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A time series survey was carried out in 2002 to understand the hydrogeochemical processes taking place in the Achankovil River of the Western Ghats Range. The water is neutral with pH and EC ranges from 6.32 to 7.56 and 24–54 µS cm?1, respectively. Chloride and sodium are the dominant anion and cation in the water respectively. Correlation analysis of the chemical parameters of the water shows that few ions have additional sources. The majority of carbonate is derived from carbonate weathering followed by silicate weathering. Cation concentrations show decreasing trend from upstream to downstream in contrast to the increasing trend in the major world rivers. Dissolved silica in pre-monsoon water is low. The river chemistry is dominated by rock weathering induced by precipitation. Thermodynamic plots show that dolomite, kaolinite, albite and chlorite are in equilibrium with the river water. Chemical weathering is predominant here compared to physical weathering. The overall material transport seems to be lower compared to the other Indian rivers; nevertheless, the solute loads are comparable to certain large rivers such as the River Cauvery in southern India. The solute flux including the nutrient flux is very high among the Western Ghats rivers in relation to its size, which will certainly supplement the productivity of the lake/estuary and the coastal waters. Since this study is restricted to a one-year period, long-term data procurement and analysis along with micro nutrients studies are needed, which are lacking in the present study, to gain insight into the material flux by this river into the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   
?????????μ?????????????????????vertical total electron content??VTEC????????,???????????????????????????????VTEC?????????????????????????VTEC??IGS??International GNSS Service??????VTEC?????仯??????£????????????????????????????????γ???仯???ɡ?  相似文献   
广州市地面太阳紫外线辐射观测和初步分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
通过对广州市2000~2001年两年的地面紫外线辐射观测资料的分析表明广州市全年紫外线辐射强度84.3%出现在"中等"以上级别,"强"、"很强"级别占65.1%,尤其是第二、三季度分别有46.2%、62.1%的时间紫外线出现"很强"级别,分析表明广州市属于紫外线高辐射地区;各候(旬)的最小紫外线指数在夏秋季节的涨落脉动比冬春季节要大,尤其是秋季更加明显.另外,定义了每月云衰减因子(CAF),12~4月为明显的云衰减加强期;6~9月为明显的云衰减减弱期,分析期间最大云衰减因子仅为0.11.  相似文献   
对1951—2008年中国160站年和四季的气温、降水序列是否服从正态分布进行显著性检验,以此为基础进一步对气温和降水序列中的年代际异常分量显著性作了严格的统计学分析,结果表明:1)大多数测站气温序列服从正态分布,大多数测站降水序列不服从正态分布;气温、降水序列是否服从正态分布与地域有一定联系。2)气温、降水序列中年代际变化分量的显著性存在明显差异,多数测站气温序列年代际分量显著,只有少数测站降水序列的年代际分量显著。3)因为1951—2008年中国160站年、季气温和降水序列不全服从正态分布,特别是降水序列的非正态性严重,建议对它们的统计显著性检验采用Monte Carlo方法。  相似文献   
王莘芳  汪克付 《气象》1996,22(12):40-42
利用日平均气温资料,将秋冬季节转换的过程划分为4种基本类型,讨论了不同类型与次年夏季旱涝的关系,同时应用该关系制作夏季旱涝的长期趋势预测。  相似文献   
MODIS增强型植被指数EVI与NDVI初步比较   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
利用东亚地区典型地带性植被和MODIS数据,对广泛使用的植被指数NDVI和新开发的增强型植被指数EVI进行了对比分析。由MODIS开发的NDVI和EVI对干旱-半湿润环境下低覆盖植被的描述能力相似,但对湿润环境下高密度植被的描述有明显差别:NDVI年时间过程的季节性不明显,表现为全年高平的曲线;而EVI仍然有季节性,表现为钟形曲线,与月平均温度关系更密切。EVI的这一特征为研究高覆盖植被的季节性变化提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
陈际龙  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2006,30(6):1091-1102
利用1979~2003年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料探讨了亚澳季风各夏季风子系统 (南亚夏季风、东亚夏季风、北澳夏季风) 流场结构及其季节演变的气候学特征.结果表明: 南亚夏季风和北澳夏季风纯属热带季风, 盛行纬向气流和纬向风垂直正切变, 即低层西风、高层东风, 但北澳夏季风的强度明显弱于南亚夏季风, 而东亚夏季风由热带季风和副热带季风组成, 盛行经向气流和经向风垂直正切变, 即低层南风、高层北风, 且纬向气流高低层配置相对复杂, 相对北澳夏季风而言, 南亚夏季风的低层西风强而深厚, 而东亚夏季风的低层南风强而深厚.从热带季风区流场结构的季节演变过程看, 这三个夏季风子系统均为垂直斜压结构.三者的共性还表现在热带季风区纬向气流高低层配置的季节性转向, 即夏季风爆发时从低层东风、高层西风转换为低层西风、高层东风, 夏季风撤退时从低层西风、高层东风转换为低层东风、高层西风.此外, 南亚夏季风的季内变化平稳, 而东亚夏季风和北澳夏季风的季内变化剧烈; 东亚夏季风的经向跨度大、维持时间最长, 而北澳夏季风的经向跨度小、维持时间最短.  相似文献   
We present a model for predicting summertime surface air temperature in Northeast China (NESSAT) using a year-to-year incremental approach. The predicted value for each year's increase or decrease of NESSAT is added to the observed value within a particular year to yield the net forecast NESSAT. The seasonal forecast model for the year-to-year increments of NESSAT is constructed based on data from 1975-2007. Five predictors are used: an index for sea ice cover over the East Siberian Sea, an index for central Pacific tropical sea surface temperature, two high latitude circulation indices, as well as a North American pressure index. All predictors are available by no later than March, which allows for compilation of a seasonal forecast with a two-month lead time. The prediction model accurately captures the interannual variations of NESSAT during 1977-2007 with a correlation coefficient between the predicted and observed NESSAT of 0.87 (accounting for 76% of total variance) and a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.3℃. A cross-validation test during 1977 2008 demonstrates that the model has good predictive skill, with MAE of 0.4℃ and a correlation coefficient between the predicted and observed NESSAT of 0.76.  相似文献   
水温分层型水库铁、锰垂直分布特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
徐毓荣  徐钟际  徐玮  向申  封珩 《湖泊科学》1999,11(2):117-122
贵阳市主要饮用水源地阿哈水库系水温分层型季节性缺氧水库,由于沉积物含高浓度Fe,Mn至使库水受到污染,经多年测定不同季节20m深垂直水柱结果表明,Fe,Mn分布随着季节变化,水库水温分层而变化,呈现明显的垂直分布规律,高浓度Fe,Mn主要出现在水温分层期水库中,下层,与库底缺氧,PH下降沉积物浓度Fe,Mn释放造成的二次污染等密切相关,从而为自来水厂实施优化分层取水和污染控制提供了依据。  相似文献   
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