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基于MAPGIS的地质矿产勘查项目信息管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以MapGIS为平台,二次开发实现了地质矿产勘查项目信息管理系统,并建立了重庆市矿产地和勘查项目库。该系统利用GIS技术合理规划矿产资源勘查,信息化管理矿产开发项目,为制定可持续发展的矿产资源开发利用方案提供辅助决策。  相似文献   
希莫勒地区位于铁、金、铜、钛、钴、镍找矿远景区,区内次生晕规模较大、强度较高,并主要分布在新太古界色尔腾山岩群布达尔干组二段混合岩地层区、奥陶系辉长岩体区、辉绿岩脉区和北东向断裂破碎带中,叠加分布有航磁异常。对次生晕分布区元素地球化学参数特征和异常特征进行分析,发现Co、V、Ti呈对数正向偏移分布,均值较高,属极不均匀分异或不均匀分异元素,含量值接近铁矿石伴生组分指标,与Fe可能来自同一物源,可作为主要伴生元素及地球化学指示元素;次生晕元素组合较多,相关性好,具外带、中带特征。部分次生晕经岩石化探剖面粗略查证,发现铁钴矿化体、铁钒矿化体和铁钒钴矿化体,主要分布在辉长岩体和北东向断裂破碎带中,规模较大,与褐铁矿化、磁铁矿化、黄铁矿化、赤铁矿化呈正相关性。希莫勒地区成矿地质和地球化学环境较好,具较大的铁、钴、钒、钛矿成矿潜力。  相似文献   
大庆长垣以西地区扶余油层次生孔隙预测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了在普遍低孔、低渗的背景下寻找次生孔隙发育的储层,在次生孔隙形成机制分析和储层成岩作用研究的基础上,结合考虑影响次生孔隙形成的多种因素,对大庆长垣以西地区扶余油层次生孔隙发育区进行预测。研究表明,该地区次生孔隙的形成主要受青山口组下排有机酸和碳酸的影响,且受到断层的控制和超压的影响,次生孔隙主要分布在齐家地区和龙虎泡阶地等凹陷周边区域,在西部斜坡区亦发育由大气水淋滤所形成的次生孔隙。在次生孔隙发育区,若发育岩性圈闭或构造圈闭,则为有利的油气聚集场所。   相似文献   
Rainfall, throughfall, stemflow and spring were studied in a secondary forest during a wet season from April to August in 2006. Some of the chemicals in throughfall, stemflow and spring were increased in contrast with incident rainfall. Specifically, Cl, HCO3 , Na+ and Ca2+ were leached negatively in throughfall, but K+ and Mg2+ were leached positively. In stemflow, Cl and Na+ were leached negatively, the others were leached positively and their concentrations were higher than those in throughfall. Total carbon, organic carbon and inorganic carbon in throughfall and stemflow were increased as rainfall went through the secondary forest. The concentration of free CO2 in rainfall was lower than both, throughfall and stemflow; the relationship between total acidity and free CO2 was linear. pH of throughfall and stemflow , such as maximum, minimum and mean, were lower than that of rainfall and the extent of pH in spring was changed minimally. We came to a conclusion that rainfall via the secondary forest can lead to further erosion, accelerate the biogeochemical cycle in epikarst zone, enhance the effective state of alkali elements in the soil, supply vegetation with more nutrients and advance vegetation’s growth and succession, which are reasonably sufficient to form a stable karst ecosystem.  相似文献   
天山南坡科其卡尔巴契冰川消融期气候特征分析   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
通过分析天山南坡科其卡尔巴契冰川区的气候变化特征及其对冰川消融变化过程的影响, 研究了冰川对气候变化的响应机理及其对塔里木河水资源的影响规律.科其卡尔巴契冰川区夏季气温比较高, 基本处于正温, 日较差较小; 气温直减率较小, 平均值为0.60·℃\5(100m)-1, 冰川冷效应不明显; 对流性降水较多, 降水量的75%发生在白天; 冰川区局地环流--山谷风发育, 海拔3 900 m以上冰川受西风环流影响显著; 净辐射在7月和8月中上旬均较大, 在8月下旬后净辐射开始逐渐减小, 与冰川消融是一致的. 7月初至7月下旬是消融较强的两个时段, 冰川平均消融速率为38.66 mm·5d-1, 到8月中旬消融速率略有降低, 平均为34.79 mm·d-1, 至9月中旬降至28.83 mm·d-1.  相似文献   
气候变暖情景下黄河上游径流的可能变化   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
根据水文气象台站观测资料, 分析了全球变暖情景下黄河上游唐乃亥以上流域温度、降水和径流的变化状况, 并采用假定气候组合对未来数十年黄河上游唐乃亥以上流域的径流变化进行了预测. 结果表明: 黄河上游的温度与全球变暖有着明显的对应关系, 近几十年来, 流域各个地方的温度有不同程度的上升. 降水变化因流域各地所处位置、地势、地形的不同而差异较大, 受温度上升和主要产流区域降水大幅减少的影响, 近10余年来黄河上游的径流量呈持续递减的态势. 在未来几十年, 如果遭遇到气温升幅与降水减幅较大的"暖-干"气候组合时, 流域产水量将有较大的减幅; 当气温变化不大而降水增幅较大时, 流域产水量将有明显的增加, 同时由于冰雪及冻土融水的补给, 此气候情景下黄河上游唐乃亥以上流域径流量的增幅还将略大于降水量的增幅.  相似文献   
The Dead Sea is a terminal lake of one of the largest hydrological systems in the Levant and may thus be viewed as a large rain gauge for the region. Variations of its level are indicative of the climate variations in the region. Here, we present the decadal- to centennial-resolution Holocene lake-level curve of the Dead Sea. Then we determine the regional hydroclimatology that affected level variations. To achieve this goal we compare modern natural lake-level variations and instrumental rainfall records and quantify the hydrology relative to lake-level rise, fall, or stability. To quantify that relationship under natural conditions, rainfall data pre-dating the artificial Dead Sea level drop since the 1960s are used. In this respect, Jerusalem station offers the longest uninterrupted pre-1960s rainfall record and Jerusalem rains serve as an adequate proxy for the Dead Sea headwaters rainfall. Principal component analysis indicates that temporal variations of annual precipitation in all stations in Israel north of the current 200 mm yr−1 average isohyet during 1940–1990 are largely synchronous and in phase (70% of the total variance explained by PC1). This station also represents well northern Jordan and the area all the way to Beirut, Lebanon, especially during extreme drought and wet spells. We (a) determine the modern, and propose the past regional hydrology and Eastern Mediterranean (EM) climatology that affected the severity and length of droughts/wet spells associated with multiyear episodes of Dead Sea level falls/rises and (b) determine that EM cyclone tracks were different in average number and latitude in wet and dry years in Jerusalem. The mean composite sea level pressure and 500-mb height anomalies indicate that the potential causes for wet and dry episodes span the entire EM and are rooted in the larger-scale northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation. We also identified remarkably close association (within radiocarbon resolution) between climatic changes in the Levant, reflected by level changes, and culture shifts in this region.  相似文献   
Domonkos  Peter 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(2):255-271
The time series of monthly precipitation totals from 14 Hungarian observing stations (1901–1998) were analysed to reveal the long term changes in precipitation characteristics occurred in the 20th century. A particular attention was given to the changes in the recent decades and their links with the larger scale climatic and circulation changes over Europe and the Atlantic.The statistical significancesof systematic changes are controlled by linear trend analysis and the Mann–Kendall test. The long term fluctuations are illustrated applying a 15-point Gaussian filter on the time series. The Standardised Precipitation Index is used to evaluate the changes in the drought event frequency. The relationships with larger scale changes are mostly discussed relying on contemporary papers, and the Grosswetterlagen Catalogue is used as well.The annual precipitation total decreased by 15–20% in Hungary during the 20th century. The decline is substantial in both halves of the century, but the precipitation sums in the transition seasons declined in the first 50 years, and the winter precipitation decreased in the latest decades. The precipitation total of the period November–February declined significantly in the last 50 years. In the same time the mean winter value of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI) increased, the positions of the main pressure patterns over the Atlantic are shifted northeastward, and lot of other coherent changes detected in the winter climate of the European–Atlantic region. The mean summer precipitation total has hardly changed, but the frequency of summer drought events increased. There are some signs of a shift of the Hungarian summer climate towards a Mediterranean like climate.  相似文献   
中国东部中新生代构造格局和岩浆岩带的形成与演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在研究印支期秦岭-大别-苏鲁造山带的形成与地幔差速环流的基础上,系统综合了中国东部中新生代的基底构造对断裂构造的控制,深层构造对隆凹与断陷盆地的制约,伸展构造在陆内及陆缘外的表现,岩浆岩带的时空分布及展布特点等规律,依据中国东部中新生代构造格局与岩浆岩带在时空分布上的宽阔性、方向性、迁移性、分带性,特别是深层构造对浅层断裂构造、伸展构造的制约,以及岩浆岩带、隆起与盆地等自西向东迁移特点,提出其形成机制可能与强大地幔东向差速环流有关.  相似文献   
基于对第二松花江流域上游小山、松山、两江水电站中长期水文预报研究成果,论述了综合中长期水文预报的研究思路和定性预报、定量预报的分析研究方法。该研究通过2002年实践检验,具有较高的预报精度。  相似文献   
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