 68 recently burned areas in southern California in response to long-duration frontal storms. The flows occurred after as little as two hours, and up to 16 h, of low-intensity (2–10 mm/h) rainfall. The storms lasted between 5.5 and 33 h, with average intensities between 1.3 and 20.4 mm/h, and had recurrence intervals of two years or less. Threshold rainfall conditions for life- and property-threatening floods and debris flows during the first winter season following fires in Ventura County, and in the San Bernardino, San Gabriel and San Jacinto Mountains of southern California are defined by I = 12.5D0.4, and I = 7.2D0.4, respectively. A threshold defined for flood and debris-flow conditions following a year of vegetative recovery and sediment removal for the San Bernardino, San Gabriel and San Jacinto Mountains of I = 14.0D0.5 is approximately 25 mm/h higher than that developed for the first year following fires.The thresholds defined here are significantly lower than most identified for unburned settings, perhaps because of the difference between extremely rapid, runoff-dominated processes acting in burned areas and longer-term, infiltration-dominated processes on unburned hillslopes.  相似文献   
It is often infeasible to carry out coupled analyses of multiply‐supported secondary systems for earthquake excitations. ‘Approximate’ decoupled analyses are then resorted to, unless the response errors due to those are significantly high. This study proposes a decoupling criterion to identify such cases where these errors are likely to be larger than an acceptable level. The proposed criterion is based on the errors in the primary system response due to decoupling and has been obtained by assuming (i) the input excitation to be an ideal white noise process, (ii) cross‐modal correlation to be negligible, and (iii) the combined system to be classically damped. It uses the modal properties of the undamped combined system, and therefore, a perturbation approach has been formulated to determine the combined system properties in case of light to moderately heavy secondary systems. A numerical study has been carried out to illustrate the accuracy achieved with the proposed perturbation formulation. The proposed decoupling criterion has been validated with the help of two example primary‐secondary systems and four example excitation processes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黑龙江东部二龙山盆地是一新生代陆相聚煤盆地,中新世富锦组是其含煤地层。通过对富锦组沉积相、层序地层和聚煤作用特征的研究,可以看出:富锦组主要由凝灰质粉砂岩及中细砂岩、凝灰质砾岩及褐煤组成,发育滨浅湖相、深-半深湖相、冲积扇扇根相、扇中相及沼泽相,分别属于湖泊沉积体系和冲积扇沉积体系;富锦组是一个以区域不整合面为上下界的三级层序,其低位体系域对应底部砾岩段,湖侵体系域对应下部砂岩段和中部含煤段,高位体系域对应上部砂岩段;研究区煤层形成于湖侵体系域末期,且以盆地中部煤层厚度最大,向西北和西南方向煤层均变薄;聚煤作用明显受基底沉降作用影响,在湖侵体系域末期基底稳定沉降阶段,可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率相平衡,从而形成了区内巨厚煤层。  相似文献   
烟煤的宏观煤岩分类是煤岩学研究的内容之一。本文建立了烟煤按煤岩成分-宏观煤岩类型进行两级划分的宏观煤岩分类系统,提出了划分宏观煤岩类型的定性和定量指标,制定了宏观煤岩类型的分类方案,规定了描述方法、内容和要求。  相似文献   
An adaptive 2 D nonhydrostatic dynamical core is proposed by using the multi-moment constrained finite-volume(MCV) scheme and the Berger-Oliger adaptive mesh refinement(AMR) algorithm. The MCV scheme takes several pointwise values within each computational cell as the predicted variables to build high-order schemes based on single-cell reconstruction. Two types of moments, such as the volume-integrated average(VIA) and point value(PV), are defined as constraint conditions to derive the updating formulations of the unknowns, and the constraint condition on VIA guarantees the rigorous conservation of the proposed model. In this study, the MCV scheme is implemented on a height-based, terrainfollowing grid with variable resolution to solve the nonhydrostatic governing equations of atmospheric dynamics. The AMR grid of Berger-Oliger consists of several groups of blocks with different resolutions, where the MCV model developed on a fixed structured mesh can be used directly. Numerical formulations are designed to implement the coarsefine interpolation and the flux correction for properly exchanging the solution information among different blocks. Widely used benchmark tests are carried out to evaluate the proposed model. The numerical experiments on uniform and AMR grids indicate that the adaptive model has promising potential for improving computational efficiency without losing accuracy.  相似文献   
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