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Barrier islands are important landforms in many coastal systems around the globe. Studies of modern barrier island systems are mostly limited to those of siliciclastic realms, where the islands are recognized as mobile features that form on transgressive coastlines and migrate landward as sea-level rises. Barrier islands of the ‘Great Pearl Bank’ along the United Arab Emirates coast are the best-known carbonate examples. These Holocene islands, however, are interpreted to be anchored by older deposits and immobile. The mid-Holocene to late-Holocene depositional system at Al Ruwais, northern Qatar, provides an example of a mobile carbonate barrier island system, perhaps more similar to siliciclastic equivalents. Sedimentological and petrographic analyses, as well as 14C-dating of shells and biogenic remains from vibracored sediments and surface deposits, show that after 7000 years ago a barrier system with a narrow back-barrier lagoon formed along what is now an exposed coastal zone, while, contemporaneously, a laterally-extensive coral reef was forming immediately offshore. After 1400 years ago the barrier system was forced to step ca 3 km seaward in response to a sea-level fall of less than 2 m, where it re-established itself directly on the mid-Holocene reef. Since that time, the barrier has retreated landward as much as 1000 m to its current position, exposing previously-deposited back-barrier lagoonal sediment at the open-coast shoreline. In modern neritic warm-water carbonate settings mobile barrier island systems are rare. Their construction and migration may be inhibited by reef formation, early cementation, and the relative inefficiency of sourcing beach sediments from open carbonate shelves. Carbonate barrier island systems likely formed more commonly during geological periods when ramps and unrimmed shelves predominated and in calcite seas, when meteoric cementation was minimized as a result of initial calcitic allochem mineralogy. As with their siliciclastic analogues, however, recognition of the influence of these transient landforms in the rock record is challenging.  相似文献   
利用录井及地震反射资料,采用层序地层学原理对蒙古塔木察格盆地塔南凹陷下白垩统地层层序进行了划分和对比,划分出了4个三级层序(SQ1-SQ4)。在此基础上,结合盆地的构造演化特点,研究了层序结构特征,划分了层序类型,其中,SQ1和SQ2为初始裂谷期湖泊层序,SQ3为裂谷深陷期层序,SQ4为裂谷后过渡层序。层序的结构主要受构造沉降方式控制,塔南凹陷不同时期构造沉降方式不同,形成了3种层序发育模式,即简单箕状斜坡模式、差异沉降构造反转模式、坳陷型层序发育模式,不同的层序发育模式,其地层岩性圈闭的发育和分布不同。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系层序地层学研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
通过地震、钻测井及生物地层资料的综合研究,认为准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系发育6套层序、两个构造层序。层序及沉积相空间分布的差异反映八道湾期至西山窑期以北部物源为主,下部构造层序揭示了北部抬升、南部均衡沉降的构造格局,头屯河期至喀拉扎期以南部物源为主,上部构造层序反映南部抬升、湖盆急剧收缩的构造格局。研究区主要发育冲积扇-辫状河三角洲-湖泊沉积体系,其次为曲流河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系。早中侏罗世,本区以暖温带潮湿气候为主,但在三工河早期及头屯河中期有两次气候变干变热过程,晚侏罗世为亚热带干旱、半干旱气候,晚期的干旱气候还是导致湖盆急剧萎缩的重要因素。  相似文献   
北京西山寒武系层序地层   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了使北京西山地质学方面的研究更为全面,并为其他地区寒武系的研究提供对比,以北京西山地区出露的寒武纪地层为根据.进行了层序地层学和沉积学方面的研究.该区寒武纪地层多为碳酸盐岩,岩石类型以各种灰岩及白云岩为主.按照层序地层学的原理和工作方法,结合区域层序界面特征把该区寒武系划为16个三级层序,其中SQ1-SQ3为Ⅰ型层序,Ⅱ型层序则较为发育,SQ4-SQ16都为Ⅱ型层序.研究区寒武系属于典型的碳酸盐岩台地沉积.由于寒武纪研究区内地形地势平缓,构造沉降比较稳定,因而深切谷等标志不发育,所有层序都缺失低水位体系域(LST)或陆架边缘体系域(SMST)沉积.  相似文献   
The northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea(SCS) is characterized by the development of large scale foresets complexes since Quaternary. Based on integral analysis of the seismic, well logging and paleontological data, successions since ~3.0 Ma can be defined as one composite sequence, consist of a set of regional transgressive to regressive sequences. They can be further divided into six 3 rd order sequences(SQ0–SQ5) based on the Exxon sequence stratigraphic model. Since ~1.6 Ma, five sets of deltaic systems characterized by development of wedge-shaped foresets complexes or clinoforms had been identified. High-resolution seismic data and the thick foresets allowed further divided of sub-depositional sequences(4 th order) of regression to transgression, which is basically consistent with published stacked benthic foram O-isotope records. Depositional systems identified in the study area include deltaic deposits(inner-shelf deltas and shelf-edge deltas), incised valleys, and slope slumping massive deposits. Since ~1.6 Ma, clinoforms prograded from the southern Panyu Lower Uplift toward the northern Baiyun Depression, shelf slope break migrated seaward, whereas the shelf edge of SQ0 migrated landward. The development of incised valleys in the continental shelf increased upward,especially intensive on the SB3 and SB2. The slumping massive deposits increased abruptly since SB2, which corresponds to the development of incised valleys. The evolution of depositional systems of continental slope mainly controlled by the combined influence of sea level changes, tectonic movements, sediment supply and climate changes. Since ~3.0 Ma, relative sea level of the northern SCS had been experienced transgression(~3.0 Ma BP) to regression(~1.6 Ma BP). The regional regression and maximum transgressions of the composite sequences were apparently enhanced by uplift or subsidence related to tectono-thermal events. In addition,climatic variations including monsoon intensification and the mid-Pleistocene transition may have enhanced sediment supply by increasing erosion rate and have an indispensable influence on the development of the incised valleys and 5 sets of deltaic systems since ~1.6 Ma.  相似文献   
以高分辨率层序地层学理论为指导,以野外露头、钻井岩心、测井及地震资料的综合研究为基础,研究了黄骅坳陷新近系馆陶组Ⅲ段的高分辨率层序地层特征,识别出1个长期、两个中期和若干个短期基准面旋回层序。其中短期、中期旋回都可分为向上“变深”非对称型和向上“变深”复“变浅”对称型两类。深入探讨了不同结构类型和充填样式的各级次基准面旋回层序对储层的控制作用,认为储集砂体主要发育于长期及中期基准面旋回上升的早期。  相似文献   
本文系统地讨论了皖南地区晚二叠世早期沉积层发育特征,确定了龙潭期地层的顶、底界线。以单因素图件为基础,结合其它成因标志,编制了龙潭早期(三个亚期)和龙潭晚期岩相古地理图。由此可以看出龙潭期的岩相古地理特征及其演化历史。  相似文献   
使用甘东南地区三维速度模型,利用三维网格搜索法和双差地震定位法对2013年7月22日甘肃岷县漳县MS6.6地震及其震后三天的余震序列进行了精确定位,结合地质构造资料对本次地震的发震构造进行了初步研究。其结果显示:主震的震中位置为34.54°N,104.189°E,震源深度13.5km;余震震中呈NW或NWW方向分布,与临潭-宕昌断裂的走向基本吻合,主要分布于5~20km的深度,震中在深度剖面上呈SW向;发震断裂为倾向SW的隐伏断层,位于临潭-宕昌断裂NE方向,距临潭-宕昌断裂约20km。  相似文献   
结合9个野外剖面和17口井,对塔里木盆地玉尔吐斯组沉积演化及其对烃源岩的制约作用进行了系统研究和分析。在精细对比后发现,塔里木盆地下寒武统玉尔吐斯组可分为2个三级层序(SQ1、SQ2)、5个四级层序(sq1—sq5),其中三级层序SQ1可分为3个四级层序,SQ2可分为2个四级层序。SQ1发生在寒武纪初期,海进速度较慢,影响范围相对局限,而SQ2的海进则相对迅速,影响范围较大。四级层序sq1发生在第一次海侵初期,水体浅,主要沉积紫红色白云岩、灰黑色砂屑白云岩,起填平补齐的作用;sq2、sq4发生在海侵—海退的转换时期,是两套深水的沉积,岩性以黑色泥岩、硅质泥岩和硅质岩为主,局部发育泥岩与条带状白云岩互层;sq3、sq5是海退过程中的浅水沉积,主要发育灰色白云岩和藻白云岩,局部有泥质夹层。利用Mn、Fe、Ti、Rb、K、Sr、Ba、Cu、U、V、Mo等元素及其比值进行沉积环境分析表明,sq2时期,水体深度大、盐度低、气候温暖湿润,有利于生物发育,并且其硫化缺氧的环境极其有利于有机质的保存;sq4时期,水体深度较大,盐度相对较小,气候相对温暖湿润,较为适合生物生存,并且其硫化缺氧夹次氧化的环境,较为适合有机质保存。高频海平面变化与沉积环境演化影响着玉尔吐斯组的烃源岩分布与品质,sq2时沉积的烃源岩品质优于sq4,但是其分布范围小于sq4。  相似文献   
在分析前人对准噶尔盆地层序地层学研究成果的基础上,综合应用岩心、测井和地震资料,对准噶尔盆地西北缘中拐地区下侏罗统进行层序地层划分,总结了层序和体系域界面的识别标志,将下侏罗统划分为4个三级层序和7个体系域,同时叙述了各三级层序的结构特征。通过对层序内含煤岩系的发育特点分析,发现其主力煤层主要发育在JSQI和JSQ3湖侵体系域中,本文作者认为研究区内湖侵时期为有利的聚煤时期,聚煤作用主要受构造沉降、物源供给、气候和沉积环境等因素的控制。  相似文献   
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