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印度洋偶极子对大气环流和气候的影响 总被引:28,自引:6,他引:28
赤道印度洋SST的分析研究证实了偶极子型振荡的存在,它在9-11月较强而在1-4月较弱。若以海温西高东低为偶极子振荡正位相,以海温东高西低为负位相,则一般是正位相时振荡要强于负位相。印度洋偶极子也存在年际(主要周期为4-5年)和年代际(主要周期为25-30年)变化。分析研究表明,印度洋偶极子对亚洲季风活动有明显影响,因为亚洲地区对流层低层的风场,南亚高压和西太平洋副高强度都与印度洋偶极子有关。另外,印度洋偶极子还对北美和南印度洋(包括澳大利亚和南美)地区的大气环流和气流有影响。 相似文献
Monthly fishery survey data of the small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis in the southern Yellow Sea from2003 and 2013 were employed to evaluate the variation in the resource distribution and biological characteristics(especially body length and sex ratio) in the population on a decadal scale.The results indicated that the small yellow croaker migrated from the Shawai fishing ground to the Dasha fishing ground in spring and was mainly distributed in the central and western parts of the Dasha fishing ground in April and May.Larimichthys polyactis in the Dasha fishing ground migrated eastward to offshore wintering grounds in autumn and reached the central Dasha fishing ground in October and November.The small yellow croaker entered the western waters of the Shawai fishing ground in winter.A large number of age 0+ fish occurred in the Shawai and Jiangwai fishing grounds in October of 2003 and 2013.The body lengths of the spawning stock and wintering stock in 2013 were larger than those in 2003,and the monthly sex ratios(female to male) were significantly less than 1 in both years.The monthly distribution of this fish in the southern Yellow Sea was consistent with a previous finding that "the stock migrated between the wintering grounds in the west of Jeju Island and the Lüsi spawning grounds" but tended to move more northward,with the spawning grounds extending outward.In the past decade,body length variation experienced a decline after an increase,rather than a steady decrease.The sex ratio in the single-stick stow net showed a tendency to increase over the decade,but was either less than or more than 1 depending on the fishing gear;therefore,further studies should be conducted to determine the sex structure. 相似文献
大姚、民乐-山丹地震前的中短期前兆 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
利用川滇及青藏块体北缘地区上世纪80年代至2003年的跨断层流动形变观测资料,借助应变强度比时序曲线,通过丽江Ms7.0、景泰Ms5.9等震例研究,获取与2003年7月大姚Ms6.2、Ms6.1地震和10月民乐-山丹Ms6.1地震孕育有关的中短期前兆异常。分析表明:①大姚、民乐-山丹地震前1年内异常场地数远超过场地总数的1/3,相对近源区异常在发震地区占一半;②大姚Ms6.2地震前半年内,盐源-丽江地块及其邻近区域以及北东向延伸的川滇交界地区异常明显增多,相对集中。2003年7~9月大幅减弱;而鲜水河断裂、楚雄-通海断裂南段有所增强;③民乐-山丹震前十余天至数月内相对近源区及其邻近构造区域呈现异常相对分散-相对集中且局部增强-一临震前减弱的时空演变特征。震后一个月内青藏块体北缘地区仍有近1/3的场地呈现异常(海原一六盘山断裂带尤为突出)。 相似文献
本实验选用ZLI-3654型铁电液晶(FLC)以及SE-3140型取向剂制备FLC器件样品,通过改变FLC相变过程中的降温速率以及相变前的热力学平衡态来研究FLC相变前的热力学平衡态对FLC排列的影响,共进行了十组实验.实验后,将FLC器件静态对比度进行比较,得出手性向列相到近晶A相(N*-SmA)相变前的热力学平衡态对FLC实现均匀排列起着极其重要的作用的结论.实验结果表明:器件的静态对比度可高达620 ∶1, N*-SmA相变前的热力学平衡态有利于形成高对比 相似文献
Hilbert-Huang变换在密频结构阻尼识别中的应用 总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14
Hilbert—Huang变换是一种新的数据处理方法,由经验模分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition)技术及Hilbert变换两部分组成。本文研究此方法对于密频结构阻尼识别的应用。首先对于两自由度系统模型,说明该方法用于阻尼识别的步骤。进而研究存在频率密集现象的高层建筑的阻尼识别问题。上述结果与理论值及由半功率带宽法的识别值进行了比较,对比显示Hilbert.Huang方法较传统方法具有良好的识别密频结构阻尼的性能,适用于大型结构的系统识别。 相似文献
附加有效阻尼比的确定是消能减震结构设计的关键。为探究布置消能器楼层数的不同对结构设计安全性的影响,以新疆地区某多层钢筋混凝土框架结构为研究对象,采用非线性时程分析方法和等效结构模型的振型分解反应谱分析方法,基于各楼层剪力计算结果,引入楼层阻尼比修正系数kmn,对等效结构模型的附加有效阻尼比进行迭代修正。结果表明:采用小震时程分析阻尼比的等效结构模型,其楼层阻尼比修正系数随着阻尼器布置楼层数的逐渐增加呈现出先增后减的趋势,当阻尼器布置层数为楼层总数的3/5时折减率最低;采用中震时程分析阻尼比的等效结构模型,当阻尼器布置楼层数不少于2/5时,可满足设防要求;对于多层框架结构,考虑综合成本,黏滞阻尼器的布置楼层数可不采用满布的形式。 相似文献
On the use of microtremor recordings in seismic microzonation 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
M. Bour D. Fouissac P. Dominique C. Martin 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》1998,17(7-8):465-474
Experimental methods involving microtremor recordings are useful for determining site effects in regions of moderate seismic activity where ground motion records are few, and in urban or industrial contexts where the noise level is high. The aim of this study is to establish a microzonation by using the Nogoshi–Nakamura method,[1, 2] a simple experimental technique based on microtremor recordings. Since the physical phenomena underlying the method are only partially understood, the spectral responses obtained cannot be used alone. We, therefore, complete our experimental results by comparing them with the solutions of a one-dimensional numerical simulation (SHAKE91).[3, 4] The experimental programme was carried out on a plain near the Rhone Delta (South of France). H/V spectral ratios were calculated at 137 noise measurement points. In addition, we were able to compute the numerical transfer functions from soil columns defined by geotechnical characteristics inside the studied region. A comparison of the results obtained by the experimental and numerical methods showed that the fundamental frequencies are in good agreement, but that the amplitudes obtained by the two techniques are sometimes different. The analysis of H/V spectral ratios enabled us to establish maps to characterize the region: a resonance frequency map and maps of amplification levels as a function of frequency range, leading to a seismic microzonation for the whole of the region. 相似文献
Metamorphic condition of a regional metamorphic complex in the Omuta district in northern Kyushu,southwest Japan 下载免费PDF全文
A high‐temperature (T) metamorphic complex occurs in the Omuta district, northern Kyushu, Japan. Three metamorphic zones are defined based on pelitic mineral assemblage, i.e. chlorite–biotite zone, muscovite–andalusite zone and sillimanite–K‐feldspar zone with ascending metamorphic grade from north to south. Two isograds trend approximately east–west, which is oblique to the boundary between the metamorphic complex and the Tamana Granodiorite located on the southeast. The metamorphic condition of two pelitic rocks that occur in the muscovite–andalusite zone and sillimanite–K‐feldspar zone are estimated as 510 ±30 °C, 300 ±60 MPa and 720 ±30 °C, 620 ±60 MPa, respectively. Thermodynamic consideration reveals that use of the same geothermobarometer enables precise determination of the difference in pressure between the samples as 320 ±10 MPa. This indicates that the pelitic samples were metamorphosed at different depth by 11–12 km that is significantly larger than the geographic distance of 6.8 km between the sample localities. This also suggests that crustal thinning took place after the high‐T metamorphism. The high‐T metamorphic complex is, therefore, not of static contact metamorphism but of dynamic regional metamorphism. The present result combined with petrological and chronological similarities implies that this complex suffered the regional Ryoke metamorphism. 相似文献