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Alpine shrub Quercus aquifolioides was selected to study the effects of shrub canopy on throughfall and phreatic water by analyzing the isotopic time series of precipitation, canopy throughfall and phreatic water and examining correlations among these series in Wolong Nature Reserve, Western China. Based on analysis of precipitation data in 2003, the local meteoric water line during the rainy season was δD = 8.28 × δ18O + 8.93, and the primary precipitation moisture in this region originated from the Pacific Ocean in the summer. Stable isotope analysis showed that the main supply of throughfall and phreatic water was from precipitation, and the shrub canopy has an important effect on the processes of rainwater transmuted into throughfall and phreatic water. Moreover, the differences of δD and δ18O values between rainwater and throughfall were relevant to rainfall. Due to interception of the shrub canopy, there had a response hysteresis of phreatic water to the various rainfall events, which was mostly 2 days, except that this hysteresis was ≤1 day when rainfall was >15 mm/day.  相似文献   
为了促进适合我国国情的轻型木结构发展,介绍了一种自主开发的轻型定向秸秆板-榫卯连接木骨架剪力墙,该剪力墙由墙体模块、顶梁板、底梁板三部分组成,墙体模块的木骨架间采用榫卯连接,面板采用定向秸秆板.通过12片分别由3个剪力墙模块组成的剪力墙的水平单向加载和低周反复加载试验研究,得到了剪力墙的破坏特征、抗剪强度、滞回性能、延性及耗能等性能指标,分析了洞口大小、洞口位置及竖向荷载对剪力墙抗震性能的影响以及剪力墙与单个墙体模块抗震性能的区别.结果表明:剪力墙的破坏主要是面板破坏及面板与钉的连接破坏,剪力墙的抗剪强度比墙体模块的要低约10%,滞回曲线呈明显的反S型并有明显滑移,等效粘滞阻尼系数约为0.13.  相似文献   
横波各向异性在裂缝和应力分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对裂缝性和低孔低渗地层的横波各向异性特征,反演得到横波各向异性参数,研究了裂缝的发育程度、方位和有效性,并对低孔低渗地层的应力场分布状态和方位进行了综合评价;通过对反演得到的快、慢弯曲波形进行频散分析以及计算单极横波各向异性大小,确定了引起横波各向异性的原因,并结合常规测井资料、岩心及FMI成像资料对分析结果进行了验证和对比,最后对研究区8口典型井的横波各向异性进行了综合处理和评价,得到了该区的横波各向异性特征以及和总的应力场走向.结果表明,利用横波的各向异性参数可以有效的评价裂缝的发育程度、走向及有效性,并能准确的确定地应力分布状态和最大水平应力方位.  相似文献   
目前认为活动支座摩擦作用对连续梁固定支座剪力起有利的降低作用,抗震分析时一般忽略活动支座摩擦作用的影响。为了研究连续梁桥活动支座摩擦作用对固定支座剪力地震反应的影响,建立了考虑活动支座摩擦作用的连续梁桥抗震分析有限元模型,计算了各种情况下的固定支座剪力。研究发现,活动支座摩擦作用并不是在任何情况下都是有利的,根据分析结果给出了需要考虑活动支座摩擦力的情况,提出固定支座剪力简化计算公式需要综合考虑结构的自振特性及场地反应谱的影响。  相似文献   
IntroductionWhenpropagatingthroughananisotropicmedium,ashearwavesplitsintotwo(quasi)shearwaveswithdifferentpropagationspeedsandpolarizedorthogonally.Owingtotherecentdevel-opmentofseismicobservationsystem,detectionofshearwavessplittingwithverysmalldelaytimesbetweenfasterandslowershearwavesbecameavailableandprovidedpowerfulapproachfordetectionofcrustalanisotropy.Crampin(1978)emphasizedtheroleofalignedmicrocracksasacauseofcrustalanisotropyandpointedoutthatforverticallyalignedmicrocracksthedirecti…  相似文献   
非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)算法广泛应用于音频大地电磁法(AMT)二维反演中,并且取得了良好效果.本文以Rodi(2001)提出的大地电磁法二维NLCG反演理论和算法为基础,开展AMT野外数据采集参数(测线长度、点距、频点数)对二维反演效果的影响研究.通过低阻理论模型的试验结果表明:野外数据采集参数的选择应该以探测目标体的规模、深度以及背景电阻率为依据,测线长度应大于目标体宽度和探测深度的两倍以上,异常体上方测点数及探测深度范围内的频点数至少大于三个.  相似文献   
文章旨在研究不同剪跨比的格构式混凝土墙体抗震性能.将生产车间预制成EPS保温模块拼接成墙体模板,在横向和纵向孔洞中分别布置钢筋,然后在孔内浇筑自密实混凝土,形成“EPS新型节能”格构式混凝土墙体,然后对6个参数不同的试件进行低周反复水平荷载作用的试验.结果,墙体破坏形态为:首先墙体相邻格构柱间的连梁出现环状裂缝和“X”...  相似文献   
We estimate (/T) P of the lower mantle at seismic frequencies using two distinct approaches by combining ambient laboratory measurements on lower mantle minerals with seismic data. In the first approach, an upper bound is estimated for |(/T) P | by comparing the shear modulus () profile of PREM with laboratory room-temperature data of extrapolated to high pressures. The second approach employs a seismic tomography constraint ( lnV S / lnV P ) P =1.8–2, which directly relates (/T) P with (K S /T) P . An average (K S /T) P can be obtained by comparing the well-established room-temperature compression data for lower mantle minerals with theK S profile of PREM along several possible adiabats. Both (K S /T) and (/T) depend on silicon content [or (Mg+Fe)/Sil of the model. For various compositions, the two approaches predict rather distinct (/T) P vs. (K S /T) P curves, which intersect at a composition similar to pyrolite with (/T) P =–0.02 to –0.035 and (K S /T) P =–0.015 to –0.020 GPa/K. The pure perovskite model, on the other hand, yields grossly inconsistent results using the two approaches. We conclude that both vertical and lateral variations in seismic velocities are consistent with variation due to pressure, temperature, and phase transformations of a uniform composition. Additional physical properties of a pyrolite lower mantle are further predicted. Lateral temperature variations are predicted to be about 100–250 K, and the ratio of ( lnp/ lnV S ) P around 0.13 and 0.26. All of these parameters increase slightly with depth if the ratio of ( lnV S / lnV P ) P remains constant throughout the lower mantle. These predicted values are in excellent agreement with geodynamic analyses, in which the ratios ( ln / lnV S ) P and ( / lnV S ) P are free parameters arbitrarily adjusted to fit the tomography and geoid data.  相似文献   
木质素磺酸钙作为一种绿色环保的改良材料,近年来被应用于土体加固领域。为探究木质素磺酸钙对黄土的固化效果,通过开展侧限浸水压缩试验、冻融循环试验、不固结不排水三轴剪切试验、扫描电镜试验和X射线衍射试验,分析冻融循环次数、掺量和围压对木质素磺酸钙改良黄土力学性质和微观机理的影响规律。研究结果表明:掺入木质素磺酸钙,可有效消除黄土的湿陷性。此外,改良黄土的应力-应变曲线随木质素磺酸钙掺量的增加向一般硬化型转变,而随着冻融循环次数的增加,应力-应变曲线向弱硬化型转变。改良黄土的破坏强度随木质素磺酸钙掺量的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,木质素磺酸钙掺量为1%时破坏强度最高,各掺量改良黄土随冻融循环次数的增加先减小后趋于稳定,同时抗剪强度指标呈现下降的趋势。通过扫描电镜试验和X射线衍射试验,发现改良黄土内部有胶结物生成并填充了土颗粒间的孔隙,使土体密实度提高,进而提高土体强度;而冻融作用导致土颗粒的接触方式由面-面接触向点-点、点-面接触过渡。此外,木质素磺酸钙改良黄土中未发现有新的矿物成分生成,且冻融作用未造成土体矿物成分的消解。  相似文献   
恒河-雅鲁藏布江流域雪线场的建立及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用冰川编目最新数据资料,计算恒河-雅鲁藏布江冰川平均高度(Hme)与测量雪线(ELAh)之间的回归方程,发现冰川系统越大,样本数越多,则相关性越好,从而建立大系统的回归方程计算系统内所有冰川样点的计算雪线高度(ELAhc).对所求得的ELAhc采用10’×10’的格网覆盖区域,对格网内样点的经纬度和计算雪线高度进行算术平均,用Kriging插值生成一定间隔的雪线分布图,即雪线高度场.把所得结果与该区域已有研究对比,发现它除具有共同的基本规律外,还更能体现出西藏南部雪线场的详尽分布规律,如全流域从下游向上游按照平均雪线高度的大小可以分为4个区,不同区域的雪线分布反映了影响区域雪线分布的主导因素.此方法可应用于其它已进行冰川编目的地区,也可建立不同尺度的温度场、积累场、降水场等冰川特征值场.  相似文献   
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