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Longmenshan fault zone is a famous orogenic belt and seismic zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau of China. The Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008 and the Ya'an MS7.0 earthquake on April 20, 2013 occurred in the central-southern part of Longmenshan fault zone. Because of its complex geological structures, frequent earthquakes and special geographical locations, it has attracted the attention of many scholars around the world. Satellite gravity field has advantages in studying gravity field and gravity anomaly changes before and after earthquake. It covers wide range, can be updated regularly, without difficulty in terms of geographical restrictions, and is not affected by environmental factors such as weather, terrain and traffic. Therefore, the use of high-precision Earth satellite gravity field data inversion and interpretation of seismic phenomena has become a hot topic in earth science research. In order to understand satellite gravity field characteristics of the Longmenshan earthquake zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau and its seismogenic mechanism of earthquake disasters, the satellite gravity data was used to present the terrain information of the study area. Then, by solving the regional gravity anomaly of the Moho surface, the crustal thickness of the study area was inverted, and the GPS velocity field data was used to detect the crustal deformation rate and direction of the study area. Combining the tectonic setting of the Longmenshan fault zone and the existing deep seismic sounding results of the previous researchers, the dynamic characteristics of the gravity time-varying field after the earthquake in the Longmenshan earthquake zone was analyzed and the mechanism of the earthquake was explored. The results show that the eastward flow of deep materials in the eastern Tibetan plateau is strongly blocked at the Longmenshan fault zone. The continuous collision and extrusion process result in a "deep drop zone" in the Moho surface, and the long-term stress effect is conducive to the formation of thrust-nappe and strike-slip structures. The Longmenshan earthquake zone was in the large-scale gradient zone of gravity change before the earthquake, the deep plastic fluid material transport velocity differed greatly, the fluid pressure was enhanced, and the rock mechanical strength in the seismic source region was weakened, which contributed to the intrusion of crustal fluid and the upwelling of the asthenosphere. As a result, the continuous accumulation of material and energy eventually led to continuous stress imbalance in the deep part and shear rupture of the deep weak structure, causing the occurrence of the thrust-nappe and strike-slip earthquake.  相似文献   
Synthetically adaptive robust filtering for satellite orbit determination   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The precise orbit information is the premise of the application of satellite, and the precise orbit deter- mination includes dynamic and geometric methods. The dynamic method estimates the position and veloc-ity of a satellite at one epoch by extending the obser-vational arc in order to include more observations of different epochs in it. It is realized by integrating the dynamic equation of the satellite so that the observa-tions at different epochs are related to the particular state. The dy…  相似文献   
A processing strategy and the corresponding software architecture for the processing of GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) observables is presented and described, with the major objective to compute a high-accuracy, high-resolution spherical harmonic model of the Earth's gravity field. The combination of two numerical solution strategies, i.e. the rigorous solution of the corresponding large normal equation systems applying parallel processing (on a PC cluster) as the core solver, and the fast semianalytic approach as a quick-look gravity field analysis (QL-GFA) tool, is proposed. Such a method fusion benefits from the advantages of the individual components: the rigorous inversion of the system providing also the full variance-covariance information, and the quickness enabling the consecutive production of intermediate gravity field solutions, for the purpose to analyse partial and incomplete data sets and to derive a diagnosis of the performance of the GOCE measurement system. The functionality and operability of the individual components are demonstrated in the framework of a closed loop simulation, which is based on a realistic mission scenario both in terms of the orbit configuration and the coloured measuring noise. Special concern is given to the accuracy of the recovered coefficients, the numerical behaviour, the required computing time, and the particular role of the individual modules within the processing chain. In the case of the core solver, it is demonstrated that the assembling and rigorous solution of large normal equation systems can be handled by using Beowulf clusters within a reasonable computing time. The application of the quick-look tool to partial data sets with short-term data gaps is demonstrated on the basis of several case studies. Additionally, the spectral analysis of the residuals of the adjustment is presented as a valuable tool for the verification of the noise characteristics of the GOCE gradiometer.  相似文献   
为解决湛江数字地震台自2000年1月正式投入运行以来一直存在的丢数、断记、误码率和故障率较高的问题,2002年该台站架设了卫星小站,并于2003年6月15日开始进行DDN传输与卫星传输的对比,通过139天的对比表明,DDN信号仍然很差,运行率只有96.50%;而卫星信号则无误码,中断较少,运行率高达99.65%。完全可利用卫星传输方式来替代DDN传输方式。  相似文献   
在分析地震烈度速报数据传输特点后,提出将卫星通信引入烈度速报系统。通过对目前中国使用较多的北斗卫星、海事卫星、铱卫星系统和VSAT卫星系统进行对比,选取铱星短消息和海事卫星数据流这两种典型通讯方式,设计由通用数字强震仪与卫星通信系统结合地震速报通讯模块组成的实验系统,实现数字强震动记录信息通过卫星信道进行的数据传输,展现卫星通信在地震烈度速报数据传输中的应用前景。  相似文献   
传统动力学法的观测方程以6个初始轨道参数和先验力模型为初值进行线性化,其线性化误差随积分弧长拉长而增大.本文直接以重力卫星的几何观测轨道为初值进行线性化,其线性化误差与轨道弧长无关,且不需要初始重力场模型和初始轨道参数.导出了基于卫星轨道观测值反演重力场模型的相关公式,利用JPL公布的RL02版本2008年全年的GRACE双星轨道数据和加速度计数据解算了90阶次的地球重力场模型TJGRACE01S,并以EGM2008模型为基准与其他模型进行了比较分析,结果表明:TJGRACE01S模型直到90阶次的大地水准面累积误差为17.6 cm,优于同阶次的EIGEN-CHAMP03S和EIGEN-CHAMP05S模型,前27阶位系数整体精度优于EIGEN-GRACE01S,前15阶位系数整体精度与EIGEN-GRACE02S模型精度大致相当.利用美国8221个GPS水准点数据的分析结果也表明,本文模型也优于同阶次的EIGEN-CHAMP03S和EIGEN-CHAMP05S模型.  相似文献   
内编队系统通过构造内卫星纯引力轨道完成高精度重力场测量,实现了不依赖于加速度计的重力卫星实施新途径.针对内编队系统轨道参数和载荷指标设计任务,从定性的角度分析了轨道高度、轨道倾角、偏心率等轨道参数的选择原则,以及外卫星定轨精度、内外卫星相对状态测量精度、内卫星非引力干扰抑制精度、系统采样率等载荷指标对内编队重力场测量性能的影响,并建立了这些参数之间的匹配关系.为获取内编队系统轨道参数和载荷指标的定量设计结果,给出了内编队重力场测量数据模拟和反演计算方法.结合轨道参数和载荷指标对重力场测量性能的影响及其匹配关系,提出了由解析推导和数值计算相结合的方法,获取重力场最高反演阶数、大地水准面精度、重力异常精度等重力场测量性能与轨道参数、载荷指标之间的解析关系,并给出了该解析关系的具体数学形式.与解析法、半解析法相比,该公式由解析推导和大量数值计算得到,因而考虑的影响因素更加全面,计算结果更加合理,可用于快速准确设计内编队系统轨道参数和载荷指标.  相似文献   
近年来水体富营养化呈扩张趋势,蓝藻水华不仅在太湖等大型湖泊频发,水面面积较小的天津于桥水库等也形势严峻,亟需加强卫星遥感监测.但是,以往在太湖等业务化使用非常成功的MODIS等卫星数据(约500 m),由于空间分辨率较低,难以满足小型水体的监测要求;而Landsat-8等空间分辨率较高的卫星数据(30 m),通常重返周期较长,无法满足水华高频监测需求.本文以天津市于桥水库(面积约80 km2)为研究区,针对常用的卫星数据,从空间、时间、光谱范围和数据可获取性共4个方面,评价不同卫星数据蓝藻水华监测能力和算法,同时对不同卫星监测结果一致性进行评估.结果表明:(1)筛选出国产HJ-1A\B CCD、GF-1 WFV和美国Landsat-8 OLI这3种卫星波段合适,空间分辨率较高,适用于桥水库蓝藻水华监测,但考虑到其重返周期较长,建议多星联合观测;(2)各个卫星监测结果与卫星影像目视解译结果基本一致,均方根误差和相对误差均分别控制在0.78 km2和4.9%以内;(3)不同卫星监测结果一致性良好,一致性精度达到99.5%;(4)根据历史影像结果,发现于桥水库2016年水质开始呈富营养化,藻华现象在夏、秋两季最为严重.研究表明,针对小型水面水体蓝藻水华监测,利用较高分辨率数据联合监测,是一种有效的替代策略,今后可在更多小型水域推广.  相似文献   
文章基于天气研究和预报(weather research and forecasting, WRF)模式中的FY-3D卫星微波湿度计Ⅱ(micro-wave humidity sounder 2, MWHS-2)辐射率资料的直接同化模块, 采用三维变分(three dimensional variation, 3DVar)方法在晴空条件下同化MWHS-2辐射率资料, 考察MWHS-2辐射率资料同化对台风“米娜”(2019)预报的影响。文中设计了4组试验, 第一组试验不同化任何资料, 第二组试验同化了单独的全球通信系统(global telecommunications system, GTS)常规资料, 第三组试验联合同化了GTS常规资料和MWHS-2辐射率资料, 第四组试验将MWHS-2辐射率资料换成先进技术微波探测计(advanced technology microwave sounder, ATMS)辐射率资料同化。研究结果表明: 偏差订正后各通道观测和背景场差值的均值趋于0, 同化后分析场相对观测的标准差与均方根误差较背景场显著减小, 同化过程是有效的。与仅同化GTS常规资料和同化ATMS资料的试验相比, 同化晴空MWHS-2辐射率资料后的增量场在台风中心附近有负的高度增量和正的温度增量, 从动力与热力上有助于台风的维持。在确定性预报最后的12h, 同化晴空MWHS-2辐射率资料的试验能够改进500hPa环流形势的模拟, 加强西南方向引导气流的强度, 从而最终减小台风路径预报的误差。  相似文献   
ENVISAT-1卫星测高数据编辑标准的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了环境卫星(ENVISAT-1)的基本情况及其主要技术参数,在借鉴其他卫星测高数据编辑标准和大量统计基础上,制定了ENVISAT-1卫星的数据编辑标准,包括冰标志和S波段异常的确定,并给出了各改正项合理的限值。  相似文献   
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