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叙述了与Astrod工程有关的相对论天体力学基础内容。包括相对论天体力学、广义相对论基本原理、PPN方法体系、PPN多体问题、PPN二体问题。高阶PN二体问题等  相似文献   
Considering the Møller, Weinberg and Qadir-Sharif's definitions in general relativity, we find the momentum 4-vector of the closed universe based on the Bianchi-type metrics. The momentum 4-vector (due to matter plus fields) is found to be zero. This result supports the viewpoints of Albrow and Tryon and extends the previous works by Cooperstock–Israelit, Rosen, Johri et al., Banerjee–Sen and Vargas who investigated the problem of the energy in Friedmann–Robertson–Walker universe and Salt?-Havare who studied the problem of the energy-momentum of the viscous Kasner-type space-times.  相似文献   
We have estimated a preliminary error budget for the Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA) that will be allocated onboard the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) of the European Space Agency (ESA) space mission to Mercury named BepiColombo. The role of the accelerometer is to remove from the list of unknowns the non-gravitational accelerations that perturb the gravitational trajectory followed by the MPO in the strong radiation environment that characterises the orbit of Mercury around the Sun. Such a role is of fundamental importance in the context of the very ambitious goals of the Radio Science Experiments (RSE) of the BepiColombo mission. We have subdivided the errors on the accelerometer measurements into two main families: (i) the pseudo-sinusoidal errors and (ii) the random errors. The former are characterised by a periodic behaviour with the frequency of the satellite mean anomaly and its higher order harmonic components, i.e., they are deterministic errors. The latter are characterised by an unknown frequency distribution and we assumed for them a noise-like spectrum, i.e., they are stochastic errors. Among the pseudo-sinusoidal errors, the main contribution is due to the effects of the gravity gradients and the inertial forces, while among the random-like errors the main disturbing effect is due to the MPO centre-of-mass displacements produced by the onboard High Gain Antenna (HGA) movements and by the fuel consumption and sloshing. Very subtle to be considered are also the random errors produced by the MPO attitude corrections necessary to guarantee the nadir pointing of the spacecraft. We have therefore formulated the ISA error budget and the requirements for the satellite in order to guarantee an orbit reconstruction for the MPO spacecraft with an along-track accuracy of about 1 m over the orbital period of the satellite around Mercury in such a way to satisfy the RSE requirements.  相似文献   
It is generally believed that the complexity and variability of the light curves of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are caused by the internal shocks, which would occur when a rapid shell catches up a slower one and collides with it. The electrons in the shock layer are heated by the shocks and radiate via the mechanisms of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering. Based on relativistic kinematics, a relation between the photon number of the emission from the rapidly moving shock layer and the number of the photons received by an observer is derived. Then, employing the angular spreading of the internal shock emission, the curve equation and profile of a single pulse are obtained, and the shape is typically in the shape of a fast rise and exponential decline. Furthermore, by using the model of the successive collisions of multiple shells under the condition of reasonable parameters, the observed light curves are fitted with a rather good effect. Therefore, by this means, more different types of light curves of GRBs can be explained.  相似文献   
A global relation ship between cosmological time and Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz(BKL)time during the entire evolution of the Mixmaster Bianchi Ⅸ universe is used to explain why all the Lyapunov exponents are zero at the BKL time.The actual reason is that the domain of the cosmological time is finite as the BKL time runs from minus infinity to infinity.  相似文献   
We investigate a scenario of photon scattering by electrons within a relativistic outflow. The outflow is composed of discrete shells with different speeds. One shell emits radiation for a short duration. Some of this radiation is scattered by the shell(s) behind. We calculate in a simple two-shell model the observed scattered flux density as a function of the observed primary flux density, the normalized arrival time delay between the two emission components, the Lorentz factor ratio of the two shells and the scattering shell's optical depth. Thomson scattering in a cold shell and inverse Compton scattering in a hot shell are both considered. The results of our calculations are applied to the gamma-ray bursts and the afterglows. We find that the scattered flux from a cold slower shell is small and likely to be detected only for those bursts with very weak afterglows. A hot scattering shell could give rise to a scattered emission as bright as the X-ray shallow decay component detected in many bursts, on a condition that the isotropically equivalent total energy carried by the hot electrons is large, ∼1052–1056 erg. The scattered emission from a faster shell could appear as a late short γ-ray/MeV flash or become part of the prompt emission depending on the delay of the ejection of the shell.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to demonstrate the properties of the magnetospheric model around Kerr black holes (BHs), the so-called fly-wheel (rotation driven) model. The fly-wheel engine of the BH–accretion disc system is applied to the statistics of QSOs/AGNs. In the model, the central BH is assumed to be formed at z ∼102 and obtains nearly maximum but finite rotation energy (∼extreme Kerr BH) at the formation stage. The inherently obtained rotation energy of the Kerr BH is released through a magnetohydrodynamic process. This model naturally leads to a finite lifetime of AGN activity.
Nitta, Takahashi & Tomimatsu clarified the individual evolution of the Kerr BH fly-wheel engine, which is parametrized by BH mass, initial Kerr parameter, magnetic field near the horizon and a dimensionless small parameter. We impose a statistical model for the initial mass function (IMF) of an ensemble of BHs using the Press–Schechter formalism. With the help of additional assumptions, we can discuss the evolution of the luminosity function and the spatial number density of QSOs/AGNs.
By comparing with observations , it is found that a somewhat flat IMF and weak dependence of the magnetic field on the BH mass are preferred. The result explains well the decrease of very bright QSOs and decrease of population after z ∼2.  相似文献   
主成分分析法在林甸Ms5.1地震回顾性预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用2005年林甸Ms5.1级地震前后震中附近的地震资料,选择与地震强度有关的3级以上地震频次N、b值、Mf值、C值、和Ac值等6个参量进行主成分分析,实现对上述参量的有效约简。这6个参量之间有一定的相关性,各参量在不同时段的变化各有所异,预报效果并不理想。但是根据主成分分析可以得到反映地震强度的综合指标W,发现该指标在震源区附近出现明显的异常变化,震后异常恢复。表明综合指标W可以较好的反映地震活动的异常特征。  相似文献   
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