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The Weather Research Forecast model (WRF) configured with high resolution and NCEP 1°×1° reanalysis data were used to simulate the development of a tropical deep convection over the Tiwi Islands,northern Australia,and to investigate the sensitivity of model results to model configuration and parameterization schemes of microphysical processes.The simulation results were compared with available measurements.The results show that the model can reproduce most of the important characteristics of the observed diurnal evolution of the convection,including the initiation of convection along the sea-breeze front,which is then reinforced by downdraft outflows,merging of cells and the formation of a deep convective system.However,further improvement is needed to simulate more accurately the location and the time for initiation of the deep convective system.Sensitivity tests show that double-nesting schemes are more accurate than the non-nesting schemes in predicting the distribution and intensity of precipitation as far as this particular case is concerned.Additionally,microphysical schemes also have an effect on the simulated amount of precipitation.It is shown that the best agreement is reached between the simulation results and observations when the Purdue Lin scheme is used.  相似文献   
黄川  傅容珊 《地球物理学报》2014,57(5):1534-1542
本文分别基于数值结果和地质学模型,在假定地球的上地幔存在稳定Rayleigh-Bénard对流的基础上,模拟了直径为10 km(陨石坑直径约180 km,以Chicxulub为例)和直径为100 km(陨石坑直径约1000 km)的小行星撞击对地球的上地幔对流格局的影响.本文将直径10 km小行星的撞击效果等效为热异常,将直径100 km小行星的撞击效果等效为热异常和速度异常(主要指陨石坑底部的回弹)的叠加.计算结果表明,当小行星的直径在10 km左右时,撞击对上地幔对流的影响十分微弱,热扰动时间仅2—3 Ma;而当小行星的直径达到100 km时,撞击就会对上地幔对流产生强烈影响.这时,对流从扰动到新的稳态有一定模式可循(依次为:调整、多个对流环、调整、稳定),扰动的持续时间受黏度和撞击点位置影响,同时稳定后地幔热柱会向着撞击点的方向产生一定的位移.  相似文献   
This study constructs a regional scale climatology of tropical convection and precipitation from more than 15 years of monthly outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and precipitation data on 2.5°× 2.5° latitude‐longitude grid to examine the spatial and temporal patterns and variability of convection and precipitation in the Amazon Basin. A linear regression analysis also detects if any trends exist in the two datasets. The region of study extends from 15°N to 25°S and 30° to 80°W that encompass the Amazon Basin and surrounding fringe areas for the period from January 1979 through December 1995 for the OLR data and up to 1996 for the precipitation dataset. The basin‐average mean monthly and seasonal climatology serve as a ‘baseline’ reference for comparison with the full time series of basin‐average monthly OLR and precipitation to illustrate the interannual variability and identify anomalous periods of wet and dry conditions. A linear trend analysis of OLR data found small negative values across the Amazon Basin indicating a slight increase in convective activity over the period of study. The analysis of the precipitation time series, however, shows no coincidental increase in precipitation as would be expected with an increase in convective activity. Portions of Rondônia and Mato Grosso, areas that have undergone extensive deforestation, illustrate no trend in precipitation as suggested by GCM simulation results. The only area featuring any large change in precipitation occurs in a small area in the northwestern region of South America where a large positive trend in precipitation exists.  相似文献   
水动力与生态耦合的赤潮藻类生长模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对近岸海域赤潮藻类生长及分布的特点,将简化了的赤潮藻类模型与水动力学中的对流扩散方程相耦合,建立了一个水动力与生态耦合的赤潮藻类生长的深度模型。模型中用一个积分形式的指数函数模拟了藻类生长过程,用一个一阶线性函数近似模拟了藻类的死亡过程,用藻类浓度的一阶导数项模拟藻类的输运过程,用浓度的二阶导数模拟了藻类的扩散过程,并用高精度的三阶迎风格式对模型进行了数值模拟,结果表明,该模型能正确的反映藻类的生长特点,与实际情况吻合良好。  相似文献   
The character of turbulent overturns in a weakly stratified deep-sea is investigated in some detail using 144 high-resolution temperature sensors at 0.7 m intervals, starting 5 m above the bottom. A 9-day, 1 Hz sampled record from the 912 m depth flat-bottom (<0.5% bottom-slope) mooring site in the central-north Alboran Sea (W-Mediterranean) demonstrates an overall conservative temperature range of only 0.05 °C, a typical mean buoyancy period as large as 3 h and a 1 Hz-profile-vertically-averaged turbulence dissipation rate maximum of only 10−8 m2 s−3. Nonetheless, this ‘boundary layer’ varies in height between <6 and >104 m above the bottom and is thus not homogeneous throughout; the temperature variations are seldom quiescent and are generally turbulent in appearance, well exceeding noise levels. The turbulence character is associated with small-scale internal waves; examples are found of both shear- and convection-driven turbulence; particular association, although not phase-locked, is found between turbulence variations and tidal rather than with inertial motions; the mean buoyancy frequency of a few times the inertial frequency implies the importance of ‘slantwise convection’ in the direction of the earth rotational vector rather than in the direction of gravity. Such convection is observed both in near-homogeneous and weakly stratified form.  相似文献   
将卫星水汽图像与高层动力场进行叠合分析,可为强对流天气监测预报提供有价值的信息。将卫星水汽图像和大气动力场相结合,对山东省一次冷涡背景下连续强对流过程的环境特征进行分析。结果表明,冷涡云系具有非对称结构特征;冷涡东南侧的暖湿对流与涡后动力干带入侵时爆发的暗区新生对流,这两个阶段的热、动力不稳定增长机制有所不同。与高位涡、急流相伴的水汽暗带是对流层上部的动力活跃区。当涡后具有高位涡特征的动力干带入侵时,高层动力活跃区叠加于低层暖湿平流区上空,促使对流爆发。卫星水汽图像体现了冷涡发展不同阶段高空动力强迫的差异。水汽图像上动力干带色调变暗,干湿边界锐化的特征,与高层位涡和高空急流增强有关。通过卫星水汽图像上连续时次的干湿对比,可以跟踪识别这些高层特征,进而判断高层动力特征的演变,为深厚湿对流环境条件的诊断提供依据。  相似文献   
江西一次突发性局地强对流天气的雷达回波特征分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
郭艳 《气象与减灾研究》2007,30(1):30-36,F0002
对2004年4月11日赣中出现的突发性局地强对流雷达回波资料进行了分析.分析结果表明,这次强对流过程虽然从天气形势上很难做出预报,但从多普勒天气雷达资料上仍可分析出一定的预报特征:最大反射率(DBZM)和最大反射率高度(HGT)的突降,与降雹和龙卷的发生时间具有较好的相关性;垂直积分液态水含量(VIL)的变化,尤其是跃增的特性,对于判断冰雹的增长非常有效,而对于判断降大冰雹的可能性,尤其是微型超级单体的降雹,VIL密度比VIL具有更明显的指示意义;冰雹指数(HI)对强对流天气的预报具有一定的指示意义,尤其当持续出现"PRO"或"POS"报警时,往往表示风暴已发展成熟,极有可能产生剧烈的强对流天气;三体散射回波(TBSS)的出现,预示风暴中可能有大冰雹生成;风暴追踪信息(STI)产品能有效地预报出回波未来的移动方向和影响区域,但对于转折时间,则需结合反射率等产品来进行预报预警服务;风暴内出现中气旋特征时,应做好发布强对流天气预警的准备工作.  相似文献   
对流尺度数值预报中的云物理初始化方法改进及个例试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李佳  陈葆德  黄伟  张旭 《气象学报》2017,75(5):771-783
通过在云初始化方案中增加由地表感热和潜热通量确定的对流尺度速度作为对流判据,同时增加层云云冰、云水计算方案,改进云分析方法,并基于第2代华东快速更新循环同化模式预报系统,针对2015年4月28日华东强对流个例,进行对比试验,分析了改进的云初始化方案对云分析结果和模式预报效果的影响。试验表明:在云分析中增加对流判据,使得平均40%左右的云分析格点判定为非对流格点,对流格点分布与正的感热通量分布相似,在陆地上有显著日变化。在对流和层云格点判定之后,增加层云云冰、云水计算方案分析层云格点,显著地减小了模式初始场的云冰、云水混合比,有效地减弱了模式积分初始阶段云冰、云水含量的剧烈调整,尤其是在陆地区域。采用改进的云初始化方案进行预报,可以减少模式前1 h和前6 h的降水强度;尤其在个例的循环试验中,强降水中心强度和面积的预报比原方案显著减弱。   相似文献   
Advances in our understanding of the large-scale electric and magnetic fields in the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system are reviewed. The literature appearing in the period January 1991–June 1993 is sorted into 8 general areas of study. The phenomenon of substorms receives the most attention in this literature, with the location of onset being the single most discussed issue. However, if the magnetic topology in substorm phases was widely debated, less attention was paid to the relationship of convection to the substorm cycle. A significantly new consensus view of substorm expansion and recovery phases emerged, which was termed the Kiruna Conjecture after the conference at which it gained widespread acceptance. The second largest area of interest was dayside transient events, both near the magnetopause and the ionosphere. It became apparent that these phenomena include at least two classes of events, probably due to transient reconnection bursts and sudden solar wind dynamic pressure changes. The contribution of both types of event to convection is controversial. The realisation that induction effects decouple electric fields in the magnetosphere and ionosphere, on time scales shorter than several substorm cycles, calls for broadening of the range of measurement techniques in both the ionosphere and at the magnetopause. Several new techniques were introduced including ionospheric observations which yield reconnection rate as a function of time. The magnetospheric and ionospheric behaviour due to various quasi-steady interplanetary conditions was studied using magnetic cloud events. For northward IMF conditions, reverse convection in the polar cap was found to be predominantly a summer hemisphere phenomenon and even for extremely rare prolonged southward IMF conditions, the magnetosphere was observed to oscillate through various substorm cycles rather than forming a steady-state convection bay.Reporter view, presented to Commission III of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy at 7th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1993.  相似文献   
亚洲夏季风爆发的深对流特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
钱维宏  朱亚芬 《气象学报》2001,59(5):578-590
文中应用NOAA卫星反演的1980~1995年候平均对流层上部水汽亮温(BT)资料、向外长波辐 射(OLR)资料和美国NMC全球分析850 hPa风资料与美国CMAP降水资料作了对比分析,发现B T能够较好地反映中低纬度地区的深对流降水,偏南风场辐合区与深对流降水有比较一致的 关系,而OLR不能反映热带外地区的对流降水。BT资料所具有的这一特征可以应用于亚洲夏 季风爆发过程的深对流特征分析。BT描述深对流的临界值是244 K。亚洲季风区是全球深对 流季节变化范围和强度最大的地区。赤道外地区的夏季风爆发可以定义为来自热带地区深对 流的季节扩张。中南半岛上的夏季风对流发生在南海夏季风爆发之前。华南前汛期深对流是 中低纬系统相互作用的结果。第28候,南海夏季风的突然爆发在降水、风场和卫星反演 的深对流特征上都有明确的反映。南海夏季风爆发后,印度夏季风对流由南向北逐渐爆发, 青藏高原东侧和中国东部沿海的夏季风对流向北推进早于中国中部地区。  相似文献   
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