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王国平  吕宪国 《地理科学》2008,28(3):309-313
沼泽湿地是地球表层功能独特的生态系统,在其形成发育、时空演化及分异等方面与其它生态系统存在明显差异。中国科学院东北地理所(原长春地理所)在沼泽湿地形成发育、时空演化研究方面有丰富的学科积累。1958年,中国科学院确定沼泽为该所的主攻方向,成为中国最早的专门性沼泽研究机构之一,至今已满50周年。50年来,几代科研人员为沼泽湿地环境演变研究工作贡献了他们的青春年华,取得了丰硕的研究成果。  相似文献   
In 1876 Blytt proposed a post-glacial climatic classification, maintaining that the then temperature fluctuated 1- 2℃ higher or lower than that today. Lamb (1969) held that in Europe " the axis of the subtropical high pressure belt was generally displaced north by about 10° latitudes" during the Hypsithermal and that the temperature was three to six times higher than that in the postglacial period.In China, there appear relict beachrocks (living fossils) in tropical tidal zones from the Bohai Bay (40° N) to coastal areas in South China. Many relict tropical marine fossils were discovered, such as Ostrea gigas in Tianjin (which is larger than that found today in Hainan), Placuna placenta in Zhejiang and Spondylus sp. in Fujian. In Hebei, Henan and Zhejiang provinces and Guilin of Guangxi, such tropical fossil animals as Elephas maximus and Rhinoceros sp, were discovered, and in Hebei and Jiangsu provinces such fresh water fossils as Unio douglasiae were found. Their living species are still seen in So  相似文献   
临夏盆地13~4.4 Ma湖相沉积物颜色记录的气候变化探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
利用高分辨率的代用资料来恢复古气候环境变化是当前过去全球变化研究的重要内容.通过对临夏盆地13~4.4 Ma时段稳定湖泊沉积物以10 cm间隔连续采得的2 060块样品进行颜色测定与分析,获得该时段湖相沉积物高分辨率颜色指标变化序列.通过沉积物颜色与成分分析,并与氯离子、CaCO3、风成石英砂含量和孢粉组合以及北太平洋ODP885/886孔的风成粉沙通量变化曲线对比,认为稳定湖相沉积物颜色指标是研究古气候变化的辅助性代用指标,并揭示了该地区在8 Ma和6.2 Ma左右存在两次重大的气候变干转型事件.  相似文献   
科技部在"十三五"期间部署的国家重点研发计划"全球变化及应对"专项资助了"全球气候数据集生成及气候变化关键过程和要素监测"研究项目。项目围绕由全球气候观测系统提出的基本气候变量,完善地空天基观测体系,生成中国首套以遥感数据为主体的涵盖大气、海洋和陆表长时间序列、高精度、高时空一致性的产品,即气候数据集,动态监测全球变化关键过程和要素。  相似文献   
小冰期时中国南方地区降水模式的差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小冰期是过去一千年中全球气候变化的重要事件之一。关于小冰期时中国季风区和西风影响区气候变化的对比研究众多,但是缺乏中国南方地区降水模式时空差异的研究,难以了解中国南方地区降水变化规律。为了系统地了解小冰期时中国南方地区降水的复杂性,本文将中国南方地区划分为东南—华南沿海地区、中部地区以及西南地区三个区域,总共选取了19条高分辨率的古气候记录进行对比研究,主要有以下几点认识:(1)相对于中世纪暖期而言,小冰期期间中国南方东南—华南沿海地区的气候偏湿,这可能与雨带在中国南方的滞留时间延长和沿海地区受台风的影响增强有关。(2)中国中部地区秦岭南麓和神农架高山林区在小冰期时期主要呈"冷湿"的模式,差异在于秦岭南麓区域主要在小冰期中后期偏湿,这与中部其他区域偏"冷干"的模式不同。这种区域差异可能是由于地形地势和大气环流的复杂性导致。(3)中国西南地区受印度夏季风和东亚夏季风的共同影响,且该区域地形复杂,其气候变化在小冰期时期存在更加明显的空间差异,没有呈现出比较一致的降水模式。与小冰期期间的降水变化不同的是,近30年东南—华南沿海地区除了台湾和雷州半岛,其他区域降水明显减少,可能受气温和人类活动等因素的影响。通过结合高分辨率的古气候记录,我们系统分析了中国南方小冰期的干湿模式在时空上的差异及其可能的影响因子,这对于认识小冰期时中国南方不同区域降水的复杂性及未来旱涝灾害的防控具有一定意义。  相似文献   
浅地层剖面在富钴结壳调查研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文中以Topas PS018系统为例简要介绍浅地层剖面仪的工作原理和系统组成,重点介绍浅地层剖面在大洋富钴结壳资源调查研究中的应用情况。浅地层剖面资料与联合作业的海底视像、岩芯取样等资料进行对比和分析,发现浅地层剖面能够有效识别基岩、板状结壳、砾状结壳、砂、沉积物等不同底质类型,对浅地层剖面资料进行深入挖掘能够提取出富钴结壳矿区界线信息。  相似文献   
2008年中国沿岸冬季寒潮激发陆架波的小波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study applies the wavelet analysis to the tidal gauge records, alongshore winds, atmospheric temperature and pressure along the China coast in winter 2008. The analysis results show three events of sea level oscillations(SLOs) on the shelf induced by winter storms. The first event occurred from January 9 to 21. The SLO periods were double-peaked at 1.6–5.3 and 7.0–16.0 d with the power densities of 0.04–0.05 and 0.10–0.15 m2·d, respectively.The second event occurred from February 5 to 18. The SLO period was single-peaked at 2.3–3.5 d with power density of 0.03–0.04 m2·d. The third event occurred from February 20 to March 8. The SLO periods were doublepeaked at 1.5–4.3 and 6.1–8.2 d with the power densities of 0.08–0.11 and 0.02–0.08 m2·d, respectively. The SLOs propagated along the coast from Zhejiang in north to Guangdong in south. The phase speeds ranged about 9–29m/s from Kanmen to Pingtan, 5–11 m/s from Xiamen to Huizhou and 11–22 m/s from Huizhou to Shuidong. The dispersion relation of the SLOs shows their nature of coastal-trapped wave.  相似文献   
This paper provides an incisive review of paleoclimate science and its relevance to natural-resource management within the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The drought of 1997–2010 focussed scientific, public and media attention on intrinsic climate variability and the confounding effect of human activity, especially in terms of water-resource management. Many policy and research reviews make statements about future planning with little consideration of climate change and without useful actionable knowledge. In order to understand future climate changes, modellers need, and demand, better paleoclimate data to constrain their model projections. Here, we present an insight into a number of existing long-term paleoclimate studies relevant to the MDB. Past records of climate, in response to orbital forcing (glacial–interglacial cycles) are found within, and immediately outside, the MDB. High-resolution temperature records, spanning the last 105 years, exist from floodplains and cave speleothems, as well as evidence from lakes and their associated lunettes. More recently, historical climate records show major changes in relation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles and decadal shifts in rainfall regimes. A considerable body of research currently exists on the past climates of southeastern Australia but, this has not been collated and validated over large spatial scales. It is clear that a number of knowledge gaps still exist, and there is a pressing need for the establishment of new paleoclimatic research within the MDB catchment and within adjacent, sensitive catchments if past climate science is to fulfil its potential to provide policy-relevant information to natural-resource management into the future.  相似文献   

Abstract The geographical context and hydroclimatology of the English Lake District means that the region is an important monitor of changes to nationally significant environmental assets. Using monthly rainfall series for sites in and around the central Lake District, a continuous ~200-year precipitation index was constructed for a representative station close to Grasmere. The bridged series shows a significant decline in summer rainfall since the 1960s, offset by increases in winter and spring that are strongly linked to North Atlantic forcing. Over longer time periods, the index exhibits several notable dry (1850s, 1880s, 1890s, 1930s, 1970s) and wet (1820s, 1870s, 1920s, 1940s, 1990s) decades. These patterns are strongly reflected by reservoir inflow series and by indicators of the biological status of the region’s freshwater lakes. It is argued that long-term climate indices will become increasingly important as managers seek to evaluate recent and project environmental changes within the context of long-term natural variability.  相似文献   
西藏扎布耶湖ZK91-2钻孔沉积特征与气候环境演化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
齐文  郑绵平 《湖泊科学》1995,7(2):33-140
扎布耶盐湖位于西藏高原腹地,1991年在其南部干盐滩中钻取了20m深湖相沉积,以5~10cm/个的密度进行高分辨率取样,详细探讨了沉积标志、矿物组合(尤其Mg、Ca、Li碳酸盐)、干旱与潮湿两种气候类型的元素组合等气候环境指标,推导了晚更新世以来该湖区湖面涨缩、水质咸谈及气温高低变化。  相似文献   
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