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Based on the long-term precipitation series with annual time resolution in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and its four sub-regions during 1736-2000 reconstructed from the rainfall and snowfall archives of the Qing Dynasty, the precipitation cycles are analyzed by wavelet analysis and the possible climate forcings, which drive the precipitation changes, are explored. The results show that: the precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River has inter-annual and inter-decadal oscillations like 2-4a, quasi-22a and 70-80a. The 2-4a cycle is linked with El Nino events, and the precipitation is lower than normal year in the occurrence of the El Nino year or the next year; for the quasi-22a and the 70-80a cycles, Wolf Sun Spot Numbers and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) coincide with the two cycle signals. However, on a 70-80a time scale, the coincidence between solar activity and precipitation is identified before 1830, and strong (weak) solar activity is generally correlated to the dry (wet) periods; after 1830, the solar activity changes to 80-100a quasi-century long oscillation, and the adjusting action to the precipitation is becoming weaker and weaker; the coincidence between PDO and precipitation is shown in the whole time series. Moreover, in recent 100 years, PDO is becoming a pace-maker of the precipitation on the 70-80a time scale.  相似文献   
Kalman滤波在黄河上游融雪期径流预报中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
宋强 《冰川冻土》1991,13(1):27-34

利用1961—2015年丹江口水库水源区41个气象站点逐日降水、气温资料及该水库同期入库径流数据,对丹江口水库水源区水文气象特征进行分析,建立气候弹性模拟公式,开展水库入库径流序列模拟;结合未来RCP2.6、4.5、8.5三种情景下的降水、气温预估数据,预测未来径流演变。结果表明:近50多年来丹江口水库水源区气温以0.13 ℃·(10 a)-1的速率显著增加,增温主要发生在1990年代以后;入库径流年际和年代际变化显著,整体呈-64.3 m3·s-1·(10 a)-1的减少趋势。气候弹性模型能较好地模拟出水库入库径流演变趋势,相比气温,径流对降水弹性系数更大;未来三种情景下降水、气温均有所增加,入库径流变化趋势不一,其中RCP2.6情景下各年代入库径流偏少,偏少幅度超270 m3·s-1,RCP4.5情景下各年代一致偏多,RCP8.5情景下径流呈-14.2 m3·s·-1 (10 a)-1减少趋势,年际间波动最为剧烈,不利于水资源调度。

长江三峡地区枯水期强降水过程的水汽图象   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
熊廷南 《气象》1998,24(6):44-47
通过对1996年11月4 ̄6日长江三峡地区强降水过程的水汽图象、红外及可见光云图和常规气象资料的诊断分析,证灾了在水汽图象上可以看到红外云图和可见光云图上看不到的信息,而这信息对强降水预报是重要的。  相似文献   
我国华南3月份降水异常的可能影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用1951~2005年华南地区3月份的降水资料、NOAA海温资料、Ni?o3.4指数和NCEP再分析资料,分析了华南3月份降水异常与同期环流场、全球海温场的关系,从环流和海温的角度揭示了华南3月份降水异常的可能原因。结果表明,当华南3月份降水偏多(少)时,在对流层中低层,北太平洋海区存在气旋(反气旋)性环流异常,西太平洋及南海海面上存在反气旋(气旋)性环流异常,这样的环流异常有利(不利)于东南暖湿气流与北方东部异常冷空气在华南地区形成水汽辐合,导致降水显著增多(减少)。进一步的分析表明,ENSO和北印度洋及南海附近海温是影响华南3月份降水异常的重要外强迫因子,ENSO对华南3月降水异常的影响是通过影响春季西太平洋副热带高压和低层风场异常实现的,而北印度洋及南海附近海温对华南3月降水异常的影响则是通过垂直环流场异常和低层风场以及西太平洋副热带高压异常来实现的。  相似文献   
江苏省若干代表站年降水量的多年变化和系列代表性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马蕴芬 《水文》2003,23(3):45-48,51
利用长系列雨量站资料,采用数理统计法分析了江苏省年降水量的多年变化,对1956—2000年、1956—1979年、1971—2000年、1980—2000年等短系列年降水量的系列代表性做出了分析评价,为合理选用水文系列提供了依据,对江苏省水资源调查评价和水资源综合规划具有重要的参考价值,可在生产中应用。  相似文献   
卫星图像中不同水体类型识别研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
在具有高空间分辨率特性的图像上,城市中大型建筑物、道路、河流、湖泊和其他人工地物形状特征和纹理特征清晰可辨。针对高分辨率卫星图像的特点,文章以水体类型识别为例,从卫星数字图像目标地物波谱特征抽取入手,通过图像分类,将水体从背景中分离并予以识别,同时实现像素重组。在区域分割与边界跟踪基础上,对卫星图像进行水体形状特征的抽取与描述,实现不同水体类型的识别。  相似文献   
文章基于天气研究和预报(weather research and forecasting, WRF)模式中的FY-3D卫星微波湿度计Ⅱ(micro-wave humidity sounder 2, MWHS-2)辐射率资料的直接同化模块, 采用三维变分(three dimensional variation, 3DVar)方法在晴空条件下同化MWHS-2辐射率资料, 考察MWHS-2辐射率资料同化对台风“米娜”(2019)预报的影响。文中设计了4组试验, 第一组试验不同化任何资料, 第二组试验同化了单独的全球通信系统(global telecommunications system, GTS)常规资料, 第三组试验联合同化了GTS常规资料和MWHS-2辐射率资料, 第四组试验将MWHS-2辐射率资料换成先进技术微波探测计(advanced technology microwave sounder, ATMS)辐射率资料同化。研究结果表明: 偏差订正后各通道观测和背景场差值的均值趋于0, 同化后分析场相对观测的标准差与均方根误差较背景场显著减小, 同化过程是有效的。与仅同化GTS常规资料和同化ATMS资料的试验相比, 同化晴空MWHS-2辐射率资料后的增量场在台风中心附近有负的高度增量和正的温度增量, 从动力与热力上有助于台风的维持。在确定性预报最后的12h, 同化晴空MWHS-2辐射率资料的试验能够改进500hPa环流形势的模拟, 加强西南方向引导气流的强度, 从而最终减小台风路径预报的误差。  相似文献   
Longmenshan fault zone is a famous orogenic belt and seismic zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau of China. The Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008 and the Ya'an MS7.0 earthquake on April 20, 2013 occurred in the central-southern part of Longmenshan fault zone. Because of its complex geological structures, frequent earthquakes and special geographical locations, it has attracted the attention of many scholars around the world. Satellite gravity field has advantages in studying gravity field and gravity anomaly changes before and after earthquake. It covers wide range, can be updated regularly, without difficulty in terms of geographical restrictions, and is not affected by environmental factors such as weather, terrain and traffic. Therefore, the use of high-precision Earth satellite gravity field data inversion and interpretation of seismic phenomena has become a hot topic in earth science research. In order to understand satellite gravity field characteristics of the Longmenshan earthquake zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau and its seismogenic mechanism of earthquake disasters, the satellite gravity data was used to present the terrain information of the study area. Then, by solving the regional gravity anomaly of the Moho surface, the crustal thickness of the study area was inverted, and the GPS velocity field data was used to detect the crustal deformation rate and direction of the study area. Combining the tectonic setting of the Longmenshan fault zone and the existing deep seismic sounding results of the previous researchers, the dynamic characteristics of the gravity time-varying field after the earthquake in the Longmenshan earthquake zone was analyzed and the mechanism of the earthquake was explored. The results show that the eastward flow of deep materials in the eastern Tibetan plateau is strongly blocked at the Longmenshan fault zone. The continuous collision and extrusion process result in a "deep drop zone" in the Moho surface, and the long-term stress effect is conducive to the formation of thrust-nappe and strike-slip structures. The Longmenshan earthquake zone was in the large-scale gradient zone of gravity change before the earthquake, the deep plastic fluid material transport velocity differed greatly, the fluid pressure was enhanced, and the rock mechanical strength in the seismic source region was weakened, which contributed to the intrusion of crustal fluid and the upwelling of the asthenosphere. As a result, the continuous accumulation of material and energy eventually led to continuous stress imbalance in the deep part and shear rupture of the deep weak structure, causing the occurrence of the thrust-nappe and strike-slip earthquake.  相似文献   
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